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正亮点2017年,在深化改革方面,中国核工业第二二建设有限公司适时对组织机构进行调整,成立PPP事业部,恢复核电工程事业部,局部优化调整总部部门职能。市场开发方面,PPP业务已逐步成为公司发展的新引擎。民用房建项目仍是公司业务开发的主导。随着与中核五公司核电项目建安一体化合作模式的落地,核电竞争力进一步得到  相似文献   

本文主要针对准经营性PPP(Public-Private Partnership)项目融资模式进行研究。首先从PPP融资模式的意义、特点出发,引出准经营性PPP项目并概括了其特点。其次对国内外两个地铁PPP项目实施背景、特许经营权方案以及融资效果进行对比分析。最后总结出准经营性项目PPP模式实施存在的问题,并提出相应的...  相似文献   

李良艺  熊伟 《工程经济》2021,31(5):38-43
PPP模式缓解了地方政府的财政压力,提高了公共服务的供给效率,近年来更被认为是实现可持续发展的重要途径.但是由于社会资本的逐利性,PPP模式对可持续发展的贡献一直存在争议.运用Q方法对中国的PPP专家进行访谈和问卷调查,探讨PPP模式对可持续发展的贡献,PPP模式可能遇到的可持续发展难题及应对策略.  相似文献   

PPP模式与传统模式最根本的变化,是项目业主市场主体的易位。让项目业主真正成为市场主体,项目的决策和运营将遵循市场规律来进行,并由此带来一系列各方面的变化。PPP模式,是在政府与社会资本之间,针对政府负有提供责任,又适宜市场化运作的基础设施、公共服务项目,建立起以特许经营权为主要特征,优势互补、利益共享、风险共担的投融资模式,当前主要包括BOT、BOO、PFI、TOT等具体形式。作为提供基础设施和公共服务的一种有效方式,PPP模式有利于  相似文献   

随着市场经济的迅速发展,PPP模式必将成为我国水利项目融资渠道多元化的重要手段,文章首先对我国水利项目PPP模式合约选择的现状进行了分析,然后介绍了国际PPP模式合约选择的经验,提出了水利项目PPP模式合约选择方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

科技馆属于准公共产品,可以采取PPP融资模式进行建设和运营。PPP融资模式有利于解决我国科技馆建设资金短缺、运营效率低下等问题。随着科技馆建设需求的不断扩大,科技馆PPP融资有着广阔的前景。在梳理了科技馆建设PPP融资内涵及理论的基础上,对我国科技馆建设PPP融资的可行性进行了分析,探讨了科技馆建设PPP融资的三维组织结构及开发阶段和实施运营阶段的重点,并就我国科技馆建设PPP融资提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

案由随着近年来我国整体经济形势的发展需要以及政府经济政策的有力支持,PPP模式在我国公共基础建设领域的应用范围不断扩大,为了保障PPP项目各参与方的合法权益以及PPP项目的有序进行,国家财政部、发改委等相关部门及时针对PPP模式制定了一系列部门规章和相关制度,这些现行的部门规章制度为我国的PPP制度框架奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

王宣 《工程经济》2018,(10):46-49
分析PPP模式在英国伦敦地铁和英法海底隧道的应用案例,分别梳理其运作过程、运作机制、成败因素等,并针对运营过程中的成功经验和失败归因,提出应用PPP模式的建议,以期为同类型PPP项目的开展提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,政府和社会资本合作模式(PPP模式)作为新兴基础设施融资方式从国外引进到国内,受到各级政府的大力推广。PPP模式主要宗旨是为了增强公共产品和服务供给能力、提高供给效率。本文希望通过对PPP项目绩效评价分析研究,提出进一步做好该项目的建议。一、PPP项目中绩效评价已有应用,尤其是绩效付费项目目前我国有关PPP项目的核心政策文件主要有三个,分别为《基础设施特许经营  相似文献   

