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This article analyses the importance of technology and non-technology shocks in the business cycles of European Union post-transition countries. Different assumptions of New Keynesian and Real Business Cycle theory are tested. The results demonstrate that a non-technology shock is more important in explaining business cycles in post-transition countries, although a technology shock is not trivial. The technology shock cannot replicate basic business cycle facts observed in the data: it produces a low or negative correlation between employment and GDP, and a strong negative correlation between labour productivity and employment. Technology and non-technology GDP components are analysed in the transition and post-transition period. The results show a non-technology shock was the dominant source of business cycles both during and after the transition period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the real and nominal convergence between the Central and Eastern European countries and the EU, using fractional cointegration analysis for the period 1980–2003. Fractional cointegration analysis is a flexible methodology, which allows for more subtle forms of mean reversion. The tests performed are those of Geweke and Porter-Hudak. The convergence processes are valid when macroeconomic time series used in the study are fractionally cointegrated. The results indicate that inflation and interest rates series of six sample countries are fractionally cointegrated with those of the EU. Therefore, nominal convergence has been achieved by some of the transition countries, but the equilibrium errors display long memory. Results also indicate that industrial outputs of most countries in the sample are not fractionally cointegrated with that of the EU. The results further indicate that both nominal and real convergence have been achieved only for Hungary.  相似文献   

This paper serves as a partial introduction to and survey of the literature on Markov-switching models. We review the history of this class of models, describe their mathematical structure, and exposit the basic ideas behind estimation and inference. The paper also describes how the approach can be extended in a variety of directions, such as non-Gaussian distributions, time-varying transition probabilities, vector processes, state-space and GARCH models, and surveys recent methodological advances. The contributions of the other papers in this volume are reviewed. A final section offers conclusions and implications for policy. First Version Received: August 2001/Final Version Received: October 2001  相似文献   

One of the reasons behind the re-negotiation of the Lomé Convention, resulting in the Cotonou Agreement, was the alleged inability of the trade provisions of Lomé to increase the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries' market share of the European Union (EU) market. The Cotonou Agreement may lead to the more advanced ACPs being granted future market access to the EU under a generalized system of preferences (GSP), in conformity with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. To this end, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the effects of the EU's Lomé Convention and GSP on exports of developing countries using a gravity type of model. The results indicate positive and statistically significant export effects of the both the Lomé Convention and the GSP. The export effects are greater in case of the Lomé Convention throughout the study period running from 1973 to 1992. In addition, the paper illustrates the EU country distribution of the export effects and shows that Belgium and The Netherlands are the EU countries that most have increased their imports from the developing countries under both the Lomé Convention and the GSP.  相似文献   

This study using Kónya (2006) [Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling 23, 978–992.] method of bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis, which considers the issues of cross-sectional dependency and slope heterogeneity among countries investigated simultaneously, analyzes the causality between financial development and economic growth among ten Asian countries surveyed during period 1980 to 2007. We find that the direction of causality between financial development and economic growth is sensitive to the financial development variables used in the ten Asian countries examined in this work. Moreover, our findings support the supply-leading hypothesis, as many financial development variables lead economic growth in some of the ten Asian countries surveyed, especially in China.  相似文献   

We investigate the cyclicality of the household saving to household disposable income ratio for a panel of 16 OECD countries over the period 1969–2012. We find evidence that the household saving ratio is countercyclical. We empirically investigate whether the determinants of saving suggested by a standard buffer stock model of saving can explain this finding. The three main determinants of household saving implied by such a model (i.e., unemployment risk, household wealth and credit constraints) have a significant impact on the household saving ratio while their combined effect completely offsets its countercyclicality. The saving regression results are robust to potential endogeneity of the regressors, to making use of a reduced sample size that leaves out the period of the Great Recession, and to the one-by-one addition of variables suggested by alternative theories that also predict a countercyclical saving ratio.  相似文献   

Remittances are the second largest source of external finance after foreign direct investment in the developing economies. In this study, we analyse the role of incoming remittances on financial development for 57 highest remittance recipient economies. A long run equilibrium relationship is established between remittances and three alternative indicators of financial development. Estimates from the dynamic system-generalized method of moments reflect lower elasticity values for developing countries compared to the developed ones. Our findings are robust across countries, and highlight the necessity for strengthening institutional set-ups to increase the inflow of remittances, which will enhance financial development across countries. The role of foreign direct investment is found to be significant in most cases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between income inequality and globalization, measured with both trade and financial variables. We estimate an econometric model using appropriate panel data techniques for the EU-27 countries over the period 1995–2009. The analysis is also performed at subgroups of countries within the EU27, such as the Core, Periphery, High Technology, and the New EU Member countries. Overall, the results suggest that trade openness exerts an equalizing effect, while financial globalization through FDI, capital account openness and stock market capitalization has been the driving force of inequality in the EU-27 since 1995. The highest contribution to inequality stems from FDI. Although the trade impact remained robust, disparities were observed in the financial globalization effects within a certain group or among country groups. The recent financial crisis led to a significant rise in inequality only in the EU-periphery and the New Member states. The impact from the other control variables was either minor or insignificant.  相似文献   

