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赵金翠 《中国市场》2011,(28):121-121,127
近年来,我国商品流通渠道中零售商与供应商之间的矛盾不断发生,严重影响了流通产业的和谐发展。本文通过分析我国零供关系的现状及矛盾冲突的表现和原因,为零售商、供应商、政府等各方寻求构建和谐零供关系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

陶莉 《商场现代化》2005,(12):17-18
在当前的零供纷争中,供应商总体上处于弱势地位,表现在零售商占用贷款和乱收费,以及供应商不利的谈判地位上,供应商弱势地位的形成在经济方面是由于日益提高的渠道价值增加了零售商的谈判筹码,而供应商实力相对弱小,社会原因则主要是法规制度不完善和行业协会功能缺失,要提高供应商的地位,需要供应商提高自身实力和对零售商的影响力,完善相关法规制度,并强化行业协会的功能。  相似文献   

零售商与供应商的矛盾是流通领域的问题焦点。二者之间矛盾的产生是由各种因素综合作用的结果。解决问题的关键在于各方主体能够充分认知现实中的零供关系,理性看待零供冲突和零供矛盾。政府、供应商和零售商等各方都应该从自身出发寻找解决零供矛盾的办法,以实现双赢的目标。  相似文献   

陶莉 《商场现代化》2005,(34):17-18
在当前的零供纷争中,供应商总体上处于弱势地位,表现在零售商占用贷款和乱收费,以及供应商不利的谈判地位上,供应商弱势地位的形成在经济方面是由于日益提高的渠道价值增加了零售商的谈判筹码,而供应商实力相对弱小,社会原因则主要是法规制度不完善和行业协会功能缺失,要提高供应商的地位,需要供应商提高自身实力和对零售商的影响力,完善相关法规制度,并强化行业协会的功能.  相似文献   

在当前的零供纷争中,供应商总体上处于弱势地位,表现在零售商占用货款和乱收费,以及供应商不利的谈判地位上,供应商弱势地位的形成在经济方面是由于日益提高的渠道价值增加了零售商的谈判筹码,而供应商实力相对弱小,社会原因则主要是法规制度不完善和行业协会功能缺失,要提高供应商的地位,需要供应商提高自身实力和对零售商的影响力,完善相关法规制度,并强化行业协会的功能。  相似文献   

本文介绍了零售商和供应商在商品供货过程中的关系及存在的矛盾,分析了零供关系矛盾的根源,阐述了规范零供关系搭建和谐供应链的途径。  相似文献   

随着零售业的竞争发展经过了跑马圈地和价格战两个阶段之后,零售商为进一步提升利润空间,开始发展自有品牌。零售商自有品牌的发展,标志着零售商开始进入上游制造产业,与供应商开始争夺市场份额,这就会影响双方之间的合作关系,破坏双方之间的信任和承诺,甚至引发供零之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

零供矛盾一直困扰我国流通业的发展,零售商不规范促销、零售商与供应商不公平交易屡见不鲜,有从实体经济向电子商务领域蔓延的势头。零供冲突不断,损害了消费者、零售商和供应商的利益,影响了市场秩序的正常运行。为探究零供矛盾根源、发现问题本质与规律,本文在归纳当前零供矛盾主要表现形式的基础上,重点剖析了引发零供矛盾和冲突的深层原因,提出了改善零供关系的对策建议。  相似文献   

论和谐社会中零供关系的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李泽华 《商业时代》2006,(36):15-16
在大力倡导建设和谐社会之际,和谐的零供关系无疑具有非常重要的理论意义和实际意义:和谐的零供关系是建设和谐社会的应有之意,同时也有利于更好的建设和谐社会。本文将零供关系置于建设和谐社会这个大的宏观背景之下,追寻世界零售业零供关系发展脉络并由此推断我国零供关系所处的特殊阶段,最后系统地探讨如何改善。  相似文献   

零售商与供应商的矛盾是流通领域的焦点问题,由来已久。但实际中越来越多的企业认识到零供双方本就应该是一种“双赢”的战略关系,厂商关系加快了向合作共赢、和谐发展的方向全面推进的步伐。零供战略联盟由于将价值链中生产、供应、销售渠道、市场营销环节充分联系,发挥各环节中的优势资源,实现了优势互补、强强联合,而成为改善零供关系的有益探索。  相似文献   

