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Asset allocation and location over the life cycle with investment-linked survival-contingent payouts
Wolfram J. Horneff Raimond H. Maurer Olivia S. Mitchell Michael Z. Stamos 《Journal of Banking & Finance》2009
This paper shows how survival-contingent investment-linked payouts can enhance investor wellbeing in the context of a portfolio choice model which integrates uninsurable labor income and asymmetric mortality expectations. In exchange for illiquidity, these products provide the consumer with access to mutual-fund style portfolio choice, as well as the survival credit generated from pooling mortality risk. Our model generates optimal asset location patterns indicating how much to hold in liquid versus illiquid survival-contingent payouts over the lifetime, and also asset allocation paths, showing how to invest in stocks versus bonds. We show that the investor who moves her money out of liquid saving into survival-contingent assets gradually from middle age to retirement and beyond, will enhance her welfare by as much as 50%. The results are robust to the introduction of uninsurable consumption shocks in housing expenses, income flows during the worklife and retirement, sudden changes in health status, and medical expenses. 相似文献
We consider the dynamic portfolio choice problem in a jump-diffusion model, where an investor may face constraints on her portfolio weights: for instance, no-short-selling constraints. It is a daunting task to use standard numerical methods to solve a constrained portfolio choice problem, especially when there is a large number of state variables. By suitably embedding the constrained problem in an appropriate family of unconstrained ones, we provide some equivalent optimality conditions for the indirect value function and optimal portfolio weights. These results simplify and help to solve the constrained optimal portfolio choice problem in jump-diffusion models. Finally, we apply our theoretical results to several examples, to examine the impact of no-short-selling and/or no-borrowing constraints on the performance of optimal portfolio strategies. 相似文献
We solve a portfolio choice problem that includes mortality-contingent claims and labor income under general HARA preferences. Our contribution beyond existing literature is to (i) focus on the covariance between shocks to human capital and financial capital, to (ii) model the utility of a family with basic needs and (iii) include life insurance and pension annuity claims in one unified life-cycle model. Our solution employs a “similarity reduction” mapping which reduces the two-dimensional HJB equation into one dimension. This allows for the implementation of a quick numerical scheme. And, when shocks to human capital and financial capital are perfectly correlated, a closed-form expression is obtained as a special case. 相似文献
This paper investigates the optimal retirement of an individual in the presence of involuntary unemployment risks and borrowing constraints in a complete market with frictions. We use an intensity model and loading factors to illustrate the involuntary unemployment risks and frictions in unemployment insurance markets. Using reasonably calibrated parameters, we observe that high involuntary unemployment intensity and loading factors could be important explanations for the empirical findings emphasized in recent studies. We also find that an individual with high leisure demand after retirement reduces consumption during retirement and increases stockholdings as retirement time approaches. 相似文献
We analyze the optimal stock-bond portfolio under both learning and ambiguity aversion. Stock returns are predictable by an observable and an unobservable predictor, and the investor has to learn about the latter. Furthermore, the investor is ambiguity-averse and has a preference for investment strategies that are robust to model misspecifications. We derive a closed-form solution for the optimal robust investment strategy. We find that both learning and ambiguity aversion impact the level and structure of the optimal stock investment. Suboptimal strategies resulting either from not learning or from not considering ambiguity can lead to economically significant losses. 相似文献
We analyze the portfolio planning problem of an ambiguity averse investor. The stock follows a jump-diffusion process. We find that there are pronounced differences between ambiguity aversion with respect to diffusion risk and jump risk. Ignoring ambiguity with respect to jump risk causes larger losses in an incomplete market, whereas ignoring ambiguity with respect to diffusion risk is more severe in a complete market. For a deterministic jump size we show that the loss from market incompleteness is always increasing in the level of ambiguity aversion with respect to one risk factor and decreasing in the level of ambiguity aversion with respect to the other risk factor. 相似文献
We study empirical mean-variance optimization when the portfolio weights are restricted to be direct functions of underlying stock characteristics such as value and momentum. The closed-form solution to the portfolio weights estimator shows that the portfolio problem in this case reduces to a mean-variance analysis of assets with returns given by single-characteristic strategies (e.g., momentum or value). In an empirical application to international stock return indexes, we show that the direct approach to estimating portfolio weights clearly beats a naive regression-based approach that models the conditional mean. However, a portfolio based on equal weights of the single-characteristic strategies performs about as well, and sometimes better, than the direct estimation approach, highlighting again the difficulties in beating the equal-weighted case in mean-variance analysis. The empirical results also highlight the potential for ‘stock-picking’ in international indexes using characteristics such as value and momentum with the characteristic-based portfolios obtaining Sharpe ratios approximately three times larger than the world market. 相似文献
Jay H. Hong 《Journal of Monetary Economics》2007,54(1):118-140
