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No‐take marine reserves have been increasingly advocated as an effective means of supporting marine ecosystems and conserving fisheries resources. A major problem that can hinder the effectiveness of no‐take reserves is the incidence of illegal fishing, which has created significant ecological and economic losses in global fisheries. We construct a bioeconomic model to explore the connection between the effects of no‐take reserves and illegal fishing activities in relation to the level of regulatory control of illegal activities in the reserve and fished areas. Our parameterised model shows that the effects of no‐take reserves on both the extent of illegal fishing and the fish biomass critically depend on illegal fishing regulations and the scale and patterns of fish dispersal. In a fishery where illegal fishing can only be partially controlled, increasing the size of the no‐take reserve may result in a lose‐lose situation in which the level of illegal fishing effort increases and the total biomass decreases. Our results further show that when the pattern of fish dispersal is density dependent, imposing a stricter control on illegal fishing in either reserves or fished areas increases the aggregate level of illegal fishing.  相似文献   

We report results from contingent valuation studies in each of two Tasmanian fisheries that estimate the value of a day’s recreational fishing. Published studies estimating the economic value of recreational fishing in Australia and New Zealand are limited, although the economic and social benefits associated with this activity are sizable and the importance of understanding the behaviour of recreational fishers for the sustainable management of aquatic resources is well recognised. In our contingent valuation surveys, we use a double‐bounded version of the dichotomous choice question, which improves the statistical efficiency of the estimates relative to those based on a single dichotomous choice question. We test and control for response bias, in the form of anchoring and a shift effect, that may occur in data collected using a double‐bounded dichotomous choice (DBDC) elicitation format. We highlight the importance of identifying and correcting for response bias in DBDC models on a case‐by‐case basis. Our estimation results show that there is no significant difference in the willingness to pay for a day of recreational fishing across individuals who caught different number of fish in either fishery. This suggests that high and low catch fishers placed the same value on a day’s fishing.  相似文献   

日本在渔业管理及渔船管理方面有百余年的历史,其自成一体的管理经验,在我国周边国家和地区的相关法规制定中经常成为借鉴和参考。本文从渔船的总量、吨位、渔船动力类型、不同水域使用渔船、渔船的类型、船体材质以及海上渔业辅助性船舶等项目对日本约30年的渔船统计数据等进行系统考察,概述了日本渔船的基本指标状况及变化脉络,以期为我国渔船管理工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The harvesting capacity of the European fishing fleet far exceeds the reproductive potential of the resource base. As a result, most European Union fisheries are both biologically and economically over‐exploited. A series of fleet‐reduction policies have been introduced in order to bring the harvesting capacity in line with target output levels. However, the existence of unutilised capacity may reduce the effectiveness of these schemes as the remaining vessels may increase their individual capacity utilisation (CU), thus offsetting the effects of fleet reduction. In this paper, the effects of stock abundance, output prices, fuel prices and fleet size on the rate of capacity utilisation are examined for a range of UK fleet segments operating in the English Channel. Estimates of CU are derived using data envelopment analysis. Results indicate that the average beam trawl vessel, using existing physical inputs, could potentially increase its revenue by a further 50%, assuming current fish stock levels and unrestricted access to resources. The average gill net vessel could similarly increase its output by 43%, scallop dredge by 28% and otter trawl by 14%. The results suggest that changes in stock abundance are the main factor affecting CU, with no significant trends being observed for the economic variables.  相似文献   

渔业配额捕捞的制度构成及解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业配额捕捞制度主要由TAC设定、分配配额、交易机制、监管措施等层面构成。其中,TAC设定主要由锁定目标鱼种、求取MSY、确立TAC三个层面构成;分配配额主要由配额发放对象和分配方法两个层面构成;交易机制则由参与交易的主体和客体、交易场所以及反垄断措施等层面构成;监管环节包括渔船监测系统、观察员制度、捕捞日志等措施手段。结合发达渔业国实践经验,通过对制度各层面的剖析,希冀为我国配额捕捞的启动实施提供有益参考。’  相似文献   

商船与渔船碰撞问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,商船与渔船之间碰撞事故频繁发生,已成为水上交通安全生产的重要隐患。究其原因,渔船作业区域与商船航线相互交叉重叠是客观原因;船员安全意识薄弱、船员素质低,疏于瞭望是主观原因;国际海上避碰规则难以有效执行是直接原因;船舶管理不完善、肇事惩罚机制不健全,渔船安全装备设施落后是深层次原因;海洋其他产业与传统渔业争夺水域的矛盾为根本原因。为遏制商船渔船碰撞事故恶化趋势,要科学规划海洋使用功能,合理确定航道和渔业水域;完善法律法规,强化法律责任追究;加大投入,努力提高渔船安全装备水平和救助能力;加强教育培训,提高船员安全生产素质;加强船舶管理,构建渔业、海事部门海上联动机制,加强安全生产保障能力。  相似文献   

