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We calculate abnormal stock returns for Japanese non-financial companies around major events associated with the banking crisis (1995–2000), and find that not all companies were equally sensitive to the malaise of the banking sector: the most affected were small, leveraged, low-tech companies with low credit ratings and low market to book ratios. This is consistent with “credit crunch” theories (companies with limited access to financial markets are sensitive to changes in bank lending) and with claims that innovation is rarely financed by bank debt. We do not find much evidence on the alleged misallocation of loans to support ailing bank clients.  相似文献   

Existing empirical studies provide little support for the theoretical prediction that market makers rebalance their inventory through revisions of quoted prices. This study provides evidence that the NYSE's specialist does engage in significant inventory rebalancing, but only when not constrained by the affirmative obligation to provide liquidity imposed by the Price Continuity rule. The evidence also suggests that such obligations are associated with better market quality, but impose significant costs on the specialist. The specialist mitigates these costs through discretionary trading when the rule is not binding. These findings shed light on how exchange rules affect market makers’ behavior and market quality.  相似文献   

We perform variance ratio tests based on non-parametric methods to detect the size of the random walk component of the US art auction prices. The past 134 years of the US art prices exhibit large transitory component (72%) and based on this, the random walk hypothesis does not hold. However, possibly due to sparse data before 1935 or due to institutional changes of the art market after World War II, we detect structural breakpoints and find that the random walk hypothesis and the weak-form efficiency of the US art market cannot be rejected at least for the past 64 years.  相似文献   

The NYSE extended its trading hours on September 30, 1985, by opening at 9:30 a.m. rather than at 10:00 a.m. Whereas the market closure models predict that the extension would result in lower relative volume and return variability at the open, the strategic trading models predict that the opening volume and return variability would remain relatively the same. Evidence around the extension suggests that the relative opening volume and return variability declined initially but increased gradually to their pre‐extension levels. This evidence favors the strategic trading model explanation of the heightened opening volume.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants and consequences of broker-hosted investor conferences. We find the number of brokers hosting a firm at conferences is positively related to institutional ownership and intangible assets, consistent with greater client demand for management access among hard-to-value firms. Younger firms and those that issue equity in the future attend more conferences, suggesting firms view conference participation as a means to enhance investor recognition. Hosting brokers are rewarded with increased commission revenue. Commission share increases by 0.61% during the conference week, with larger increases following more informative conference disclosures. Firms also benefit from conference participation. In the subsequent year, conference firms are followed by an additional 0.34 analysts, undergo a 6% reduction in bid-ask spread, and experience a 0.03 increase in Tobin?s q.  相似文献   

Using a database of stock lending fees for Japanese centralized margin transactions, I show that short‐sales constraints reduce the adjustment speed of stock prices to negative information before the announcements of revised earnings forecasts disclosed by firms in the Tokyo Stock Exchange from July 1998 to December 2001. I find that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of the stocks with high short‐sales costs are insensitive to negative information on pre‐announcement days, but the CARs of these stocks become significantly lower than the CARs of the stocks with low short‐sales costs when the announcements reveal negative information to the public.  相似文献   

We reexamine investor tendency to overweight recent experiences when predicting future performance of firms by examining a sample of firms making private equity placements. Our findings are consistent with the projection argument that investors use the recent experiences of other firms to predict the success of placing firms. Specifically, we find that the placements preceded by a larger number of recently very successful firms are associated with the significantly more favorable market reaction to the placement announcement and significantly poorer post‐placement stock price performance.  相似文献   

This paper uses intra-day data for the period 2002 through 2008 to examine the intensity, direction, and speed of impact of US macroeconomic news announcements on the return, volatility and trading volume of three important commodities - gold, silver and copper futures. We find that the response of metal futures to economic news surprises is both swift and significant, with the 8:30 am set of announcements - in particular, nonfarm payrolls and durable goods orders - having the largest impact. Furthermore, announcements that reflect an unexpected improvement in the economy tend to have a negative impact on gold and silver prices; however, they tend to have a positive effect on copper prices. In comparison, realized volatility and volume for all three metals are positively influenced by economic news. Finally, there is evidence that several news announcements exert an asymmetric impact on market activity variables.  相似文献   

The August 1998 Hong Kong government intervention in the stock market offers a natural experiment for studying the relation between a free float and market liquidity, where a free float is the portion of listed share capital that is freely traded on the market. Our findings show that, relative to a group of control stocks, there was an increase in the price effects of trades for the 33 Hang Seng Index component stocks that were bought by the government. On the other hand, there was no clear cross‐sectional relation between the change in the price effect and the magnitude of government holdings or the decrease in the free float.  相似文献   

