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Several studies have reported strong evidence of commonality in liquidity in US markets. The present study uses the research design of Chordia et al. (2000) to examine commonality in liquidity for a broad sample of stocks listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). In contrast to previous research, there is some evidence of market‐wide commonality in liquidity for ASX stocks, but it is less significant and less pervasive than that observed in other markets. These results are consistent with explanations based on differences in market structure between the USA and Australia.  相似文献   

This paper provides a model which helps explain the variability of stock liquidity premium. Liquidity is modelled as a time-varying price impact and includes both permanent as well as temporary price impacts. Liquidity premium is defined as an additional expected return that stock should yield to compensate an investor for the potential loss of wealth utility caused by price impact costs. The numerical results presented show that liquidity premium varies with expected net stock return, return volatility and, to a lesser extent, with returns on risk-free bonds. Liquidity premium is a growing and convex function of liquidity costs, and temporary price impact has a more severe effect on liquidity premium than the permanent one.  相似文献   

We study the immediate price impact of a single trade executed in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). By ordering the top 300 stocks on the ASX in order of their free float market capitalization, a clear pattern emerges, with higher cap stocks experiencing lower price impact than lower cap stocks for the same traded volume. We investigate this relationship in detail, and show that the price impact and liquidity scale as a power of the market capitalization. This relationship is used to obtain a single market impact curve which shows average price shift as a function of volume traded. We obtain similar results for every year from 2001 to 2004.  相似文献   

Dufour and Engle (J. Finance (2000) 2467) find evidence of increased presence of informed traders when the NYSE markets are most active. No such evidence, however, can be found by Manganelli (J. Financial Markets (2005) 377) for the infrequently traded stocks. This article investigates the issue of informed trading and its relation to liquidity in Shanghai Stock Exchange. Consistent with the hypothesis that information-based trade exists for all stocks, our findings suggest an increased presence of informed trading in both liquid and illiquid stocks when markets are active. Moreover, for the actively traded stocks, our results support the price formation model of Foster and Viswanathan (Rev. Financial Studies (1990) 593) that activities of informed traders deter uninformed investors from trading, thereby reducing market liquidity.  相似文献   

This study examines commonality in liquidity of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) using a limited order book data from 1996 to 2003. Strong evidence is found for market-wide commonality in liquidity, which prevails across several liquidity measurements. Industry-wide commonality is found to be stronger than market-wide commonality in liquidity. However, we do not find a market-wide correlated liquidity supply imbalance. There is evidence that indicates a fall in individual liquidity on Monday and after a day with a positive return.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new price impact ratio as an alternative to the widely used Amihud’s (2002) Return-to-Volume ratio. We demonstrate that the new price impact ratio, which is deemed Return-to-Turnover ratio, has a number of appealing features. Using daily data from all stocks listed on the London Stock Exchange over the period 1991–2008, we provide overwhelming evidence that this ratio, while being unequivocal to construct and interpret, is also free of a size bias. More importantly, it encapsulates the stocks’ cross-sectional variability in trading frequency, a relatively neglected but possibly important determinant of stock returns given the recently observed trends in financial markets. Overall, our findings argue against the conventional wisdom that there is a simple direct link between trading costs and stock returns by strongly suggesting that it is the compound effect of trading frequency and transaction costs that matters for asset pricing, not each aspect in isolation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between market volatility and investor trades by identifying who supplies and demands market liquidity on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Because the different trading patterns of various investor types such as individual investors, institutional investors, and foreign investors affect market liquidity differently, we find that market volatility fluctuates significantly depending on which investor types participate in trade. We show that market volatility increases by more than 50% from the average level when there are greater buy trades by momentum investors that demand liquidity and there are less sell trades by contrarian (or profit-taking) investors that supply liquidity. On the other hand, volatility dampens by more than 57% when there are greater sell trades by profit-taking investors, mostly by domestic investors, while there are less momentum buy trades.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of informed trading on corporate liquidity. Although theory posits an inverse relation between informed trading and firm liquidity, there is relatively little evidence on precisely how this relation is established or maintained. The trading model of Easley et al. (J. Finance 51 (1996) 1405) is employed to estimate the probability of informed trading and to identify specific days of informed trading using posterior probabilities. The results show that corporate liquidity, both in terms of spreads and depths, is a decreasing function of the probability of informed trading. The main finding is that spreads narrow and depths increase on actual information days even after controlling for variations in price, volume, and volatility.  相似文献   

