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了解盐城市售果蔬及茶叶农药残留状况,分别在盐城农贸批发市场、商超、网店随机抽取样品120份,按照《食品安全风险监测工作手册》方法检测样品中农药残留,依据GB 2763—2016《食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》进行结果判定,采用危害物风险系数法评估农药残留风险。结果表明,样品农药残留检出率42.50%,农药残留超标率7.50%。不同流通环节农药残留超标率由高到低依次为农贸批发市场(8.51%)、网店(7.14%)、商超(6.78%)。农药残留超标率由高到低依次为蔬菜(17.50%)、茶叶(14.29%)、水果(0.00%)。危害物风险系数评估表明甲基异柳磷、甲拌磷、三氯杀螨醇、克百威、3-羟基克百威、甲基硫菌灵6种农药残留的风险系数高于1.5,为中、高度风险的危害物。  相似文献   

曹青文 《现代食品》2023,(15):95-100
蜂蜜是一种畅销全球的天然食品,味美、营养价值高,颇受人们喜爱。植物种植不可避免喷洒农药,蜜蜂采蜜有可能摄入农药。近年来,食品安全事件频发,食品安全问题备受关注,人们开始关心蜂蜜中农药残留状况。本文简述了我国蜂蜜现行质量安全保障标准《食品安全国家标准蜂蜜》(GB 14963—2011)的内容,比较了国内外蜂蜜中农药残留现状和风险暴露评估状况,概述了我国蜂蜜中农药残留的现行检测标准和限量标准,介绍了蜂蜜中农药残留检测的应用,旨在了解蜂蜜中农药残留的研究进展,为今后应对蜂蜜农药残留问题提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>日前,农业农村部与国家卫生健康委和国家市场监管总局联合发布《食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》。此次发布的新版农药残留限量标准规定了483种农药在356种(类)食品中7107项残留限量,与2016版相比,新增农药品种50个、残留限量2967项,涵盖的农药品种和限量数量均首次超过国际食品法典委员会数量,标志着我国农药残留限量标准迈上新台阶。据介绍,2019版《食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》主要有五方面特点:一是全部覆盖  相似文献   

陈冬霞 《现代食品》2023,(16):157-160
在农业规模化生产中需要使用大量的农药,而农药的使用造成蔬菜、水果等农产品的农药残留,严重危害食品安全,对人们身体健康造成损害。因此,需要采取合理措施,对食品农药残留进行科学检测,为后续食品质量评估和控制提供依据,保障食品安全。本研究主要对食品检测中农药残留检测工作的意义以及检测技术要点进行分析,旨在进一步提高农业残留检测水平,保障食品安全,促进我国食品行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

食品中的农药残留不仅直接影响人们的身体健康,而且对社会经济发展起到消极作用。如何控制食品残留加强食品安全,成为一个急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

正日前,农业农村部与国家卫生健康委员会、国家市场监督管理总局联合发布《食品安全国家标准食品中兽药最大残留限量》,将于2020年4月1日起实施。此次发布的食品中兽药最大残留限量标准规定了267种(类)兽药在畜禽产品、水产品、蜂产品中的2191项残留限量及使用要求,基本覆盖了我国常用兽药品种和主要食品动物及组织,标志着我国兽药残留标准体系建设进入新阶段。  相似文献   

食品中的农药残留不仅直接影响人们的身体健康,而且对社会经济发展起到消极作用。如何控制食品残留加强食品安全,成为一个急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

日前,农业部与国家卫生计生委联合发布食品安全国家标准《食品中农药最大残留限量》(GB2763—2014)。我国食品中农药最大残留限量指标将由现行的2293项增加到3650项,新增1357项。作为我国监管食品中农药残留的唯一强制性国家标准,该标准的颁布实施,标志着我国食品中农药残留国家标准体系建设取得重大进展,  相似文献   

据矧匕京晨报》1月31日消息,卫生部发布《食品安全国家标准“十二五”规划(征求意见稿)》,规划拟定食品、食品添加剂和食品相关产品的污染物、生物毒素、致病性微生物等危害人体健康物质限量、农药和兽药残留限量等食品安全基础标准制定、修订。  相似文献   

日前,农业部与卫生部联合发布食品安全国家标准《食品中农药最大残留限量》。该标准将成为我闰监管食品中农药残留的唯一强制性国家标准。新标准将于2013年3月1日起实施。  相似文献   

为了分析奎文区食品安全状况,提高食品安全抽检靶向性。本文分析了2016-2018年奎文区食品安全监督抽检结果,从抽检批次、不合格率及不合格项目等方面分析。结果显示,2016-2018年奎文区共抽检食品3 757批次,涉及食品种类23个,整体不合格率为2.58%,其中肉制品、蔬菜制品及水产品不合格率较高,主要为食品添加剂的"两超"(超限量、超范围)、农药残留超标、微生物超标。总体结果显示,2016—2018年潍坊市奎文区食品安全情况逐年向好,但也有突出问题,应加大对重点食品种类及重点区域的食品安全抽检监督力度,切实提升食品质量安全水平。  相似文献   