We document asymmetric announcement effects of consumer sentiment news on United States stock and stock futures markets. While a negative market effect occurs upon the release of bad sentiment news, there is no market reaction for the counterpart good news. This supports the “negativity effect” hypothesis. Notably, this effect seems most likely to occur in salient stocks, which is consistent with the availability heuristic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we set out to investigate the information content of options trading using a unique dataset to examine the predictive power of the put and call positions of different types of traders in the TAIEX option market. We find that options volume, as a whole, carries no information on TAIEX spot index changes. On the other hand, however, although foreign institutional investors do not engage in much trading, there is strong evidence to show that the trading in which they do engage has significant predictive power on the underlying asset returns. We also find that foreign institutional investors have greater predictive power with regard to in near-the-money and middle-horizon options.  相似文献   

We examine three major U.S. corporate bond market indices for calendar-based anomalies over the period 1982-2002. The analysis covers the entire corporate bond market and two broad industry classes: industrials and utilities. We find mixed support for the weekend effect in the overall bond index and the industrials index and to a lesser extent in the utilities index. We also show strong evidence of a January effect. This paper not only updates the study of corporate bond market anomalies through the period 2002 but also is the first examination based on broad industry classes.  相似文献   

This study follows the approach of Ni et al. [Ni, S.X., Pan, J., Poteshman, A.M., 2008. Volatility information trading in the option market. Journal of Finance 63, 1059–1091] – based upon the vega-weighted net demand for volatility – to determine whether volatility information exists within the Taiwan options market. Our empirical results show that foreign institutional investors possess the strongest and most direct volatility information, which is realized by the delta-neutral options/futures trades. In addition, a few individual investors (less than 1% of individuals’ trades) might be informed and realize their volatility information using the strangle strategy. Surprisingly, we find no evidence to support the predictive ability of the volatility demand from straddle trades, despite the widespread acknowledgement that such trades are sensitive to volatility.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of the price information transfer when stock and futures markets switch between different price trading phases is examined. This is undertaken by decomposing Australian stock indexes and share price index futures contract data into bear- and bull-market phases and analyzing the change in the power of the bidirectional information feedback between the futures market and small, medium, and large stocks. Results support the hypothesis that the nature of the price-discovery process varies with the trading phase. In particular, during the bull phase small stocks show a marked increase in price exogeneity and futures prices contain relatively less price-sensitive fundamental information. We argue that in bull phases, futures trading becomes increasingly associated with noninformation trading such as realizing paper profits, portfolio rebalancing, and increased noise trading.  相似文献   

Previous research documents that volatility decreases after reverse stock splits. I show that measurement effects bias observed volatility, especially for lower priced stocks. Based on observed returns, volatility decreases 25% after reverse splits. Controlling for bid–ask bounce, volatility still decreases for stocks with prices above $5.00. However, for stocks below $2.00, volatility increases slightly. The portion of observed volatility attributable to measurement effects declines as the stock price increases and as the minimum tick size decreases. Finally, there is a significant and positive cross‐sectional relation between changes in the number of trades and changes in volatility after reverse splits.  相似文献   

We show that the majority of quotes posted by NASDAQ dealers are noncompetitive and only 19.5% (18.4%) of bid (ask) quotes are at the inside. The percentage of dealer quotes that are at the inside is higher for stocks with wider spreads, fewer market makers, and more frequent trading, and lower for stocks with larger trade sizes and higher return volatility. These results support our conjecture that dealers have greater incentives to be at the inside for stocks with larger market‐making revenues and smaller costs. Dealers post large depths when their quotes are at the inside and frequently quote the minimum required depth when they are not at the inside. The latter quotation behavior leads to the negative intertemporal correlation between dealer spread and depth.  相似文献   

Similarly priced stocks move together. Stocks that undergo splits experience an increase in comovement with low-priced stocks and a decrease in their comovement with high-priced stocks. Price-based comovement is not explained by economic fundamentals, firm size, or changes in liquidity or information diffusion. The shift in comovement following splits is greater for large stocks, high-priced stocks, and when investor sentiment is high. In the full cross-section, price-based portfolios explain variation in stock-level returns after controlling for movements in the market and industry portfolios as well as portfolios based on size, book-to-market, transaction costs, and return momentum. The results suggest that investors categorize stocks based on price.  相似文献   

We examine the stock price reaction to seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) of closed‐end funds and the determinants of the issuance decision. We find that sample funds have negative and significant average announcement‐day returns that are less than the returns associated with industrial firm SEOs, most likely because funds have fewer information asymmetries. Issuing funds have higher pre‐issue returns, higher premiums, lower betas, and lower three‐year, post‐issue returns than nonissuing funds. The results of the study are consistent with the argument that fund managers time issues to take advantage of mean reversion in fund returns.  相似文献   

The increases in volatility after stock splits have long puzzled researchers. The usual suspects of discreteness and bid‐ask spread do not provide a complete explanation. We provide new clues to solve this mystery by examining the trading of when‐issued shares that are available before the split. When‐issued trading permits noise traders to compete with a more homogenous set of traders, decreasing the volatility of the stock before the split. Following the split, these noise traders reunite in one market and volatility increases. Thus, the higher volatility after the ex date of a stock split is a function of the introduction of when‐issued trading, the new lower price level after the split date, and the increased activity of small‐volume traders around a stock split.  相似文献   

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