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This study empirically analyzes the impact of the diversity of three channel types (the information search, technology acquisition, and collaboration channels) on four types of innovation (service, process, organization, and marketing) performance using data from a sample of service firms of the Korean innovation survey. The results of this study indicate that innovative service firms tend to rely heavily on the diversity of information search channels for all four types of innovation performance, while their reliance on the diversity of the technology acquisition channel and collaboration channel is considerably low. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of channel management strategies for better service performance.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to analyse innovation in service firms. In strategic management, the methodology of fit allows us to study the adjustment between two dimensions by revealing the internal consistency between them and its influence on the efficiency of firms. This paper is focused on the analysis of fit between types of services (classified according to intensity of innovation) and the innovation decisions made by these firms. The fit has been contrasted through the methodology of adjustment as an approach to the ideal profile. An important question in this paper consists in revealing whether the fit between the type of services and innovative decisions influences a firm's performance.  相似文献   

Research on emerging market firms (EMFs) has acknowledged the role of innovation in catching-up with advanced economies. Although we know that EMFs’ innovation increasingly depends on collaborations and cross-border knowledge flows, less has been said about the effectiveness of foreign and domestic knowledge mechanisms adopted to improve EMFs’ innovation performance. We hypothesize that foreign mechanisms rely on diverse knowledge and foster explorative innovation (i.e. innovation that extends the existing local competencies), while domestic mechanisms are more likely to be associated with the exploitation of the local existing competencies. Additionally, we claim that the breadth of EMFs’ absorptive capacity strengthens the impact of foreign knowledge mechanisms on explorative innovation, while depth increases the impact of domestic knowledge mechanisms on EMFs’ exploitative innovation, thus highlighting that the interplay of knowledge resources internal and external to the firm involve different levels of recombination. Our empirical analyses conducted on a sample of 161 Indian bio-pharmaceutical firms observed from 1997 to 2018 confirm our hypotheses, thus contributing to the literature on EMFs’ catching up via internationalization and innovation.  相似文献   

Drawing on sustainable family business theory and stakeholder theory, this study explores how corporate philanthropy affects corporate performance with the consideration of the moderating effects of religious atmosphere. Based on data of Chinese 534 listed family firms, the results show that corporate philanthropy is positively associated with corporate financial performance (CFP) and corporate social performance (CSP). Moreover, religious atmosphere negatively moderates the relationship between corporate philanthropy and CFP, but positively moderates the relationship between corporate philanthropy and CSP. Our findings provide systemic understandings of family firms' CFP and CSP by drawing important insights of corporate philanthropy and religious atmosphere.  相似文献   

本文通过国际市场占有率、贸易竞争优势指数、显示性竞争比较优势指数和产业内贸易指数分析了我国目前金融服务贸易的国际竞争力水平.同时分析了有利于我国金融服务贸易国际竞争力提升的优势因素以及制约我国金融服务贸易国际竞争力的相关因素,并在此基础上提出改善建议.  相似文献   

Governance mechanisms for mobile service innovation in value networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Service innovation often requires multiple organizations to work together in complex, dynamic networks. Existing literature shows that mechanisms like trust, power and contracts govern activities in organizational networks. Scholars rarely study how such a mix of mechanisms evolves over time, especially not in relation to different stages of service innovation. This paper connects a phasing model on service innovation to concepts of inter-organizational governance in value networks, by examining what governance mechanisms are in use during service development, implementation and commercialization. This study analyzes an international survey among operators, content providers and application developers in the Mobile Internet services domain, which is noted for its complex inter-organizational networks. The findings suggest that power-based governance is in use in the early stages of developing service concepts and technologies, while trust-based governance is in use during implementation, roll-out and commercialization. Contract-based governance is most common during implementation and roll-out.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to improve the understanding of the moderating effects of service solution characteristics on competitive advantage of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). This study is among the first to systematically operationalize the contingents in the absorptive capacity construct as service solution characteristics, that is, intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability, and perishability, and tested them in the KIBS sector. Using a sample of 327 new technology-based KIBS firms in Finland, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis is applied to test the hypothesized moderator effects. The results suggest that service solution characteristics moderate the effects of the antecedents on absorptive capacity and the effect of absorptive capacity on competitive advantage. Guidelines are provided to practitioners to deal with projects with different service solution characteristics.  相似文献   

