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In this paper, we examine the effects of international capital mobility on innovation, growth, and optimal growth policies in a small open economy with R&D-driven growth. Households can borrow funds from an imperfect international capital market to finance their investment in R&D firms. We show that the economy can reach a higher growth rate if international capital is more mobile. This result is consistent with recent empirical findings. Moreover, we show that the common growth-enhancing policies, such as patent protection and the R&D subsidies, have an additional negative welfare effect when households can access the international capital market. Accordingly, the optimal patent protection and R&D subsidy should be smaller when the degree of international capital mobility is higher.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper characterizes the existence and stability properties of steady state solutions as well as the nature of transition paths of a two-sector growth model with heterogeneous capital. It compares the properties of a Cobb-Douglas–Leontief economy with heterogeneous capital with the properties of the same economy with homogeneous capital. The model with heterogeneous capital reveals a set of characteristics different to those of the model with homogeneous capital. These include the saddle-path stability of the non-trivial steady state as well as the possibility of overshooting and in contrast to the homogeneous capital case, the possibility of damped oscillations along the transition path for realistic parameter values. Received: September 21, 2001; revised version: November 21, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" We thank Costas Azariadis, and Laurie Conway for helpful comments on a previous draft. The paper has substantially benefited from the feedback of an anonymous referee. Correspondence to: R. Wendner  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze a heterogeneous agent model in which the fundamental exchange rate is endogenously determined by the real markets. The exchange rate market and the real markets are linked through the balance of payments. We have analytically found that there exists at least a steady state in which the exchange rate is equal to its fundamental value and incomes of both countries are equal to the autonomous components times the multiplier (as in the Income-Expenditure model). This steady state can be unique and unstable when all agents act as contrarians, while when agents act as fundamentalists it is unique but its stability depends on the reactivity of actors of the market. Finally, we show that the (in)stability of the economic system depends on both the reactivity of the markets and that of different types of agents involved. Employing well-know functional forms, we show that the model can replicate some of the statistical features of the true time series of the exchange rate.  相似文献   

In the present study we show that, based on equally weighted portfolios of continuously listed Finnish and Swedish stocks, aDynamic Model of Capital Asset Pricing (DCAPM) outperforms the static Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in the Super Criterion Test. It is demonstrated that the portfolio efficiency of the dynamic model is improved, when using a properly defined transition matrix in the Kalman Filtering Algorithm.The advice and encouragement of Professor Leif Nordberg (Department of Statistics, Åbo Akademi University) is gratefully acknowledged. I thank Jaana Aaltonen for her assistance in monitoring the computer programs. I also thank an anonymous referee for his valuable comments and suggestions for improving the quality of the paper.  相似文献   

We consider a dynamic three-sector dual-economy model when the technology transfer takes place from the foreign enclave to the labor-intensive domestic enclave. The long-run equilibrium and the comparative steady-state effects are analyzed. It is shown that the policy of subsidization to the foreign enclave may satisfy the conflicting tasks of raising national income and lowering unemployment simulataneously in the long run. Subsidization to a domestic enclave does not satisfy both the objectives.  相似文献   

The anticipated implications of international environmental policy strategies are critical for the success or failure of international negotiations on climate change policies. In this paper, we discuss the complex modeling issues related to the incorporation of international environmental policy measures in one of the popular applied general equilibrium models for international trade, the so-called GTAP model. Special attention is paid to an extended version of this model addressing environmental and energy problems, viz. the GTAP-E model. Various numerical results of simulation experiments with this model at a worldwide scale will be presented. In particular, we will address the question how to include the frequently discussed instruments of International Emission Trading, Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanisms in a computable general equilibrium model such as the GTAP-E model.  相似文献   

Recent econometric evidence suggests that trade liberalization has an elusive relationship to growth and income distribution. This paper provides an explanation for these results via numerical simulations of a dynamic structuralist CGE. The conclusion is that if families become too poor to finance human capital accumulation, or the state too stingy to supply it at a reasonable cost, exports of skill-intensive goods can become uncompetitive and the transition to openness may involve increasing poverty, unemployment and stagnation. The model design incorporates an informal sector as well as accumulation of human capital. The paper simulates two trajectories, a “green” path in which per capita income grows steadily with a rapid rate of human capital accumulation and a reduction in the level of economic informality. A second, or “red” path is also possible, however, with a growth rate that is much lower, an expanding informal sector and an inadequate rate of human capital formation.  相似文献   

