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以豆腐为主要原料,通过干燥、油炸、脆化等工艺处理,生产的脆豆腐不仅具有丰富的营养价值,而且改善了它的外观、口感、色泽。  相似文献   

花生豆腐是以花生为原料制做的豆腐,比传统大豆豆腐制作更简单,食用更方便,而且味道鲜美,营养丰富,口感甚佳。花生豆腐不使用任何添加剂和非食用色素,保留了花生的原汁原味。其制作方法如下:  相似文献   

<正>豆腐是人们很爱的豆制品,口味独特、口感好,营养价值高。豆腐还可以做出很多花样,虽说豆腐营养高,深受许多人们的喜爱,但是如何把豆腐做得更美味却是大家最关注的话题了。斗腐倌香豆腐闻着香吃着更香香豆腐是湖南人刘向阳创新的地方特色小吃,也是代表湖南地方特色的新名片,都知道湖南的臭豆腐很名,是源于毛主席的一句名言——"臭豆腐闻起  相似文献   

采用葡萄酸内酯作添加剂制作豆腐,是从日本引进的一项新技术,用它取代以盐卤、石膏作豆腐凝固剂的传统加工方法,其产品色白、细嫩、无苦涩味,一般每公斤黄豆可以制作出6公斤豆腐,蛋白质含量比传统方法加工的豆腐高18%左右,经济效益明显提高。  相似文献   

鸡蛋豆腐产自日本,后被我国引进,上市以后,受到了宾馆、饭店和广大民众的欢迎。鸡蛋豆腐不同于盒装内酯豆腐,不是采用大豆为原料,而是以鸡蛋为原料,加水、添加剂经科学配方精制而成。食用起来美味可口,虽然价格稍贵,但市场销量极好,前景不错,值得投资。  相似文献   

我国豆腐品种繁多,遍及四方,各地做法也是各具特色。歇后语说:马尾拴豆腐——提不得。但云南省宣威市倘塘镇,做出的豆腐,就能够挂起来卖。  相似文献   

大悟 《饭店世界》2001,(2):55-56
说起豆腐,中国是老祖宗,麻婆豆腐、锅塌豆腐、家常豆腐等早已有千百年的历史;随着人民生活水平的提高,三虾豆腐(虾仁、虾子、虾脑)、蟹粉白玉、纸包豆腐等高档或是别具特色的豆腐菜肴也开始走近民众。不久前笔在日本进行餐饮讲学考察期间,有着一种隐隐约约的直觉,我们的菜肴创新似乎总缺少了点什么……  相似文献   

刘拓 《中国市场》2009,(42):73-73
<正>营销的根本,就是卖不同。在我们传统认识中,豆腐最多是几块钱而已,毫无特色和高价值可言。2003年这个传统被打破了,因为日本出现了一个性感前卫的豆腐,品牌名叫"男前豆腐",何谓男前,日语男前的意思就是英俊帅哥的含义。  相似文献   

淮南豆腐历史悠久、物美价廉,是地理标识保护产品,它取得了一定成就,然而还存在一些不足。特色食品市场的开发具有重要的经济意义和文化意义。淮南应加强豆腐市场开发,打造真正的"豆腐之乡"。  相似文献   

淮南豆腐历史悠久、物美价廉,是地理标识保护产品,它取得了一定成就,然而还存在一些不足。特色食品市场的开发具有重要的经济意义和文化意义。淮南应加强豆腐市场开发,打造真正的“豆腐之乡”。  相似文献   


This article focuses on a consumer comparison of fresh tofu and frozen tofu, and the investigation of consumer perceptions of and responses to, both products. A literature review of consumer perceptions and attitudes toward soy products was carried out. Consumer perceptions and affect were then qualitatively investigated using separate focus groups composed of “soy-users” and “health conscious” consumers. Extensive taste tests of the product, using five different recipes, comparing and contrasting frozen versus fresh forms of tofu were conducted to obtain sensory evaluations. The results indicate that many consumers are unfamiliar with the product, yet tofu is perceived to be an acceptable food for those inclined to use soy-based products, as well as those who are otherwise healthy eating conscious. In taste tests, it was found that the recipes in which tofu was disguised were preferred. In addition, frozen tofu was generally found not to be perceived as markedly different from the fresh product. Implications of the findings for marketing fresh and frozen forms of tofu are discussed.  相似文献   

大豆加工食品中呕吐毒素污染水平调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了酱油和豆腐乳中呕吐毒素免疫学检测的前处理方法,并首次调查了市场上酱油、豆腐乳、豆腐和大豆中呕吐毒素的污染水平,分析并证实了豆腐乳中呕吐毒素的污染主要来自原料豆腐隙头仍是大豆)而不是生产加工过程,酱油中呕吐毒素污染主要来自原料大豆。因此对大豆加工食品中呕吐毒素的污染控制,重点应放在原料大豆。  相似文献   

