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We show that Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 futures are pulled toward the at-the-money strike price on days when serial options on the S&P 500 futures expire (pinning) and are pushed away from the cost-of-carry adjusted at-the-money strike price right before the expiration of options on the S&P 500 index (anti-cross-pinning). These effects are driven by the interplay of market makers' rebalancing of delta hedges due to the time decay of those hedges as well as in response to reselling (and early exercise) of in-the-money options by individual investors. The associated shift in notional futures value is at least $115 million per expiration day.  相似文献   

We examine the stock price reaction of rival firms to the announcement of the privatization of their industry counterparts to infer information about the intra-industry effects of privatization. We find that the rival firms reacted negatively to the privatization announcements, suggesting that the announcement effects reflect competitive rather than positive industry effects. The reaction is stronger for industry counterparts in low economic freedom countries than those in high economic freedom countries. Interestingly, we also find that full privatization announcements generate larger negative abnormal returns for rival firms than partial privatization announcements where the privatized firm gains only partial autonomy from the government. In this regard, we find that, as the proportion of government ownership reduces, subsequent partial privatization announcement elicits stronger market reaction from rival firms. The negative abnormal returns earned by shareholders of rival firms are not due to price pressure and portfolio rebalancing effects resulting from index composition changes. We conclude that the negative effects documented for the rival firms reflect investors' concern about the potential competitive effects resulting from privatization of the state enterprise.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has shown that stocks included in (excluded from) an index exhibit significant positive (negative) abnormal returns on the announcement day, and that trading volume is affected by the event. This study examines the price and volume effects on stocks associated with the changes in the value-weighted index composition of two indices, of the ISE, where the index funds and index derivatives do not exist. Consistent with previous evidence, stocks included in (excluded from) the index tend to generate positive (negative) abnormal returns in ISE. Volume and volume volatility are also significantly affected. Our results seem to support the hypotheses of price-pressure, imperfect substitute and attention due to the lack of index-funds and derivatives market in Turkey.  相似文献   

We examine the trades of index funds and other institutions around S&P 500 index additions. We find index funds begin rebalancing their portfolios with the announcement of composition changes and do not fully establish their positions until weeks after the effective date. Trading away from the effective date is more prevalent for stocks with lower levels of liquidity and among large index funds, which is consistent with index funds accepting higher tracking error in order to reduce the price impact of their trades. Small and mid-cap funds provide liquidity to index funds around additions, and added stocks with a greater proportion of these natural liquidity providers experience lower inclusion returns.  相似文献   

This study focuses on S&P500 inclusions and deletions, examining the impact of potential overnight price adjustment after the announcement of an S&P500 index change. We find evidence of a significant overnight price change that diminishes the returns available to speculators although there are still profits available from the first day after announcement until a few days after the actual event. More importantly, observing the tick-by-tick stock price performance and volume effects on the key days during the event window for the first time, we find evidence of consistent trading patterns during trading hours. A separate analysis of NASDAQ and NYSE listed stocks allows for a detailed examination of the price and volume effect at an intra-day level. We find that index funds appear to cluster their rebalancing activities near to and after the close on the event date, suggesting that they are more concerned with tracking error than profit.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between brand value and short and long-run stock performance. An equally-weighted portfolio of the American non-financial companies recognized by Interbrand as part of the 100 most valuable global brands earned an eleven-day cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of 0.54% (17.79% annually) and a three-day CARS of 0.31% (37.97% annually) from 2001 through 2012. The four-factor monthly alpha averaged 1.1428% (13.7136% annually) over the risk-free rate and 1.3317% (15.9804% annually) over the S&P 500 index. Regression results show that the companies' brand values and capitalization were significant contributors to CARS. In addition, the average buy-and-hold return for a portfolio with annual rebalancing to include the recognized companies the preceding year was 15.29%. The annually rebalanced portfolio outperformed the industry average by 3.45% and the S&P 500 by 8.99%. All the above mentioned returns were significant at the 1% level. However, the data shows that consumer reaction to brand ranking is positive but not significant.  相似文献   