This study attempts to examine how service personnel's appearances, attitudes, and behaviours affect customers' emotions and thus their satisfaction and loyalty; it also considers gender roles an important moderator, in that customers with different gender roles may detect and feel differently when they are exposed to personnel's appearances, attitudes, and behaviours. Empirical data were collected from customers in clothing shops in Taiwan. The results suggest that customers with androgynous role more sensitive to the emotional contagion process. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The service sector contributes more than 70 % to the GDP of many countries in which their services should continually be innovated to improve customer satisfaction. This study reviews the literature from 1995 to 2014 in the field of service innovation, service experience and engineering, and maturity model. Results show that the existing service innovation frameworks lack a focus on business process improvement, particularly for start-up firms. It causes the startups not ready enough to deal with inevitable challenges that may be encountered in the future. Accordingly, this study proposes a novel framework that combines the service experience engineering method and capability maturity model of integration for service to develop a new innovative service and improve service quality process for start-up firms. A practical case is implemented by applying the proposed framework. A service innovation prototype system is developed on the basis of the case study to deliver a mobile campus merchandise purchasing service.  相似文献   

Organizational learning can significantly improve family firms’ ability to counter by stimulating entrepreneurship. Applying the behavioral theory of the firm, this study empirically examines the effect of family ownership on the breadth, depth, and speed of organizational learning. Each of these dimensions can influence entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the effect of ownership on organizational learning depends on family cohesiveness, the extent to which members of the owner family feel closeness, mutual solidarity, and the desire to stick together. Data from 741 firms show that family ownership is positively associated with the breadth and speed of learning but is negatively associated with the depth of learning. Though cohesiveness does not alleviate the negative effect of family ownership on the depth of learning, it amplifies the effect of family ownership on the breadth and speed of learning. Organizational learning, especially its breadth and depth, positively influences the pace of family firms’ entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study examines (1) inter-firm relational resources for cloud service adoption and (2) their effects on service innovation. A research model and the related hypotheses are developed based on resource-advantage (R-A) theory that combines inter-firm relational resources identified in theoretical and empirical research as important antecedents of cloud service adoption and its effect on service innovation. This study collects data from 165 managers from service firms in Taiwan. The results show that resources, including reliability, cost, and compatibility significantly affect a firm’s cloud service adoption. Furthermore, the adoption of cloud service significantly contributes to service innovation. The findings add to the current understanding of service innovation in two important ways. First, drawing on R-A theory, this study is among the first attempts to identify inter-firm relational resources (reliability, cost, compatibility, and customer orientation) for cloud service adoption and their effect on innovation performance. Second, this study introduces cloud services as effective technological platforms for a firm and its business partners to share, integrate, and reciprocate information, knowledge, and experience for service innovation.  相似文献   

This study draws on agency and stewardship theory to evaluate the relationship between alternative governance regimes (founder versus non-founder CEO) adopted at the time of going public on post-IPO economic outcomes in the market for corporate control. We find that the presence of founder CEOs reduces the likelihood of post-IPO change of control but enhances target IPO firm wealth by increasing acquisition premiums. Additionally, we examine whether measures of CEO power over the board moderate the relationship between founder management and target IPO firm wealth. Our results suggest that CEO duality is the most effective instrument of CEO power available to founder CEOs to positively influence target firm wealth. Further, we find that while founder CEOs utilize power derived from CEO duality to increase acquisition premiums, non-founder CEOs use board leadership power to expropriate shareholder wealth.  相似文献   

