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众所周知,化纤已经取代棉花成为用量最大的纺织原料,而中国正是全球最大的化纤生产国.近几年中国化纤行业的超常规发展为纺织行业持续、稳定而健康地发展奠定了坚实的基础.然而,化纤产品的价格经常性地大幅波动,给纺织企业的生产、经营和成本控制造成了不少的麻烦,也使纺织企业的经营状况时好时坏.   ……  相似文献   

2月23日,纽约油价盘中上冲破百,继2008年10月之后首次冲上三位数大关。长期以来,化纤行业的原料绝大部分是石油衍生物,化纤原料市场价格与世界原油价格走势密切相关。因此,原油价格高涨会对化纤行业经济效益产生较大影响。在这样的背景下,加快技术进步以及开发新型原料等举措对促进化纤行业的可持续发展来说,就显得尤为重要和紧迫。  相似文献   

梁龙 《中国纺织》2010,(7):38-39
今年我国化纤行业的形势持续好转,主要是受原料价格的推动、下游需求的增加、产业结构的调整以及基数水平等因素的影响。随着化纤产能的快速恢复并持续扩张以及众多不确定因素的出现,特别是经济形势和下游纺织需求的不确定,下半年化纤是否依旧走俏,充满未知。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着中国化纤行业高速发展的是成长之痛,受原料成本高企、常规产品趋同性发展、下游纺织业景气程度下降等影响,许多化纤企业陷入为日益微薄的“蝇头小利”而挣扎的境地。差别化发展这一概念并非陌生,  相似文献   

去年岁末以来,国际市场原油价格不断上升。根据欧佩克2003年3月17日宣布的石油价格,3月14日7种市场原油一揽子平均价格为每桶32.33美元,再创2000年11月以来的单日油价的最高记录。  相似文献   

经过这几十年的发展,我国的化纤企业为纺织工业提供了价廉物美的化纤原料,已在国际竞争中赢得了国内市场空间,正在走向国际市场,化纤业面临着全新的发展机遇.  相似文献   

最近,化纤行业多种产品价格出现不同程度的上涨,行业开工率有所上升,部分产品及原料甚至出现脱销情况,市场一片热闹,化纤行业是否已经从金融危机的巨大影响中恢复过来,还有待进一步观察。原料价格持续走高金融危机引起去年下半年全球石油等大宗原材料价格的暴跌。去年12月中旬探明底部后,原油价格开始低位震荡盘整,今年2月下旬开始振荡上涨,4月底后上升有所加快,目前已达到近70美元/桶。  相似文献   

目前,中国已经成为世界化纤生产大国,然而,化纤原料高度依赖进口一直伴随着化纤工业成长,并成为制约行业发展的瓶颈。十二五期间内,原料瓶颈亟待突破。  相似文献   

为帮助上下游企业了解近期几个有代表性的原料市场上比较畅销的纱线品种,把握新品开发方向,《纺织服装周刊》特开设市场扫描栏目,每月一期,分析市场热销产品,力求把脉市场供求变化,以供企业参考,同时欢迎各地更多的原料市场提供相关信息。  相似文献   

孙娟 《中国纺织》2003,(11):26-26
2003年棉花年度伊始,国内棉花市场便出现了意想不到的“疯涨”。据统计,8月份的中国棉花价格指数(CC Index)平均为12943元/吨,9月CC Index平均为13545元/吨,上涨602元/吨,涨幅达4.65%,既而在“十一黄金周”短短7天后,10月8日的CCIndex(328)竟达到了15242元/吨,较9月29日上涨1135元/吨,涨幅高达8%,同时此价格比去年同期涨了49.41%。10月20日,CCIndex(328)达到高峰17123元/吨。是什么原因导致棉花价格又一次出现“井喷”行情?后期价格又将何去何从呢?  相似文献   

This paper reviews experience with policy reforms in the maize sector in Mexico, beginning in the 1980s with particular reference to impacts on price variability. It analyses Mexico’s transition from past price stabilization policies under a state-trading enterprise to market reforms implemented during the 1990s. The nature, extent, and costs to producers and consumers of maize policies is discussed for both the pre-reform and the reform periods. Although wide ranging reforms have been introduced, impacts on efficiency and fiscal outlays have been less than expected.  相似文献   

