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一、英国的住房保障制度英国是资本主义国家中福利制度发展最早的一个国家,是住房问题产生最早也是政府干预最早的国家。英国的住房保障模式倡导公民普遍地享受住房福利,国家担负保障公民住房福利的职责。[第一段]  相似文献   

城乡住房作为居民的基本生活条件,就其可得性、享用性和流通性三个方面,对个人福利具有重要影响。政府和市场在这三个方面的不同的、合理的作用能够保证住房对个人福利影响的公平和效率。在目前城乡住房体系中,由于市场和政府作用不同程度的到位与缺位,住房对城乡个人福利效益,从可得性、享用性和流通性方面看存在着很大的差异。  相似文献   

一"、福利住房"政策的再提出"福利住房"政策,并不是指传统意义上的具有特殊津贴性质的"公司福利住房",更不是计划经济时期的"福利住房",而是采用福利经济学中对于福利的定义,是指能够促进社会总效用增长的住房类型,这一住房类型也就是传统的经济适用房和廉租房等保障性住房,其相对应的住房政策也就是传统的保障性住房政策。  相似文献   

赵凯 《中国房地产》2012,(11):44-45
一"、福利住房"政策的再提出"福利住房"政策,并不是指传统意义上的具有特殊津贴性质的"公司福利住房",更不是计划经济时期的"福利住房",而是采用福利经济学中对于福利的定义,是指能够促进社会总效用增长的住房类型,这一住房类型也就是传统的经济适用房和廉租房等保障性住房,其相对应的住房政策也就是传统的保障性住房政策。政策的制定与实施应当突出公民能够平等  相似文献   

李雪 《上海房地》2024,(2):37-40
发展租赁住房、采取租购并举的措施是当前我国住房深化改革的重点内容。国外住房租赁发展较早,大多已形成了完备的租赁住房体系。本文通过对英国、德国、美国发展租赁住房经验的梳理与分析,发现其在供给、租金管制以及行业管理方面对我国租赁住房发展具有借鉴意义。通过增加租赁住房供应量、建立租金监管体系以及加强行业监管,可以进一步解决我国租赁住房发展中出现的问题。  相似文献   

我国住房租赁市场的发展严重滞后于住房交易市场,大力推进住房租赁市场的建设,不仅有利于形成住房梯级消费,还有助于丰富、完善房地产市场体系和市场结构,从广度和深度上推进市场化改革。通过对租买选择无差异、租金和投资关系的分析以及信息不对称与福利经济学理论的阐述,在借鉴国外住房租赁市场成功发展经验的基础上,从加强房地产市场体系与制度建设、多元化的市场供给、市场平台的搭建、市场环境的营造、市场监管等方面对推进我国住房租赁市场的建设提出对策建议。  相似文献   

我国住房租赁市场的发展严重滞后于住房交易市场,大力推进住房租赁市场的建设,不仅有利于形成住房梯级消费,还有助于丰富、完善房地产市场体系和市场结构,从广度和深度上推进市场化改革。通过对租买选择无差异、租金和投资关系的分析以及信息不对称与福利经济学理论的阐述,在借鉴国外住房租赁市场成功发展经验的基础上,从加强房地产市场体系与制度建设、多元化的市场供给、市场平台的搭建、市场环境的营造、市场监管等方面对推进我国住房租赁市场的建设提出对策建议。  相似文献   

我国城镇住房供应体系总体经历了由住房实物福利分配到住房市场化供应再到住房市场与住房保障“两个体系”并重的阶段。期间,经济适用住房和普通商品住房先后成为住房供应体系的主体,此后住房保障品种发生了较大调整。当前,我国房地产市场供需关系发生重大变化,中央提出“三大工程”,尤其在顶层设计上增加配售型保障性住房供给,也为下一步做好住房和房地产工作指明了路径。基于历史沿革的梳理,本文以现状和问题为导向,对新形势下完善住房供应体系提出了加快住房领域立法、明晰顶层设计、规范住房租赁市场、设计适应特殊人群需求的住房产品等针对性政策建议。  相似文献   

