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通过对曙三区砂岩油藏地质特征和出砂机理的精细研究,制定出该区各开发阶段的防砂工艺,并在此基础上从防砂机理、防砂方式等方面进行了防砂效果评价,结果证实各项防砂方案及防砂技术均适应了各个阶段的开发特点,油层潜力得以充分发挥.为国内同类油藏的开发提供了一定的实用性和可操作性.  相似文献   

辽河油田曙一区兴隆台油层为互层状超稠油油藏,是主要的储量接替和产能建设区域.该区域储层发育差,开发过程中存在注汽压力高、低周期采注比低、周期产油量低、油汽比低、吞吐效果差等问题.通过对油藏储层特征、油藏开发矛盾的研究,掌握制约互层状超稠油油藏开发效果的因素和机理,寻求改善开发效果的有效途径和技术手段.现场应用表明,通过合理的射孔层位组合、合理的注汽参数设计、组合式吞吐技术的应用、套管防护技术的应用等,可以有效的改善油藏开发效果.  相似文献   

通过对超稠油蒸汽吞吐汽窜特点的研究,对曙一区超稠油汽窜的油藏和开发等因素进行了分析,并对防治汽窜的方法进行了探讨,提出了适合超稠油蒸汽吞吐开发的汽窜防治措施.现场应用表明,通过采用优化射孔层位和注汽参数、推广应用组合式蒸汽吞吐技术、实施高温暂堵、调剖封窜技术等,可以有效抑制和利用汽窜,改善油层动用状况,提高油藏开发效果.  相似文献   

针对茨榆坨油田普通稠油油藏低压、低渗、出砂、油稠、地层染污严重等问题,结合茨13断块和茨9断块油藏特点,实施了压裂充填技术.通过运用端部脱砂原理,对携砂液、充填砂以及压裂参数进行优化和改进,实现了对低压、低渗稠油油藏的地层改造,对因出砂造成的近井亏空地带进行了高压充填,在近井地带形成了新的高渗透渗流通道,有效地改善了原油在井底的流动条件.现场应用情况表明,措施后油井增产效果显著,地层出砂得到有效地遏制,区块开发效果明显改善.  相似文献   

针对茨榆坨西部油田油井出砂严重、普通泵生产检泵频繁、检泵周期短的问题,应用长柱塞耐砂泵,进行携砂采油,提高了泵效,延长了检泵周期;同时利用耐砂泵防砂能力强的优点,针对侧钻井存在开窗位置高、泵挂深度浅的问题,应用小直径耐砂泵,可加深泵挂至开窗位置以下,既提高了油井产量,又有效防止了卡泵现象的发生,取得了良好的防砂效果.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善21世纪议程管理办公室,周丁在漫漫黄沙的背景下谈道:“10岁的时候,我和我的同伴儿,喝过(这里)非常好的泉水,八卦泉的泉水。当时有桦树林,我们在桦树林玩儿,在水库里面,我们可以游泳。”  相似文献   

Using the reputation model of Kreps (1982), Vickers (1986) and Barro(1986), we develop a dynamic game model with incomplete information to examine the relations between the managers of state-owned enterprises(SOEs) in China and the government as the enterprise’s owner. Employing the model, we show that even a noncoopertive manager will not intrude the owner’s interests until the last period of his term in order to maximize his long term utility. The paper also discusses some phenomenona in state-owned enterprises in China, such as “insiders’ control”, “59 phenomenon” and excess on-the-job consumption.  相似文献   

工程项目施工过程中成本控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成本控制是工程项目控制的重要部分。本文主要研究了施工过程中的质量成本控制和工期成本控制,提出了质量成本模型和优化的方法以及网络工期的优化方法,同时提出了挣值分析是对传统项目成本控制的创新。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the gains from implementing cooperative policies among the North, the South, and OPEC. This is accomplished by applying optimal control to an econometric model of a three-region world economy. The results suggest that while a worldwide recovery is feasible, not all regions benefit equally from it. Motivated by these findings, the paper also examines how a shift in the regional balance of power in favor of the South improves their growth prospects.  相似文献   

Journal of Regulatory Economics - This paper compares two common environmental regulations: size control and intensity control. We compare the impacts of the two environmental regulations on firm...  相似文献   

风险导向审计要求审计人员对错报风险的识别、评估和应对应贯穿于审计过程的事前、事中和事后,同时,要求审计人员将审计资源有效分配到最容易导致财务报表出现重大错报的领域。在被审计单位整体层面了解和评价内部控制是必须实施的风险评估程序,在此基础上可以设计和实施控制测试等进一步审计程序。  相似文献   

《Economic Modelling》1986,3(3):213-236
While the benefits of a global policy coordination effort are known in theory, empirical estimates of the gains of such a move are difficult to come by, casting doubts on whether global policy coordination will ever occur. In this paper we assess, empirically, the viability of cooperative policies among the North, the South, and OPEC. To this end we apply stochastic optimal control to a nonlinear stochastic dynamic econometric model of a three region world economy that highlights the channels of international transmission of oil price effects and the feedback effects of policy responses to oil price changes. Even if cooperative policies exist, and are implemented, not all the parties involved will benefit to the same extent. Thus we also examine the sensitivity of the distribution of income gains (or losses) between the North, the South, and OPEC to alternative specifications of the welfare function.  相似文献   

在分析锦612块开发效果的基础上,采用三维地震技术对区块的构造和储层发育情况进行重新落实,同时采用分支井经济评价软件,对分支井产量和经济效益进行评价.在综合分析的基础上,优选了锦612-12-新22井进行分支井试验.该井试验的成功,为今后开发同类型油藏提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

毛月华  田艳君李克 《时代经贸》2007,5(4X):112-113,116
内部会计控制是为了提高会计信息质量,保护资产的安全、完整,确保有关法律法规和规章制度的贯彻执行等而制定和实施的一系列控制方法、措施和程序。目前我国交通运输企业在内部会计控制方面还存在着诸如企业治理结构不健全、会计控制不合理等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出完善企业内部会计控制制度、重视内部审计的作用及健全会计电算化系统等建议。  相似文献   

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