从腐乳坯中分离和筛选毛霉菌株,人工接种于熟化的大豆,结果表明;人工接种0.5%的纯种毛霉菌,在卫生条件控制较为严格的情况下恒温发酵,只需2~3天便可获得理想的霉豆坯,经7~10天的发酵便可获得品质鲜美的腊八豆,比用传统工艺制作腊八豆的生产周期缩短近1个月,并可进行批量生产。经分析,大豆经毛霉菌发酵后其有效成分和营养价值有提高。  相似文献   

利用HACCP食品安全管理体系原理,对低温真空油炸巴山脆李片的各加工步骤进行危害分析,确立原料采购,漂烫,真空油炸,脱油,包装5个关键控制点,并进一步建立各关键点的限制、监控和纠偏措施,将生产过程的危害因素降低到最低,从而提高低温真空油炸巴山脆李片的质量。  相似文献   

以巴山脆李为原料,对真空油炸脆李片加工过程中的预处理工艺进行研究,以切片厚度、漂烫时间、漂烫温度、冷冻时间为影响因素,进行正交优化试验,得出巴山脆李片最佳预处理工艺为:切片厚度2.5 mm,漂烫时间3 min,漂烫温度95℃,冷冻时间12 h。  相似文献   

英语在其发展过程中吸收了不少汉语借词,涉及多个领域。通过考察从《牛津英语词典》(第2版)只读光盘(4.0版)收集到的33个饮食类汉语借词,发现其中的一半来自粤方言,这与广州特殊的地理位置和当时从广东移居美国的华人有关。33个借词中,"茶"和"豆腐"对英语语言和英语国家饮食文化的影响尤其深远。  相似文献   

This paper presents a unique hierarchical structure on various occupational health hazards including physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards, and associated adverse consequences in relation to an underground coal mine. The study proposes a systematic health hazard risk assessment methodology for estimating extent of hazard risk using three important measuring parameters: consequence of exposure, period of exposure and probability of exposure. An improved decision making method using fuzzy set theory has been attempted herein for converting linguistic data into numeric risk ratings. The concept of ‘centre of area’ method for generalized triangular fuzzy numbers has been explored to quantify the ‘degree of hazard risk’ in terms of crisp ratings. Finally, a logical framework for categorizing health hazards into different risk levels has been constructed on the basis of distinguished ranges of evaluated risk ratings (crisp). Subsequently, an action requirement plan has been suggested, which could provide guideline to the managers for successfully managing health hazard risks in the context of underground coal mining exercise.  相似文献   

This study explores group package tour (GPT) itineraries based on comparative risk methodology using the fuzzy Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE). It combines the concepts of fuzzy sets to represent the uncertain information in intrinsic risks with PROMETHEE, a subgroup of Multi-Criteria Decision Making methods. Based on in-depth interviews with 40 GPT leaders, this study identifies comprehensive intrinsic risk factors. Furthermore, this study compares the risk perceptions associated with 12 factors by applying traditional PROMETHEE and fuzzy PROMETHEE methods to four itineraries. The PROMETHEE method can be used when the input data are numeric and crisp. The fuzzy PROMETHEE method is preferred when substantial uncertainties and subjectivities exist in GPT itinerary information. Finally, several academic and managerial implications about GPT tour risk controls are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the trade competitiveness of the new emerging Southern economies – China, India, Brazil and South Africa (CIBS) – with respect to their main global partners. Starting from the commonly held view that countries with trade patterns similar to those of emerging countries are likely to suffer losses, we propose a multidimensional approach based on cluster analysis, both crisp and fuzzy, as an alternative strategy for assessing similarity in global trade patterns. On the basis of key trade characteristics drawn from the diverse strands of trade theory, we assess the relative position of CIBS within global trade patterns and their evolution over time. Unlike previous studies, our results do not support the hypothesis of the presence of a competitiveness threat from Southern emerging countries towards the main industrialised economies.  相似文献   

Order placing and delivery always play a significant role in any business industry. Nowadays, most customers want useful products at their doorstep without visiting any retail store. In this current study, an advanced dual-channel supply chain model is constructed for a single product with two players. Customers can order online or offline from the retail store. In contrast, retailers use only offline mode to take the product from the manufacturer, and retailers charge a different amount for delivery. To optimize profit and satisfy the consumers, retailers only provide a free transportation service when customers order a certain quantity. If customers order less than the desired amount, a transportation charge will be applied to the customers. Contrary to the existing research, demand for the products varies with the selling price online and offline and is also affected by the free home delivery service. Manufacturers use a single-setup multi-delivery (SSMD) transportation strategy to enrich the system's profit. To make the study more applicable, all unit costs are considered fuzzy. Signed-distance defuzzification technique is adopted to defuzzify the fuzzy values. Finally, the total profit of the supply chain is optimized along with the optimized value of the decision-making variable through an uncertain optimization technique. Numerical experiments are carried out along with sensitivity analysis to show the applicability and optimality of this study. Though the crisp data set provided a 0.72% better result compared to the fuzzy data set, but fuzzy data set provided a more realistic result. Numerical results prove that the home delivery service provided 14.59% better profit. Finally, it can be stated that the home delivery policy with some charged amount based on ordered quantity is the best retailing strategy for the dual-channel supply chain.  相似文献   

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