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王加华 《中国农史》2008,27(1):32-40
本文从生态适应性的角度探讨环境、耕牛、人之间的关系。由于受环境的限制,近代江南地区的耕牛数量严重不足。基于此,围绕着耕牛的饲育与役用问题产生了一系列的社会关系与社会过程,受农事节律的影响,这种社会关系与过程又表现出很强的季节性特点:春天是备耕的时节,因而也是耕牛交易的高涨时期,迫于需要,许多农家只好以高利贷的形式赊购耕牛;农忙时分,为保证农业生产的顺利进行,贫穷之家则通过租借等方式以获取牛力投入;农闲时分,为节省饲料等费用,许多农家便把耕牛卖掉。而在这一过程中。小农户表现得尤为明显。  相似文献   

This paper develops a test for disposability of individual inputs based on non‐radial efficiency measures. Furthermore, the paper analyses the impact of congestion on overall technical efficiency for individual inputs. The application uses panel data from Dutch cash crop farms over the period 1989–1992. A significant difference between the efficiency measures under different assumptions on input disposability is detected by a t‐test, indicating that all inputs are weakly disposable. Analysis of the composition of overall technical efficiency reveals that weak disposability constitutes the largest component of inefficiency. Moreover, congested farms on average have a less effective management and operate on a larger, though less efficient, production scale.  相似文献   

The study authors investigate consumer reactivity to social and health concerns, social farm food’s perceived quality, and whether these attitudes can be expected to influence their behavioral intention with regard to these products. Data were collect on a convenience sample (N?=?361) via a questionnaire. Five hypotheses, concerning the relationships between social consciousness, health consciousness, social farm food perceived quality, and consumer behavioral intention, were tested via a structural equation model. The results indicate that both social consciousness and health consciousness have a positive impact on social farm food perceived quality. Consumer behavioral intention is directly influenced only by health consciousness but indirectly by both social and health consciousness, via the attribute of social farm food perceived quality. The findings depict a particular reactivity of potential consumers. The study provides a general outline of questions or studies that might be useful in the future.  相似文献   

A stochastic frontier production function is used to investigate the prospect to bring China's grain production and productivity to higher levels using a panel data set on 30 provinces from 1987–92. Given an irreversible trend of declining agricultural land, the only feasible way to raise total grain output is to increase land productivity if China does not want to rely on large-scale imports to feed her huge and still growing population. Considerable regional differences in grain yields suggest that there is still a vast potential for raising grain output. The short term solution is to use more land-augmenting inputs such as fertilisers and irrigation in the medium and low yield regions. However, the law of diminishing returns is in operation as more physical inputs are applied to shrinking land. Growth in grain output in the long term must rely on improvements in technical efficiency.  相似文献   

The UK Brexit vote triggered a new wave of policy developments for a future outside the EU. In this context, we analyse the business performance of English hill and upland farms, characterised by marginal economic conditions but also high nature value (HNV). The analysis aims to help identify farm-level management and policy options for greater economic, environmental and social sustainability. Business performance is measured as technical efficiency and the occurrence and persistence of abnormal profits, estimated through stochastic frontier analysis and static and dynamic panel-data methods. The results help indicate rationales for recent trends including farm enlargement, farm family diversification, and agri-environment scheme entry. The single farm payment is found to be negatively associated with farm technical efficiency while agri-environmental subsidies were positively associated to short-term farm profitability. Farm adaptation and resilience during a period of likely turbulence in external circumstances is discussed in light of these findings, as well as potential parallels with marginal HNV areas across Europe.  相似文献   

海南农垦天然橡胶的生产效率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过调查海南农垦天然橡胶生产投入产出状况和管理水平,使用数据包络方法,研究了海南农垦天然橡胶生产各生产要素投入产出能力和效率层次。结果发现:海南农垦天橡胶生产效率存在有效和弱效2个层次,其中有效层次是主要的,弱效层次是次要的,且弱效DMU的生产潜力可以挖掘;建议实行橡胶生产分层次管理、全面革新生产技术体系和加快培养橡胶技术人才。  相似文献   

增加农民收入的关键:扩大非农就业机会   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
本文详尽分析了农民务农收入变化规律并评价了主要农业政策的可能影响,通过计算认为今后一个时期内需要转移出大量农业劳动力,进而认为在公共政策层面上提高农民务农劳动收入的关键是扩大和统一劳动力市场,最终目标是大规模转移农业劳动力。为此,政府应当把工作重心放在扩大就业,创造更多的非农就业机会;逐步消除劳动力转移的各种制度性障碍;增加对农村教育支出的比重,加强义务教育、职业教育和就业技能培训,为农民抓住和创造就业机会提供现实可能性。  相似文献   

