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近年来,旅游扶贫效应研究呈现出从区域经济效应为主向区域经济、社会文化和环境效应并重发展的态势,研究视角也开始从贫困地区向贫困人口转换。本文在分析以藏族为主体的典型民族贫困地区——青海省三江源地区贫困与旅游发展现状的基础上,运用问卷调查和数理统计方法,探析了当地居民对旅游扶贫效应的感知和参与行为。研究表明,当地居民对旅游扶贫的正面效应感知明显而负面效应不敏感,对发展旅游总体上持支持态度,具有较高参与热情;不同人口特征的居民参与机会和能力在旅游扶贫效应感知、态度和参与意向上有显著差异;当地居民对旅游扶贫正效应的感知对其态度和参与意向均有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

李志飞 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):21-25
接待地居民对旅游影响的感知和态度是国内旅游学研究的一个热点.本文通过问卷调查和访谈,对柴埠溪国家森林公园的土家族山区居民对旅游影响的感知和态度进行了实证研究.结果表明,旅游对少数民族山区居民的语言、生活风俗、民族服饰有显著影响,但对其饮食习惯和地方建筑特色影响不大,旅游所产生的社会文化变迁是积极的;居民对旅游正面影响的感知明显强于对负面影响的感知;旅游对当地居民的经济影响强于旅游的社会文化影响和环境影响.最后建议通过建立健全的旅游社区参与机制来调控居民对旅游影响的感知.  相似文献   

为了明确回答旅游扶贫是否存在"扶富不扶贫"现象,文章以恩施州22个旅游扶贫重点村农户的问卷调查数据为依据,以农户感知为视角,采用探索性因子分析从政策执行和效果两大方面探索旅游扶贫政策绩效感知的维度,并评价感知水平,采用独立样本t检验分析贫困户与非贫困户对旅游扶贫政策绩效感知的差异及形成原因。研究发现:旅游扶贫政策绩效包括3个政策执行感知维度和6个政策效果感知维度;受访农户总体上对宏观政策覆盖的感知高于对微观政策覆盖和政策执行力度的感知,对旅游发展带来的环境、经济、素质提升的正面效应感知高于对环境、经济、社会负面效应的感知,但认可度都不高;与非贫困户相比,贫困户更不认可旅游发展促进了地方经济的发展、个人收入的增加和素质提升的作用,却更认可旅游发展带来的经济成本,表现出相对剥夺感。最后,根据研究结果,从充分发展旅游经济、实施制度增权、建立利益分享机制3个方面为恩施州旅游扶贫政策的完善提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是旅游活动的重要组成部分,大力发展乡村旅游是国家旅游业优化的需要,更是精准扶贫的重要途径之一。文章通过文献综合分析、对比研究、归纳总结等方法,从概念界定及理论基础、开发与保护、扶贫效应与居民感知等方面对中国乡村旅游扶贫进行系统综述,提出今后学界应具体从加强理论体系构建、拓展研究方法、深化研究内容及聚焦微观问题三个方面进行深入探究。  相似文献   

中国旅游热点居民生活质量感知评价关联度的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从旅游目的地居民角度出发,以中国历史文化名镇第一水乡周庄为例,首先研究了旅游目的地居民对旅游业发展影响的感知评价,其次考察了发展旅游业之后旅游目的地居民对生活质量的感知评价,再次研究了居民生活质量与旅游影响感知之间的关系,指出了居民对目的地发展旅游业的支持态度,本研究的最终目的是为政府调动旅游目的地居民参与旅游开发的积极性提供科学依据.  相似文献   

本文基于效能感理论对贫困村居民参与旅游扶贫意愿研究具有首创性。通过提升贫困村民对旅游的参与意愿,正确引导贫困村民通过旅游扶贫获得旅游效益,最终达到脱贫致富的目的。以青海省贵德县席笈滩村4个社为案例地,通过问卷调查对案例地贫困村民进行调查。运用SPSS软件对调查问卷进行定量分析,研究案例地贫困村民参与旅游扶贫的意愿。实证结果表明:研究区贫困村民参与旅游扶贫意愿受到经济、社会、文化知识、思想意识的影响。最后引入自我效能感理论对贫困村民参与旅游扶贫意愿分析结果给出合理性建议。  相似文献   

