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从金融稳定性透视公允价值会计对欧洲银行业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从2005年起,欧洲的上市公司(包括银行)都必须采用国际会计准则(IAS)编制和呈报合并财务报表。这些准则,特别是它们所提出的对金融工具的计价方法,将会对欧洲银行业产生重大影响。本文回顾了目前存在的争论和在银行业中推广公允价值会计所带来的影响,并通过考察来自银行业以外的冲击如何根据新准则在财务报表中  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发了一场全球金融危机.在这场金融危机中.公允价值的运用也引起了很多的问题。这也暴露了金融监管力度的不足.金融机构的有效监管是保证会计信息质量的重要手段。资本市场的不断发展与成熟.会计信息也开始向相关性倾斜.进一步了推动了公允价值的运用。但金融危机的出现.金融监管的审l滇要求与公允价值计量的顺周期效应要求存在很大的冲突。因此.金融监管机构就必须与会计准则定制机构作进一步的沟通与协调。并在此背景下.探讨金融审慎监管视角下的公允价值会计问题。  相似文献   

一、金融工具会计准则制定与公允价值计量 (一)相关性与可靠性之争会计作为一个信息系统,其主要目标是为利益相关各方进行经济决策提供信息支持.而这些会计信息必须符合一定的质量要求,即会计信息的质量特征.  相似文献   

公允价值计量对我国银行业的影响分析   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:47  
在公允价值计量是大势所趋的背景下,本文从理论上分析了公允价值计量对银行业以及金融稳定性的影响与冲击,并结合我国金融工具会计准则的颁布与实施,探讨了公允价值计量对我国银行业的预期影响。本文的分析表明,公允价值计量所涉及的重要概念以及许多实际重大问题还没有得以完全解决,并且它的实施确实会对银行业乃至整个金融体系产生重大影响和冲击。  相似文献   

本文通过比较公允价值会计和传统会计在具体的操作方法和考量范围方面的不同之处,来探讨使用公允价值会计后对财务报告的影响,并对在企业管理的过程中,如何更有效地利用财务报告提出了一些探索性的建议.  相似文献   

公允价值会计和金融稳定研究——金融危机分析视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文基于金融危机的背景下,对公允价值与金融稳定之间关系进行研究。公允价值会计在金融加速器和资产市场混响效应的基础上引入会计加速器,使风险承担更具顺周期效应,这对金融系统的稳定产生了不利影响。本文在坚持公允价值会计的原则下,从金融市场稳定的角度,建立了一个理想信息框架。通过该框架,市场参与者,不仅能从微观层面上获得企业有关财务状况的估计、风险轮廓的估计和计量的不确定性等信息,而且还能从宏观层面上获得风险的相关性、风险传染的可能性及其系统风险等方面的信息。  相似文献   

公允价值会计发展与金融稳定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
司振强 《新金融》2007,(3):60-63
随着经济的发展,公允价值的信息相关性得到了普遍的认可,我国在2006年新颁布的会计准则体系中也引入了公允价值计量。但是,由于公允价值会计对金融稳定有着潜在的危害,从而受到金融监管当局的质疑。本文在深入研究公允价值会计对金融稳定的不利影响的基础上,对如何在保持金融稳定的前提下发展公允价值会计提出了积极的建议。  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部发布的新企业会计准则引入了公允价值计量的概念和方法,规定交易类金融资产负债和初始确认的其他金融资产负债,可按公允价值计量。以公允价值为基础是国际会计准则所采用的基本指导原则,也是目前国际上最为流行的计量属性。公允价值作为一种新的计量属性,最大的特征就是它来自于公平交易市场的确认,是一种有明显可观察性和决策相关性的会计信息,它能反映出金融资产和负债的真实价值,  相似文献   

主要探讨公允价值会计对财务报告体系和结构的影响。公允价值会计对财务报告的各要素都产生重大影响,从而影响保险公司财务报告本身。其中关键的因素是保险负债的评估,虽然保险责任准备金没有直接的市场价格,但是,只要构成保险责任准备金的各种要素反映了市场价格,就可以认为保险责任准备金具备了公允价值。在假设层面上,行业假设是假设市场...  相似文献   

当前,银行业金融机构在执行新会计准则过程中面临着诸多困难和问题。本文结合国内部分上市银行的各类信息和相关数据,分析研究全面引入公允价值计量属性后,对银行业金融机构及监管部门带来的影响,并提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

To Fair Value or Not to Fair Value: A Broader Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joshua Ronen 《Abacus》2008,44(2):181-208
Fair value is considered here with respect to the two primary objectives of financial statements proposed in the joint conceptual framework that is under development by the FASB and the IASB, namely (a) informativeness—to assist providers of capital in predicting, evaluating, and comparing the amounts, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows, and (b) stewardship—to assist in evaluating how efficient and effective managers have been in enhancing shareholders' value. More specifically, a comprehensive set of accounting measures and a set of corporate governance reforms intended to align corporate insiders' and auditors' behaviour and decisions with the interests of investors is outlined. Suggested reforms show how to present a mix of effectively historical quantifications, exit values, and the discounted values of future cash flows expected from the particularized use of combinations of assets within the firm. Additionally, the article describes how markets can be reformed in order to align the interests of the officers who prepare such accounts, and the auditors who certify them, with those of investors. These market-based reforms would require auditors to insure misrepresentations, and managers to take equity to induce truthful reporting. Also included is a radical extension to earlier proposals by the author, requiring an officer of the company to make the market in shares in a way that would place limits upon the value of the insider's private information.  相似文献   

