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火竞赛观点探讨基金经理人的风险调整行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞赛假说将共同基金的市场环境比喻为一项持续、激烈的年度竞赛.本文探讨定期绩效评估系统对于基金经理人所持投资组合风险调整的影响,以检验其是否具有自利性风险调整的行为倾向.研究结果发现:国内基金市场的竞争日趋激烈,基金公司数目日益增加,业绩相对较差的基金经理人有加大风险调整比率的倾向.此外,新基金对投资风险的调整程度,会比老基金来得大.  相似文献   

江涛 《科学投资》2004,(5):26-30
形形色色的基金品种让人眼花缭乱,但专业人士一针见血地指出,买基金实际上是买基金经理,明星基金经理带来的“纸牌购买效应”是不可低估的。  相似文献   

2020年和2021年受疫情困扰,经济遭受了严重冲击,公募基金在投资领域成为一只独秀,吸引了众多年轻投资者,这一原本并不被大众所熟悉的市场渐渐受到新媒体的关注。门槛较高的专业投资市场因为年轻投资者的参与出现了一些特别的现象。其中,比较突出是基金经理作为一个热点在新媒体中被屡屡提及,年轻投资者将基金经理当成娱乐明星追捧,甚至将其偶像化。本文从搜索热点入手,描绘年轻投资者人群特征,对资本投资市场出现的特别现象进行描述,并对其成因和影响进行分析,最后提出针对性建议和对策。  相似文献   

本文以2004~2006年的股票型开放式基金为研究对象,比较和考察了中外合资基金管理公司所管理的开放式基金(“合资开放式基金”)和中资基金管理公司所管理的开放式基金(“中资开放式基金”)。研究发现:与合资开放式基金相比,机构投资者更愿意赎回中资开放式基金,而且“赎回之谜”只在中资开放式基金的个人投资者中存在,在合资开放式基金的机构投资者中甚至还表现出了与理性预期相一致的经营绩效与赎回率之间的显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

产业基金与产业结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜世戟 《浙江金融》2007,(10):55-56
我国发展产业基金的必要性产业投资基金是通过向社会发行基金募集资金,交由专业投资基金管理公司运作,分散投资于不同的实业项目,收益按投资分成的金融工具。产业投资基金将成为我国基础设施和基础产业以及高新技术产业发  相似文献   

吴通红 《新金融》2002,(12):35-37
开放式基金作为一个新的投资品种,在我国取得了较快的发展.并且取代封闭式基金,成为基金业发展的主流.  相似文献   

我国基金经理投资行为实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐琼  赵旭 《金融研究》2008,(8):145-155
我国证券市场快速发展,推动了基金业的迅猛增长,随着基金数量的增多,作为管理基金的基金经理的作用和地位正在迅速上升。基金经理的投资决策行为势必会影响到基金的业绩,如何综合评价基金经理的投资行为,是摆在我们面前的一大课题。本文在对国内外学者有关基金经理投资行为文献评析的基础上,提出了投资行为度的概念,并运用多元回归计量方法和突变评价法对我国基金经理的投资风格、投资策略、投资绩效、择股时机选择能力、风险管理能力以及个人行为模式和基金业绩之间的关系等进行了实证检验,得出了一些有意义的结论。最后从行为金融理论角度分析了中国证券投资基金经理行为偏离的根本原因,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

“本来是自己玩,没有想到把它发展成事业的方向,也许生活中很多无心插柳的巧合成就了伟人的事业。”说这话的肖翡是南京比较知名的私募基金经理,他旗下团队管理的资金规模已超亿元。  相似文献   

Using a matched sample of separately managed accounts (SMAs) and mutual funds (MFs) with the same portfolio manager and investment style, we find that concurrently managed MFs consistently underperform their SMA counterparts and generate more negative return gaps. Fund characteristics and liquidity betas fail to fully explain the underperformance. An event‐study analysis finds that the weights placed into top (bottom)‐performing stocks increase for existing SMAs (MFs) and negative return gaps increase for the MFs after the onset of concurrent management. We find that higher compensation collected by SMA fund managers are associated with more unseen managerial actions which positively contribute to the SMA return gap. Our results suggest that when managers concurrently manage both SMAs and MFs, they favor SMA performance over their MF performance.  相似文献   

英国投资基金的特点与发展创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着资本市场的发展和一系列刺激储蓄和投资的免税计划的实施,英国的基金业在20世纪90年代以来取得了前所未有的迅猛发展,尤其是单位信托增长迅速,推出了一系列创新的品种和投资安排。  相似文献   

农村资金互助社是一种应农民需求而生、农民自主建立的金融组织,其管理监督费用少,只凭借微小利差的小额贷款也能稳步经营,能适应农户分散多样的融资需求。  相似文献   

We study capital allocations to managers with two mutual funds, and show that investors learn about managers from their performance records. Flows into a fund are predicted by the manager's performance in his other fund, especially when he outperforms and when signals from the other fund are more useful. In equilibrium, capital should be allocated such that there is no cross‐fund predictability. However, we find positive predictability, particularly among underperforming funds. Our results are consistent with incomplete learning: while investors move capital in the right direction, they do not withdraw enough capital when the manager underperforms in his other fund.  相似文献   

Incentive Fees and Mutual Funds   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
This paper examines the effect of incentive fees on the behavior of mutual fund managers. Funds with incentive fees exhibit positive stock selection ability, but a beta less than one results in funds not earning positive fees. From an investor's perspective, positive alphas plus lower expense ratios make incentive-fee funds attractive. However, incentive-fee funds take on more risk than non-incentive-fee funds, and they increase risk after a period of poor performance. Incentive fees are useful marketing tools, since more new cash flows go into incentive-fee funds than into non-incentive-fee funds, ceteris paribus.  相似文献   

曹朝龙 《银行家》2003,(3):74-76
再见现金流出 绵绵"熊市"使得美国股票基金资产大幅下挫,由2001年的3.4万亿美元降至2002年底的2.7万亿美元,相对于2000年8月时的顶峰,股票基金资产下降了42%.与全球股市下跌相对应,根据投资公司学会(ICI)的官方调查,2002年美国的股票基金市场出现了自1988年以来的首次净现金流出.  相似文献   

为保护投资利益,欧盟“投资基金指令”一直将风险分散作为核心内容加以规定。通过创新,修改后的“新指令”在扩大了投资范围的同时,亦同等地加强了对投资的保护。  相似文献   

Under the assumption that mutual funds trade at quarter commencement, some funds exhibit and exploit persistent stock selection talent; that is, the stocks purchased consistently outperform the stocks sold, and the higher turnover of these funds indicates that managers are capitalizing on their forecasting abilities. However, any evidence of sustained stock selection skill disappears when alternate trade‐timing assumptions are considered, suggesting that some skilled managers are electing to trade earlier than previously assumed. Overall, the results question the appropriateness of the quarter‐end trading assumption and the validity of existing studies that employ it.  相似文献   

本文从多个角度对基金绩效衡量问题进行了论述,系统地回顾和总结了各种基金绩效衡量的理论与方法.实证分析表明,基金经理带来的选择收益比较明显,基金的择股能力有效地降低了系统风险.  相似文献   

日本基金业的重大改革和创新基本上都是在股市低迷、基金业发展面临困境时实行的。  相似文献   

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