本文基于《2012年韩国渔业统计年鉴》数据,对韩国渔船现状进行了系统考察。数据显示,2006~2011年韩国渔船数量、吨位及功率分别减少12.2%、9.9%和8.8%;FRP材质渔船、木质渔船和钢质渔船数量所占比例依次为84.1%、13.4%和2.4%;从事沿岸渔业、近海渔业和远洋渔业的渔船分别占61.7%、3.8%和0.5%;按捕捞方式划分,韩国刺网船所占比重最大,其次为定置网船;渔船船龄普遍偏高,老化趋势明显;随着渔船数量的减少,相关船载设备使用量也大幅萎缩。数据表明,韩国的减船政策在一定程度上取得了显著成效,其经验教训值得我国学习借鉴。  相似文献   

Illegal foreign fishing for sharks in Northern Australia has increased substantially over the last two decades. This has likely resulted in declines of shark species abundance, with potentially far‐reaching impacts on the ecosystem. This, in turn, could also have indirectly affected the legal prawn, shark, and other fisheries in the region through changed predation patterns and direct removal of targets. The prawn fishery in Northern Australia is currently one of Australia's most valuable fisheries. Sharks themselves are also a major target species by many Queensland and Northern Territory fishers. In this article, an ecosystem model developed in the Ecopath with Ecosim framework is used to estimate the impacts of illegal shark fishing on the remaining system, and the potential economic impacts on commercial fisheries in the region.  相似文献   

国内海洋渔村建设研究文献综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔村建设是推进农业现代化发展的主要任务之一,也是加快农渔村旅游发展的"助推器"。本文把海洋渔村作为研究重点,从近10年来国内海洋渔村建设研究主流方向入手,辅以国外成功案例对海洋渔村建设、模式和渔业经济产业结构进行了归纳综述,并对海洋渔村建设中存在的不足进行了评述,提出了海洋渔业和渔村建设的相关建议:(1)优先保护海岸和近海资源与生态环境;(2)创新农渔产业转型与升级;(3)规划先行与科学管理。结合目前研究新方向提出了美丽渔村建设体系框架,即从美丽渔村社区建设、产业结构、休闲渔业和基本原理研究视角出发,将渔村社区建设和产业结构有机整合,旨要在环境生态保护的前提下促进二者的绿色经济发展,并对未来海洋渔村建设研究进行了展望:(1)渔村建设概念亟需统一,研究体系亟需明确;(2)渔村建设与相关产业融合(协同发展)问题仍将是研究热点;(3)渔村建设需不断加强国际比较研究。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing concern that increased aquaculture production poses an environmental threat to the species targeted in so‐called reduction fisheries, the main source for fishmeal. The argument is that increased aquaculture production leads to higher feed demand, and then presumably to higher fishing effort in these fisheries. In this paper we address whether aquaculture production threatens sustainability of such fisheries. First, we ask under which management regimes can increased demand pose a threat to the species in question? Second, we investigate what is the market for fishmeal; is fishmeal a unique product or is it part of the larger market for protein meals which includes Soyameal? This is an important issue since the market structure for fishmeal is a key factor in determining whether increased aquaculture production can affect fishmeal prices, and thereby increase fishing pressure in reduction fisheries.  相似文献   

随着全球人口数量的持续增加,渔业资源缺乏的问题不断加剧。IUU Fishing破坏了渔业资源的恢复和再生产能力,影响了渔业资源的可持续利用。论文对IUU Fishing成因进行了分析,发现主要有3方面原因:追求捕捞成本的降低;提高渔获收益;对IUU Fishing的处罚力度小。我国积极履行国际条约和协定规定的义务,完善渔业法律制度,加大处罚力度,完善渔船监控和管理制度,严格执行船舶登记管理制度,加强国际合作,创新渔业资源管理模式,以有效规制IUU Fishing。  相似文献   

渔政的核心内容是渔场管理和渔船管理,特殊时期的渔政管理方法和策略具有重要的借鉴意义。二战后的日本的渔业一片破败,在美国占领军司令部的严厉控制以及国内经济全面崩溃的情况下,日本渔业能够迅速从复兴到发展,并能走出自成一体的渔业管理及渔船管理模式,引起普遍关注。本文从国际环境、国内民生、渔业资源状况等多角度,对战后特殊时期的日本渔业在渔场、渔船、渔政等方面进行考察,分析它在演变历程中的背景因素,探讨其渔船管理的特点,为我国相关渔政提供参考。  相似文献   

我国渔港建设的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渔港是渔民生产生活最主要的后方基地和渔船最重要的避风场所。自2002年以来,中央和地方政府高度重视渔港建设,我国渔港建设取得了巨大成效,但也面临着许多问题。本文回顾了2002年以来我国渔港建设的概况,从渔港减灾、渔港经济区发展、渔民转产转业、小城镇建设、渔业执法监管等五个方面总结了渔港建设取得的成效,分析了当前我国渔港建设面临的问题,并提出了"十二五"甚至更长一段时期内推进我国渔港建设的对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨了捕捞业的特点以及捕捞业法律制度和政策应追求的多重目标,分析了现行法律制度和政策存在的问题。建议在物权法学和行政法学理论的指导下,重构捕捞许可制度,厘清和调整捕捞许可的管辖权,允许捕捞权经批准后有序流转,制定“捕捞渔区划分和命名”标准,完善行政配置捕捞渔区的法律程序,建立捕捞渔具渔法认证,完善捕捞生产信息记录及申报制度,积极地开展与八个海洋邻国间的渔业合作,加强对负面影响渔业发展的非渔业活动的管治,以便更好地明晰捕捞证作为用益物权表征和行政管理工具的双重属性,保护捕捞权人的合法权利,保护渔业生态环境,营造公平的竞争环境,促进捕捞生产效益的提高。  相似文献   