We develop an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open economy with both durable and nondurable consumption to address the implications of alternative tax policies. An increase in lump sum taxes reduces the steady state level of consumption and improves the stock of foreign bonds. Consistent with empirical evidence, durable consumption exhibits initial excess volatility. Though an increase in the tax on durables increases the demand for nondurables and improves the bond holdings in the steady state, an increase in the tax on nondurables has insignificant effects on the stock of foreign bonds and the consumption of durables. Using quarterly data from the UK and estimating generalized impulse response functions we find empirical support. We also calibrate the welfare implications of different tax policies.  相似文献   

We introduce an external effect of existing technologies in human capital accumulation in an endogenous growth model and describe its steady-state and transition. We numerically solve the model to compare the quantitative effects of R&D policy with the quantitative effects of human capital policy in wealth and welfare. Although R&D subsidies have now an overall positive effect on growth, wealth and welfare, the calibration exercise shows that for plausible values for the parameters, human capital policy is simultaneously the most income and welfare-improving and the less expensive to the government.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the macroeconomic impacts of subsidies to attract multinational corporations when firms are determining whether to enter or how to serve foreign markets. We show that a small FDI subsidy scheme induces consumption gains and delivers short‐term welfare improvement for the FDI host country if firms differ in productivity. However, the subsidy generates a new problem and results in the wealth reallocation effect, leading to welfare deterioration for the host country in the long run. Moreover, we find that a subsidy program induces a welfare improvement for the host country if it is offered to all domestic producers instead of foreign producers only in the host country.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence on the roles of fairness and other-regarding preferences as fundamental human motives. Call voters with fair preferences, as in Fehr and Schmidt (1999), fair-voters. By contrast, traditional political economy models are based on selfish-voters who derive utility solely from “own” payoff. In a general equilibrium model with endogenous labor supply, a mixture of fair and selfish voters choose optimal policy through majority voting. First, we show that majority voting produces a unique winner in pairwise contests over feasible policies (the Condorcet winner). Second, we show that a preference for greater fairness leads to greater redistribution. An increase in the number of fair voters can also lead to greater redistribution. Third, we show that in economies where the majority are selfish-voters, the decisive policy could be chosen by fair-voters, and vice versa. Fourth, while choosing labor supply, even fair voters behave exactly like selfish voters. We show how this apparently inconsistent behavior in different domains (voting and labor supply) can be rationalized within the model.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of monetary policies in newly industrialized economies characterized by extremely low level of labor and capital mobility between urban and rural sectors. Policies are executed in the urban sector which sends waves of adjustments in the rest of the economy. I show that with liquidity constraints and immobility in labor and capital, the sector-specific effects are markedly different from those in a one-sector economy. In particular, they are asymmetric and the rural sector lags behind the urban sector during adjustment process. This explains temporary phases of significantly high inflation with uneven sectoral effects which often accompany major reforms in the banking and monetary institutions of such economies, e.g. in case of India. Finally, as consumption patterns alter in such an economy undergoing structural changes, the sectoral distribution of liquidity is affected inducing dissimilar responses to shocks, both within and between sectors.  相似文献   

We analyze an endogenous growth model public educational spending. We show that the balanced budget policy and the policy with a slight deficit yield higher growth than a debt policy where public debt grows at the same rate as GDP, unless the government is a creditor. As concerns welfare, it can be demonstrated that a strong deficit policy yields lower welfare than a balanced budget and a slight deficit policy, unless initial debt ratios are low and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is high. Finally, there may exist an inverted U-shaped relation between welfare and deficit-financed educational spending.  相似文献   

The efficiency and distributional effects of sundry capital taxes are analyzed in a simple two-sector specific factor model where capital is mobile both between the two sectors and between the home country and the rest of the world. Two cases are discussed: the small country case where factor and commodity prices are parametric; and the large country case. The optimal tax on capital export is illustrated when commodity prices are parametric. A simple approach to the case when both factor and commodity prices are variable is demonstrated.  相似文献   