We assess government solvency in the European Monetary Union (EMU), controlling for the interaction of fiscal policy with financial markets. We find a positive interaction, reflecting market-based pressures for fiscal improvement, and significant debt stabilization efforts, weakened in the post-EMU era.  相似文献   

The previous literature has largely overlooked the possible channels through which foreign direct investment (FDI) might influence business cycle synchronization. In this study we analyze the linkages that exist among FDI, trade and industrial dissimilarity in relation to business cycle co-movements using a panel data set taken from 77 pairs of developed countries. The error component three-stage least squares (EC3SLS) estimates from a simultaneous equations model with panel data are shown to be superior to the estimates obtained from single equation models or simultaneous equations models with cross-sectional data. Our results indicate that FDI serves as a channel of international business cycle transmission that is equally important as the channels of trade and monetary policy. On the contrary, industrial dissimilarity is identified as having an indirect impact on the business cycle correlation through trade and FDI. Furthermore, our findings suggest that in our sample FDI is of the horizontal type and tends to substitute for trade.  相似文献   

This paper intends to harmonize two different approaches employed in the analysis of business cycles and, in doing so, it retrieves the stylized facts of the business cycle in Europe. We start with the classical approach proposed in Burns and Mitchell (1946) of dating and analyzing the business cycle. The stylized facts retrieved are commented and compared to those obtained by Harding and Pagan (2002) for the U.S.. Two conclusions can be extracted from the results: a) though the turning points obtained for individual countries seem to cluster and would suggest the idea of a common cycle, there are relevant differences in the stylized facts characterizing the business cycle in the individual European economies under analysis; b) moreover, we find relevant differences in the business cycle stylized facts of the European countries and the U.S., mostly in terms of the duration, the amplitude of the cycle and the shape of the recovery. We then adopt the modern alternative: the Markov-switching vector autoregression (MS-VAR). The models regime probabilities provide an optimal statistical inference of the turning point of the European business cycle. For assessing the capacity of the parametric approach to generate the stylized facts of the classical cycle in Europe, the stylized facts of the original data are compared to those of simulated data. Contrary to the results reported by Harding and Pagan (2002) , we show that the MS-VAR model is a good candidate to be used as an statistical instrument to improve the understanding of the business cycle.JEL Classification: E32, F43, F47, C32We are grateful to Mike Artis, Mike Clements and Adrian Pagan for useful comments and discussions. Financial support from the UK Economic and Social Research Council under grant L116251015 is gratefully acknowledged by the first author. The research of the second author was supported through a European Community Marie Curie Fellowship, contract HPMF-CT-2000-00761. Corresponding author: Juan Toro  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the time stability of the GDP beta convergence in two subsamples: EU27 countries during 1993–2010 and EU15 during 1972–2010. Additionally, the article checks for the strength and stability of influence of particular economic growth factors. In order to address the problem of variables' selection, Bayesian model averaging (BMA) is used while choosing the appropriate variables for the regression. In order to loose the assumption of stability overtime in the regression, interaction terms of particular regressors are introduced with time dummies (the whole sample is divided into time intervals and is allowed for structural breaks). Finally, in order to address the problem of potential inconsistency of “typically used” estimators, the study employs Blundell and Bond's GMM system estimator. The main findings are the following. (1) The EU27 countries converged at the rate of about 5% per annum while the EU15 countries—at 3% p.a., which is an enormous difference as compared with the widely cited 2% rate of convergence. (2) The pure mechanism of conditional convergence of the countries under study was rather constant over time: there were periods of more rapid or slower convergence but the differences were not as huge as one could expect. (3) The considered economic growth determinants exhibited very mixed and differentiated impact on economic growth in various subperiods.  相似文献   

In this paper we test for asymmetric behaviour of business cycles for the G7 countries, using the entropy-based test for asymmetry suggested by Racine and Maasoumi [Racine, J.S., & Maasoumi, E. (in press-a). A versatile and robust metric entropy test of time-reversibility, and other hypotheses, Journal of Econometrics; Racine, J.S., & Maasoumi, E. (in press-b). A robust entropy based test for asymmetry. Econometric Reviews.]. We find overwhelming evidence of symmetry. In only 14% of the cases, we find some evidence of asymmetric behaviour of GDP and per capita GDP. More importantly, the period marked by the flexible exchange rate regime, over which much of the empirical work for the G7 countries has been conducted, evidence suggests that the two GDP series are symmetric.  相似文献   

