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企业成功的关键在于客户的保持和增长。系统的售后行为不仅可以提高客户满意度,扩大市场份额,而且售后行为更加彰显出它在市场营销和企业经营中的独特作用。企业的售后行为的概念远远大于售后服务。因此,将现代营销管理学的理念和方法同企业的售后行为结合起来,对企业利用售后行为提高经营水平是至关重要的。  相似文献   

一、企业管理引入激励的必要性。(一)激励可以调动员工工作积极性,提高企业绩效。企业最关心的是什么是绩效!企业有了好的绩效才能生存。企业要有较高的绩效水平就要求员工有较高的个人绩效水平。在企业中.我们常常可以看到有些才能卓越的员工的绩效却低于一些才能明显不如自己的人。可见好的绩效水平不仅仅取决于员工的个人能力。  相似文献   

我们常说的假账主要指的就是企业内部所发生的一种比较不道德的行为,这种行为常常在财务部门发生的情况较多,而且,这种情况是人们所提供的文献已经会计部门所汇总的资料不符合企业的真实情况。这种情况下通常是虚假的,不仅仅损害的是企业的形象,更是个人素质的低下的表现,这种行为不仅造成个人的损失,企业的损失,甚至会造成国家的损失。  相似文献   

张丹 《商》2013,(5):14-14
市场营销是我国在市场经济发展下的一项基本市场管理经营模式。市场营销主要指个人或集体通过交易其创造的产品或价值,以获得所需之物,实现双赢或多赢的过程。具体指企业的具体活动或行为或研究企业的市场营销活动或行为的学科,已经成为当前企业发展的必要手段。通过对市场营销策略进行创新可以有效提高企业的市场竞争力,对我国企业市场经济具有非常好的促进效果。  相似文献   

杨柳  罗萍 《商业科技》2014,(6):157-158
我们常说的假账主要指的就是企业内部所发生的一种比较不道德的行为,这种行为常常在财务部门发生的情况较多,而且,这种情况是人们所提供的文献已经会计部门所汇总的资料不符合企业的真实情况。这种情况下通常是虚假的,不仅仅损害的是企业的形象,更是个人素质的低下的表现,这种行为不仅造成个人的损失,企业的损失,甚至会造成国家的损失。  相似文献   

卜金涛 《商业时代》2005,(36):71-72
企业文化实际上是员工追求个人效用最大化的过程中逐步形成某些共性的行为惯例,企业和社会推崇的“损己利人”的企业文化对员工个人而言是非均衡解,即使建成这种文化也会被员工逐渐放弃和偏离。本文承认人的理性能力和利己动机,研究作为员工均衡解的企业整体行为惯例的形成机制,探求“无为而治”管理理念的实现路径。  相似文献   

市场营销价值工程导论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值工程的应用领域非常广 泛,把价值工程的研究对 象拓展至企业的市场营销行为,运用价值工程的理论来指导企业的市场营销行为,可以提高企业市场营销工作的效果及其水平,增强企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

第一条 为了规范外国企业或者个人在中国境内设立合伙企业的行为,便于外国企业或者个人以设立合伙企业的方式在中国境内投资,扩大对外经济合作和技术交流,根据《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》(以下称《合伙企业法》),制定本办法。  相似文献   

不同文化背景下企业员工组织公民行为维度的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东西方文化背景下企业员工组织公民行为的维度进行比较分析,不难发现,中国人不同于西方的组织公民行为特点导致了不同于西方的组织公民行为特征维度,对研究在东方文化背景下的加强员工组织公民行为有积极的意义。在中国传统文化背景下,企业应从提高员工个人素质,加强道德教育;做好工作设计,营造良好工作环境;增强团队凝聚力,对员工提供必要的组织支持;加强企业文化建设,形成良好组织文化等方面入手,加强员工的组织公民行为。此外,企业还要打造一种和谐的激励文化,促使员工认同企业价值导向的文化观念,与企业建立起长期互信的社会交换关系,增强员工的主人翁意识,激励员工表现企业价值导向的组织公民行为,从而提高整体绩效。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展使得个人知识管理对于员工提高工作的积极性有非常大的帮助,作为高科技企业来说,如何在企业中实施知识分享的策略将有助于提升企业发展的水平,成为决定企业成败的关键,拥有重大的实际意义。鉴于此,本文提出了高新技术企业的知识分享方式。  相似文献   