Family farming provides employment but we are not seeing a trend toward more paid agricultural workers. However, family farming appears to be the best way of maintaining a dynamic rural milieu and helping to establish the preconditions for the development of rural employment. In addition, a family farming structure creates a demand for off-farm (rural) employment for family members who want to use their time more profitably. Traditionally, rural communities were built around farming. Today, farming families depend upon employment in rural communities. The changing interdependent relationship may provide a new creative synergy.  相似文献   

We use a non‐parametric approach to investigate the (inverse) relationship between farm productivity and farm size. A kernel regression is used on data of mixed cropping systems to study the determinants of production including different factors that have been identified in literature as missing variables in the testing of the inverse relationship such as soil quality, location and household heterogeneity. Household data on farm activities and crop production were gathered from 640 households in 2007 in two Northern provinces of Burundi. Our results do not reject the findings of an inverse relationship between farm size and productivity. However, we find that size returns vary substantially with farm size, that is, between 0.2 for the smallest farms and 0.8 for the largest farms. Other factors that significantly affect production include soil quality. Finally, we find a significant positive association between food security and farm size.  相似文献   

This article tests the relationships among formalised property rights, land tenure contracts and productive efficiency in farming. Using four rounds of panel data from 230 rice farms in the Philippines, we measure the effects of land tenure arrangements on farm efficiency using a stochastic production frontier model. We test for the allocative efficiency of observed land rental markets. We also test how land tenure security affects farmers' investment decisions. Results suggest that, despite the presence of formalised titles, the rental market remains inefficient at allocating land. In contrast, the unformalised tenure contracts used by farmers appear to provide tenure security.  相似文献   

In the leading explanations for the oft‐observed inverse relationship (IR) between farm size and productivity in developing country agriculture, labour market imperfections have commonly occupied a central role. However, an emerging literature suggests that disparities in technical or allocative efficiency may be driving productivity differentials. Using nationally‐representative panel data from Nicaragua, we develop and employ a four‐stage empirical framework to simultaneously test the competing explanations for the IR. While efficiency differences exert a significant impact on all productivity indicators, their explanatory power is insufficient to rule out labour market imperfections as the driving force behind the relationship.  相似文献   

典型家庭农场组织化程度对生产效率的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现阶段中国农业生产仍属于高投入、低效率的粗放模式,粮食安全缺乏可持续性.研究不同规模下不同组织形式的家庭农场生产效率,有助于揭示在中国农业高质量发展阶段中通过转变农业经营组织形式提高粮食生产效率,保障国家粮食安全的新路径.本文利用湖北武汉、安徽郎溪等地家庭农场的问卷调查数据,采用三阶段DEA方法比较纯种植与种养结合两类...  相似文献   

本文以福建省三明市葡萄、提子种植家庭农场为研究对象,以调查统计为基础,采用数据包络分析(DEA)为工具,采用超效率DEA模型,对三明市葡提类家庭农场种植规模和效率进行了科学的分析,根据分析评价,对葡提类家庭农场如何增加收入,增加效益提出了相关的建议,以期对今后农户的生产经营提供帮助。  相似文献   

The terms farm crisis, agricultural crisis, and rural crisis have been invoked in political and policy discourse to characterize significant disruptions in or threats to rural–farm livelihoods. Although these expressions reflect a general sense of concern over the state of agriculture and rural existence, they lack clear and concise meaning. Academic research and policy development are obfuscated by the lack of definitional consensus or, at minimum, some shared understanding of the core aspects of farm‐related crisis. Much of the debate revolves around four main themes: farm financial difficulties (low or unstable incomes, indebtedness, and increasing reliance on nonfarm revenue), structural changes in agriculture (increasing scale, concentration, and consolidation), rural livelihoods (dwindling communities, institutions, and services), and international dimensions (market fluctuations, trade regulations, and disputes). The examination of these interrelated levels of analysis offers a valuable framework for interpreting the multifold contexts, meanings, and responses to crisis. This paper explores varied representations of farm–agricultural crisis, with particular emphasis on the presumed causes (or precipitating factors), conditions, and related policies and programs. Les expressions ? crise agricole ? et ? crise rurale ? sont évoquées dans le discours politique pour caractériser des perturbations ou des menaces importantes aux moyens de subsistance en milieu rural et agricole. Bien que ces expressions traduisent certaines inquiétudes concernant la situation des secteurs agricole et rural, leur signification manque de clarté et de concision. Les chercheurs universitaires et les élaborateurs de politiques sont déconcertés par le manque de consensus définitionnel ou, du moins, par le manque de vision commune des aspects fondamentaux de la crise agricole. Une grande partie du débat tourne autour de quatre thèmes principaux: les difficultés financières de l’exploitation agricole (revenu faible ou instable, endettement et dépendance accrue aux revenus non agricoles); les changements structurels dans le secteur agricole (augmentation de l’échelle de production, concentration et regroupement); les moyens de subsistance en milieu rural (diminution du nombre de collectivités, d’institutions et de services); les dimensions internationales (fluctuations du marché, règlements concernant les échanges commerciaux, différends). L’examen de ces niveaux d’analyse interreliés offre un outil précieux pour interpréter les multiples contextes, significations et réactions aux crises. Le présent article analyse les diverses représentations de la crise dans le secteur agricole et se penche particulièrement sur les causes présumées (ou facteurs déclenchants), les conditions ainsi que les politiques et programmes connexes.  相似文献   