为保障香港市民的食品安全,避免发生食品安全事故。从中山市供港水产品及其制品中抽取15个品类39个批次样品进行单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌鉴定分析,检出阳性样品1个,检出率为2.6%。  相似文献   

尹超  李晋 《现代食品》2022,28(1):38-40
随着生活质量的不断提高,人们对食品安全的关注度也越来越高,要使果蔬等农副产品的安全性得到保证,需要对其农药残留状况进行全面监管.本文从农药残留检测发展现状入手,对涉及的检测技术及果蔬安全管控相关建议进行全面研究,明确果蔬农药残留检测技术的重要性,进而为打造绿色无公害农副产品提供助力.  相似文献   

水产品质量安全监管理念及监管现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国水产品的人均消费量迅速增长,但随之而来的是水产品质量安全事件频繁发生,不仅威胁到人们的生命安全,同时也造成了巨大的经济损失,甚至影响到政府的公信力.论文对风险分析、“农田到餐桌“等食品安全管理理念进行了全面回顾,并从现状出发,深入分析当前我国水产品质量安全监管所面临的复杂形势,如水产品消费新形势的出现,药残、重金属超标问题突出,运输销售环节存在隐患等,探索健全水产品质量安全监管的思路,提出完善水产品质量安全监管机制的建议.  相似文献   


There has been little research about which combinations of health claims, food product categories, and nutrient enrichment labellings are most appealing to consumers. This paper tests whether specific product group differences exist for health claims and ingredient labellings based on the food additive Xanthohumol. To analyze preference heterogeneity, differences between consumers with a high, medium, or low preference for organic food products were considered. For data collection, an online-based discrete choice experiment was applied in Germany for the product categories milk, yoghurt, water, cola, and chocolate. The choice experiments were analyzed with multinomial and mixed logit models. Positive effects for the considered health claims that are based on the effect of the food additive Xanthohumol could be found for water, milk, and yoghurt. The comparison of the different organic consumer segments revealed that respondents with a medium preference for organic food products show the highest preference for the considered health claims.  相似文献   

More stringent national-level food safety standards adopted by developed countries have sent firms and governments among their lesser-developed trading partners scrambling to adopt the required measures or risk losing important export markets. Here we address whether stricter product safety standards in importing countries affect safety levels for the same products in the domestic markets of the countries that export to them. We present a case study, using national data and firm-level surveys, that examines the impacts of foreign requirements that processors adopt Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems on the level of safety offered in the domestic market by Brazilian processors of fishery products. This study shows that to date in Brazil the adoption of HACCP systems has been concentrated in the export sector, with only small impacts on domestic standards and food safety levels.  相似文献   

Food safety issues and fresh food product exports from LDCs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Fresh food products have a high income elasticity of demand and few traditional trade barriers in high income markets. As such, they represent an important opportunity for less developed country (LDC) exporters. Fresh food product exports account for half of all food and agricultural exports from LDCs to high income countries. But these products may be subject to greater food safety risks and potential trade barriers arising from sanitary regulation. This paper reviews the challenges and issues facing LDCs in meeting food safety standards for export. These issues include: (a) the importance of fresh food product trade by region and the kinds of issues that arise from those products; (b) the role of farm to table approaches and hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) in ensuring safety; (c) the role of the public sector in LDCs in facilitating trade; (d) the potential role of the SPS Agreement in resolving disputes and determining equivalency of standards between high and low income countries.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了农作物农药残留的危害,概述了农作物样品前处理检测技术,随后分析了农药残留检测中的具体样品前处理技术,例如溶剂加速萃取技术、渗透色谱凝胶技术、微波辅助萃取技术和固相萃取技术等,以提升食品检测中农药残留物检测的准确性,保障我国农产品市场的安全、健康发展。  相似文献   

黄程  王侃  李文娟  黄荣博  郝桂娟  李雅 《现代食品》2022,(3):216-219,224
本文通过对2018—2020年48190批次全国蔬菜制品抽检数据进行梳理分析,总结其中存在的风险和防控要点,以期为市场监管提供思路,为企业风险防控提供参考.在抽检的48190批次蔬菜制品中,共检出不合格样品1317批次,不合格样品总体不合格率为2.73%.从不合格样品品种来看,酱腌菜、蔬菜干制品、食用菌制品和其他蔬菜制...  相似文献   

This study investigates factors affecting consumer purchase choice (cognitive structures) in two foods with different perceived risk levels. Means‐end chain methodology is used to test for differences in the degrees of abstraction and complexity in the purchase decision process for each product. The results reveal significant differences, with more food safety issues coming into play in the case of the product associated with higher perceived risk in the past. This might suggest a non‐temporal effect on consumers’ level of risk perception in food products, with important implications for crisis management. Furthermore, logit models estimated to investigate the health impact of foods show that age and income have played a role in turning this credence attribute into a key element of consumer choice.  相似文献   

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