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中式面点的造型以及制作规范非常重要.本文阐述了中式面点造型及中式面点制作规范,并提出几点保障措施,希望能够为相关部门与人员提供参考. 相似文献
中式面点是我国传统厨艺文化中的瑰宝,面点的制作和烹饪是中餐制作中的重要内容。历经几千年历史文化的传承,我国的面点制作工艺在继承传统工艺的基础上,融合了西式餐点的制作方式和风格,从而形成了别具一格的中式面点制作模式。现阶段,中式面点的造型和制作方面具有非常大的研究价值,而地域文化、历史文化等都是影响面点造型和制作方式的重要因素。要想制作出具有独特味道、造型的中式面点,在制作工艺和规范上有诸多细节需要注意。为了更好地引起食客的食用欲望,研究中式面点造型与制作规范至关重要。基于此,本文从中式面点的历史发展着手,首先简要分析了当前阶段市面上中式面点的主要类型,随后阐述了中式面点的具体造型要求及规范,最后探讨了影响中式面点造型的主要因素,以供相关人士交流参考。 相似文献
面点制作作为中职教育中重要的学科组成之一,涵盖了中式面点和西式面点两种面点类型。中西式面点在原料选择、制作工艺和面点造型等方面都存在一定差异,能够彰显出中西方面点制作方面的鲜明特征。因此,面点制作专业的教师应秉承师夷长技、推陈出新的教学理念,在充分把握传统面点制作工艺的基础上,明确中西方面点的差异,并以创新的视角进行融合创新设计,帮助学生进行创新思维的构建和学科基础的巩固,推动我国面点餐饮行业的发展与进步。 相似文献
随着社会的发展,人们的审美观念与消费观念发生较大改变,对饮食也提出了新要求,更注重健康饮食。因此,西式面点必须及时创新,从制作工艺与原料入手,寻找拓宽发展空间的有效途径,提高西式面点的品质与口感。基于此,本文分析了西式面点的特点,提出了西式面点制作工艺与原料的创新策略,旨在推动西式面点在新环境下的持续发展。 相似文献
西式面点作为西方饮食文化的重要组成部分,是西餐制作必不可少的构成内容.本文基于我国西式面点的发展现状,结合实践就西式面点的制作工艺与原料选用探讨了西式面点的创新路径. 相似文献
随着我国经济的发展,人们对美食的兴趣也逐步提高,其中,中式面点美食极大地满足了人们的需求和兴趣。中式面点美食种类丰富,同时还具有健康养生的功能,深受人们的喜爱。为进一步促进中式面点美食的发展,需要从中式面点美食的养生价值和创新方面进行深入的研究和讨论,全面探索人们的养生理念以及对面点美食的相关要求,为中式面点美食的发展奠定良好的基础。 相似文献
林产品市场模型文献综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
关于林产品市场的数量研究开始于上个世纪50年代。早期的研究主要以时间序列数据为主。近几十年来,由于经济理论在林产品市场模型中的应用,模型估计方法的改进,以及详细数据的获得,林产品市场模型越来越完善。文章对近几十年来出现的主要建模方法,及其应用作一回顾,并对这些方法的优缺点作简单的比较。 相似文献
Choice Modeling and Tests of Benefit Transfer 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Mark Morrison Jeff Bennett Russell Blamey & Jordan Louviere 《American journal of agricultural economics》2002,84(1):161-170
Benefit transfer is increasingly being used by decision makers as a way of estimating environmental values suitable for use in benefit cost analysis. However, recent studies examining the validity of benefit transfer of passive use values estimated using contingent valuation have rejected the hypothesis of convergent validity. In this article, we demonstrate the usage of a form of conjoint analysis known as choice modeling for benefit transfer. Choice modeling has been touted as being particularly suitable for benefit transfer because it is possible to allow for differences in environmental quality and socioeconomic characteristics when transferring benefit estimates. We demonstrate that choice modeling is suitable for benefit transfer, particularly when the transfers involve implicit prices. Second, we examine the circumstances in which benefit transfer of choice modeling derived value estimates is likely to be most valid. Two split sample tests were undertaken to achieve this objective. The evidence from these tests indicates that transfers across different case study sites are likely to be subject to less error than those across different populations. 相似文献
随着生活品质的提高,人们越来越关注食物的品质,要求食物不仅要色香味俱全,而且烹饪后其中的营养成分也要有所保留.现阶段,食物烹饪方法有很多种,同一食物不同的烹饪方法会带给人不同的视觉和味觉体验,但也会对食物的营养成分造成不同的影响.为此,本文针对烹饪方法对食物营养成分的影响展开研究. 相似文献
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对菜品的要求越来越高,不仅要求菜品色香味俱全,还要求具有较高的营养价值.为满足人们对菜品的需求,厨师们需要归纳总结各种烹饪方法的优点,融合各类烹饪方法所长创新菜品,并从其他餐饮文化中吸收宝贵经验,为己所用,不断创造出新颖、健康和美味的菜品.本文简单介绍了几种常见的中式烹饪方法,分析了中式... 相似文献
中国烹饪技术源远流长,技艺精湛,众多食品烹饪技法均为非物质文化遗产.对传统的非物质文化遗产烹饪技艺进行创新融合,既能达到保健、养生的目的,又能很好的传承中国的非物质文化遗产,值得深入研究和实践.根据笔者多年的研究和实践,众多非遗烹饪技艺需要创新以便适应现代人们的饮食需求.比如在非遗烹饪技法中,腌制带来的高钠摄入可以通过... 相似文献
During the last decades the European countryside has witnessed some major changes. This ‘rural restructuring’ implies a shift from an agricultural and manufacturing-based economy towards a service-centred economy in which the countryside is considered to be a place of consumption instead of a place of production. These major changes are accompanied by a shift in policy towards more engagement of stakeholders for the development and implementation of government objectives. However, making this shift from a steering government to a more enabling one does not come about naturally and authorities often lack adequate recourses, professional skills and equipment to take on this enabling role. In their search for the development of sound policy, policy makers are often confronted with a social interface to overcome. In line with Long (2003), we defined this social interface as “a critical point of intersection between different life worlds, social fields or levels of social organisation, where social discontinuities based upon discrepancies in values, interests, knowledge and power, are most likely to be located”. Making an (analytical) distinction between three main dimensions of the interface of policy making, namely the presence of a multitude of actors, the difficulty of integrating different knowledge systems and the need to reconcile different policy levels, enabled us to deal with the complexity of policy making processes. The objective of this paper is to investigate how this interface can be organised in such a way that a constructive collaboration allows a sound and widely accepted rural policy to develop. We describe three cases in Flanders (Belgium) for which new rural policy needed to be developed: agrarian architecture, the development of a landscape vision and the development of a policy strategy for castles, manors and their parks. Based on the comparative analysis of these cases, we were able to define five components that allow the organisation of the social interface: define common goals; identify the actors; integrate different knowledge systems; design the process; and guard transparency, fairness and procedural justice of the process. 相似文献