建国后我国用二十年左右时间扭转了持续千年的"南粮北调"局面,实现了长江以北降雨量较少区域的粮食持续增产.二十世纪八十年代初期联产承包制的顺利实施使全国粮食生产又上了一个台阶.二十世纪九十年代北方粮食继续增产,实现了"北粮南调"并有力地支持了东南沿海迅速增加的非农土地需求.我国种植业布局的战略性转移,表明了我国国土利用效率的不断提高.  相似文献   

With the 1996 Farm Act, the United States introduced payments that were designed to be "decoupled." Labor allocation choices are likely to be affected by receipt of payments, and income from off-farm jobs has been the major source of income for most farm households for sometime. This article examines whether the 1996 change has affected the off-farm labor participation of farm households. We conclude that the observed increase in off-farm participation of farm operators who received payments was not the result of the 1996 policy change. Government payments, whether coupled or decoupled, have a negative effect on off-farm labor participation.  相似文献   


In developing country production environment, farm production efficiency is often measured in terms of on-farm resources and producer characteristics. In this paper we postulate that input and output market related factors also influence farm production decisions hence its efficiency. Stochastic frontier production function was used to assess technical efficiency and its determinants including input and output market variables for a sample of 1962 pig farms in Vietnam with data collected in 1999. There are significant differences in production behavior and efficiency level between the North and the South, among farms producing different breeds, between mixed and specialized farms, between household and commercial farms, and among producers located in different agro-ecological regions. Access to better output market, land size, herd size, and education of household head significantly reduced inefficiency, while access to government supplied inputs, age of household head, female headed households and family supplied crude feeds significantly increased inefficiency in both the regions. The direction of influence on efficiency differs between the two regions for access to credit, proportion of output sold at market rather than at farm gate and family labor supply. Generally, market related factors had more consistent influence on production efficiency in the South of Vietnam where the experience of market economics is longer compared to the North. Policy actions on providing better extension, more timely access to better quality inputs through the private sector, making credit more easily accessible to smallholders and opportunity to sell output at better priced secondary markets are expected to increase productivity and reduce inefficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an analysis and modeling of farmers’ decision to convert a part of their annual crops area into woody crops: short rotation coppices (SRCs). Different criteria—technical, economic, and financial—are highlighted in the farmers’ decision to adopt this production. A farm‐level model is proposed and incorporates these decision criteria. The objective is to test several incentive scenarios to encourage risk‐averse cereal farmers to plant trees. A multiperiod model of investment is built and tests possible adoption by farmers based on financial and structural parameters and according to the outlook of agricultural markets. The simulations show that if the cash crop prices fluctuate in the future and if farmers are risk averse the strategy of on‐farm diversification toward woody crops under contractual arrangements could be relevant for farmers to mitigate the risks in the long run. Cet article présente une analyse et une modélisation de la décision d’un agriculteur céréalier qui souhaite convertir une partie de sa surface en grande culture en Taillis à Courte Rotation (TCR). Un modèle multi‐périodique d’investissement est construit et incorpore différents critères techniques, économiques et financiers qui entrent dans la décision d’adopter ces nouvelles cultures pérennes. Le modèle permet de tester le rôle de différents types de soutiens, proposés aujourd’hui dans le cadre de la Politique Agricole Commune européenne, permettant d’encourager les agriculteurs averses au risque à planter des arbres. Les simulations montrent que si les prix des grandes cultures annuelles fluctuent à l’avenir, si la plantation d’arbres est soutenue et si les agriculteurs sont averses au risque, la stratégie de se diversifier vers la plantation d’arbres à croissance rapide, sous contrat, peut permettre d’atténuer le risque à long terme.  相似文献   

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