I investigate the information content of S&P 500 index changes by examining the price and volume reaction of the industry and size matched firms. Using a sample of S&P 500 additions between 1976–2001, I find a significantly positive price reaction, but no volume reaction, for the matching firms. In addition, the matching-firm price reaction is negatively related to the added firm's weight in its industry. These findings suggest that the index addition conveys favorable information about the added firm and its industry.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the intraday price formation process of country Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). We identify specific parts of the US trading day during which Net Asset Values (NAVs), currency rates, premiums and discounts, and the S&P 500 index have special effects on ETF prices, and characterize a special intraday and overnight updating structure between these variables and country ETF prices. Our findings suggest a structural difference between synchronized and non-synchronized trading hours. While during synchronized trading hours ETF prices are mostly driven by their NAV returns, during non-synchronized trading hours the S&P 500 index has a dominant effect. This effect also exceeds the one that the S&P 500 index has on the underlying foreign indices and suggests an overreaction to US market returns when foreign markets are closed.  相似文献   

We present the results of the first experimental study of financial markets contagion. We develop a model of financial contagion amenable to be tested in the laboratory. In the model, contagion happens because of cross-market rebalancing, a channel for transmission of shocks across markets first studied by Kodres and Pritsker (2002). Theory predicts that, because of portfolio rebalancing, a negative shock in one market transmits itself to the others, as investors adjust their portfolio allocations. The theory is supported by the experimental results. The price observed in the laboratory is close to that predicted by theory, and strong contagion effects are observed. The results are robust across different market structures. Moreover, as theory predicts, lower asymmetric information in a (“developed”) financial market increases the contagion effects in (“emerging”) markets.  相似文献   

This study examines the value relevance of corporate reputation risks (CRR) from adverse media coverage of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues on stock performance at the firm level. Empirical results advance signalling theory and resource-based view by providing evidence that corporate reputation is considered a valuable intangible asset by investors and adverse ESG disclosure via media channels have a significant and negative impact on firm valuation. The research is extended using various factors and indicates that heightened CRR have a substantially negative corollary effect on stock price of smaller and less liquid firms that are typically not S&P500 constituents. Further analysis using industry classifications reveals that stock performance of companies in the ‘sin’ triumvirate (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, and gaming) is not significantly affected by negative ESG media coverage. Instead, firms in candy & soda, steel works, banking, and insurance industries are the most susceptible to investors' repercussion from undesirable media spotlight. These findings provide new insights and indicate that beyond the type and delivery method of ESG disclosures, firm characteristics, corporate reputation status and industry explain differences in investors' reaction to ‘bad’ news.  相似文献   

S&P 500 trading strategies and stock betas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that S&P 500 stock betas are overstatedand the non-S&P 500 stock betas are understated becauseof liquidity price effects caused by the S&P 500 tradingstrategies. The daily and weekly betas of stocks added to theS&P 500 index during 1985-1989 increase, on average, by0.211 and 0.130. The difference between monthly betas of otherwisesimilar S&P 500 and non-S&P 500 stocks also equals 0.125during this period. Some of these increases can be explainedby the reduced nonsynchroneity of S&P 500 stock prices,but the remaining increases are explained by the price pressureor excess volatility caused by the S&P 500 trading strategies.I estimate that the price pressures account for 8.5 percentof the total variance of daily returns of a value-weighted portfolioof NYSE/AMEX stocks. The negative own autocorrelations in S&P500 index returns and the negative cross autocorrelations betweenS&P 500 stock returns provide further evidence consistentwith the price pressure hypothesis.  相似文献   

