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Three types of theories have been used to explain the wage premium in foreign firms: the theories of heterogeneous workers, heterogeneous learning, and heterogeneous firms. We set up a model that explicitly encompasses two of these theories, and that can illustrate the third. This unifying framework allows us to rigorously compare the predictions of the different theories. Thus, it is a useful tool for interpreting new and existing empirical evidence. We illustrate the usefulness of the model on matched employer?employee data, and we find considerable support for all three theories. In particular, the theory of heterogeneous workers can explain up to 75 percent of the premium.  相似文献   

在这本书(指《空间经济:城市、区域和国际贸易》一书)中,我们将建立三种模型:一是区域模型,在此模型中工业制成品是可流动的而农产品是不可流动的;二是城市模型,在此模型中除了土地以外,其它要素都是可流动的;三是国际模型,在此模型中要素不可流动,但中间产品创造了前向联系和后向联系。当然,在本质上,它们可以混在一起。例如,借助中间产品在区域分割1中起作用。毫无疑问,在现实世界里我们的人为分类不起作用。  相似文献   

国内外工业化理论:回顾及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对国内外有关工业化理论的回顾和评价,印证了任何一个大国的发展都不离开工业化的事实,并结合我国的发展实际,进一步探究内生性新型工业化的理论依据和现实意义.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that use of child labor as domestic help has increased significantly in recent years although the overall incidence of child labor across the globe has declined satisfactorily. This should draw the attention of economists and policymakers because domestic child labor is considered as exploitative and in many cases hazardous. This paper purports to explain this apparently perplexing finding theoretically in terms of a three‐sector general equilibrium model with a nontraded sector where only child labor is used to render services to the richer section of the society. The analysis shows how FDI‐led economic growth increases the size of the services sector although it lowers the overall incidence of child labor in the economy and improves the welfare of the poor families that supply child labor. Finally, a composite policy has been recommended that can deal with all three aspects favorably.  相似文献   

Foreign Aid, Domestic Investment and Welfare   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the welfare implications of temporary foreign aid in a simple two-period, two-country model of trade. Domestic investment is endogenous, providing an important link between aid in period one and the terms of trade in periods one and two. Transfer-induced changes in the terms of trade redistribute present and future income between the donor and the recipient. In the presence of barriers to international borrowing and lending, such redistribution gives rise to the possibility of temporary aid being both potentially and strictly Pareto improving.  相似文献   

中外银行合作途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 引言中国已经完成了入世工作的所有外部程序。在入世条约中一项重要的义务,是国内金融市场的逐步开放。在中国入世5年之后,外资银行将在与国内银行同等的经营环境中运营。入世后金融服务业的不断开放将给中国的银行界带来根本性的变革,这已成为广泛的共识。其驱动力将是更激烈的竞争以及更广阔的合作。总体而言,中资银行在资本实力、全球网络、运营效率、专业技术、现代管理制度和企业文化等诸多方面落后于外资银  相似文献   

对外直接投资与国内产业空心化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文针对一些西方学者关于美国、日本对外直接投资导致国内产业“空心化”的观点,提出了不同的见解。首先, 第一、第二产业比重下降, 第三产业比重上升是一国产业结构演进的一般规律, 与对外直接投资无关; 其次, 一国的对外直接投资规模巨大与贸易逆差并无直接联系; 第三, 对外直接投资增强了投资者的国际竞争力; 第四, 对外直接投资对一国的就业机会影响甚微。总之, 对外直接投资为投资国和对外直接投资者带来巨大利益, 而不会导致国内产业“空心化  相似文献   

This paper provides a new rationale to examine the two‐way relationship between domestic research and development (R&D) and foreign direct investment (FDI), as well as their impacts on domestic welfare. Our analysis is based on the strategic interaction in cost‐reducing investment decisions between domestic firms and a foreign firm, which is different from the common factors that are discussed in the literature such as spillovers and technology sourcing. Our results are as follows. We show that domestic R&D investment may either increase or decrease the foreign firm's FDI incentives. Further, depending on the marginal cost of domestic firms, domestic R&D incentives can always increase regardless of the effects of domestic R&D investment on the foreign firm's FDI decision. Finally, we find that domestic welfare improves under domestic cost reduction if the slope of the marginal cost of domestic R&D investment is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

Our aim in this paper is to evaluate the causal effect of foreign acquisition on research and development (R&D) intensity in targeted domestic firms. We are able to distinguish domestic multinational enterprises (MNEs) and non‐MNEs, which allows us to investigate the fear that the change in ownership of domestic MNEs to foreign MNEs leads to a reduction in R&D activity in the country. Overall, our results give no support to the fears that foreign acquisition of domestic firms leads to a relocation of R&D activity in Swedish MNEs. Rather, in this paper, we find robust evidence that foreign acquisitions lead to increasing R&D intensity in acquired domestic MNEs and non‐MNEs.  相似文献   