I propose a dynamic duopoly model where firms enter simultaneously but compete hierarchically á la Stackelberg at each instant over time. They accumulate capacity through costly investment, with capital accumulation dynamics being affected by an additive shock the mean and variance of which are known. The main findings are the following. First, the Stackelberg game is uncontrollable by the leader; hence, it is time consistent. Second, the leader invests more than the follower; as a result, in the steady state, the leader’s capacity and profits are larger than the follower’s. Therefore, the present analysis does not confirm Gibrat’s Law, since the individual growth rate is determined by the timing of moves.JEL Classification: C61, C73, D43, D92, L13Financial support within the project The post-entry performance of firms: technology, growth and survival lead by Enrico Santarelli, co-financed by the University of Bologna and MIUR, is gratefully acknowledged. I thank Uwe Cantner, Roberto Cellini, Roberto Golinelli, Helen Louri, Enrico Santarelli, Antonello Scurcu, Peter Thompson, two anonymous referees and the audience at the final workshop of the project (Bologna, November 22-23, 2002) for useful comments and discussion. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

The spread of invasive species (IS) is an inherently spatial process, and management of invasive species occurs over spatially heterogeneous regions, but policy constraints can restrict management responses to be homogeneous across regions. Using a spatial bioeconomic model that includes a representation of invasive species ecology based on heterogeneous environments that are linked across space and time by human and ecological pathways, we compare optimal spatially heterogeneous policy to spatially uniform policy. We explore the magnitude and pattern of the policy differences with emphasis on the influence of different types of underlying heterogeneity across locations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an applied computable general equilibrium world model with financial assets and endogenous current account, and capital and financial account balances. The capital and financial account equilibrium conditions, rather than exogenous rules, constrain the current account balance. International capital flows which balance the current account are constrained by supply-and-demand equilibrium conditions on the market for international debt securities, under portfolio managers' optimizing behavior. The asset–liability structure of the financial portfolio is endogenous, and it is possible for a country-agent to have negative net financial assets. In simulations, the interaction of portfolio choices with trade supply and demand behavior leads to endogenous sign reversals in some current account balances, and it results in a different allocation of investment among regions, compared to a model with exogenously determined current account balances. In the reference scenario, this allocation generates growth that is about the same globally, but differently distributed between regions.  相似文献   

Does unrestricted control on the movement of capital increase capital mobility? Theoretically, the answer is yes. This paper uses the Feldstein–Horioka savings–investment methodology to examine the impact of financial openness on the degree of capital mobility in 104 countries. Our estimates suggest that financial openness has increased capital mobility in developing countries, while its effect is statistically insignificant in OECD countries. This also implies that a developing country with more financial openness can have more access to external capital markets for borrowings. Foreign aid also appears to supplement domestic savings for investment in developing countries. In line with the previous findings, our study also confirms that capital is more mobile for developing countries.  相似文献   

Due to embodied technological progress new generations of capital goods are more productive. Therefore, in order to study the effects of technological progress, a model must be analyzed in which different generations of capital goods can be distinguished. We determine in what way the firm adjusts current investments to predictions of technological progress. In the presence of market power we show that a negative anticipation effect occurs, i.e. current investments in recent generations of capital goods decline when faster technological progress will take place in the future, because then it becomes more attractive to wait for new generations of capital goods. In case that only investments in new machines are possible, actually a whole wave of anticipation phases arises.  相似文献   

With factor-biased technical progress described as labor-saving and skill-biased technical changes, there are concerns that technological innovation can lead to unemployment and widen inequality in the economy. This study explores impacts of factor-biased technical changes on the economic system in terms of economic growth, employment, and distribution, using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that technological innovation contributes to higher level of economic growth with productivity improvements. However, our analysis suggests that economic growth accompanied by skill- and capital-biased technical progress disproportionately increases demand for capital and high-skilled labor over skilled and unskilled labor. This shift in the value-added composition is found to deepen income inequality, as more people in higher income groups benefit from skill premium and capital earnings. Our results suggest that policymakers should prepare a wide range of policy measures, such as reforms in educational programs and taxation systems, in order to ensure sustainable growth.  相似文献   

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