本文探讨了在物价变动的情况下 ,通过计提“增补折旧”或用“资产减值准备”账户对折旧额进行调整的会计方法 ,以期更合理地计算折旧费用 ,实现实体资本保全。  相似文献   

The term ‘corporatism’ simultaneously designates a particular interest group structure, characterized by monopolistic, centralized and internally non‐democratic associations, and a particular policy‐making process, also known as ‘concertation’ or ‘social partnership’. This paper argues that structure and process may no longer be closely associated. By focusing on the Irish and Italian cases, it shows that concertation is perfectly compatible with a non‐corporatist structure of the interest representation system. Inter‐ and intra‐organizational co‐ordination remains important for the viability of concertation. However, it can be achieved, even in relatively fragmented systems like the Irish and the Italian, through alternative mechanisms relying on democracy and discussion.  相似文献   

We analyze price dispersion using panel data from a large price comparison site. We use past pricing behavior to instrument for potential endogeneity of firms to select into certain product markets. Our main result is that greater price adjustment costs result in greater price dispersion even in e-commerce markets where price adjustment cost are thought to be negligible. Although the impact of price adjustment costs on price dispersion became weaker over time, the causal effect of price adjustment costs on price dispersion is still present at the end of our observation period. Our results are robust to many alternative empirical specifications. We also control for a range of alternative explanations of price dispersion, such as search cost, service differentiation, obfuscation, vertical restraints, and market structure.  相似文献   

U.S. federal and state governments rarely regulate healthcare price levels, but do regulate price changes for pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and health insurance. Previous research showed that limiting price increases can raise launch prices and reduce both profit and social welfare, assuming consumers are myopic. We show that with forward-looking consumers, limiting price increases can have the opposite effect, that is, launch prices fall while profit and social welfare rise. Ironically, inflation regulation can cause inflation to rise, but only because firms are reducing launch prices to make the regulation bind and credibly commit to future prices.  相似文献   

Adi Karev 《国际石油经济》2011,19(5):15-18,111
当前,石油公司管理者需要应对"地缘政治风险影响油价的新范式"。这种新范式由一系列新的动态因素组合而成,与供需关系相比,这些动态因素对于油价更具有支配意义。当前影响油价的几大新的地缘政治要素有:对改善政治经济环境的诉求,全球"咽喉要塞"的风险溢价,海盗行动策略的转变,新地理实体的建立,非常规天然气大发展等变革性事件,以及地缘战略区的争端。面对复杂多变的地缘政治风险,通过采用战略灵活性工具进行风险管理,能源公司在任何情景下都能够制定成功的战略,并在面对国际社会发生某些特定变化时,拥有多种有效的行动选择。  相似文献   

With the help of a simple analytical model we are able to analyze and to further clarify the conditions for collusive price leadership as they were originally devised by Jesse Markham. Within the confines of this model we show how collusion increases price-cost margins, but at the same time decreases concentration in the industry.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigate the Generalized Second Price (GSP) auction used to sell advertising positions in online search engines. Two contrasting click through rates (CTRs) are studied, under both static complete and dynamic incomplete information settings. Subjects consistently bid above the Vikrey–Clarke–Grove's (VCG) like equilibrium favored in the theoretical literature. However, bidding, at least qualitatively, satisfies the contrasting outcomes predicted under the two CTRs. For both CTRs, outcomes under the static complete information environment are similar to those in later rounds of the dynamic incomplete information environment. This supports the theoretical literature that uses the static complete information model as an approximation to the dynamic incomplete information under which advertising positions are allocated in field settings.  相似文献   

工程量清单计价模式在我国当前的工程项目中得到普遍应用,综合单价作为工程量清单计价的重要组成部分,如何准确合理确定综合单价成为投标人投标报价时需要解决的关键问题。文章主要研究分析了综合单价的具体构成,阐述了综合单价中所包含的风险因素,提出了综合单价所含风险量化分析的基本思想和方法,综合考虑了投标人可能采取的不平衡报价策略对综合单价的影响。这为投标人更加准确合理的确定综合单价提供了一定参考依据,从而有助于投标人总体报价水平的提高。  相似文献   

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