Most fair-division procedures are modeled on cake-cutting procedures such as “I cut, you choose”. The inputs are players’ choices, which are assumed to reflect preferences but not fully reveal them; the output is a division that is in some sense fair. However, it seems likely that decision makers sometimes behave insincerely, that is, they make choices that are not consistent with their true preferences. For example, strategic—as opposed to sincere—behavior may be aimed at taking advantage of information about an opponent’s preferences, which most fair-division procedures assume is not available. We focus on contested-pile procedures, a class of procedures for the fair division of indivisible items between two players, related to the alternation procedures proposed by Brams and Taylor (The win-win solution: guaranteeing fair shares to everybody. W. W. Norton, New York, 1999). We use computational models to assess the performance of these procedures under both sincere and strategic behavior. We show how available information about preferences can interact with strategy to shape outcomes. Our results indicate that strategic behavior, although it often changes outcomes, may not make them less efficient or less fair. Furthermore, our investigation suggests that how information about the opponents preference is processed does not have a strong impact, in that a conceptually simple strategy often outperforms a more elaborate one.  相似文献   

文章以管理控制理论和渠道公平理论为基础,实证检验了收购商的三种管理控制方式(结果控制、过程控制和能力控制)对农户投机行为和农户绩效的影响,以及农户感知分配公平在此之间的调节作用。研究发现,过程控制和能力控制能抑制农户投机行为,但结果控制作用不显著。同时,三种控制方式都可以提升农户绩效,但作用大小不同。此外,农户感知分配公平削弱了三种管理控制方式对农户绩效的正向影响,也削弱了结果控制和过程控制对农户投机行为的抑制作用。  相似文献   

This study explores whether family firms exhibit unique marketing behavior and whether their unique behavior in turn helps them outperform non-family firms during periods of economic contraction. Findings based on a sample of 275 large publicly listed U.S. firms reveal that family firms outperform non-family firms during recessions. This superior performance is partially driven by family firms' proactive marketing behavior and their relatively strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR). During recessions, while non-family firms tend to decrease their advertising intensities and rates of new product introduction (NPI), family firms are likely to maintain relatively high levels of advertising intensity and rates of NPI. Unlike non-family firms, family firms are also likely to maintain high levels of corporate social performance (CSP) during recessions. These results underscore the benefits of proactive marketing behavior and a continued emphasis on CSR during economic downturns. The authors also add to the scant family-firm literature, demonstrating the family firm to be an effective organizational form.  相似文献   

基于交易成本理论,在渠道合作情境下,以制造商的合同监督和企业间联合行动为工具测量合同治理的保障功能和协作功能,探讨二者对经销商主动投机行为和被动投机行为的影响差异。通过对512份问卷数据的统计分析,得到以下结论:第一,合同监督有助于抑制经销商的主动投机行为,但对其被动投机行为的影响不显著;第二,企业间联合行动有助于抑制经销商的被动投机行为,但对其主动投机行为的影响不显著;第三,经销商的主动投机行为和被动投机行为均会负向影响合作绩效;第四,经销商的主动投机行为中介合同监督对合作绩效的正向影响,被动投机行为中介企业间联合行动对合作绩效的正向影响。  相似文献   

我国快餐行业市场行为与市场绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖蓓蓓  余敬 《商业研究》2006,(1):186-189
随着我国经济的增长,中国快餐业发展迅猛。分析我国快餐企业产品差异化行为,连锁经营行为以及整个快餐行业的市场绩效;并在此基础上运用多元统计的方法对我国快餐业市场行为对市场绩效的实现程度进行实证分析,使我国快餐企业市场行为合理化,积极发展中式快餐业。  相似文献   