<正>坚持四个重塑,加快构建市场开发新格局;坚持六大思维,持续强化市场营销策略;坚持四个优选,着力提升优质订单规模;坚持三个自主,持续提升自主营销能力;坚持五个提升,不断深化营销专业能力。基础设施业务在近十多年的变化过程中,项目商业模式历经了从传统施工承包、BT、BOT、PPP到片区综合开发、基础设施+等模式,融资主体逐步从地方政府、平台公司转向社会资本,  相似文献   

随着经济和社会发展,我国城市轨道交通建设已进入快速发展阶段,如何有效控制投资成为制约轨道交通可持续发展的关键因素。本文结合城市轨道交通地下车站机电工程设计内容,以佛山某轨道交通线路为例,对地下车站机电工程的造价进行分析,得出不同车站机电工程经济指标,并找出影响车站机电工程造价的关键因素,为后续工程投资估算、设计概算编制及合理确定工程项目造价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study documents an investigation of how intermetropolitan differences in transit and highway service levels; as well as overall urban development patterns, affect auto ownership and use. Specifically, this paper presents models of the determinants of auto ownership and mode choice for 163,488 white, single-worker households residing in the largest 125 SMSAs in 1970. Indices of highway capicity, transit service levels, and overall residential density for each SMSA together with each household's socio-economic characteristics, workplace location, and residence choice, are used to explain each household's observed auto ownership status (0, one, or more than one car), and, given that auto ownership status, each household's worktrip mode (auto driver, auto passenger, bus, rail, or walk).
The models offer a framework for considering the effect of alternative urban development scenarios upon auto ownership and use, and for comparing alternative development and infrastructure policy options. Because the models have been estimated using households from different SMSAs, they are particularly appropriate for investigating changes in spatial structure.  相似文献   

分析了城市轨道交通的主要噪声源,对其主要减振降噪工程措施进行了综述,并就采用减振型轨下基础的各种措施的减振降噪效果、维修工作量及其难度、造价高低、施工技术难易程度等进行了分析与比较,以期能为我国城市轨道交通建设提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为了更准确地掌握轨道交通客流在线网中的时空分布,更高效地匹配客流需求与运输能力,实现提高轨道交通运输效率、改善运营服务质量的目的,提出了一种基于长短期记忆网络的短期OD(交通起止点)客流量预测方法。以历史客流数据为基础,定性分析车站间OD客流量的时空相关性,利用回归分析法定量分析客流影响因素,筛选出运营时刻、运营日特征、最低气温3个时间特征。为提高预测精度,以长短期记忆网络为基础,结合时间特征,为每对起讫点单独构建预测模型,形成了基于长短期记忆网络的轨道交通短期OD客流量预测模型。以苏州市为例进行验证,结果表明,加入了时间特征的短期OD客流量预测模型较移动平均模型、仅利用历史客流数据训练的基于LSTM网络的短期OD客流量预测模型,预测结果与真实值之间的误差降低了6.27%~8.58%,所提出的方法和模型可为轨道交通运营部门制定列车运行计划、组织客运工作提供更准确的数据资料。  相似文献   

Over 25 billion dollars were spent between 1970 and 2000 in 14 major cities in the United States on the construction of new rail transit lines. This massive investment in rail transit construction and expansion allows me to study the consequences of local public goods improvements for communities nearby new stations. This article uses a 14-city census tract–level panel data set covering the years 1970 to 2000 to document significant heterogeneity in the effects of rail transit expansions across the 14 cities. Communities receiving increased access to new "Walk and Ride" stations experience greater gentrification than communities that are now close to new "Park and Ride" stations.  相似文献   

