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1984年中国开始逐渐放松金融规制.1993年确定市场化改革目标之后,以取消信贷规模控制与贷款利率市场化等为标志,银行部门实现从部分自由到基本自由的转变.理论研究表明,金融自由化通过水平效应、效率效应促进经济增长.中国的实证分析表明,在1984~2006年间,自由化降低了居民贴现率,提高了私人储蓄率;自由化对宏观投资率的影响为正但随时间推移而趋于下降.金融自由化的效率效应则随着时间推移而逐渐增强,有力地推动了中国经济长期增长方式的转变.  相似文献   

本文的研究回答了一个与近40年来金融自由化改革相关的基本问题,即金融自由化是否提高了国民储蓄率?哪些具体改革措施产生了什么样的影响?通过对一个包含90个国家和地区1973年至2005年改革进程的宏观面板数据样本的计量分析,我们发现:(1)金融自由化改革显著提升了储蓄率,但提升效果全部来自于发展中国家,对发达国家储蓄的影响不显著。(2)与金融抑制理论的预测不同,利率渠道没有对储蓄率产生显著影响。(3)金融自由化改革进程与国家个体效应存在非常强的正相关性。(4)所有改革政策中,放松证券市场管制对全样本储蓄率提升效果最为明显,其次是银行监管模式改革,放松银行业进入限制则显著降低了储蓄率。对发达国家而言,只有取消利率控制显著降低了储蓄率,其他政策影响不显著。发展中国家样本中证券市场改革显著提升了储蓄率;国有银行私有化对储蓄率的提升效果也显著,但小于证券市场改革;开放银行业进入限制则显著降低了这些国家的储蓄率,除此之外的改革措施对储蓄的影响不显著。  相似文献   

内生金融发展:理论与中国的经验证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用内生金融发展理论这一新的理论框架来理解中国的金融发展.我们利用中国1978年以来的数据,通过计量研究发现,产权改革、法治水平的提高以及金融的自由化,将有利于增加私人信贷,但对整体信贷量以及金融深化并无显著的作用.城市化水平的提高,不仅有利于提高私人信贷水平,而且对于整体信贷量的提高以及金融深化都有显著的作用.本文的结论是:构建合理的制度体系是中国金融未来发展的关键所在.  相似文献   

储蓄是一个经济体为在未来创造收入而留出部分产出的过程。1970—2000年期间,英国投资率在15%~25%之间波动,储蓄率在15%左右徘徊,具有成熟发达国家的特征。战后英国投资率不是很高,但投资率一直都比储蓄率高,而且投资效益比较高。  相似文献   

本文将金融自由化定义为利率自由化、信贷管制的消除、金融部门的自由进入、银行自治、银行产权多元化、证券市场改革、资本自由流动程度七个方面的综合反映,通过对中国1982年到2010年各季度金融改革的各项措施进行主观赋权,并利用多元统计中的主成份分析法构建出了中国1982年到2010年各季度的中国金融自由化指数。结果表明,2010年第4季度我国金融自由化指数已达到66.65%,说明我国金融市场化之路已完成了一大半,但与完全实现金融自由化的要求相比,我国还处于部分金融压抑状态。  相似文献   

张磊 《资本市场》2013,(6):89-90
在多元资产管理需求上升的背景下,金融政策应对金融创新堵莫若疏,为多元资产管理疏浚投资渠道才是合理方向。投资渠道分流高储蓄率与高货币化并存是中国现行货币体系的最主要特征。从2006年开始,中国储蓄率持续居于50%以上.显著超过19.7%的全球平均储蓄率水平。与中国高储蓄相对应的,是中国货币化程度的不断提升。至2012年末.国内广义货币供给达到97.4万亿元,M2/GDP进一步上升至187.58%。超过日本的174%.并显  相似文献   

金融发展会同时影响家庭储蓄与企业投资,从而是决定国民储蓄率的重要因素。基于世界银行1973—2005年的跨国面板数据,本文利用动态面板回归发现金融发展与储蓄率之间存在显著的倒U型关系,即在金融发展水平较低时,储蓄率随着金融市场的发展而逐步提高,而当金融市场发展达到一定的程度后,储蓄率则随之下降。为解释以上实证发现,本文构建了一个家庭与企业均受融资约束的动态一般均衡模型。从理论上,本文证明了金融发展会降低家庭的储蓄动机,同时又会提高企业的投资需求。由于均衡储蓄率由家庭储蓄与企业投资共同决定,模型蕴含了金融发展与总储蓄率之间的非单调关系。数值模拟显示,本文模型能够解释金融发展与储蓄率之间的倒U型关系。  相似文献   

