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Personal selling is thought to be a very effective marketing vehicle. The notion of adaptive selling suggests that it should work better than any other means of communication because salespeople are able to develop a unique message for each customer. This research proposes a model of key antecedents and consequences of adaptive selling. In particular, we distinguish, measure, and model the attitudinal and behavioral aspects of adaptive selling, something that is encouraged but not thoroughly examined in the literature. Hypotheses are tested using data from 210 salesperson-customer dyads. The results indicate that a salesperson’s perception of the firm’s customer orientation has an effect on adaptive selling behavior through the salesperson’s adaptive selling confidence, role ambiguity, intrinsic motivation and customer-qualification skills. Adaptive selling behavior increases salesperson’s outcome performance, customers’ evaluations of satisfaction with the product and with the salesperson, which enhance customers’ anticipation of future interactions with the salesperson. The implications for management and theory are discussed. 相似文献
成蕴琳 《贵州商业高等专科学校学报》2007,20(4):22-25
近年来,个人理财业务在我国金融市场中得到了快速的发展,使该业务成为了商业银行新的利润增长点.根据我国商业银行业务现状,结合香港的个人理财服务之鉴,分析国内理财业务存在的问题,提出对策建议. 相似文献
陈永青 《辽宁税务高等专科学校学报》2004,16(3):33-34
面授教学是成人教育中重要的教学环节,对成人教育质量有着举足轻重的作用。本文从面授教学质量、面授管理、教材及教学环境等几方面论述了成人教育面授教学的现状,从教师、管理、出勤、考核、资料等诸多方面,提出了加强面授教学及管理的对策。 相似文献
Firms are creating a digitized selling capability by developing Web sites designed to provide information and conduct transactions
with customers, replacing many routine sales force activities. The authors use the motivationability framework to shape a
conceptual model that examines the effects of the digitization of selling activity on two salesperson outcomes: salesperson
effectiveness and salesperson job-insecurity. Using data from salespeople in 168 firms, they assess the moderating effects
of environmental-level motivational factors and firm-level ability factors on the impact of digitization of selling activity
on salesperson effectiveness and job insecurity. The results reveal that digitization has the paradoxical effect of improving
salesperson effectiveness and heightening job insecurity concerns, and also that managers can improve the technology-enabled
multichannel capabilities of the firm by giving priority attention to human capital improvement, sales force control systems,
and communication of the digitization strategy.
Devon S. Johnson (Ph.D., London Business School, dj@devonjohnson.com) is currently an assistant professor of marketing at Northeastern University,
Boston. Previously, he was an assistant rofessor of marketing in the Giozueta Business School at Emory University. His research
interests are the role of social capital in relational exchange and technology consumption and implementation.
Sundar Bharadwaj (Sundar_Bharadwaj@bus.Emory.edu) is an associate professor of marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University.
His general research interests focus on marketing strategy and performance and risk. His research has been published in theJournla of Marketing, Management Science, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others. 相似文献
Psychological climate, empowerment, leadership style, and customer-oriented selling: An analysis of the sales manager-salesperson dyad 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This study examined antecedents and performancerelated consequences of customer-oriented selling. The antecedents include
sales managers’ leadership styles, psychological empowerment, and the psychological climates of organizations. Data were gathered
on two separate performance outcome measures. Responses from 106 sales managers and 313 sales representatives were analyzed.
The results indicate that transformational leadership, empowerment, and specific components of the psychological climate are
important predictors of customer-oriented selling.
Craig A. Martin (craig.martin@wku.edu), PhD, is an assistant professor of marketing in the Department of Marketing at Western Kentucky University.
He received his PhD from the University of Memphis. He specializes in sales and sales management, the consumer socialization
of adolescents, sports marketing, and advertising to adolescents. He has had research accepted for publication in theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Consumer Marketing, theJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice, theMarketing Management Journal, theInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, theInternational Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, and multiple national and regional conferences.