基于博弈论的零售商与供应商关系探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用博弈论对零售商与供应商的关系进行了分析,认为在非合作博弈条件下,零售商与供应商为追求各自利益的最大化,必然会相互竞争,这正是目前零售商与供应商矛盾冲突的根源;而在合作博弈条件下,零售商与供应商之间相互合作的结果要优于非合作博弈。文章提出,要实现零售商与供应商之间的合作博弈,应具备一定的前提和条件,必须采取措施消除阻碍零售商与供应商进行合作的障碍,创造合作博弈的环境和氛围,使零售商与供应商相互信任,创造零售商与供应商重复博弈的条件,公开企业市场行为信息,增加破坏合作的违约成本。  相似文献   

目前,国内连锁超市等零售商靠收取通道费实现更大盈利模式,是毋庸讳言的客观事实。供应商为了进入连锁超市而支付一定的通道费,本属于市场经济中正常的交易行为,但一些大型连锁零售企业以各种名目收取不合理的通道费,损害了供应商合法权益,扰乱了市场正常交易秩序,在一定程度上,甚至损害了消费者的合法利益,不利于零售业的健康发展。目前对通道费的研究基本上是单独从经济学或法学分析角度,文章试图从经济学与法学综合分析的视角,探讨通道费问题。首先阐述了通道费的特征,其次回顾了国内外关于通道费的经济学和法学理论研究主要观点,第三部分提出了法学视角分析通道费问题的思路,其中重点分析了对大型连锁零售商滥用相对优势地位收取通道费的行为可以比照滥用市场支配地位进行规制。最后就进一步健全通道费的规制框架提出几点建议,力求寻找出解决通道费问题比较妥当的路径。  相似文献   

零售商与供应商之间依赖关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据实地调查所得的数据,采用定量分析方法,检验了与零售商和供应商之间依赖关系有关的三个假设。研究结果表明:第一,不论是供应商还是零售商,实力越强者越倾向于被自己的合作伙伴较高程度地依赖,而实力越弱的成员越倾向于更多的依赖合作伙伴;第二,在零售商和供应商关系中,双方对彼此依赖程度的感知存在较大的差异;第三,对彼此依赖程度感知上的差异会增大零售商和供应商之间被感知到的冲突。  相似文献   


This paper proposes a broad framework of relationship marketing using the stakeholder approach. Drawing from Peck et al. (1999) framework and proposing several modifications, the authors identify the following relational groups-supplier markets, customer markets (channels), customer markets (end users), competitor markets, external influence markets, and internal markets. The growing importance of strategic alliances is reflected in all constituent groups as well as in a proposed modification of the Berry and Parasuraman (1991) levels of relationships. This paper also re-examines the strategic role of the traditional marketing mix strategies (namely, product, price, place, and promotion) in the new relationship paradigm. Finally, implementation strategies for the stakeholder markets, in general, and customer markets, in particular, are proposed. Several propositions are derived throughout the paper, many of which can be fertile areas for future research investigations.  相似文献   

Although the transaction cost analysis (TCA) has long been used by marketing and management scholars to study organizational buyers' make-or-buy decisions, it sheds limited light on their choice behavior beyond the make-or-buy trade-off. In the meantime, many organizational purchase decisions are structured around which independent supplier to buy from, rather than a typical make-or-buy decision. This study extends existing research on TCA by applying this theoretical framework to explore why organizational buyers make purchases from among independent suppliers. The article posits that (1) two forms of relationship governance—buyer trust and market (i.e., the relative dependence between the buyer and supplier)—help explain the differences in buyer decision-making uncertainty involving independent suppliers, which further influences the buyers' propensity to purchase; and that (2) trust further influences the buyers' propensity to purchase due to its effect on customer perceived value. The empirical study based on organizational purchasing decisions lends support to the predictions of the relationship governance theory.  相似文献   

在商务交往中,个人关系是一种双刃剑,既能够促进甚至决定顾客和企业关系的发展,又由于稳定性的缺乏或过于强调个人关系给企业带来风险。企业应客观认识个人关系的作用,加强基础管理工作和客户关系管理,完善客户档案,建立与顾客之间互动的关系网络,做好关键时刻的具体工作。同时,企业应采取措施,留住关键员工,促进个人关系向企业层面关系转化,促进和带动顾企关系的发展,实现企业的经营目标。  相似文献   

