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隐喻是一种普遍的语言现象,与人类的认知和思维密不可分。传统隐喻理论仅仅把隐喻看作是一种极为普通的修辞手段。而现代隐喻理论则明确地把隐喻看作是一种认知现象,是人类思维的重要方式。本文将从人的认知过程为出发点,研究隐喻在篇章连贯性构建过程中的认知理解,并由此深入理解中俄两个民族思维认知上的差异,进而更好地把握俄罗斯民族的文化认知心理,将这种理论渗透到教育教学当中,教育学生掌握隐喻语言的使用艺术、正确使用隐喻语用策略,也是俄语教学的重要内容。  相似文献   

作为中国"文化外交"的重要园地,秦陵博物院解说词的英译将大力推动中华文化的国际化展示和推广。如何让读者客观、准确地理解原文信息,全面客观了解秦文化成为当务之急。翻译与人类的认知活动密不可分,是人类认知能力创造性的体现。Fauconnier的概念整合理论阐释了语言内部及语言间的认知运作方式。译者在翻译时,需要建构源语文本空间和目的语文本空间两大输入空间,经概念整合产生具有创造性的合成空间,即译文空间。该理论对秦陵博物院解说词英译中的对等,同化或异化以及跨文化差异等问题具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

正人类任何自觉的行为,都是以认知为基础的。不同文化在认知人与自然、人与社会、人与自身的关系时,思维方式上存在着巨大的差异,这种差异在最深刻的意义上决定着文化的精神气质与价值形态。中西方哲学思维走出了两条截然不同的路径:中国哲学坚持有机整体的宇宙观,将人投入到自然中,以主体与客体的合一为认识的基本前提;而西方哲学则迷恋分解的方法,努力对事物作出本质的区别,以主客体的分离作为认识的基本前提;中国哲学思维喜欢用直觉体验  相似文献   

习语是一种简洁、流行、有意义的句子。在一定的语言和文化背景下,人们创造并使用这些习语,可以说,习语是历史文化沉淀后的产物,它包含着特定的语言意义。从本质上来说,习语是语言中的一部分,他为该语言的丰富性添砖加瓦。由于各语言自身的文化、地理、历史等原因,各语言文化对不同事物的理解存在着差异,从而使得在其影响下的习语含义存在着差异。本文通过分析英汉习语在文化和语言方面的差异,阐释英汉习语的翻译方法,以期减少英汉习语差异造成的影响。  相似文献   

不同民族的语言对于"模糊性"这一人类语言的共性有着不同程度的表现。本文从民族文化心理的角度入手,究本溯源,研究探讨英汉两种语言模糊性产生差异的内因与外因,即,民族哲学思维方式与民族地理环境的迥异导致了英汉语言模糊性差异。  相似文献   

方位词是用来表示方向和位置的一类词,其语法结构复杂、内涵丰富。学界主要运用对比的方法研讨方位词的中西文化差异,注重语言客体内涵的挖掘。认知语言学认为,方位词内涵的沉淀是人脑运用隐喻机制体验现实表征、形成心理表征、实现语言表征的结果。中国人的曲线认知思维导致方位词"东""南"的概念内涵多与美好事物或意愿相关联,其心理表征为积极概念。西方人的直线认知思维倾向于以开门见山的方式直抒情怀,因而其方位词的概念内涵要比中文的"东""南"单薄得多,且其概念内涵的心理表征与汉语表达不相同。中西方方位词"东""南"概念内涵的差异是中西民族在主客体互动的过程中,身体体验和认知加工的差异化结果。  相似文献   

当代人类生存危机的根源在于价值危机,这种价值危机是由近代以来的主观价值论造成的.主观价值论体现在人与自然关系方面是一种功利主义的自然观、体现在人与人关系方面是一种个人中心主义的人生观、体现在人对科技与经济发展的看法时是一种经济至上和科技万能的发展观.因此,要想解决人类生存危机,就要从内心深处改变以"主一客二分"思维方式为基础的主观价值论,从"类本位"的观念出发,对自然采取一种超越功利主义的态度、真正将自然当作我们的家园去珍爱和保护;并实现以人为中心的经济、社会、文化、生态的可持续发展.  相似文献   

语言是一个民族文化的重要载体,并反映出该民族文化的特征,体现出该民族的生活方式和思维方式。中国与英语国家在地理、历史、气候、经济发展等诸多因素方面有很大的不同,因而在文化上有明显的差异。这种文化差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现于两个民族的语言之中。  相似文献   