Alan J. Bush (alanbush@memphis.edu), PhD, is a professor of marketing in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at the
University of Memphis. He received his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. His current research interests are primarily
sales force research and sports marketing. His research has appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Retailing, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and others. 相似文献
黄丽双 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》2012,8(3):307-309
义利之辩不仅是要讨论义和利的关系,更重要的是应怎样对待"利",在什么前提下取"利",这方面孔孟一致主张见利思义,以利佐义。在这样的价值取向基础上,孟子在继承孔子的义利观后,有所发展,主张尚义贱利,以"义"排他,及将"义"和"利"对立起来等思想。因此,分析孔孟的异同点是为了更加深入地理解和学习儒家义利观的精华,同时,孔孟义利观的真知灼见也对个人和社会树立正确的义利观带来了诸多有益的启示。 相似文献
Victoria D. Bush Gregory M. Rose Faye Gilbert Thomas N. Ingram 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》2001,29(4):391-404
Given the increase in cultural diversity within marketing organizations as well as within current and potential customer bases,
possessing the appropriate communication skills becomes crucial to success in managing culturally diverse relationships. Although
marketing researchers have recognized the importance of adaptive selling behavior for successful buyer-seller relationships,
the exploration of the intercultural aspects of these relationships has only recently begun. This article examines how adaptive
selling behaviors and intercultural dispositions of marketing executives contribute to their perceived intercultural communication
competence. Results show that in addition to being adaptive, the intercultural disposition of a marketer is of key importance
in developing intercultural communication competence. Theoretical and practical implications for incorporating intercultural
communication into the development of successful buyer-seller relationships are discussed.
Victoria D. Bush (Ph.D., University of Memphis) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Mississippi. Her research has
appeared in such journals as theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Advertising Research, Industrial Marketing Management, theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, theJournal of Business Ethics, and theJournal of Services Marketing. Her research interests are in diversity, advertising, and ethics.
Gregory M. Rose (Ph.D., University of Oregon) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Mississippi. His research interests
include consumer socialization and cross-cultural consumer behavior. He has published or has forthcoming articles in theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Marketing, and other journals and proceedings.
Faye Gilbert (Ph.D., University of North Texas) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Mississippi. She has published
in theJournal of Business Research, Psychology and Marketing, theJournal of Health Care Marketing, theJournal of Research in Pharmaceutical Economics, theJournal of Applied Business Research, theJournal of Marketing Management, theJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and theJournal of Marketing Education, among others. Her work emphasizes the application of consumer behavior theory to health care and to channel relationships.