This paper investigates market efficiency of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). Together, weak and semi-strong form efficiency claim that historical and newly released public information do not predict future stock price movement. We test both forms of market efficiency by analyzing stock price behavior during times of abnormal trading volume and around the release dates of earnings information. Abnormal trading volume may be driven by liquidity demand or reflect new or private information flow to the market. Using JSE data over the period 2000 to 2021, we find price dynamics consistent with price pressure as firms experience negative abnormal returns on the day of abnormal trading activity but offsetting positive abnormal stock returns on the following day. Further findings show post earnings announcement drift on the JSE. Taken as a whole, the evidence suggests violations of market efficiency and has implications for capital allocation in this emerging market.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of tick size on intraday stock price behavior for stocks listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over the 2-year period of 1998–1999. The sample involves the same 80 firms that trade under the tick size of (New Taiwan Dollars) NT$0.1 and NT$0.5, respectively. The sample firms display a U-shaped intraday pattern of bid–ask spread, volatility, autocorrelation, and trading volume. The empirical results indicate that a larger tick size is associated with a wider bid–ask spread, larger volatility, and more negative autocorrelation. Moreover, a larger tick size is associated with a higher percentage increase of bid–ask spread and volatility in the middle of the trading period. Finally, the effect of tick size on trading volume is insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of central clearing on the credit default swap (CDS) market using a sample of voluntarily cleared single-name contracts. Consistent with central clearing reducing counterparty risk, CDS spreads increase around the commencement of central clearing and are lower than settlement spreads published by the central clearinghouse. Furthermore, the relation between CDS spreads and dealer credit risk weakens after central clearing begins, suggesting a lowering of systemic risk. These findings are robust to controls for frictions in both CDS and bond markets. Finally, matched sample analysis reveals that the increased post-trade transparency following central clearing is associated with an improvement in liquidity and trading activity.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the behavior of traders in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE):-firstly at the market level by analyzing the market return volatility, defining the time frame of this volatility, and classifying it as transitory volatility or a permanent volatility, Daily closing of Amman free float market index will be used to indicate the market return during the period from 1/1/1992 to 31/12/2015 where 5899 observations were obtained. Secondly at the firms level by selecting a sample of trading companies and interpreting the results through analyzing some important features of the companies, such as share price and ownership structure, Daily closing of share price of the selected companies will be used to indicate the return during the period from 1/1/2015 to 31/12/2015 where 240 observations were obtained for each company during this period.To achieve the goals of this study, the Variance ratio test, GARCH test, and CGARCH test will be used. The study highlighted an important result that the common culture of traders on ASE was Noise Trading; the significance of this finding was statistically proven at the confidence level of 1%.This study recommends the competent authorities to enact a slew of strict measures: the implementation of Capital Gains Tax in a bid to slash frequent selloffs and purchasing of noise traders and increasing the commission of brokers in return for completing selloffs and purchasing deals. The study also affirmed the necessity of intervening periodically to raise awareness of the negative impact of speculation including the instability, increasing the firm’s cost of capital and the damage to traders’ confidence in the stock markets.  相似文献   

We use NYSE system order data to conduct a controlled experiment examining changes in trader behavior, displayed liquidity supply, and execution quality around the reduction in the minimum price variation to $0.01. Although traders do not substantially reduce their use of traditional limit orders in favor of market orders or non-displayed orders, they do decrease limit order size and cancel limit orders more frequently after decimals than before. These changes in order submission strategy appear to result in less displayed liquidity throughout the limit order book more than 15 cents from the quote midpoint. This reduction in displayed liquidity, however, does not manifest itself in poor execution quality. Even for large system orders, traditional execution quality is not worse with decimals than with fractions.  相似文献   