We test whether Standard and Poor's (S&P) assigns higher bond ratings after it switches from investor-pay to issuer-pay fees in 1974. Using Moody's rating for the same bond as a benchmark, we find that when S&P charges investors and Moody's charges issuers, S&P's ratings are lower than Moody's. Once S&P adopts issuer-pay, its ratings increase and no longer differ from Moody's. More importantly, S&P only assigns higher ratings for bonds that are subject to greater conflicts of interest, measured by higher expected rating fees or lower credit quality. These findings suggest that the issuer-pay model leads to higher ratings.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the S&P 500 index committee’s decisions to change the constituent firms in the index on benchmark risk measures. The index is managed and changed discretionally by the index committee to make it as representative of the market condition as possible. In addition, the index constantly changes due to important corporate events such as bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, and spin-offs. We reconstruct market portfolios by retaining all discretionally deleted firms in a 3 and 5 year periods. We estimate betas at every deletion date in terms of reconstructed market portfolios; we found that these estimate betas are significantly different from the betas obtained from the constantly updated S&P 500 portfolio. We also found that such portfolios are less representative of the business cycle than the actual S&P 500 portfolio. Finally, we found that the portfolio returns obtained by retaining all discretionally deleted firms deviate significantly from the returns of the actual S&P 500 index over the studied period, October 1989 to December 2007.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence of price and volume effects associated with index compositional changes by analysing the inclusions (exclusions) from the French CAC40 and SBF120 indices, as well as the FTSE100. I find evidence supporting the price pressure hypothesis associated with index fund rebalancing, but weak or no evidence for the imperfect substitution, liquidity and information hypotheses. The results improve on recent evidence from the S&P500 index. The evidence for the FTSE100 additions shows, in particular, that markets learn about an imminent inclusion and incorporate this information into prices, even before the announcement date.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the index premium and its implications from 1990 to 2005. For additions to the S&P 500 and Russell 2000, we find that the price impact from announcement to effective day has averaged + 8.8% and + 4.7%, respectively, and −15.1% and −4.6% for deletions. The premia have been growing over time, peaking in 2000, and declining since then. The implied price elasticity of demand increases with firm size and decreases with idiosyncratic risk, supporting theoretical predictions. We also introduce a new concept that we label the index turnover cost, which represents a hidden cost borne by index funds (and the indexes themselves) due to the index premium. We illustrate this cost and estimate its lower bound as 21-28 bp annually for the S&P 500 and 38-77 bp annually for the Russell 2000.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of cross-border venture capital (VC) performance using a large sample of 10,205 cross-border VC investments by 1906 foreign VC firms (VCs) in 6535 domestic portfolio companies. We focus on the impact of a domestic country's economic freedom on the performance of both VC investments and portfolio companies using a probit model and the Cox hazard model. After controlling for other related factors of domestic countries, portfolio companies, VCs and the global VC market, as well as year and industry fixed effects, we find that a domestic country's economic freedom is crucial to cross-border VC performance. In particular, in a more economically free country, as measured by the raw values of, quartiles of or the ranking in the index of economic freedom (IEF), a foreign VC-backed portfolio company is more likely to pull off a successful exit through an IPO (initial public offering) or an M&A (merger and acquisition), and a foreign VC firm is likely to spend a shorter investment duration in the portfolio company. We also identify interesting evidence on the impact of many other level factors of domestic countries, portfolio companies, VCs and the global VC market on cross-border VC performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates information transfer effects of bond rating downgrades measured by equity abnormal returns for industry portfolios. Industry rivals can be subject to two opposing effects, the contagion effect and the competition effect. We find that the net effect is strongly dependent on the original bond rating of the downgraded firm. For investment‐grade (speculative‐grade) firms, industry abnormal equity returns are negative (positive), which implies a predominant contagion (competition) effect. The analysis reveals a rich pattern of positive and negative correlations across negative credit events, which can be used to improve our understanding of portfolio credit risk models.  相似文献   

Since 2000, Business Ethics magazine has published a list of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens. Our event study finds significant positive abnormal returns for new companies added to the annual listing on the press release date of the survey, both initially and in subsequent survey releases. Over longer holding periods, the top 100 companies consistently outperform the S&P 500, yet are not significantly different from a matched set of companies, with the exception of the initial survey year (2000). However, a rebalancing strategy based on new additions outperforms both the S&P 500 and a matched portfolio.  相似文献   

Compensation contracts including incentive instruments not only provide executives with positive incentives to increase shareholder wealth, but also create a negative value-dilution effect for existing shareholders. This study investigates this dilemma by conducting a benefit-cost analysis under a proposed structural form valuation framework. Our design mechanism shows that, given their firms’ current capital structure, shareholders are always capable of designing an optimal compensation contract to maximize their wealth. Due to the different research issue and assumptions, unlike findings of most previous studies, our model proposes that in a firm with a higher leverage ratio shareholders should provide a contract with higher incentive intensity for managers, and this proposition is supported by the empirical analyses which examine the sample of S&P index firms over the period 1992-2006 after adopting an updated fixed effects model.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the investment value of security analyst recommendations on constituent stocks of the S&P/ASX 50 index. We find that stocks with favourable (unfavourable) recommendations on average outperformed (underperformed) the benchmark index. An investment strategy using the Black–Litterman asset allocation model that incorporates consensus analyst recommendations, in conjunction with daily rebalancing, outperforms the market in terms of return and risk‐adjusted performance measures. The investment strategy involves high levels of trading, and no significant abnormal returns are achieved after transaction costs. Less frequent rebalancing, under most situations, causes a decrease in both performance and turnover. Filtering of dated recommendations causes an increase in turnover, while having mixed effects on investment returns.  相似文献   

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