现值和公允价值会计:21世纪财务变革的重要前提   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:48  
脱离或忽略现值和公允价值会计这一当代国际会计发展大趋势和重要的会计学前提(视角)来研究财务问题是不够全面和深刻的.价值是财务与会计的核心概念、本原逻辑和联结纽带;21世纪的财务变革正呼唤着"价值型会计模式"(即基于价值计量的现值和公允价值会计模式),并且这一模式是完全有可能实现的.  相似文献   

财务业务协同是信息时代企业管理流程改革的一种先进的模式,也是价值链会计管理的一个重要目标。事实上,在实现财务业务协同的过程中,价值链上利益相关者在不同程度上得到了价值的增值。本文以价值链管理理论为基础,从价值链会计管理的视角出发,阐述了利益相关者对财务业务协同所持有的不同态度,进而对丰富价值链会计管理理论和指导企业实践起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展和经济环境的变化,为适应世界经济一体化发展进程,财政部颁布了新企业会计准则,引进了国际会计惯例的公允价值计量,对我国的会计活动产生了巨大的影响.  相似文献   

报告实体资产和负债的公允价值变动,影响权益数额的变动,权益数额变动触发监管资本、资信评级、杠杆化以及去杠杆化、担保品价值的变动等,而这影响到报告实体对资产负债表的管理.文章分析了影响权益变动的渠道,以及危机中各渠道对权益影响的具体数额及比例.发现公允价值计价的变动对危机的作用,既不是中性的信息传递的"信使",也不是危机的最主要的根源.这有助于相关政策的制定以应对危机和其后会计制度的发展完善.  相似文献   

次贷危机背景下,对金融机构使用公允价值会计的讨论越来越多。支持者认为市场价格是资产机制的最有效估计;反对者则认为在危机时期,市场价格不是价值的最优体现,反而会导致更为严重的信息误导和顺周期效应。本文从动态减值准备的角度分析了银行等金融机构的公允价值计量优化,认为动态减值准备有助于提升信息透明度和减缓顺周期效应。  相似文献   

As a merger approaches, the value of repeat business for the target bank can drop sharply, so loan relationships between this bank and small businesses are often disrupted. Small firms sometimes experience serious value destruction as a consequence of this sudden lack of credit. This paper shows that lender liability may result from bank mergers and bankers involved in mergers often engage in aggressive, scorched‐earth defense tactics to discourage further litigation. I summarize six lender liability cases to illustrate these points. Bank mergers have been shown to reduce credit availability in a number of studies. Since small firms depend on credit for their daily existence, owners of small firms do have a reason to fear a merger of their bank with a larger institution. Analyzing merger effects with survey data of firms obtained after a bank merger, an empirical strategy used in a number of studies, raises problems since the only firms considered are the ones that survived the bank merger. Suggesting that the problem will cure itself in the long run, an argument advanced in other studies, ignores small firms' daily dependence on credit. In the long run we are all dead. Bank examiners need to evaluate an institution's litigation experience and measure a bank's organizational architecture – its ethical climate. Banks which are repeatedly involved in lender liability lawsuits should be denied future mergers until there is a change in organizational architecture. To assist in evaluating organizational architecture, banks should be required to report their litigation expense on their call reports. Furthermore, regulators should seriously consider the recent suggestion of Carow, Kane and Narayanan (2006) that they take steps to ensure that participants in bank mergers preserve target bank relationships. Otherwise negative effects on small business lending and economic growth will continue as bank consolidation proceeds.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between audit fees and both fair value exposure and changes in fair value of investment properties. The study is motivated by the limited and inconclusive evidence on the effect on audit fees of full fair value reporting for illiquid assets. Using hand‐collected data from the Australian real estate industry, we find a negative (positive) association between audit fees and fair value exposure (changes in fair value of investment properties). Our findings also indicate that the use of unobservable inputs in fair value estimates for investment properties does not significantly increase audit risk and audit fees. Further, we find that audit fees are higher for firms with fair values of investment – properties estimated by external and mixed valuers – compared to firms with fair values estimated by directors alone. This study enriches the audit fee literature by documenting auditors’ pricing decisions in an area that involves significant estimation and valuation risks.  相似文献   

公允价值审计问题介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国际会计准则中公允价值计量属性的大量运用,财务报表的确认、计量和呈报等方面均出现了与公允价值相关的要求,公允价值会计时代的到来已初露端倪。尽管如此,对公允价值会计的应用依然存在很多争议,其中争议最大的就是公允价值计量的可靠性问题。而如果公允价值计量可靠性较弱,对审计的冲击也会是很大的。如何对财务报表中的公允价值部分进行审计,并尽可能地规避审计风险,是审计人员无法回避的问题。国外的注册会计师职业组织对这一问题作了大量研究,公布了一系列研究报告和指南。尽管我国目前的会计准则中有关公允价值的规定已基本上被…  相似文献   

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