正后现代主义(post-modernism)本质上是社会经济发展到一定高度阶段的产物,对应着消费型社会的新型思维方式。作为一种文化思潮和社会革命,后现代主义与旅游的关系至今尚未获得足够的凝视。《旅游学刊》发起的"后现代主义视角下的旅游消费者行为研究"笔谈主题,无疑具有前瞻性。比如以"后现代+旅游/休闲/游憩/旅行"为检索关键词  相似文献   

在高中英语学习中,仅仅依靠教材中的英语知识,难以真正有效的提升英语语言技能。如果在英语学习中忽视了文化背景知识的学习,可能导致英语知识的理解偏差,学习停留在表面,难以深层次理解和掌握这门语言。文化可以说是语言赖以生存的土壤,而语言则是文化的具体表现形式,两者之间联系较为密切,有助于实现跨文化交际,跨越障碍,英语综合运用能力全方位提升。作为一名高中生,在英语文化背景知识学习中,应该充分提升自身认知水平,将自身的学习经验充分阐述出来。  相似文献   

The article investigates traditional decision-making choice models and offers a new way of thinking about the tourist vacation-making intricacies. Specifically, this article examines the interrelationship between affect and cognition in the tourist vacation decision-making process and argues that consumers, during each vacation decision-making task, use both affect and cognitive processes in varying degrees depending on their valence and intensity. The traditional view of decision making posits that the consumer is a rational decision maker who proceeds through a series of prescribed steps before finding an optimal decision solution. However, with the growing prominence on the role of affect, “hot” aspects of cognition in psychology, and neuroscience investigations, much of the traditional cognitive-dominated theories are being reexamined. A tourist decision-making framework is presented demonstrating the proposed theory and provides understanding to the influences that affect and cognition have on the decision-making process. After delineating these concepts, propositions are presented followed by the Discussion and Conclusions section that summarizes and discusses challenges associated with studying affect.  相似文献   

李淼  谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):121-133
自20世纪90年代起,西方主流旅游研究中呈现出"表演转向"。历经近30年的发展,这一转向至今仍方兴未艾。"performance"(表演)作为一个具有强有力启发意义的隐喻,为西方旅游体验研究的深入推进提供了一条新路径。但国内学者对这一转向关注甚少,甚至对"表演"的理解还停留在通俗层面上。造成这种现状的根本原因在于英文"performance"一词与中文对应词"表演"在各自语言体系中存在着较大的含义差别。理解英文世界中"表演"隐喻的内涵,还需追根溯源,向西方旅游表演转向的理论基础寻求答案。文章对performance一词进行词源考察,探究不同语言环境中"表演"的含义及人文社科学术领域中"表演"的内涵,并且对西方旅游研究中表演转向的理论基础及发展历程进行了梳理,进而提炼出西方旅游表演转向的核心特点。文章最后指出西方旅游表演转向对未来旅游体验研究所给予的启示:第一,国内学界应该寻找一个替代性词语来表达performance在中文语境中部分失效的含义,以弥合语言体系转换所造成的裂隙。第二,表演转向中的温和模式和激进模式并不是替代关系,旅游体验研究不必在二者中选择其一作为立场。第三,旅游体验研究应面向过程,而不是结果。第四,旅游体验研究应面向关系,而不是元素。第五,旅游体验研究方法需要新的突破和尝试。  相似文献   

The study explores motives for Taiwanese students to volunteer overseas and what they have learned from the trip. Their motivations are classified into pull and push factors. Pull factors include expecting challenge, validating personal perceptions of the place, and getting to know local residents and experiencing the life in a foreign culture. Push factors identified as underlying themes include escaping from daily life to reorganize and relax, look for new ways of life and self exploration, a desire to give back, to make friends who share a common interest, a less expensive way of traveling, encouragement by others, and parental compulsion. The students gain several benefits from this trip, including a better attitude to learning, better communication skills, better stress management, an appreciation of what they have, being more active, becoming more generous and developing empathetic skills, be willing to hear and respect different voices, having trust in co-workers and be willing to admit deficiencies, appreciating a slower life pace, having an open mind, and learning to control material desire.  相似文献   