上海廉租房保障体系建设的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏玮  李云婷 《企业经济》2008,(1):139-141
寻找怎样的切入点,才能使廉租房体系切实保障低收入阶层的住房福利,一直是困扰政府部门的难题。上海廉租房建设开展较早,从其经验中可以看到,目前我国廉租房体系中存在廉租对象覆盖面过窄、融资渠道单一、房源供给空间有限三大突出问题。政府部门应该完善廉租房家庭动态监管机制、开辟多元化商业融资渠道等,建立起一整套以保障低收入阶层的住房福利为目的的廉租房体系。  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展的变迁,指导西方国家构建住房保障政策体系的思路经历了一些变迁。在工业化初期,大量无产阶级无房可住或居住简陋所带来的稳定与发展问题较为突出,西方国家主要采取集中安置产业工人的方式提供住房服务;二战结束后建设福利国家的时期,各种社会保障所引发的福利与效率争论较为激烈,较多国家主要采取大规模新建保障性住房的方式提供住房福利;20世纪90年代以来,住房保障衍生了诸多社会问题,权利与责任成为争议焦点,西方国家更加强调政府和保障对象双方的责任,在具体方式上则主要采取货币补贴、混合居住等手段。  相似文献   

Welfare-state transformation and entrepreneurial urban politics in Western welfare states since the late 1970s have yielded converging trends in the transformation of the dominant Fordist paradigm of social housing in terms of its societal function and institutional and spatial form. In this article I draw from a comparative case study on two cities in Germany to show that the resulting new paradigm is simultaneously shaped by the idiosyncrasies of the country's national housing regime and local housing policies. While German governments have successively limited the societal function of social housing as a legitimate instrument only for addressing exceptional housing crises, local policies on providing and organizing social housing within this framework display significant variation. However, planning and design principles dominating the spatial forms of social housing have been congruent. They may be interpreted as both an expression of the marginalization of social housing within the restructured welfare housing regime and a tool of its implementation according to the logics of entrepreneurial urban politics.  相似文献   

We develop a general equilibrium model of residential choice and study the effects of two housing aid policies, public housing units and housing vouchers. Land is differentiated by both residential accessibility and local public goods, and the provision levels of local public goods are determined by property tax revenues and neighborhood compositions. Households differ in their incomes and preferences for local public goods. Housing aid policies are financed by general income taxes. We discuss how the location of public housing units is a fundamental policy variable, in addition to the numbers and sizes of units, and argue that vouchers not only cause less distortion for social welfare compared to public housing, but may also improve overall welfare.  相似文献   

张强  刘洪银 《城市问题》2011,(10):53-59
以北京市郊区为例,分析了都市郊区农村劳动力转移就业进入"转移后"新阶段的特点,提出这一阶段政策的着力点应是推进就业及社会服务方面的城乡一体化,为城乡劳动力提供均等的以住房福利和社会保障为主要内容的公共福利与服务,巩固农村劳动力转移就业成果。  相似文献   

Growth rate differentials between local governments are used to reveal preferences over local-spending policies when fiscal tastes vary according to income and housing tenure and are constrained by local budgets and housing markets. Conditions are derived which indicate whether or not a locally financed fiscal expansion is desirable according to a generalized utilitarian social welfare function. The setting for the empirical work is Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

In the early stages of welfare planning, the Kuwaiti state restricted equal access to its housing programs in neighborhoods outside the city. The subsequent demographic shift, caused by a Kuwaiti exodus to the ‘suburbs' and non‐Kuwaiti urban labor migration, prompted calls for housing schemes to encourage city living for citizens. Georges Candilis's proposal for a residential neighborhood in Kuwait City emerged from this context. This article examining Candilis's unrealized project also offers a critical perspective on Kuwait's unbalanced housing policies. From this analysis, it draws observations on the role of architects and their limited impact on policies established by decision‐making networks within the welfare state. Seen from this perspective, the Candilis project bears witness to broader socio‐economic agendas that privileged some groups while marginalizing or excluding others.  相似文献   

