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辽河油田曙一区兴隆台油层为互层状超稠油油藏,是主要的储量接替和产能建设区域.该区域储层发育差,开发过程中存在注汽压力高、低周期采注比低、周期产油量低、油汽比低、吞吐效果差等问题.通过对油藏储层特征、油藏开发矛盾的研究,掌握制约互层状超稠油油藏开发效果的因素和机理,寻求改善开发效果的有效途径和技术手段.现场应用表明,通过合理的射孔层位组合、合理的注汽参数设计、组合式吞吐技术的应用、套管防护技术的应用等,可以有效的改善油藏开发效果.  相似文献   

由于文南油田井况不断恶化,事故井、带病生产井不断增加,严重地影响油田的开发效果。根据文南油田的井况现状,结合开发的需要,主要推广应用了电磁探伤组合测井、套管整形打通道加固、大修换井底、开窗侧钻工艺、取换套工艺等五项套管修复配套技术,全年措施增油量15 081.9吨,累增天然气:415.8×104m3。  相似文献   

码头经过多年使用,由于构件处于恶劣的氯离子侵蚀环境中,所以容易发生一些构件破损现象.本文针对福建一港区码头加固施工工程实例进行分析.对于因为腐蚀环境对构件的破坏,还有长期疲劳使用使得结构超负荷运用,而导致构件出现破损问题,提出了相适应的加固修复方法.并对其施工方法及工艺流程做了介绍.  相似文献   

通过对超稠油蒸汽吞吐汽窜特点的研究,对曙一区超稠油汽窜的油藏和开发等因素进行了分析,并对防治汽窜的方法进行了探讨,提出了适合超稠油蒸汽吞吐开发的汽窜防治措施.现场应用表明,通过采用优化射孔层位和注汽参数、推广应用组合式蒸汽吞吐技术、实施高温暂堵、调剖封窜技术等,可以有效抑制和利用汽窜,改善油层动用状况,提高油藏开发效果.  相似文献   

通过对杜229断块高轮次低效油井间歇蒸汽吞吐技术效果分析,间歇时间是决定间歇蒸汽吞吐技术效果的重要技术参数.并对间歇时间的影响因素进行了分析,在此基础上,确定了超稠油油井的最佳间歇时间.这一成果为超稠油油井实施间歇蒸汽吞吐技术提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

自1996年以来,曙一区超稠油立足于蒸汽吞吐开发,十五以来老区递减加快,高轮低效、套管损坏、油层水侵、地层压力下降等诸多开发矛盾越来越突出,特油公司科技人员大胆实践、开拓进取、优化产能建设、优化注采方式,应用组合式吞吐改善高轮效果,扩大水平井吞吐规模、开展开发方式转换试验,开发技术不断创新,取得了较好的开发效果,年产规模一直保持在百万吨以上.为了搞好超稠油开发,注重多专业协同,力求超稠油持续低成本开发.  相似文献   

本文阐释了常规建筑加固与修复的主要特点、适用范围和施工重点.结合工程体会,指出了在建筑结构加固与修复中,需要注意的一些问题.探讨了国内常用的直接加固和间接加固修复技术.  相似文献   

林赞 《城市建设》2010,(6):168-168,170
本文阐释了常规建筑加固与修复的主要特点、适用范围和施工重点。结合工程体会,指出了在建筑结构加固与修复中,需要注意的一些问题。探讨了国内常用的直接加固和间接加固修复技术。  相似文献   

本文作者结合各处理方案的优缺点,结合本工程的实际情况,推荐采用外粘钢板的修复和螺栓锚固钢筋网用铁砂混凝土浇筑的2种修复加固处理方案,并对修复加固处理方案的施工技术要点加以阐述。  相似文献   

桥梁建筑中在桥梁建造与使用过程中.现浇钢筋混凝土结构构件会出现裂缝,裂缝的发展会使结构物产生异常的内部应力或变形,严重的可能会危及桥梁的结构安全和正常使用。由于桥面板直接受到车轮荷栽的影响,一旦开裂容易迅速恶化,这也一直困扰着桥梁工程技术人员。所以应对桥面出现的裂缝尽早发现,尽量提前进行适当的处理。混凝土桥梁裂缝产生的原因以及修复加固技术使用最多、最广泛的材料之一,其主要缺点是:抗拉能力差,容易开裂,因此正确分析裂缝的成因是克服和控制混凝土桥梁的关键针对以上情况对其进行详细的分析.并提出了一些加固的方法以供参考。  相似文献   