贾艳 《西部旅游》2022,(18):33-36
乡村旅游地居民是旅游感知的核心,旅游感知是乡村旅游地可持续发展的关键条件,当前与社区归属感对乡村旅游地居民旅游感知的影响相关的研究比较匮乏。文章依托文献调研,引进旅游获利中介效应,搭建乡村旅游地居民的“社区归属感—旅游感知”结构方程,以浙江安吉为例,根据现场调查问卷数据,探析社区归属感对旅游感知的影响机理及方式。研究发现:乡村旅游地居民社区归属感对旅游获利和旅游感知都有明显正面影响,旅游获利是社区归属感影响旅游感知的中介效应;社区归属感对旅游感知不仅有直接效应还有间接效应,其直接效应(0.48)远远超过根据中介效应旅游获利对旅游感知的间接效应(0.55×0.27)。  相似文献   

旅游政策对实现旅游高质量发展起着重要的促进和引导作用。以中国知网(CNKI)为文献数据源,综合应用VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件对核心期刊文献进行可视化分析,探讨旅游政策研究演进脉络和热点前沿,并对过往研究的理论方法进行批判性分析。研究发现:我国旅游政策研究紧跟宏观环境的变动、不同研究主题侧重的研究方法不同、研究理论呈现多学科交叉特点;乡村旅游、旅游产业政策、旅游扶贫、旅游经济研究等是主要研究热点;前沿研究主要包括旅游政策实施成效的差异分析、居民感知视角下的政策影响评价等六个方面。未来应细化研究尺度,结合时政从政策过程理论、政策模拟和仿真、地理学空间和跨学科研究等视角深入研究。  相似文献   

地方认同理论是人文地理学和环境心理学研究的重要视角之一,近年来,随着旅游的不断深入发展,地方认同逐渐被旅游人类学的学者所重视。但目前大部分学者以游客为研究对象,却忽略掉当地居民对旅游发展的感知与态度对旅游可持续发展的重要性。地方认同理论则为研究本地居民对旅游可持续发展的重要性提供了理论支撑。以俊巴渔村的居民为研究对象,对其进行参与式观察和深度访谈,得出影响俊巴渔村当地居民地方认同的因素,进而为增强本地居民自豪感、保持本村寨特色、促进社会和谐提供理论依据。  相似文献   

国内旅游扶贫研究述评   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:49  
丁焕峰 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):32-36
本文对我国旅游扶贫开发历程进行了简单的回顾.在此基础上,认为我国近20年旅游扶贫研究主要集中在以下6个领域:旅游扶贫含义及其理论基础;特定地区旅游扶贫的可行性分析、发展战略和基本思路;旅游扶贫的效应研究;旅游扶贫模式研究;旅游扶贫开发工作的经验、问题和对策研究;旅游扶贫开发工作的其他专题研究等。本文认为贫困社区参与旅游、旅游扶贫与当地主导产业的有机结合是现阶段旅游扶贫研究中有待深入分析的两个重点。  相似文献   

在系统梳理社区参与和旅游扶贫相关研究成果的基础上,本文基于地理学视角,从“空间生产”“空间关联”和“空间正义的重构与消解”3个维度,构建社区参与旅游扶贫空间效应的分析框架,以审视旅游发展过程中社区与背景区域间的空间互动关系。研究认为:旅游活动在贫困社区中的介入过程,是社区经济、社会、文化等空间的演化过程;社区在参与旅游扶贫过程中具有空间生产和空间关联的属性;社区参与旅游扶贫空间效应的机理表征为“尺度机理”和“互动机理”;社区与背景区域因空间生产而产生互动,彰显旅游扶贫的空间关联效应,并通过空间生产和空间关联重塑社区及其背景区域间的空间正义格局。相关探讨可以拓展乡村旅游扶贫开发影响研究,深化对社区参与旅游过程及其作用机理的认识,对于新时期巩固脱贫攻坚成果和乡村振兴战略背景下社区旅游发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the academic research on tourism and poverty alleviation, by providing an integrated research framework on the impacts of tourism on poverty. First, a conceptual discussion is presented in order to understand the potential of tourism to reduce poverty, as well as different approaches to promoting a direct link between tourism and poverty alleviation. Second, empirical studies published between 1999 and July 2014 were critically analysed in order to generate an empirical research framework that embraces the following issues: geographical scope, level of analysis, tourism context, study methods and poverty measure. Moreover, an integrative discussion of the empirical evidence regarding the contribution of tourism to poverty reduction is included. The proposed framework, which is intended to be useful for guiding future empirical research in this field, suggests associations between tourism initiatives, the poverty rate and the economic, socio-cultural and environmental conditions of the poor.  相似文献   