We study how the labor market and industry uncertainty affect the investment decisions of multinational enterprises (MNEs). In an uncertain business climate, MNEs must take account of the future in deciding where to locate a branch plant. When wages are endogenously determined, both the opportunity cost of labor and redundancy payments influence the MNE’s decision. When countries compete for foreign investment, different national characteristics determine the winners in different industries. Differences in risk may draw MNEs to different locations. Firm‐specific bargaining always offers an advantage, as the mix of current and future pay fully reflects the firm’s risk profile.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了我国现行内外资企业所得税制的差别以及存在的主要问题,提出了我国统一企业所得税法应遵循的若干原则和统一内外资企业所得税的构思.  相似文献   

We analyse the question of optimal taxation in a dual economy, when the policy‐maker is concerned about the distribution of labour income. Income inequality is caused by the presence of sunk capital investments, which creates a “good jobs” sector due to the capture of quasi‐rents by trade unions. With strong unions and high planner preference for income equality, the optimal policy is a combination of investment subsidies and progressive income taxation. If unions are weaker, the policy‐maker may instead choose to tax investment.  相似文献   

外商直接投资对不同地区和行业的工资水平影响是不同的。本文以劳动密集型行业和资本技术密集型行业为研究对象,对典型行业建立计量模型分别研究了外商直接投资对这两类行业工资水平的影响。结果表明,由于两类行业中劳动力层次不同和外商直接投资在我国的地区分布差异的影响,使得外商投资对工资的影响在不同行业其影响机制亦不同,而且外商直接投资对工资水平的影响受东道国劳动力市场及外商直接投资量的影响。  相似文献   

在经济全球化与对外开放进一步深化的背景下,人力资本较传统的因素更能对中国城市利用外商直接投资的非均衡分布产生重要影响,且关键是人力资本与城市利用外商直接投资的关系受工资水平地区异质性的制约和调节。在相同条件下,当一个城市工资水平大于其阈值时,人力资本水平的提高能促进当地城市利用外商直接投资的增长;而当一个城市的工资水平低于其阈值时,人力资本的提高反而不利于当地城市利用外商直接投资。更为重要的是,若考虑不同类别的人力资本时,只有在工资水平较高的城市群组中,人力资本教育指数的提高才能促进当地城市利用外商直接投资的增加。因此,各地政府要实施因地制宜的差异化经济发展政策,重视对人力资本的投入,提高各类人力资本的质量,完善当地基础设施和人才流动机制,推动当地城市经济的高质量发展,以此优化城市利用外商直接投资的分布,提高不同城市利用外商直接投资的质量。  相似文献   

We provide evidence on how changes in the use of high‐skilled workers (inventors) in a foreign location affect a firm's domestic use of the same type of worker. We exploit rich data that provide variation in the location of inventors within multinational firms across industries and countries to control for confounding firm–time and industry factors. We find that a 10% increase in the use of foreign inventors leads to a 1.9% increase in the use of domestic inventors. Our results suggest that foreign and domestic inventors are complementary in the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

Wages and profits must be regarded as simultaneously determined—profits must not be regarded as a residual. In the short period both are determined by current demand, profits fluctuating much more strongly than wages. More important is the long-period factor, which depends upon capital-labor substitution elasticity.  相似文献   

中外商业银行合作前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张建  郭伟 《资本市场》2001,(7):39-40
<正> 随着中国加入WTO的进程明显加快,国内商业银行正积极研究“入世”带来的挑战与机遇。同时,外资银行也在为进一步扩大中国业务做准备。目前,外资银行的国内分行主要为三资企业办理外币业务,部分地区(上海、深圳)的外资银行经当地人民银行的批准,还可向其他所有制企业办理人民币存贷款及参与人民币同业拆借市场。鉴于我国承诺“入世”两年后放开本币对公业务,五年后放开本币对私业务,外资银行,尤其是港资银行对更深地介入内地市场表  相似文献   

Roberto  Savona 《Economic Notes》2006,35(2):173-202
Using data from Italy over the period 1998–2002, this study investigates whether tax effects can account for differences in return patterns between domestic and foreign mutual funds, and if this dissimilarity translates into performance. The paper presents evidence that much of the difference between domestic and foreign funds is explained by the different tax systems. The asymmetry between the two groups, due to the fact that domestic funds are obliged to pay taxes on a daily basis while foreign funds are taxed when capital gains are collected, also affects performance. We prove that comparing pre-tax returns, Italian funds are virtually indistinguishable from their foreign counterparts in terms of risk-adjusted returns, while when comparing after-tax returns, foreign funds outperform.  相似文献   

A short-run model for estimating the procompetitive effects of foreign competition on markups in an oligopolistic, domestic industry is developed and estimated using data on the Australian automobile industry. Estimates reveal that these effects are rather large and cannot be ignored when predicting the effects of a shock affecting foreign costs. These estimates can also facilitate inferences about the nature of interfirm rivalry.  相似文献   

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