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There is general agreement that attitudes towards the entrepreneur, entrepreneurial activity, and its social function are determinant factors for university students to decide an entrepreneurial career.This empirical study aims at assessing and comparing the attitudes of university students towards entrepreneurship and enterprise formation in Catalonia and Puerto Rico, using a sample of 837 and 435 students, respectively.Results reveal a positive entrepreneur’s image. Both samples have a favorable perception of desirability of new venture creation, although the perception of feasibility is by far not so positive and only a small percentage has the firm intention to create a new company.  相似文献   

山东省颜陵毛纺厂真正名扬四方的日子恐怕是1991年1月31日。那一天,该厂作为全省产品质量不合格的代表被拉到省政府去曝光。一日之内,谁不知道颜陵毛纺厂是个“丑小鸭”。 三年过去了,记者再访颜陵,想  相似文献   

所谓“影子经理”项目,是学生选择企业中的一位经理,跟随他工作一段时间,并完成一份观察与分析报告。具体实施过程是:首先由项目负责人进行项目指导,提供项目实例、影子报告格式和内容要求,并提供同意接受这一项目的业务领域,包括金融业、咨询业、信息产业、广告和汽车制造业等;然后由学生根据个人兴趣和今后发展需要  相似文献   

Q:我是一名刚回国的MBA,目前MBA在国内是否好找工作? A:作为人才顾问公司,我们每天收到很多简历,其中不乏有良好留学背景,学成回国的海归。这些人年龄多集中在27岁到35岁之间,其中有些人在出国前有着良好的工作背景。可是,他们许多人在满怀希望寻求新的职业生涯的时候却屡屡受挫。 调查显示,在过去的20年  相似文献   

古训云:知足者常乐。普通老百姓遵此古训为人处事,确实能在清淡的生活中找到自慰、自乐的感觉,有利于形成达观、宽容、谦让、朴实的民风。那么,可否将此古训用到现代企业的管理工作中呢?这就引出了如下一段议论。 企业管理是一种竞争性、风险性极强的工作,企业的每一项管理成果都要经过艰难曲折的竞争过程才能获得。管理者的最大乐趣,就在于经过自己顽强的拼搏和扎实的积累,获得一个又一个预期的或出乎意料的管理成果。因此,笔者认为:在企业管理工作中,永不满足、不断进取的“不知足”精神是成功的源泉,只有“不知足”的企业家所管理的企业才有可能“长盛”,只有“不知足”的成功企业家才能得到真正的“长乐”。  相似文献   

截至2011年1月份,李强在柯达已整整度过了13个年头,他职业生涯的一半时间是在柯达度过的。同样在这个月.他得到了一份新的任命。来自柯达总部的一份“委任状”中,将李强的职位由原先的亚太区财务及运营总监转任至大中华区总裁职位,全面执掌柯达图文影像集团及消费数码影像集团这两个集团在大中华地区的发展。  相似文献   

前不久,友人出访日本。说起在日本的松下电器公司看到的情景:职员们用信函与其他部门业务往来时,翻用已使用过的旧信封。在该公司的休息室中不但连手巾都没有,甚至打个电话都要自己付费,大富翁‘小家子气’实在是可敬、可  相似文献   

2010年年底,河北叶营村的孩子们兴奋异常,他们告别了伴随多年的旧桌椅和旧文具,用上了全新的课桌椅。与此同时,孩子们还得到了崭新的书包、字典、文具,课外书等学习用品。而这些都是“小书包,大未来·DHL爱心背包行动”为他们带来的。  相似文献   

烟台船舶涂料厂系国内唯一的船舶涂料专业生产厂。生产各种配套油漆,其中乙烯漆系列为国内首创,达到80年代国际水平,可替代进口产品,曾分别荣获中船总公司科技成果二、三等奖、山东省优秀新产品奖。  相似文献   

张珂 《政策与管理》2011,(3):104-105
售价在25~150元之间的铝箔气球是普通塑料气球的3~10倍,娇娇女胡新颖就是靠它当上了老板娘。  相似文献   