This paper examines order price clustering, size clustering, and stock price movements in an active emerging country’s equities market, the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). We first explore the relationships between investor types and order price/size clustering. Next, we investigate the joint determinants of the round-price and round-size orders based on daily and intraday data analyses. Finally, we look at the relationships among investor types, round prices/sizes, and stock price movements. The findings reveal that all investor types exhibit price and size clustering phenomena. After controlling for other factors, institutional investors have a relatively lower level of size clustering when compared with individuals. Our results confirm the price resolution hypothesis, whereby the levels of daily price and size clustering increase with firm risk, and the probability of a round-price or round-size order increases as transitory volatility rises. Partially consistent with the negotiation hypothesis, the probability of a round-price or round-size order increases when order competition turns fiercer. Mutual funds exhibit stronger quarter-end and session-end effects than do other investors. We also detect strategic trading behaviors, showing that the probability of an order with a tail price of one (nine) increases when buy (sell) order competition is fiercer. Lastly, stocks with mutual funds’ round-price or round-size buy (sell) orders experience rising (falling) future stock returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we document an average first day return of 1.91 percent for the population of 105 investment trust IPOs during the period from January 1984 through August 1992 on the London Stock Exchange. This is the first study that finds evidence of significant first day returns for a sample of closed-end fund IPOs. The results also suggest that investment trust IPOs are subject to ‘hot’ issue periods. These tend to occur when there is a marked narrowing in the discounts of seasoned investment trusts. Initial gains are, however, short lived; by the end of their first year, investment trust IPOs substantially underperform a number of relevant benchmarks and, on average, trade at discounts to their underlying net asset values.  相似文献   

The stealth trading hypothesis asserts that informed traders trade strategically by breaking up their orders so as to more easily hide among the liquidity traders. Using data for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), a pure order-driven market, we find evidence that price changes are driven by small- and medium-size trades, with small trades making the greatest contribution to price change relative to their contribution to trading volume. We also find that large trades explain a greater portion of the cumulative price change on high volatility days. Hence, our results support the stealth trading hypothesis for the TSE.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market reaction to short sales on an intraday basis in a market setting where short sales are transparent immediately following execution. We find a mean reassessment of stock value following short sales of up to −0.20 percent with adverse information impounded within fifteen minutes or twenty trades. Short sales executed near the end of the financial year and those related to arbitrage and hedging activities are associated with a smaller price reaction; trades near information events precipitate larger price reactions. The evidence is generally weaker for short sales executed using limit orders relative to market orders.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price response to large block transactions on the Australian Stock Exchange during the 1999 sample period. We find asymmetry in the price reaction between buyer‐ and seller‐initiated trades with respect to size and resiliency following the trade. We extend previous research by examining order book changes surrounding block trades and relating price effects to changes in book depth. Purchases are associated with persistent order book imbalance, while the sales imbalance is insignificant. Cross‐sectional analysis demonstrates that price resiliency following a trade is related to the speed at which limit orders arrive to replenish book depth.  相似文献   

We propose a model for determining the optimal bid-ask spread strategy by a high-frequency trader (HFT) who has an informational advantage and receives information about the true value of a security. We employ an information cost function that includes volatility and the volume of the asset. Subsequently, we characterize the optimal bid-ask price strategies and obtain a stable bid-ask spread. We assume that orders submitted by low-frequency traders (LFTs) and news events arrive at the market with Poisson processes. Additionally, our model supports the trading of the two-sided quote in one period. We find that more LFTs and a higher exchange latency both hurt market liquidity. The HFT prefers to choose a two-sided quote to gain more profits while cautiously chooses a one-sided quote during times of high volatility. The model generates some testable implications with supporting empirical evidence from the NASDAQ-OMX Nordic Market.  相似文献   

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