Close exchange relationships with customers are recognized as important for young firms. In fact, close partnerships with customers provide many advantages, such as innovation, opportunity recognition, reputation, etc. The current paper argues that customers with their close exchange relationships create significant complexities for young firms that require effective structural response. Based on past work on customer driven complexity, four parameters of customer driven complexities were conceptualized: customer variability, customer opportunism, customer-interaction variability, and customer-interaction specificity. Using both archival and survey data from 134 young (6 year old or younger) firms, this study tests the moderating influences of customer driven complexity variables on the relationship between structure and growth of young firms. Findings support the suggestion that more formalization and less delegation of authority at the customer interface significantly contribute to the growth in young firms. However, the positive relationship between formalization and revenue growth is found to be weaker when young firms face a higher level of customer variability and stronger when firms face a higher level of customer opportunism. Similarly, the negative relationship between delegation of authority and revenue growth is weaker when these firms face either a higher level of customer-interaction variability or a higher level of customer-interaction specificity.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the impact of service innovation on performance in developing countries such as China. We construct a more integrative model linking service innovation, service quality and performance and collect 277 samples in the Chinese tourism sector. The findings are: First, service innovation affects firm performance through direct and indirect paths where service quality plays a positive mediating role, and the direct impact is larger than the indirect one; Secondly, the innovation mode is cost-reductive, which focuses on eliminating internal cost rather than improving service quality; Third, the assessment of service quality emphasizes the dimensions of assurance and reliability.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the firm’s degree of local embeddedness on its performance in emerging markets using the World Bank’s Enterprise Survey Manufacturing Sector Module data on 15,715 firms covering 78 emerging markets. We use the degree of localization of sourcing and sales to measure the degree of embeddedness in the host country market. We argue that since embeddedness brings the firm into closer interaction with local firms and institutions, the costs of embeddedness should be lower for local firms than for MNE subsidiaries, since local firms can be assumed to be better able to decipher local institutions. We find that both dimensions are subject to a reversed U-shaped function. That is, by extending the degree of local sales and local sourcing up to a certain percentage, a firm can realize positive performance growth by becoming more embedded into the emerging market, but beyond this point, the performance impact is negative. We also find that foreign firms involved in local sales seem to lose part of their ability to exploit their ownership advantages as compared to foreign firms that export their production.  相似文献   

Despite substantial prior research on new product success, there are still high failure rates. Why might this be the case? This paper argues that (1) the most important determinants of new product success involve managerial behavior and therefore a need exists to examine the influence of innovation orientation of human resource management (IO-HRM) on these determinants, and (2) these relationships are moderated by the type of innovation, product versus service. Data from 275 product innovation projects suggest that IO-HRM is a significant predictor of not only new product success but also its prime determinants: the proficiency of development activities, product advantage, marketing synergy, and top management support. Further, the linkage between IO-HRM and new product success and marketing synergy is found to be stronger in service than in product innovation projects.  相似文献   

Advocates of management of service innovation see this area as a new and promising research field. As services are increasingly becoming driving forces of economies, the introduction of new services to satisfy customer needs is becoming a critical issue for managers. This research attempts to address the consumer issue of service innovation. The research entails a comprehensive study of the impacts of service innovation on consumer loyalty in the digiservice context. The study examines service innovation loyalty from the consumer perspective; namely, technology leadership, service leadership, switching cost, brand equity, and customization. Personal interview data from 475 consumers provides the data for empirical hypothesis testing of the relationships between variables. The conceptual model investigates the relevant relationships among the constructs by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings from the research sample support the argument that technology leadership, service leadership, brand equity, and customization are the key determinants of loyalty. The paper also includes a discussion on the theoretical and managerial implications of the research findings.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates if firms focusing on service innovation perform better financially than firms not focusing on service innovation. Analysis of the financial performance of 3575 Norwegian firms in the manufacturing industries supports the proposition that firms focusing on service innovation have significantly higher growth of operating results than firms not focusing on service innovation. However, this proposition is not supported in a corresponding analysis of 1132 Norwegian firms in the service industries. We elaborate on these results by investigating a variety of performance measures and by comparing the effects of service innovation between manufacturing and service industries. The article contributes to the service innovation measurement literature and to a better general understanding of the determinants of service innovation performance effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of export behaviour for a panel of UK service industry firms from 1988 to 2001. Export behaviour is modelled in a dual manner: as both the decision to export and the intensity of exporting. The results indicate that firm size, research intensity, average director's pay and the variance of the sterling–dollar exchange rate all increase the probability of becoming an exporter. In addition, the results indicate that the process underlying a firm's decision to export is a separate one from that determining export intensity, implying that the two decisions should be modelled separately.  相似文献   

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