This paper examines the perceptions and experiences of poor people in Sapa, Vietnam, regarding tourism as a means of poverty alleviation. Participant observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted with local people and key informants. The paper indicates that local people perceive poverty as a lack of rice and/or income and attribute it to both internal and external causes. The local tourism sector has primarily benefited the non-poor and tour operators, resulting in conflicts of interest among community members. However, more local people consider tourism a contributor to poverty alleviation than those who do not. All interviewees wish to become homestay owners or tourist guides. The most important barrier to the former is the lack of capital, while foreign language proficiency is the main hindrance to the latter. It is concluded that while an appropriate approach is required to involve local people in tourism, alternative livelihoods other than tourism are also needed. The study suggests that poor people's interpretation of poverty may be substantially different from that of academics and policy-makers. It argues that by valuing the perspectives of those experiencing poverty we can establish more meaningful approaches to alleviating poverty through tourism that are more likely to succeed.  相似文献   

海陵岛旅游的社会文化影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘迎华  朱竑 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):36-42
本文选择广东海陵岛闸坡镇和海陵镇两镇,通过比较研究来探讨旅游业发展对于其社会文化的影响.研究发现旅游比较成熟的闸坡镇的社会文化环境在旅游业发展的冲击下已经发生了明显的变迁:居民生活的环境不断改善、基础设施不断完善,更重要的是社区居民的思想意识、文明水平、普通话水平、思想开放度等都明显提高.与此同时也导致了赌博、抢劫、卖淫等犯罪现象的增多.海陵镇由于较少涉足旅游业,还没有对当地社会文化产生太大的影响,社区居民对于影响的感知也很少,但是由于受经济利益和社会收益提高的吸引,当地居民表现出对参与旅游业很浓厚的兴趣.  相似文献   

企业节事活动作为一种特殊的文化旅游形式,对旅游市场具有显著的带动作用。文章以华侨城文化旅游节为例,从游客参与感知视角,测评华侨城文化旅游节的节事效应,探究企业节事活动中游客体验评价的具体表现。研究设计并构建了节事活动游客参与体验评价指标体系,然后应用灰色关联分析测度游客参与体验。研究结果显示:文化旅游节带来的效率价值、功能价值具有竞争优势,可进一步强化;基于认知价值的游客参与体验评价亟需提升。在之后组织节事活动的过程中,要进一步增强创新性和特色性。  相似文献   

Pro-poor tourism and the Chinese experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism and poverty are two phenomena that used to be studied separately. The concept of pro-poor tourism (PPT), which highlights the theoretical and conceptual recognition of the role of tourism in poverty alleviation, is relatively new to the tourism research sphere. The objective of this paper is to examine the concept and purposes of PPT and draw attention to the neglected studies of the links between tourism and poverty alleviation. This is done using the case of tourism development in rural China. The key benefits and challenges of PPT are also highlighted. The paper concludes that PPT is an effective tool against poverty, but the tourism communities should fundamentally shift their thinking about the socio-economic roles of tourism and make use of PPT proactively and attentively.  相似文献   

As one of the key stakeholders in tourism development, residents' satisfaction with tourism development (RSTD) has an important effect on the alleviation of poverty. Despite its great significance, only limited research had been conducted by researchers to explore factors influencing RSTD in poor regions. To fill the void, this study built the proposed model of RSTD in poverty-stricken areas by structural equation modeling technique. The results indicated that (1) six key influencing factors, namely, perceived benefits of tourism development, perceived costs of tourism development, residents' participation in tourism development, distribution of personal benefits from tourism, residents' expectations for tourism development, and community attachment, were proved to be the antecedents of RSTD in poverty-stricken areas. (2) According to path coefficients between constructs, “distribution of personal benefits from tourism” was the most significant antecedent of RSTD in poverty-stricken regions. Furthermore, “residents’ participation in tourism development” also need to be paid more attention.  相似文献   

Using partial least squares-structural equation modeling, we analyzed data from 410 questionnaires completed by a sample of residents from the vicinity of the George Town World Heritage Site (WHS), Malaysia, to investigate the effects of community factors on residents’ perceptions and support for WHS conservation and tourism development. To conceptualize these relationships, we developed a framework based on social exchange theory (SET) and previous empirical evidence. While community attachment, cultural attitudes, community involvement, and community gain had positive effects on residents’ perceptions, the effects of community members’ gain and status consistency were particularly strong. Our results suggest that perceptions strongly influence support for WHS conservation and tourism development. Having examined a number of new resident perception factors, this study makes a significant theoretical and methodological contribution to the tourism and resident perception literature. Furthermore, this study has practical implications for future sustainable community development in the George Town WHS.  相似文献   

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