In this paper we ask whether an aspect of social security, namely its role as a provider of insurance against uncertain life spans, is welfare enhancing. To this end we use an OLG model where agents have a bequest motive and differ in sex and marital status and where families are formed and destroyed and their characteristics evolve (exogenously) according to U.S. demographic patterns of marriage, divorce, fertility and mortality. We compare the implications of social security under a variety of market structures that differ in the extent to which life insurance and annuities are available. We find that social security is a bad idea. In economies where the private sector provides annuities and life insurance, it is a bad idea for the standard reason that it distorts the intertemporal margin by lowering the capital stock. In the absence of such securities social security is still a very bad idea, only marginally less so compared with economies with annuities and life insurance. We also explore these issues in a world where people live longer and we find no differences in our answers. As a by-product of our analysis we find that the existence of life insurance opportunities for people is important in welfare terms while that of annuities is not. 相似文献
Most investors delegate the management of a fraction of their wealth to portfolio managers who are given the task of beating a benchmark. However, in an influential paper [Roll, R., 1992. A mean/variance analysis of tracking error. Journal of Portfolio Management 18, 13–22] shows that the objective functions commonly used by these managers lead to the selection of portfolios that are suboptimal from the perspective of investors. In this paper, we provide an explanation for the use of these objective functions based on the effect of background risk on investors’ optimal portfolios. Our main contribution is to provide conditions under which investors can optimally delegate the management of their wealth to portfolio managers. 相似文献
Active portfolio management often involves the objective of selecting a portfolio with minimum tracking error variance (TEV) for some expected gain in return over a benchmark. However, Roll (1992) shows that such portfolios are generally suboptimal because they do not belong to the mean-variance frontier and are thus overly risky. Our paper proposes an appealing method to lessen this suboptimality that involves the objective of selecting a portfolio from the set of portfolios that have minimum TEV for various levels of ex-ante alpha, which we refer to as the alpha-TEV frontier. Since practitioners commonly use ex-post alpha to assess the performance of managers, the use of this frontier aligns the objectives of managers with how their performance is evaluated. Furthermore, sensible choices of ex-ante alpha lead to the selection of portfolios that are less risky (in variance terms) than the portfolios that active managers would otherwise select. 相似文献
We examine whether the decision to participate in the stock market and other related portfolio decisions are influenced by income hedging motives. Economic theory predicts that the market participation propensity should increase as the correlation between income growth and stock market returns decreases. Surprisingly, empirical studies find limited support for the income hedging motive. Using a rich, unique Dutch data set and the National Longitudinal Survey of the Youth (NLSY) from the United States, we show that when the income-return correlation is low, individuals exhibit a greater propensity to participate in the market and allocate a larger proportion of their wealth to risky assets. Even when the income risk is high, individuals exhibit a higher propensity to participate in the market when the hedging potential is high. These findings suggest that income hedging is an important determinant of stock market participation and asset allocation decisions. 相似文献
We address the issue of the efficiency of household portfolios in the presence of housing risk. We treat housing stock as an asset and rents as a stochastic liability stream: over the life cycle, households can be short or long in their net-housing position. Efficient financial portfolios are the sum of a standard Markowitz portfolio and a housing risk hedge term that multiplies net housing wealth. Our empirical results show that net housing plays a key role in determining which household portfolios are inefficient. The largest proportion of inefficient portfolios obtains among those with positive net housing, who should invest more in stocks. 相似文献
We establish general conditions under which younger investors should invest a larger proportion of their wealth in risky assets than older ones. In the finite horizon dynamic setting, we show that such phenomenon, known as ‘‘time diversification,” can occur in the presence of human wealth, guaranteed consumption, or mean-reverting stock returns. We formalize two alternative notions of time diversification commonly confounded in the literature. Analytic solutions are provided for both time-series and cross-sectional forms of time diversification. To our best knowledge, this paper is the first to solve in closed-form the hedging demand for a CARA investor with inter-temporal consumption and a finite horizon, facing mean-reverting expected returns. Our results indicate that horizon can have a significant effect on the portfolio demand of a CARA investor due to inter-temporal hedging. 相似文献
This article contributes to methodology of real options analysis of investments in capital intensive process industries, where relatively homogenous outputs are produced using commonly known production technologies. In addition to capacity expansion, the method can be used for analysis of mergers and acquisitions. Valuation of the real option is based on bid price; i.e., the maximum price the firm is willing to pay. To find such a price, stochastic optimization with an expected utility criterion is used to determine investments in product specific technologies as well as in publicly traded financial instruments (the competing investments). To operationalize the valuation principle, we develop a double binary tree employing Kalman filter for scenario generation. For exponential utility, valuation is carried out by dynamic programming. We extend known methods to allow interdependence of the mill cash flow and return on competing financial investments. For forest industries, we provide an illustration, where the underlying price process in our Kalman filter application is a vector error correction model. 相似文献