近十几年采,我国经济发展迅速,每年GDP以较高比率增长,其中高储蓄高投资对经济增长的贡献巨大.然而,由于有效需求不足,储蓄在向投资转化的过程中受到阻塞,导致我国投资率长期低于储蓄率,引起我国宏观经济失衡,也造成我国储蓄资源极大的闲置.本文首先用索洛模型分析了高储蓄率对经济增长的贡献,然后建立对教线性模型进行了实证检验,最后探析了储蓄和投资的关系、转化机制及其中存在的种种障碍.  相似文献   

本文将储蓄分为居民储蓄、政府储蓄和企业储蓄,采用向量误差修正(VEC)模型等方法,对中国分部门储蓄与投资的相关性进行了分析.本文发现,中国的投资与居民储蓄、政府储蓄和企业储蓄三部门之间存在长期的均衡关系,政府部门和企业部门对投资率的贡献率明显高于居民部门.本文还发现中国投资与居民储蓄、政府储蓄和企业储蓄之间具备显著的短期动态调整机制,并从中得出结论:中国的投资行为具有显著的自我累加效应,居民储蓄向投资的转化存在较长的滞后效应,而政府储蓄和企业储蓄在短期内也无法拉动投资率上升.  相似文献   

关于企业高储蓄向投资转化的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业储蓄在国民经济发展中的作用是不容置疑的,高储蓄率支持了高水平的投资率和资本积累率,而资本正是推动经济增长的主要因素。当一个国家有大量储蓄时,经济中的资本存量和潜在产出水平都将快速增长。然而如果企业的储蓄和经济的发展不协调,就会阻碍经济的发展。目前我国的企业储蓄出现了高储蓄的现象,已经成为影响经济发展的重要问题。鉴于企业的高储蓄率的现状及其给我国经济发展带来的严重的负面影响,企业高储蓄转化为投资已成当务之急。  相似文献   

High firewood consumption for heating produces high levels of pollution in cities in central and southern Chile, with serious consequences for health and quality of life. Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) have been identified as the best strategy to reduce air pollution and maximize social benefits. However, their adoption has been slow. The objective of this article is to investigate household preferences for financial incentives needed to promote private investments in EEMs in Central-Southern Chilean households and study the role of energy savings and the uncertainty about potential savings in the investment decision, with the aim of finding solutions to increase the adoption of these technologies. We use a choice experiment to explore the trade-off between the investment costs, financial instruments, energy savings, and the uncertainty about achieving the theoretical savings provided by engineering and architectural models. The results show that financial instruments play the most important role in this decision, followed by the savings achieved by the retrofit. Householders prefer to finance their investments with a mix of their personal resources and medium-term credits, trying to avoid long-term commitments. Although uncertainty was found to be a significant variable, it seems to play a small role in the investment decision.  相似文献   

Given the limited capital flows to developing countries in South Asia, domestic savings is the primary source of investment and growth. Financial sector development and access to financial institutions are important determinants of savings ratios in developing countries. In this context, we empirically examine the role of financial development on savings ratios of five South Asian countries after controlling for other relevant variables for the period 1975–2010 and also for two sub-periods—the pre-reforms period (1975–1991) and the post-reforms period (1992–2010). We find that financial sector development positively affects total and private savings in South Asia along with per capita income, share of agriculture and foreign savings. Results also support the humped-shaped relationship between financial development and savings. The causality results support that financial development leads to higher savings mobilisation in South Asia.  相似文献   