为了准确识别并检测城市轨道交通客流量变化,研究轨道交通客流量的变化规律,以客观图像为研究对象,以机器视觉技术为研究手段,提出了一种新的交通客流检测方法。在对交通客流视频图像进行滤波与增强后,利用Canny边缘帧差法从预处理图像中获取完整的运动目标轮廓。同时,利用AdaBoost检测算法构建的强分类器完成乘客头部的检测,并通过双线差值算法消除视频图像中不同位置尺寸所产生的误检框,实现对目标的跟踪与记载,完成客流量的统计。结果表明,该方法在交通客流量的检测中准确率高于90%。检测方法对提高城市轨道交通客流量的检测准确性具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

汶川大地震后损失巨大,灾后恢复重建工作需要巨额的资金投入,需要多渠道的融资。这为民营资本的进入提供了机遇,使得PPP模式在灾后恢复重建中大有用武之地。探索有针对性的PPP模式,积极应对应用过程中可能会出现的问题,对促进灾后恢复重建工作,解决资金缺口问题有现实意义和可操作性。  相似文献   

Using unique data sets of Beijing's congestion patterns and housing prices, I find that consumers are willing to pay significantly more for access to rail transit in more congested areas. Transit accessibility, however, offers little travel advantage outside of dense urban areas. The expansion of the metro network mitigates the costs of road congestion, creating both private and social benefits. Two policy initiatives aimed at reducing congestion are found to have achieved positive value effects. Further analysis reveals heterogeneous demand for accessibility, with wealthier residents and those owning fewer cars paying a higher premium for access to rail transit.  相似文献   

The European rail freight market is ostensibly a free market where, from 1 January 2007, both incumbent and new‐entrant operators are able to compete on every line and in every European Union country. The main objective of this research paper is to assess the advances in the competitiveness of the pan‐European rail freight services operated by a new‐entrant (private) operator. Its main focus is to assess and contribute to the understanding of the advances towards competitiveness and the future prospects in the open European rail freight market, including dealing with challenges (e.g. dormant and departure of partners, suspension of the project, indistinct roles and responsibilities of operating partners) at different phases of the research, development and service offerings, that will be an important contribution to the Research and Development (R&D) policy and management arena in the Europe rail freight transport sector. The current research applies a case study research approach. The assessment of the rail freight service is performed by conducting two phases: first, a comparison of the progress between first and second year of the REorganisation of Transport networks by advanced RAil freight Concepts (RETRACK) rail freight service, operated by a new entrant and conducted on the corridor between two hubs – Cologne, Germany, and Györ, Hungary, and secondly a comparison of the opinions of customers on the RETRACK service and its competitors. From the comparative study between the first and second years, the study finds that the new‐entrant operator was able to offer an increased number of services by consolidating cargo from satellite connections at both ends of the operational corridor by adopting a pragmatic and flexible approach. The customer satisfaction survey suggests that the new‐entrant operator offered better service in terms of price, transit time, reliability and information flow/management compared to its competitors' services (offered by incumbent rail operators) on the corridor. However, their service was inferior to that of its competitors, in terms of frequency and availability of service. These less‐well performed service factors have improved gradually over time. The study suggests that intra‐rail competition has improved, but that inter‐modal completion is yet to be achieved. The ups and downs of the project provide important lessons for R&D management, academia and policy makers. The study suggests that a pan‐European rail freight service can be efficiently and effectively run by new‐entrant operators, and this will lead to more intra‐modal competition. However, they have yet to achieve competitiveness that will result in a shift of cargo from road to rail by offering an improved service that at least matches the major attributes of road freight service, e.g. price, transit time, door‐to‐door service and working in a collaborative way with other actors.  相似文献   

在对综合管廊应用PPP模式的风险进行识别的基础上,利用灰色故障树模型(FTA)对应用PPP模式的城市地下综合管廊项目进行全生命周期分析,筛选风险产生的基本事件,通过确定对于基本事件关联度的大小,得出其需要重视的基本事件。并通过改进关联度函数进行实证分析,验证评价方法的科学性及实用性。最后,提出相适宜的管理意见对风险进行规避,对城市地下综合管廊工程项目应用PPP模式风险管理具有一定指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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