Over the last decade and a half Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has developed into an area of major significance. However, there is considerable confusion in the academic and managerial literature about what is meant by CRM and how if differs from relationship marketing. Further, despite heavy investment by organizations in CRM, there is extensive reporting of CRM’s failure to achieve anticipated results in the literature. This article reviews the conceptual differences between CRM and relationship marketing and defines these terms. It argues that, in many organizations, CRM failures have occurred through a lack of strategic focus. Key strategic issues are identified. A CRM Strategy Matrix is presented which considers the strategic context of companies and the implications for the development of their CRM strategies. Four alternative approaches towards building customer relationships are identified and migration paths between them are reviewed. Implications for implementing CRM strategy and future research are discussed.
P. E. FrowEmail:

Establishing, maintaining, and enhancing relationships over the Internet have progressively gained global attention. Nevertheless, the dawn of this modernization draws many theoretical debates and practical concerns, some of which have received little research attention, especially within the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. On this premise, we explored the contemporary practice, challenges, and benefits of Internet-based relationship marketing (RM) within the Ghanaian telecommunication industry. Expert interviews with 12 employees from four telecommunication firms elicited a wealth of experiential data analyzed thematically to understand the practice, challenges, and emerging benefits of Internet-based RM. Our findings suggest that issues of privacy concerns, erosion of face-to-face communication, and the tendency of unsolicited communication do not necessarily militate Internet-based RM within the Ghanaian telecommunication industry. We also identified emerging benefits, including online “virality,” a discovery environment, and improved firm reputation. We suggest enhancing online personalization through empathy, creating value with analytic information and managerial openness, and supporting enhanced knowledge development within the area. Directions for future studies include the possibility of comparative studies across service industries and examining the role of content marketing in Internet-based relationships. The challenge of exploring Internet-based RM was similar to hitting a moving target, as the use of the Internet for relationship marketing activities is constantly evolving. Additionally, our findings and conclusion are confined to the knowledge contribution of the experts interviewed. As one of the few studies within the Sub-Saharan region, we expand contributions from the Sub-Saharan domain. The findings of this study also bring to light new insights for establishing, maintaining, and enhancing Internet-based relationships.  相似文献   

Purpose: This article seeks to understand how relationship quality dimensions develop in cross-border relational exchanges and explores their determinants, including the role of cultural sensitivity, in each relationship phase. By mobilizing the multidimensional meta-concept of relationship quality and its forms, this research captures the evolution of relationship quality between French buyers and foreign sellers. The improved understanding of relationship quality’s dynamics under cultural sensitivity influences in turn offers a more accurate, active form of relationship management.

Methodology: Thirty-nine semistructured, in-depth interviews with business buyers located in France, representing a range of sectors, reveal the nature, transformations, and determinants of relationship quality. Qualitative methods are more appropriate to elucidate processes and the fundamental transformation of constructs over time. Because relationship quality is a property of a specific buyer–supplier, cross-border interaction, this multiphase study provides insights into the nature and the fundamental transformation of concepts.

Findings: The multiphase qualitative analysis shows that as relationships evolve, fundamental transformations take place in the components and antecedents of relationship quality. Cultural sensitivity has a key role during the most advanced relationship phases. The primacy of economic logic dominates the exploration phase; cognitive aspects receive the emphasis in the expansion phase; and relationship quality, in the maintenance phase, results from a combination of affective and emotional factors. As emotional ties deepen, relationship quality exceeds what might have been expected on the basis of the cognitive elements actually exchanged.

Originality: The key contributions of this article are the multiform conceptualization of the constituent elements of relationship quality and the phase-specific study of this meta-construct. The article argues and empirically supports how relationship quality is changing in the context of cross-border exchanges—French buyers with international sellers. The innovative study addresses simultaneously concepts that constitute relationship quality and its determinants, as well as revealing their importance in different relationship phases. Prior research does not consider

the differentiated standpoint on relationship quality forms within a temporal perspective. However, this study also is limited by the multisectoral nature of the sample and the monadic character of the research.  相似文献   

零售商品牌资产的管理和创建是零售企业获取持续竞争优势的关键,但关于零售商品牌资产管理策略的理论指导并不系统和丰富。因此,本文从零售商品牌营销管理、顾客情绪管理、顾客体验管理、顾客关系管理、顾客忠诚管理5个多维理论视角,对零售商品牌资产管理的策略体系进行了构建,以期为零售商品牌资产的创建过程和途径提供丰富的管理视野与思路。  相似文献   

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