This paper investigates pricing to market behaviour using data for European auto exports. The empirical analysis uses forward instead of spot exchange rates. Cross-country and cross-product analyses reveal that pricing behaviour depends mainly on the class of product, while the country of origin and destination appears as less important. Furthermore, the data do not usually reject the hypothesis of a symmetric response of export prices to depreciations and appreciations of the exporter's currency. Finally, although the point estimates confirm the combined influence of the business cycle and the direction of the exchange rate movements on pricing to market in most cases, formal tests seldom provide statistical significance for this result.  相似文献   

In this article, we test to determine whether a reallocation of government budgetary components can enhance long-term GDP growth in a set of 15 EU countries. We apply panel data techniques to the period 1971–2006, and use three alternative dependent variables in a growth regression: economic growth, total factor productivity and labour productivity. Our results also identify the distortions induced by public expenditure in the private factors allocation. In particular, we detect a strong crowding-in effect associated to public investment, which has enhanced economic growth by boosting private investment. We also associate a dependence of productivity on public expenditure on social security.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the intra-EMU and intra-Eurozone trade effects of the euro adoption on 29 European Economic and Monetary Union countries (including 17 Eurozone economies and Iceland) from the period 1994 through 2011. We employ a generalized gravity model that controls for an extended set of trade theory and policy variables. The gravity model is estimated using the robust panel data techniques that includes times effects, besides country-specific effects. The various econometric specifications of the gravity equation, on the whole dataset of 29 economies, yield positive and significant impact (to be around 14 %) of the euro currency adoption on bilateral trade flows. Next, euro effect on bilateral trade and exports on a smaller dataset is estimated. The estimated results suggest that bilateral trade and exports increase by 20.81 and 18.57 %, respectively, when both the countries belong to the Eurozone. This effect is larger than the one obtained when only one of the two trading partners uses the euro as its currency. In addition, the validity of the assumptions of Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) theory are checked for the countries under study. The estimated results reject the H–O theory in favor of Modern Trade theories. However, the low value of the coefficient on respective variable suggests that, over the period, the type of trade among these countries has transited from inter-industry trade to horizontal intra-industry trade. This suggests that these developed European economies are on the path of economic convergence via intra-industry trade.  相似文献   

We estimate the equilibrium real interest rate for nine Euro area member countries and the Euro area as a whole using quarterly data from 1995 to 2015. We expand the standard model of estimating real equilibrium interest rates to incorporate the financial cycle for the private sector. We show that adding the financial cycle indeed alters the equilibrium real interest rate estimates and, in line with previous studies, that there is a fall in the equilibrium real interest rate over time. Our results indicate that in most member countries the real rate is lower than its equilibrium level. Hence, they should not worry about secular stagnation now. This is because secular stagnation is likely to occur when real interest rates are higher than their equilibrium levels. This result can serve as a starting point for further research in this field, e.g. by adding public sector financial cycles or disentangling the roles of households, corporations and the government.  相似文献   

Friedman's `plucking' model, in which output cannot exceed a ceiling level but is occasionally plucked downward by recessions, is tested using Kim and Nelson's formal econometric specification on output data from the G-7 countries. Considerable support for the model is obtained, leading us to conclude that during normal periods, output seems to be driven mostly by permanent shocks, but during recessions and high-growth recoveries, transitory shocks dominate. During these periods macroeconomic models that emphasise demand-oriented shocks, rather than real business cycle type models, may thus be more appropriate. First Version Received: September 2000/Final Version Received: May 2001  相似文献   

Bernd Hayo 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1489-1501
In this paper, the evidence collected in the large literature on testing for Granger-causality from money to output is revisited. Using a broad data base of 14 EU countries plus Canada, the US and Japan, and quarterly data from the mid 1960s to mid 1990s, a number of hypotheses from this literature is evaluated. It is found that very few general conclusions can be sustained. For instance, in most countries it is not the case that the use of data in levels creates a bias in favour of finding Granger-causality effects of money on output compared to using differences. Neither does the significance of money lags decline when increasing the number of variables included in the model. What appears to be robust, though, is that allowing for asymmetries clearly increases the likelihood of finding significant causality effects. Based on the Granger-causality test results, a number of country groups are obtained using cluster analysis, which are characterized by a similarly behaviour with respect to the money-output relation.  相似文献   

The paper empirically investigates the issue of financial constraintsto investment, focusing on its relationship with innovationactivities. The study is based on the analysis of a cross-industriespanel of 804 Italian companies, observed through the years 1995–2000.The main objective of the study is to highlight whether thereare financial determinants underlying the strong bias of patentingactivity towards larger companies in the Italian economy. Byapplying a dynamic panel analysis, we found that only the firmsshowing lower financial constraints are able to keep a sustainedpatenting profile through time. Our evidence suggests the existenceof an imperfect capital market in the Italian economy, particularlyin the case of medium-sized companies, which tend to delay inefficientlythe start of in-house R&D activities.  相似文献   

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