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王敏 《东北之窗》2010,(13):7-7
6月10日,全世界主要媒体都在第一时间发布消息:纳尔逊·曼德拉将出席世界杯开幕式。因为只要曼德拉出现在开幕式上,就是“南非世界杯的胜利”。但令人遗憾的是,世界杯开幕之前他13岁的曾孙女遭遇车祸身亡,最终无奈缺席。世界杯就这样错过了他们最想看到的“巨星”,而南非看台上也少了一个欢呼者。  相似文献   

纳尔逊·曼德拉 2013年12月5日晚,南非前总统曼德拉因病医治无效,走完了他95年的人生。南非为曼德拉举行国葬。  相似文献   

西溪 《中国经贸》2013,(19):81-83
说起南非,就不得不提到纳尔逊·曼德拉。他开启南非种族和谈、和解进程的历史功绩造就了如今的”彩虹之国”,不同种族、多元文化的和谐相处成为南非这个国家一道亮丽的风景。曼德拉像一座灯塔照耀着世界上每一个为尊严、自由和平等奋斗的人们。  相似文献   

钟声响起归家的讯号在他生命里仿佛带点唏嘘黑色肌肤给他的意义是一生奉献肤色斗争中……这是1990年8月香港乐队Beyond成员黄家驹从非洲巴布亚新几内亚旅行回来后,创作的《光辉岁月》,以此向南非著名黑人领袖纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉(Nalson Rolihlahla Mandela)致敬。而现在,这位曾经的斗士、领袖,面无表情地坐在一把扶手椅上,十分瘦弱,与大部分人记忆里精神矍铄、穿着花衬衣微笑的样子已经不同。他从未如此脆弱。随着病情的加  相似文献   

|政要|7月18日,南非前总统曼德拉在病榻上迎来了自己的95岁生日。曼德拉的大女儿接受英国天空电视台访问时表示,父亲的情况明显改善,可能很快可以出院回家。她说,父亲可以在床上戴上耳机看电视,并通过眼和手做简单的交流。联合国大会自2010年起,将曼德拉生日定为"曼德拉国际日"。曼德拉1918年7月18日出生于南非特兰斯凯,曾任非国大青年联盟全  相似文献   

杜伯琰 《环球财经》2014,(12):116-119
提起《光辉岁月》这首香港著名Beyond乐队的经典之作,无论是大陆还是港澳台,乃至世界范围内的华语地区,从十几岁的少年到四五十岁的中年人,大都非常熟悉,那朗朗上口的旋律,铿锵奋进的歌词,激励了许多年轻人。  相似文献   

9月11日,美国华盛顿、纽约等地举办了一系列悼念活动,纪念“9·11”恐怖袭击事件12周年,美总统奥巴马等政府官员和国会议员出席活动并向遇难者致哀。  相似文献   

今年是我父亲88岁诞辰。6月4日,是我父亲去世8周年纪念日。在这8年时间里,我时常做梦想起他老人家,但从来没有动手写过什么文稿,兹因自己手懒。今年,我特意抽出时间,写下了我记得起的父亲在世时的一些生活片段,作为对我父亲最好的怀念。 我老家在河南省许昌县一个农村。父亲一生没有什么惊天动地的伟业,他是一位普普通通的农民。在农村生活了一辈子,一生主要与农业打交道。他给我留下的深刻印象是,无论春夏秋冬﹑风霜雨雪,都是日出而耕,日落而息,风里来,雨里去,干着繁重的农活,含辛茹苦。父亲一生诚实守信﹑任劳任怨,是村里出了名的老实人。他心地善良﹑与人友善﹑工作勤恳。父亲一生很苦,过去家境不好,解放后又经历了大跃进﹑三年自然灾害闹灾荒的年代,直到农村实行土地联产承包责任制,都是以吃红薯﹑红薯干﹑玉米等粗粮为主,吃野菜是常事,小麦面不够吃,大米及鸡鱼肉极少吃,喝牛奶与豆浆更是天方夜谭。生活勉强可以维持饥饱。  相似文献   

以德国为首的欧洲各国领导人,将欧债危机的病闲误诊为财政挥霍,并据此认为只有实行痛苦的紧缩才是唯一出路。按照这种观点,要想让政府恢复信用、投资者重拾信心、危机不再蔓延、利率得以降低、经济咀获活力,前提条件无疑是大幅削减政府赤字和债务。  相似文献   