This paper analyzes international portfolio selection with exchange rate risk based on behavioural portfolio theory (BPT). We characterize the conditions under which the BPT problem with a single foreign market has an optimal solution, and show that the optimal portfolio contains the traditional mean–variance efficient portfolio without consideration of exchange rate risk, and an uncorrelated component constructed to hedge against exchange rate risk. We illustrate that the optimal portfolio must be mean–variance efficient with exchange rate risk, while the same is not true from the perspective of local investors unless certain conditions are satisfied. We further establish that international portfolio selection in the BPT with multiple foreign markets consists of two sequential decisions. Investors first select the optimal BPT portfolio in each market, overlooking covariances among markets, and then allocate funds across markets according to a specific rule to achieve mean–variance efficiency or to minimize the loss in efficiency. 相似文献
Financial literacy and stock market participation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
We have devised two special modules for De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) Household Survey to measure financial literacy and study its relationship to stock market participation. We find that the majority of respondents display basic financial knowledge and have some grasp of concepts such as interest compounding, inflation, and the time value of money. However, very few go beyond these basic concepts; many respondents do not know the difference between bonds and stocks, the relationship between bond prices and interest rates, and the basics of risk diversification. Most importantly, we find that financial literacy affects financial decision-making: Those with low literacy are much less likely to invest in stocks. 相似文献
We create a novel measure of optimism using the Survey of Consumer Finance by comparing self-reported life expectancy to that implied by statistical tables. This measure of optimism correlates with positive beliefs about future economic conditions and with psychometric tests of optimism. Optimism is related to numerous work/life choices: more optimistic people work harder, expect to retire later, are more likely to remarry, invest more in individual stocks, and save more. Interestingly, however, moderate optimists display reasonable financial behavior, whereas extreme optimists display financial habits and behavior that are generally not considered prudent. 相似文献
This paper investigates the impact of background risk on an investor’s portfolio choice in a mean–variance framework, and analyzes the properties of efficient portfolios as well as the investor’s hedging behaviour in the presence of background risk. Our model implies that the efficient portfolio with background risk can be separated into two independent components: the traditional mean–variance efficient portfolio, and a self-financing component constructed to hedge against background risk. Our analysis also shows that the presence of background risk shifts the efficient frontier of financial assets to the right with no changes in its shape. Moreover, both the composition of the hedge portfolio and the location of the efficient frontier are greatly affected by a number of background risk factors, including the proportion of background assets in total wealth and the correlation between background risk and financial risk. 相似文献
This paper analyzes dynamic equilibrium risk sharing contracts between profit-maximizing intermediaries and a large pool of ex ante identical agents that face idiosyncratic income uncertainty that makes them heterogeneous ex post. In any given period, after having observed her income, the agent can walk away from the contract, while the intermediary cannot, i.e. there is one-sided commitment. We consider the extreme scenario that the agents face no costs to walking away, and can sign up with any competing intermediary without any reputational losses. We demonstrate that not only autarky, but also partial and full insurance can obtain, depending on the relative patience of agents and financial intermediaries. Insurance can be provided because in an equilibrium contract an up-front payment effectively locks in the agent with an intermediary. We then show that our contract economy is equivalent to a consumption-savings economy with one-period Arrow securities and a short-sale constraint, similar to Bulow and Rogoff [1989. Sovereign debt: is to forgive to forget? American Economic Review 79, 43-50]. From this equivalence and our characterization of dynamic contracts it immediately follows that without cost of switching financial intermediaries debt contracts are not sustainable, even though a risk allocation superior to autarky can be achieved. 相似文献
This paper deals with risk measurement and portfolio optimization under risk constraints. Firstly we give an overview of risk assessment from the viewpoint of risk theory, focusing on moment-based, distortion and spectral risk measures. We subsequently apply these ideas to an asset management framework using a database of hedge funds returns chosen for their non-Gaussian features. We deal with the problem of portfolio optimization under risk constraints and lead a comparative analysis of efficient portfolios. We show some robustness of optimal portfolios with respect to the choice of risk measure. Unsurprisingly, risk measures that emphasize large losses lead to slightly more diversified portfolios. However, risk measures that account primarily for worst case scenarios overweight funds with smaller tails which mitigates the relevance of diversification. 相似文献