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‘Underdevelopment economics is a vastly important subject, but it is not a formal or theoretical subject. It is a practical subject which must expect to call upon any branch of theory (including non-economic, for instance, sociological, theory) which has any relevance to it’ [17].  相似文献   

论产业经济发展新趋势   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
经济全球化条件下,世界各国为抢占产业分工制高点和发挥自身比较优势,纷纷实行经济结构的战略性调整,使产业经济呈现出新的发展趋势。中国经济结构调整必须顺应这种趋势,才能更好地实现党在十六大提出的关于推进产业结构优化升级的战略目标。  相似文献   

西方产业组织理论自产生以来,不断演化与发展。文章在介绍产业组织理论产生的基础上,简要回顾了传统产业组织理论的主要流派和观点,并给予了相应评价。最后,从理论观点与新发展两个方面对新产业组织理论进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

新能源产业是国家确定的战略性产业.要解决日益严重的能源危机和环境污染,必须大力开发新能源,大力发展新能源产业,从20世纪90年代开始到今天,中国的新能源产业已经形成了一定的规模,在国际市场上占据了一定的份额.很多省、区、市也都将新能源产业列为支柱产业,在政策上、资金上给予一定的扶持.  相似文献   

In a panel‐data study involving product‐level import data for 48 developing countries that underwent substantial trade liberalization between 1989 and 2001, this study finds that the growth of trade in new goods imported following major trade liberalization is related to the state of technology that existed just before liberalization. The study develops two new measures of the extensive margin. Findings indicate that greater is the distance of a country from the world technology frontier, the faster is its growth of new goods imports. This indicates a higher cost of trade protection for countries further away from the world technology frontier.  相似文献   

构建了基于产业集群的高新区竞争力评价体系,并应用熵权法给指标赋值,最后对张江高科技园区进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent of passthrough of exchange rate and tariff changes into import prices using sectoral panel data (at the two‐digit SITC level) for the post‐reform period in India (1990–2001). After having controlled for unobserved effects that might have an impact on the import prices by using sector dummies, we find that on average exchange rate passthrough (ERPT) is a dominant effect compared to tariff rate passthrough (TRPT) in explaining changes in India's import prices. The sectoral panel results suggest that the passthrough of exchange rates and tariff rates varies across products. ERPT into import prices is significant in 12 industries, whereas TRPT is significant only in six industries, with full passthrough. However, ERPT is incomplete only in four industries, but TRPT is incomplete in 36 industries, which means that firms exporting to India more frequently adopt strategies to maintain their market share against tariffs than against exchange rate changes. The sectoral differences in passthrough seem to be related to the sector's share in total imports and the sector's effective protection rate. Hence, India's relatively high levels of protection have an impact on the behavior of foreign exporters.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper evaluates general equilibrium welfare effects of tariffs, quotas, and voluntary export restraints under different assumptions about international capital mobility. We show analytically that, when induced terms-of-trade and rental-rate effects are considered, the qualitative influence of capital mobility on the costs of protection cannot be ascertained unambiguously. Simulation estimates for the US indicate the practical importance of capital mobility, as well as of terms-of-trade and rental-rate adjustments, in determining the ultimate welfare effects of import restraints.  相似文献   

产业融合与产业发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
产业融合作为一种经济现象 ,是由于高新技术及其产业作用于其它技术及其产业 ,使得两种产业或多种产业融为一体 ,并逐步催生出新的产业属性的结果。高新技术的发展、经济全球化的深入及产业管制放松等 ,深刻地影响着产业的发展和产业组织的创新。顺应产业融合潮流 ,应在产业规划、产业结构、产业组织以及技术、人才、金融和规制等方面进一步深化改革和创新 ,促进我国产业融合的发展。  相似文献   

本文讨论了不完全竞争和非对称信息情况下 ,如何运用进口贸易政策和产业政策增进本国福利的问题。本文发现 ,(1 )在Cournot同质产品竞争的情况下 ,制定可以诱使本国企业显示真实成本的政策规则可以实现与完全信息情况相同的配置结果 ;并且 ,本国企业的生产成本越低 ,政策规则规定的最优关税越低 ;在某些成本结构下 ,甚至应该执行零关税政策。 (2 )在圆形城市空间竞争 (SpatialCompetitioninCircularCity)的情况下 ,生产补贴和关税的作用完全等价 ;不存在可以实现事后效率的政策规则 ,并且 ,约束最优结果不是一个PBE均衡结果 ,本国政府的最优政策是制定等于单位运输成本的关税。上述结论蕴含 ,最优政策干预以及它能否消除非对称信息可能带来的效率损失依赖于竞争类型 ,而不依赖于信息结构 ,因此 ,它不会发生扭曲  相似文献   

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