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甘在斌 《光彩》2013,(5):46-48
日本人自称是彻底的食鱼民族.在日本人的饮食中,水产品占日本人均动物性蛋白质摄取量的40%以上.在被视为日本人厨房、世界头号水产品批发中心的东京筑地鱼市(Tsukiji),鱼类是最主要的交易商品.随着国际社会对日本捕鲸的批判声越来越强烈,筑地鱼市也成为外国人透视日本渔文化的最前线.  相似文献   

筑地,位于日本东京都,其鱼市的历史可以一直追溯到江户时代,如今被称为世界最大规模的水产市场,为了吃上这里用最新鲜的材料做的一碗700日圆的早餐饭——金枪鱼饭,很多日本人会从四面八方赶来。田村道明,一个酷爱川菜的日本人,第一次来到中国就做出了一个决定:要把筑地搬到中国。  相似文献   

<正>日本人属猫!出了筑地地铁站,顺着鱼腥味你就能找到它—各种叫不上名来的海鲜,要动用电锯切割的金枪鱼,还有最重要的:新鲜、实惠的鱼生。吃鱼是日本饮食文化中的一大特色。在东京有个市场叫"筑地",号称世界头号鱼市,近年来成为与秋叶原、浅草其名的动静三大景点之一。  相似文献   

The global strategic importance of the Japanese market can hardly be overemphasized. The presence of Western companies is in sharp contrast to this role. This paper presents the results of an empirical study on entry barriers and entry strategies in the Japanese market. German expatriates in Japan and Japanese managers perceive the overall difficulty of entry and specific barriers as being relatively high. German managers in Germany possess a biased perception of the barriers to entry, they perceive institutional barriers as being more and marketing barriers as being less important. The Japanese market is highly dynamic and competitive. A transfer of experiences from Western markets involves high risk. Endurance and commitment are the most important success factors, short term orientation and lack of flexibility are likely to lead to failure. The marketing performance of German companies is not well geared to the needs of the market. While German companies have strengths in quality, image and innovativeness, their position with regard to service, delivery and distribution is very weak. Market entry in Japan certainly is worth while the devotion of substantial resources and management capacity. But only an attack which is full-hearted and committed is likely to succeed.  相似文献   

Both will benefit if uniting together,while both will be hurt if fighting with each other.  相似文献   

This study's objective was to segment Belgian fish consumers based on their motives, perceived barriers, and their risk perception corresponding with fish consumption. Cross-sectional consumer data were collected in November 2004 through a self-administered questionnaire (n = 852). Cluster analysis distinguished between three consumer segments. Uncertain fish consumers indicate strong motives and a low risk perception, but experience some barriers to increase their fish consumption. Fish Lovers do not perceive any risk from eating fish and express strong motives and low barriers. Finally, Concerned fish consumers perceive few barriers, and they score relatively moderate on fish consumption motives, but express some doubts with respect to potential risks from eating fish. Profiling the clusters yields opportunities for targeted marketing strategies and product orientation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to qualitatively explore factors influencing the food safety culture in school meal services from the perspective of school food handlers (i.e., cooks, dietitians). Six in-depth, semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with of school food handlers (n = 32). Thematic analysis was used to extract meaning from the data. Findings demonstrated that the following multi-level factors influenced the food safety culture of school meal services: (1) individual; (2) organization; (3) environment; (4) management; and (5) management style. These factors may be useful for effectively and strategically improving the food safety culture for food handlers in school meal services.  相似文献   

The rapid development of Chinese auto industry has led to an escalated boom of the independent brands of Chinese auto industry, as well as a success in the overseas market. Especially in the fields of the business cars, thanks to the abundant experiences accumulated during the past 50 years and the mature products, Chinese auto industry has won some comparative advantages in the international market.  相似文献   

The rapid development of Chinese auto industry has led to an escalated boom of the independent brands of Chinese auto industry, as well as a success in the overseas market. Especially in the fields of the business cars, thanks to the abundant experiences accumulated during the past 50 years and the mature products, Chinese auto industry has won some comparative advantages in the international market.……  相似文献   

日本经济高速发展的时期,其稳定而高效的劳动力市场不但促进了国家生产力的发展,还在产业结构调整中扮演了重要角色。但在20世纪90年代经济泡沫破灭后,同样的劳动力市场制度却成为制约日本经济发展的重要因素。本文着眼于日本劳动力市场近20年来的就业数据,分析了日本劳动力市场的主要特征及雇佣劳动制度给日本经济发展带来的负面影响,并从制度改革、产业升级等角度提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

流通效率的高低直接或间接影响着社会经济效率。加快流通业发展、深化流通业改革,对提高社会经济效率与发展层次具有重要意义。进入21世纪以来,我国流通产业取得了长足发展,但与流通发达国家相比还存在很大差距。文章从经济和社会两个方面入手,探讨日本流通革新的社会和经济机理及特征,揭示超市这种日本战后零售业主要的革新型业态之一的诞生背景及发展条件。研究发现,日本是流通强国,高效的流通产业支撑了日本战后经济的快速有效运行,而超市的发展非常典型地反映了经济高速发展时期日本流通业的发展历程。考虑到中日两国文化相似性较高,尽管日本流通的革新、日本超市的发展有其独特性,研究日本经济高速发展时期的流通业,对解决我国经济快速发展阶段面临的流通困境,形成我国流通产业创新机制,仍然具有非常重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

中日韩3国农产品在美国市场的竞争关系分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用产品相似度指数和显示性竞争优势指数,对中日韩3国农产品在美国市场的总体竞争关系、竞争强度和竞争力进行了测算。得出的结论是:中日韩3国农产品在美国市场存在较为明显的竞争关系,某些农产品的竞争强度有上升趋势,但竞争力相差还是较为明显。研究结论可为日后中国农产品贸易的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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