刘亮  李世蓉 《价值工程》2009,28(8):9-12
2008年以来我国房地产市场进入低谷,中央到地方出台的一系列楼市新政策都将住房保障建设放在首位,但目前成都市保障性住房建设还存在诸多问题。分析了成都市保障性住房建设的市场和环境,提出目前成都市保障性住房建设力度较弱,应当加快住房保障建设和完善住房保障体系。在借鉴美国和日本保障性住房制度的基础上,结论认为:成都市住房保障建设应向以政府为主体的方向发展,设置保障性住房的退出制;并提出廉租房和经济适用房根据区域进行建设的建议。  相似文献   

解决中低收入人群的基本住房问题是实现社会公平的基本国策之一。为了有效地实施保障性安居工程,通过构建数学模型研究在财政补贴率相同的条件下,住房消费补贴与住房供给补贴的成交价格、成交量与社会福利情况,可以发现这两者之间存在较大的差别,前者的成交价格、成交量和社会福利都高于后者,但前者比后者的财政补贴额更多。如果提高财政补贴率,那么前者成交价格会不断提高,而后者成交价格会不断降低,成交量都会呈现扩大趋势。成交价格、成交量和社会福利不但与财政补贴率及其补贴方式有关,也与住房的需求弹性和供给弹性有关。研究结论的政策意义在于,如果在政府财力有限、住房价格上涨压力较大的条件下,应当采用住房供给补贴;如果在政府财力相对宽松、住房价格上涨压力相对较小、依靠住房拉动经济增长的压力较大的条件下,则应当采用住房消费补贴,同时它还能实现公平与效率兼顾的目的。无论是采用住房消费补贴还是住房供给补贴,都应当增大供给弹性,减小需求弹性。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the housing issues of rural migrants arising from urbanization, with particular reference to chengzhongcun, a topic with considerable impact on policymaking. An attempt is made to understand the underlying rationale of self‐help in housing and the important role of chengzhongcun in sheltering rural migrants in the context of China's rural‐urban dichotomy. As demonstrated in this study, chengzhongcun accommodate, with little in the way of government resources and assistance, millions of rural migrants because of their social accessibility and affordability. While not denying their social problems, we argue that chengzhongcun in fact act as an innovative and positive agent to promote urbanization in present day China by housing massive numbers of rural migrants and assimilating them into cities. Current government policies towards chengzhongcun have generated a wide range of interest conflicts and confrontations. The consequences of such conflicts show that the government policies were problematic and unworkable, as they violated basic market principles as well as citizen rights. Policy strategy towards the redevelopment of chengzhongcun must acknowledge their credibility in the Chinese road to urbanization and requires more thoughtful and prudent consideration of migrants' demands for affordable housing.  相似文献   

This article adds historical and geographical specificity to the link between city building and laboratorization processes. It does so by way of the example of housing in mid‐twentieth‐century Britain. Housing provision at this time saw an intensification of the relationship between architectural design and science by way of the emergent field of building science as well as new social‐science studies of householder satisfaction. The article focuses on two examples of these housing sciences, tracing their role in the production of British modern housing. The first example focuses on a set of experiments conducted on ventilation and heating at Britain's Building Research Station. The second example examines the social science of a post‐occupancy study of multi‐storey flats in Glasgow. The article argues that mid‐twentieth‐century housing construction and provision was structured in and through a laboratory logic that had a complex geography and temporality. In the sciences of housing conducted during this period there is a conflation and hybridization of the space of the laboratory, the site of the house and the action of the experiment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare cost of rare housing disasters characterized by large drops in house prices. I construct an OLG general equilibrium model with recursive preferences and housing disaster shocks. The likelihood and magnitude of housing disasters are inferred from historical housing market experiences in the OECD. The model shows that despite the rarity of housing disasters, Canadian households would willingly give up 6 percent of their non-housing consumption each year to eliminate the housing disaster risk. The welfare evaluation of this risk, however, varies considerably across age groups. The risk translates into a welfare loss of as much as 16 percent of annual non-housing consumption for the old, but a welfare gain of 2 percent for the young. This asymmetry stems from the fact that, compared to the old, younger households suffer less from house price declines in disaster periods, due to smaller holdings of housing assets, and benefit from lower house prices in normal periods, due to the negative price effect of disaster risk.  相似文献   

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