2009年4月24日上午,第四届杰出华商大会财富领袖论坛暨第八届外交官之春在北京人民大会堂隆重开幕。十届全国人大常委会副委员长何鲁丽、九届全国政协副主席孙孚凌、十届全国政协副主席、原国务委员兼国务院秘书长王忠禹等国家领导人出席开幕大会。大会主题是“百年危机与千载商机”。来自30个国家和地区的华商财富领袖、华商500强、相关国际组织和有关国家的政府官员共1300多人参加了这次盛会。榆林市法学教授、著名律师李世义特邀出席大会并在主席台就座。李世义等11名贵宾代表全体与会嘉宾宣读签署了2009全球华商财富宣言——《脱困图强,顺势崛起》。  相似文献   

一个67岁的退休女教师,丈夫一年前离世.留下她独守宽绰的房间,面朝大海.她每天必做的事情,就是读早年恋爱时丈夫写给她的情书.丈夫曾是专业篮球队员,长期在外集训、比赛,写情书和读情书是对彼此最大的慰藉,收到情书的那一天是他们的节日.  相似文献   

12月13日,应圣严法师邀请,济南市赴台佛首迎请团前往台湾,除对佛首做进一步鉴定外,还将与圣严法师等共同护送佛首回归四门塔.至此,饱受5年多颠沛流离之苦的佛首终于回归故里.  相似文献   

There is a persistent achievement gap that persists between students of color and their white counterparts. This is a national crisis and is one of the biggest problems facing American society. However, this research should consider two phenomena regarding the gap: adolescent perceptions of racial discrimination and racial identity. Among African American youth, perceptions of discrimination have been negatively linked to diminished achievement motivation, grade point average and school engagement. Yet, racial identity has been shown to be an effective protective factor for perceived discrimination in relation to academic achievement. Thus, addressing the achievement gap requires consideration of these two complex constructs for African American youth.  相似文献   

Social housing projects often face substantial “Not‐in‐my‐backyard” (NIMBY) sentiment and, as a result, are frequently plagued by local opposition from communities who argue that nearby property prices will be affected adversely by these developments. International hedonic pricing studies conducted have, however, produced mixed results with some concluding that social housing developments may in fact lead to an improvement in surrounding property values. There is, however, a paucity of South African evidence. This study considers the validity of the most pervasive NIMBY argument, the claim that social housing developments negatively affect nearby property values, by considering the property prices of 170 single‐family homes in the Walmer neighbourhood, Nelson Mandela Bay, as a function of their proximity to an existing low‐cost housing development. The results of this study indicate that in the case of one Nelson Mandela Bay low‐cost housing development, a negative impact is exerted on the property values of nearby houses.  相似文献   

聚类分析需要完整数据集,但在有些经济研究领域,数据缺失是一个不可避免的问题,即经济研究所得数据中通常包含缺失数据,这无疑给聚类分析带来了一定的难度。本文给出了一种算法为缺失数据模拟一个合理的插入值,构造出一个"完整的"数据集,之后再用聚类分析对数据进行分析,并用实例详细阐述了该方法的步骤及SPSS模拟过程和SPSS程序。  相似文献   

The present consensus in the literature is that foreign aid does not have the desired positive effects on economic development. This is due in great part to poorly performing public institutions in recipient countries. In order to understand better the causes of this undesirable phenomenon, we examine the relationship between multilateral foreign aid flows and recipient countries’ public finance systems. We construct a new indicator to assess the quality of public finance, the Public Finance Institutions Quality (PFIQ) Index. For our panel of 86 countries, we find that multilateral aid flows have a negative impact on recipient country PFIQ score, whereas exogenous improvements in public finance seem to attract more aid. These results provide insight into the “black box” of governance: failure to turn aid receipts into desired results seems partly attributable to multilateral aid, in its present form, not being suited to improving a country’s public finance institutions. However, international donor organisations do seem to reward exogenous improvements in quality and reliability of public finance systems.  相似文献   

The spread of digital information and communication technologiesis enabling firms to implement electronic commerce. Many expectthat the implementation of new means of trading internationally,especially using the Internet to support electronic commerce,will facilitate the entry of firms in developing countries intointernational markets. This paper assesses this claim. The analysisshows that the capacity to gain from the availability of thenew technologies involves more than a reduction of the technologicaldivide between (and within) countries. The institutional foundationsfor building capabilities that enable firms to absorb the newtechnological systems must also be in place. It is imperativethat measures to develop electronic commerce and to devise broadertechnological leap-frogging strategies are embedded within theframework of appropriate institutions and development goals.Failure to do so is likely to produce enclaves of developmentthat will persist.  相似文献   

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