This article critically discusses the almost mythical conception of voluntary and ‘grass-roots’ organizations as problem solvers in current welfare policy – a myth, which over the last twenty years has become increasingly dominant in social policy programmes in advanced liberal welfare states. In particular, the article examines the assumption that voluntary and local organizations are permeated by a different rationality that enables human beings to act as ‘real humans’ rather than as professionals and clients – a rationality which is, however, permanently at risk of being contaminated by bureaucratic influence. It is demonstrated that among the conditions of possibility for this discourse are explanatory models and concepts in modern organizational theory and in voluntary sector studies. The article argues that the conceptualizations of power, rationality and social change dominant in these studies are unsatisfactory. Instead, it applies a Foucauldian approach to the domain of drug addiction treatment, analysing a social work ‘regime’ that transgresses the traditional boundaries between state and voluntary sector.  相似文献   

产品质量监督检查工作是衡量市场产品质量优劣的一项重要工作。1985年后,经国务院批准,我国先后实施了国家监督抽查产品质量制度、产品质量的统检制度及各省、市、自治区的日常监督检验产品质量制度,并形成了一套制度化、规范化、法制化的工作制度,对指导消费,促进企业提高产品质量,打假扶优起到了较好的社会经济效果。然而,由于在这项工作中,样品是从生产或流通两个领域中获取,而流通领域内又存  相似文献   

Policy makers often see entrepreneurship as a panacea for inclusive growth in underdeveloped ‘Base of the Pyramid’ (BOP) regions, but it may also lead to unanticipated negative outcomes such as crime and social exclusion. Our objective is to improve the understanding of how entrepreneurship policies can lead to socially inclusive growth at the BOP. Drawing on data collected from Brazilian tourism destinations with varying entrepreneurship, innovation, and social inclusion policies, we argue that weak institutions coupled with alert entrepreneurs encourage destructive outcomes, especially if entrepreneurship policies are based solely on economic indicators. Policies addressing both economic and social perspectives may foster more productive entrepreneurial outcomes, albeit at a more constrained economic pace. The study extends the related BOP, entrepreneurship, global value chain, and sustainable tourism literatures by examining the poor as entrepreneurs, the role of local innovation, and how entrepreneurship policies generate different social impacts within poor communities.  相似文献   

深圳益豪摩托车实业发展公司起步仅  相似文献   

The relationship between unemployment and self-employment has been studied extensively. Due to its complex, multifaceted nature, various scholars have found a large array of different results, so that the exact nature of the relation is still not clear. An important element of the relation is captured by the recession-push hypothesis which states that in times of high unemployment individuals are pushed into self-employment for lack of alternative sources of income such as paid employment. We make two contributions to this literature. First, we argue that official unemployment rates may not capture the ??true?? rate of unemployment as it does not include ??hidden?? unemployed who are out of the labour force. Therefore, we propose a new method where the ??recession-push?? effect relates not only to the (official) unemployed but also to the inactive population. Second, we argue that the magnitude of the recession-push effect is non-linear in the business cycle, i.e. the effect is disproportionally stronger when economic circumstances are worse. We provide empirical support for our hypotheses by estimating an econometric model on Spanish data.  相似文献   

In this paper, the ‘recession push’ and the ‘prosperity pull’ hypotheses are used to analyse the effect of growing non-farm wage employment on entrepreneurship in a rural developing context. Data are collected in a rural household survey in 110 communes in central Vietnam which includes subjective owner assessments of reasons for starting non-farm businesses. This way it is possible to separately test the two hypotheses by distinguishing opportunity and necessity entrepreneurs. We use clustered probit regression analyses and control for possible endogeneity in order to predict participation in entrepreneurship. The results show that better access to non-farm wage employment increases the likelihood of becoming an opportunity entrepreneur but has no effect on necessity entrepreneurship. This, therefore, supports the ‘prosperity pull’ hypothesis but not the ‘recession push’ hypothesis. The growing non-farm economy is likely to accelerate the emergence of opportunity entrepreneurship in rural areas. However, necessity entrepreneurs are suffering from a lack of individual and household assets which pushes them into entrepreneurship regardless of non-farm job opportunities in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

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