Marine‐protected areas (MPAs) are an effective means of improving habitat quality and biodiversity in the world’s oceans. While the advantages of MPAs as a mechanism for conservation and biodiversity are well established, the potential improvements to fishery performance resulting from a network of MPAs are still being established. Countries around the world have committed to establishing networks of MPAs within their waters by 2020, in response to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. This, coupled with the increasing global demand for seafood and heavy reliance on fishery resources as a source of economic development for many coastal communities, means that an understanding of how these networks can be expected to impact fishery performance is extremely important. We use a difference‐in‐difference modelling approach to isolate the change in the fishery performance associated with the south‐east marine reserve network in Australia. We find no evidence that the economic performance of adjacent fisheries was negatively impacted by the network. This lack of impact is likely due to a network design explicitly intended to avoid effort displacement in key fisheries, along with fishery management changes intended to remove excess fishing capacity.  相似文献   

国内外渔业资源管理制度研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过科学的渔业资源管理制度实现渔业资源合理开发和有效保护,是渔业管理的重要方面。渔业资源管理可分为资源限制开发和资源修复两大方面,渔业资源的限制开发具体表现为捕捞限额制度和捕捞配额制度,其理论基础为渔业权制度。渔业资源养护主要是增殖放流制度。近年来,国内外学者在渔业权、捕捞限额和配额制度、增殖放流制度等方面的研究不断深入,取得了较大进展,对我国渔业资源管理制度建设具有很好的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The management of small pelagic fisheries is difficult due to environmental regime changes that generate multi‐decadal cyclic fluctuations in stock abundance. Lagged management responses to environmental factors can amplify the effects of fishing and may even result in stock collapse. In this paper, we develop an age‐structured bioeconomic model to explore the effectiveness of alternative management approaches for cyclically fluctuating small pelagic fish stocks. The fishery outcomes are evaluated against the overall profit of the fishery and the intertemporal distribution of fishing profits. The model is parameterised for the Japanese sardine fishery, once the largest fishery in Japan, which has experienced a prolonged period of stock collapse over the last 100 years. The results show that the duration of fishery collapse is mostly determined by the extent of cyclic fluctuations in the recruitment of immature sardines, but the effects of the fluctuations on the fishery are heightened by the cumulative impact of fishing. We further show that restricting fishing reduces the fishery’s overall profits, but smooths the intertemporal distribution of profits, resulting in greater intergenerational equity. This income smoothing effect is particularly pronounced when the stock exhibits high levels of cyclic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Allocation of fish resources is a controversial subject. This is partly because of our limited understanding of the values of fishing opportunities. This study investigates fishing site choices in Western Australia using national survey data covering eight major fishing regions and forty‐eight fishing sites. We estimate a random utility model (RUM) of site choice with a supporting negative binomial model of angler‐specific expected catch rates. Value estimates for fish types, fishing site attribute changes and access values are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

以标准渔港推进浙江平安渔业建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建设标准渔港是一项利在当代、功在千秋的民心工程,也是浙江省委、省政府"十一五"期间确定的一项重大工程。2007年4月,浙江省政府出台了《关于加快标准渔港建设的若干意见》,之后,全省沿海24个市、县(市、区)均建立了以当地政府主要领导或分管领导为组长,发改、财政、海洋与渔业等相关部门参加的标准渔港建设领导小组,按照职责、机构、人员"三到位"要求,组建领导小组办公室,研究和完善了相关政策,组织开展规划编制工作,并全面启动了标准渔港建设。本文结合浙江省渔港资源现状,分析和指出了渔港中存在的主要问题及原因,明确了目标任务,以期加快推进标准渔港建设,促进浙江平安渔业发展。  相似文献   

The Danish fishing industry has gone through a turbulent period of declining catches and modest economic performance. In order to address these concerns, capacity reduction initiatives, mainly through vessel decommissioning, have sought to relieve pressure on fish stocks and improve the profitability of fishing vessels that remain in the fishery. It is the main purpose of this paper to analyse the capacity utilization trends of the four main commercial fleet segments of trawlers, netters, Danish seiners and industrial (fish for reduction) vessels. Annual cost and earnings data (1996-2002) for fishing vessels of the various fleets are applied to three data envelopment analysis models, which evaluate capacity utilization in terms of catch volume, catch revenue and short-run profit. Results suggest that considerable cutbacks in fleet capacity are required, in the range of 30-50%, if full capacity utilization is to be achieved. A preliminary discussion with respect to the impact of fleet capacity reduction initiatives on fleet performance concludes the paper.  相似文献   

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