Thomas N. Ingram (Ph.D., Georgia State University) is a professor of marketing at Colorado State University. He has been honored as the Marketing
Educator of the Year by Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) and as a recipient of the Mu Kappa Tau National
Marketing Honor Society Recognition Award for Outstanding Scholarly Contributions to the Sales Discipline. He has served as
the editor of theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management and is the current editor of theJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice. His primary research is in personal selling and sales management. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others. He is the coauthor of three textbooks:Professional Selling: A Trust-Based Approach, Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making, andMarketing: Principles and Perspectives. 相似文献
黄金桥 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》2006,4(1):60-63
涉及雇佣关系的人身损害事例近斗来频繁发生,由此产生的赔偿责任问题应当区别为三个方面,需要从理论上分别加以分析,从而为完善立法和准确司法奠定基础。 相似文献
王春艳 《辽宁税务高等专科学校学报》2004,16(5):11-14
通过对国外商业银行个人金融业务发展历程的考察,以及国外商业银行与我国国有商业银行个人金融业务领域的多角度比较,指出了现阶段我国国有商业银行个人金融业务发展中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。 相似文献
介绍比利时个人所得税的税制类型、税率设计、费用扣除、应税所得的计算方法、预提税等几个方面的特点,借鉴其合理之处建议完善我国的个人所得税制:将现行的分类税制改为综合分类所得税制;减少税率档次,降低最高边际税率;费用扣除应考虑纳税人的家庭状况;对应税所得随通货膨胀进行调整;加快信用制度建设,完善个人所得税的征管制度. 相似文献
郭文彪 《辽宁商务职业学院学报》2014,(3):389-392
针对高校贫困大学生的心理健康,提出从积极心理学的视角,运用体育活动,发展贫困大学生的积极经验,培养积极心理品质,营造积极向上的校园文化环境,可以有效地达到“心理扶贫”的目的,提高贫困大学生的心理健康水平. 相似文献
李爱鸽 《西安财经学院学报》2007,20(1):73-75
现行个人年终奖金征税办法符合个人所得税对工资薪金按月征税的政策,合情、合理又合法。但实践中所出现的其对经济的抑制作用和对纳税人的逆向调节作用需要改进。从短期看,可以先对纳税计算公式做简单技术处理;从长期看应改革现行个人所得税制,实行按年计算,综合征收的科学征管办法。 相似文献
本文实证检验证券市场中卖空交易机制的套期保值功能。研究结果表明,卖空交易机制不但为投资者提供新的盈利模式,也为投资者提供套期保值工具和手段,投资者可以利用卖空交易机制进行套期保值交易。 相似文献
刘学杰 《石家庄经济学院学报》2003,26(3):314-317
马克思在《资本论》中提出了在未来社会“重新建立个人所有制”的设想,成为马克思留给后人的历史之迷。笔者根据马克思的人的全面发展理论并通过分析其早年的“劳动异化理论”认为:“个人所有制”是消灭私有制、实现公有制的真实体现。“重新建立个人所有制”是指社会财富由私有制条件下的剥削被剥削的“现状”向“应当”由劳动者自己享有的现实“回归”,是实现人的全面发展的经济保证。 相似文献
以2012年12月31日以前上市的创业板公司为样本,以2010—2013年为事件研究窗口,从投资迎合角度研究创业板公司高管减持问题。结果表明:创业板公司的确存在投资迎合行为。其中,高管减持公司的投资迎合程度大于未减持公司,并且其减持比例和套现金额越大,公司的投资水平就越高。监管部门应尽快建立高管减持的预披露制度,对投资者加强教育,使创业板的股价逐步回归合理水平,以从根本上解决高管人员急于套现的问题。 相似文献
李辉 《沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)》2001,(2):64-66
在市场经济条件下 ,商业企业的整个经营过程中 ,最难预料的是市场销售情况。本文运用概率统计的三种典型分布来分析研究商场销售情况这一随机现象 ,从而提出解决商场销售最佳决策。 相似文献
方晓琳 《西安财经学院学报》2012,25(3):120-124
随着我国社会保险制度改革的不断深化,原有的军人社会保险法律制度暴露出不足,已不适应新形势的需要。文章在分析我国军人社会保险法律制度存在问题的基础上,充分借鉴国外军人保险制度的有益经验,结合商业保险制度的优势,推进军人保险与商业保险相结合,提出要通过提升军人保险的立法级次,确保保险法规的统一性;将军人保险业务纳入社会化运作,引入竞争机制;增设新的险种,规范军人保险基金的管理等措施建立和完善军人社会保险法律制度,从而有效保障军人的切身利益。 相似文献
丁忠利 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,20(6):82-82,100
人事心理偏差现象是人事管理中常见的心理现象,也是需要注意克服的一种心理反映,它有多种表现形 式。从我国名著《三国演义》中截取一些精彩片段,也可使人们领略到心理偏差现象的普遍性与危害性。 相似文献
吴仝美子 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,25(4)
我国目前直销法律规制还存在一些不足之处,需要从完善直销含义,降低直销企业准入门槛,取消直销员薪酬比例限制,明确直销企业、直销员与消费者之间的关系等方面进行完善。 相似文献
现行个人所得税自1994年实施以来,逐渐显露出种种弊端。而通过这些年的实践和理论研究,对个人所得税改革从理论及实践看应该说时机均已成熟。但其实质性改革却迟迟未能出台,其深层次的原因是利益集团的寻租左右了个人所得税的改革。 相似文献