居民储蓄与投资选择:金融资产发展的含义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对我国银行储蓄高企的原因进行探讨,认为单纯从消费角度解释与消化居民银行储蓄是不适当的,化解高储蓄的另一有效方式在于发展准储蓄替代产品、拓展金融投资渠道.金融资产的不确定性增强了储蓄的价值,银行储蓄高企与居民直接投资所受的约束密切相关.我国现阶段低风险资产的缺乏,以及风险资产的广度和深度难以配比居民的投资选择,产生强制性银行储蓄,是现在储蓄高企的重要原因.因此,有必要反思传统的投融资方式,大力培育储蓄替代型金融资产,加快金融体制改革.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to identify the key factors behind Malaysia's remarkable savings performance. Drawing on the life cycle theory, the saving function is estimated by incorporating other relevant structural features and institutional settings of the Malaysian economy into the specification. Particular emphasis has been placed on the roles of financial factors in mobilizing funds in the private sector. The results suggest that financial deepening and increased banking density tend to encourage private savings. Development of insurance markets and liberalization of the financial system, however, tend to exert a dampening effect on private savings.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether financial deregulation causes economic growth through financial development. Financial development is measured by two channels: (1) changes in the allocation of credit across sectors, and (2) changes in savings and investment rates. We measure financial deregulation in China at the provincial level from 1981 to 1998. Our results suggest that financial reform causes economic growth in China. Further, its effect largely comes through the reallocation of credit across sectors, rather than changes in savings and investment rates.  相似文献   

This article analyses the theoretical and empirical links between key economic variables and private investment spending in Latin America during the 1980–2001 period. The Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) estimates for the pooled investment model suggest that real (lagged) public investment, the output gap, lagged domestic credit to the private sector, and the national savings rate have a positive and significant effect on private capital formation, while the standard deviation of the real exchange rate index has a negative effect on private capital formation. A major contribution of the study is the application of recently developed panel unit roots test on the stacked residuals of the pooled regressions. The tests indicate that the included variables have a stable, non‐spurious (cointegrated) relationship. All in all, the findings in this article make an important contribution to the ongoing debate about which policies need to be promoted to raise and sustain the rate of private capital formation – Latin America's future source of employment and income creation.  相似文献   

Does unrestricted control on the movement of capital increase capital mobility? Theoretically, the answer is yes. This paper uses the Feldstein–Horioka savings–investment methodology to examine the impact of financial openness on the degree of capital mobility in 104 countries. Our estimates suggest that financial openness has increased capital mobility in developing countries, while its effect is statistically insignificant in OECD countries. This also implies that a developing country with more financial openness can have more access to external capital markets for borrowings. Foreign aid also appears to supplement domestic savings for investment in developing countries. In line with the previous findings, our study also confirms that capital is more mobile for developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines some critical gaps in the financial infrastructurein sub-Saharan Africa, which have contributed to the poor performanceof productive investment by private agents. It first analysesthe performance of financial systems, encompassing both formaland informal financial sectors, in relation to the changingpolicy environment, and key features of the financial marketstructure. It then identifies those gaps in financial servicesthat have been particularly detrimental to private investment,enterprise growth and transformation. Finally, the paper considerspolicy implications drawn from East Asian experiences with respectto financial policies, institutional arrangements and marketintegration measures for financing enterprise development.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of private investment in Malaysia, with an emphasis on the postcrisis investment slumps. A static private investment function is derived from the neoclassical framework, with appropriate modifications to account for the structural features observed in the country. To introduce dynamics into the model, we adopt a cost minimization problem, which assumes firms optimize investment levels with respect to a quadratic loss function. The results suggest that the availability of financial resources in the economy has a significant positive impact on private investment. Macroeconomic uncertainty exerts a negative influence on the investment climate in the private sector. Both foreign direct investment and public investment are found to have a complementary effect on private investment. Consistent with the prediction of the neoclassical model, a higher level of aggregate output raises private investment, whereas the user cost of capital has the opposite impact. (JEL O16, O53)  相似文献   

Using 1251 matched commercial loan deal terms of listed companies over the period 2003–2014, we examine the heterogeneity of lending behaviours of bank and nonbank financial institutions. The results show that large firms have a higher likelihood of getting loans from nonbank financial institutions. Compared to banks, nonbank financial institutions are more likely to provide credit help to high operation risk firms. State-owned listed firms have a higher probability to get finance from nonbank financial institutions than private firms, which highlights the situation that private firms are in a weak position to get credit help from China’s financial system. Moreover, the process of increasing the banks’ noninterest income ratio tends to drives firms to borrow from nonbank financial institutions.  相似文献   

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