Debates surrounding the human impact on climate change have, in recent years, proliferated in political, academic, and public rhetoric. Such debates have also played out in the context of tourism research (e.g. extent to which anthropogenic climate change exists; public understanding in relation to climate change and tourism). Taking these debates as its point of departure, whilst also adopting a post-structuralist position, this paper offers a Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of comments to an online BBC news article concerning climate change. Our analysis finds three key ways responsibility is mitigated through climate change talk: scepticism towards the scientific evidence surrounding climate change; placing responsibility on the “distant other” through a nationalistic discourse; and presenting CO2 as “plant food”. The implications of these ways of thinking about climate change are discussed with a focus on how this translates into action related to the sustainability of tourism behaviours. In doing so, it concludes that a deeper understanding of everyday climate talk is essential if the tourism sector is to move towards more sustainable forms of consumption.  相似文献   

Ethnic culture is the special attraction of indigenous tourism, and exotic culture plays different roles in tourists' experiences, reflecting distinctive meanings and values. This study examines the complexity and hierarchical nature of tourists’ experiences at indigenous sites and deconstructs experience patterns using a means-end chain approach. Fifty-eight in-depth interviews were conducted and used to construct hierarchical value maps. Three sets of indigenous tourism experiences are identified: enjoying nature and a simple lifestyle, participating in indigenous activities, and experiencing ethnic culture. Two value-led gains are derived: happiness and enrichment. An experience spectrum is proposed from self-oriented, through self and others, to others-oriented, reflecting different orientations of pursuits that are expressed through experiencing indigenous tourism in various ways.  相似文献   


In this research reflection we question the way leisure experience is commonly understood and how leisure science is commonly conducted. Specifically, we focus on advances in multiple self-theory popularized by Daniel Kahneman in Thinking, Fast and Slow, an in-depth examination of human thought processes. After establishing Kahneman's foundational perspective, we apply his thinking to leisure experience and leisure science by reviewing recent scholarship focused on the “experiencing” and “remembering” selves (2000). We conclude the reflection by discussing the implications of Kahneman's thinking for the use of self-reports by leisure scientists, as well as call for greater congruence between the selves we seek to research and our selected research methods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which travel writing manages the distinction between traveler and tourist. In exploring this complex literary genre, the study also tries to account for its continued popularity as a promotional medium. By writing out the tourist via the universal categories of space and time, writers can appeal to the anti-tourist who resides in every tourist. The metaphor of a journey to the timeless periphery may also strike a chord in many a reader since it speaks of life itself as a form of travel. By way of illustration, typical works of three contemporary, Anglophone travel writers are selected and compared.  相似文献   

摄影是旅游文化的重要组成部分之一,更是现代旅游者最常见的、最重要的消费行为之一.西方学者在这方面已有相当数量的研究成果.他们的研究证明,旅游者通过摄影满足自己的窥视欲,并认为随心所欲的拍摄是旅游者的固有权力.同时,照片记录一切,影像记忆与证明是游客拍摄的基本动机.更重要的是,旅游者拍摄照片更是为了完成"自我叙述"(self-narrative)与"自我认同"(self-identity).  相似文献   

The widely accepted but little scrutinized explanatory framework for documented effects of unemployment, the deprivation hypothesis, is based on the claim that unemployment deprives one of, and employment imposes on one, experience within five crucial categories, quite apart from financial impoverishment. In this study we describe a qualitative empirical examination of 11 unemployed people who are experiencing material but not psychological deprivation and who have adopted a very proactive stance towards unemployment. Proactivity is characterized by a person choosing to initiate, intervene in or reperceive situations in a way which allows the person (agent) to act in valued directions rather than respond passively to imposed change. The deprivation framework is discussed in the light of this study, and an alternative framework based on the assumption of personal agency as characterizing both employed and unemployed people is commended. Implications for research on unemployment and leisure are drawn.  相似文献   

旅游的基本属性及其对旅游社会关系和旅游立法的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从关于旅游的AIEST定义以及学者和政府旅游主管机构对该定义的理解入手,分析了旅游的基本属性、旅游基本属性所决定的旅游社会关系的特点以及旅游基本属性对旅游立法的影响.旅游的基本属性体现为旅游是市场经济的产物、旅游是综合性的社会现象、旅游的本质是文化、旅游具有非实体性、旅游因运动而存在、旅游是一种多元系统网络结构.这些基本属性对旅游立法的影响主要有4个方面,即对旅游立法调整范围的影响、对旅游法律法规基本原则确定的影响、对旅游法权利义务实现效果认定的影响和对旅游法律责任承担形式的影响.  相似文献   

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