Transient and asymptotic dynamics of reinforcement learning in games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reinforcement learners tend to repeat actions that led to satisfactory outcomes in the past, and avoid choices that resulted in unsatisfactory experiences. This behavior is one of the most widespread adaptation mechanisms in nature. In this paper we fully characterize the dynamics of one of the best known stochastic models of reinforcement learning [Bush, R., Mosteller, F., 1955. Stochastic Models of Learning. Wiley & Sons, New York] for 2-player 2-strategy games. We also provide some extensions for more general games and for a wider class of learning algorithms. Specifically, it is shown that the transient dynamics of Bush and Mosteller's model can be substantially different from its asymptotic behavior. It is also demonstrated that in general—and in sharp contrast to other reinforcement learning models in the literature—the asymptotic dynamics of Bush and Mosteller's model cannot be approximated using the continuous time limit version of its expected motion.  相似文献   

Reinforcement learners tend to repeat actions that led to satisfactory outcomes in the past, and avoid choices that resulted in unsatisfactory experiences. This behavior is one of the most widespread adaptation mechanisms in nature. In this paper we fully characterize the dynamics of one of the best known stochastic models of reinforcement learning [Bush, R., Mosteller, F., 1955. Stochastic Models of Learning. Wiley & Sons, New York] for 2-player 2-strategy games. We also provide some extensions for more general games and for a wider class of learning algorithms. Specifically, it is shown that the transient dynamics of Bush and Mosteller's model can be substantially different from its asymptotic behavior. It is also demonstrated that in general—and in sharp contrast to other reinforcement learning models in the literature—the asymptotic dynamics of Bush and Mosteller's model cannot be approximated using the continuous time limit version of its expected motion.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、一体化的背景下,跨国公司作为国际技术转移主体的作用正在不断增强,FDI的流入的确推动了我国的经济进步,但跨国公司为了维持其在某些领域的垄断地位,还会千方百计地阻挠这种技术的转移和扩散,加上我国自身的经济结构和体制的障碍及吸收学习能力的有限,技术转移的效应可能达不到理想的理论水平.因此,既要注重跨国公司的技术转移,又不能忽视我国的技术创新,这是实现经济可持续增长的根本所在.  相似文献   

It is well known that the design of cost minimizing procurement rules for the selection of a contractor among distinct technological groups requires the favouritism of inefficient firms. In this paper, I show that, if technology adoption is non-contractible, these policies will also provide optimal incentives for the inefficient firms to adopt more efficient technologies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of technology club heterogeneity in economic growth and convergence. To do so, we break up labor productivity change into three factors – efficiency, technological, and capital–labor ratio changes – while distinguishing the impact of technology club heterogeneity respectively. This allows us to observe what is happening within and between clubs; as well as between the world and club technologies. Our labor productivity decomposition is nonparametric in nature and thus overcomes the issue of specifying functional forms for the club technologies. Our results reveal the existence of technology heterogeneity and divergence: the world technology is defined by advanced and rich countries; there exists intra-convergence phenomena (mostly due to capital–labor ratio change), but inter-convergences (owning to capital–labor ratio and technological changes) are not found. Finally, we argue that follower and marginalized countries have adopted imitating strategies, but with respect to different dimensions, namely technological change or capital–labor ratio.  相似文献   

Empirical studies on regional economic development in Europe traditionally concluded that income per capita converged at a steady rate of about 2%. Recent studies on regional disparity have repudiated these findings: in the 1980s convergence was absent in Europe. This paper adds some new empirical findings. Firstly, convergence re-emerged at the end of the 1980s and in the 1990s. Secondly, growth was a combined result of poor regions catching up with richer ones, peripheral regions growing faster than central ones, innovation and of technology spillovers. Thirdly, by conditioning so-called σ-convergence, it is found that convergence was most pronounced between regions that were localised far away from each other and that were dissimilar in terms of innovative activity, technological specialisation and the amount of spillovers received.  相似文献   

The large gap between the best available technology and technology in use, especially in the less developed world, is primarily due to social and cultural factors that can only be changed by means of deliberately applied social technologies. Thus, conventional strategies for global population stabilization, economic development, and environmental improvement often put the cart before the horse.  相似文献   

Emerging generic technologies seem set to make a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. However, success in developing such technologies depends upon advances in science. Confronted with increasing global economic competition, policy-makers and scientists are grappling with the problem of how to select the most promising research areas and emerging technologies on which to target resources and, hence, derive the greatest benefits. This paper analyzes the experiences of Japan, the US, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and the UK in using foresight to help in selecting and exploiting research that is likely to yield longer-term economic and social benefits. It puts forward a model of the foresight process for identifying research areas and technologies of strategic importance, and also analyzes why some foresight exercises have proved more successful than others. It concludes by drawing an analogy between models of innovation and foresight.  相似文献   

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