我国上市公司高管人员薪酚与激励的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国上市公司高管人员薪酬制度不合理,导致高管人员缺乏工作积极性和创造性,经营短期化行为普遍,极大地损害了广大股东的权益和投资者的积极性。通过抽样对上市公司高级管理人员薪酬与公司业绩、企业规模、行业、地区、国有股持股比例和高管持股比例等因素的回归实证研究,实行年薪制的企业的业绩并没有高于未实行年薪制的企业,未能有效激励高管人员做最大努力。实证研究再次证明,上市公司高管人员薪酬制度的研究,为理顺上市公司的利益分配关系,调动高管人员的积极性,保护广大股东的投资热情,实现上市公司乃至证券市场的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于目标设定理论,构建了一个被中介的调节作用模型,探讨正式控制(包括结果控制和行为控制)对销售人员绩效的影响。实证结果表明:结果控制、行为控制分别与销售绩效显著正相关;结果控制与行为控制对销售绩效有交互的影响效应,结果控制与行为控制较强时,销售绩效更高;销售人员的顾客导向行为对上述交互效应与销售绩效的关系起部分中介作用。本研究的结论说明销售管理者需要通过结果控制为下属设置目标,配合使用行为控制提供反馈,从而激发销售人员迎合顾客需求的销售行为,提升其销售绩效。  相似文献   

由于共享经济的发展和信息技术的进步,共享服务系统中的共创行为变得越来越容易实现,消费者与企业协作共创价值成为新的发展趋势。在消费者需求和共享行为都不断变化的情况下,如果共享服务供应商不清楚何种因素能够加速消费者价值共创行为的生成,则会影响共创价值实现。基于服务主导逻辑的理论,构建共享服务系统体验价值共创行为及其影响因素的理论模型。依据收集的450份有效问卷,对数据进行分析后发现,共享服务系统中感知利益、感知信任和社会可持续性通过互动协作(价值共创过程)对顾客体验价值产生影响,顾客体验价值对顾客的价值共创行为意向产生影响。研究结果表明,顾客参与共创动机中的效益动机和信任动机显著正向影响互动协作,互动协作显著正向影响体验价值和共创行为意向,而体验价值在互动协作和共创行为意向之间起到显著部分中介作用。共享服务提供方和产品制造方应多从顾客视角考虑其效益需求和信任需求,定位顾客需求和偏好,提供更有吸引力和说服力的商品与服务,使顾客感知到更多的收益,并形成较高信任度;提升与顾客的互动水平,建立顾客对服务方的好感,激发顾客更多的主动交互行为、参与行为和个人创新行为;重视资源的整合、分配和调动,实行以顾客驱动为核心的开放创新模式;招募优质用户,通过倾听和观察了解其价值主张,促进价值共创行为的生成,改善共享服务系统的整体服务质量。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, there has been a pronounced growth of CSR rating agencies that assess corporations based on their social and environmental performance. This article investigates the impact of CSR ratings on the behavior of individual corporations. To what extent do corporations adjust their behavior based on how they rank? Our primary finding is that being dropped from a CSR ranking appears to do little to encourage firms to acknowledge and address problems related to their social and environmental performance. Specific rankings appear not to have a widespread effect of influencing firms to acknowledge negative CSR events and publicly present plans and actions to address them. Whether firms are well or poorly ranked, they appear to focus on and publicly discuss their “positive” CSR activities. We discuss the wider significance of these results as well as the overall significance of CSR rankings for a global economy.  相似文献   


Purpose: The goal of this paper is to investigate whether salesperson proactive behavior mediates the relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance rating by the sales manager. Moreover, it examines whether salesperson customer orientation and political skill moderate the sales manager servant leadership ? salesperson proactive behavior ─ salesperson overall performance. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical analysis is based on dyadic data from 181 industrial salespeople and their sales managers in a range of different industries (including both manufacturing and service industries). To analyze the multilevel moderated mediation process, this investigation uses Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM). Findings: Sales manager servant leadership was positively related to salespeople overall performance rating through their proactive behavior except when their customer orientation was low. Moreover, this relationship between sales manager servant leadership and overall performance rating through proactive work behavior was stronger the greater the salespeople consumer orientation and political skill. Research implications: The study suggests that sales manager servant leadership is indirectly related to salesperson overall performance rating through salesperson proactive behavior. The findings also support subsequent research on salesperson values, skills, and behaviors as moderators in the servant leadership – proactive behavior – overall performance rating relationship. Understanding how these salesperson factors interact with sales management leadership to produce organizational outcomes (e.g., stress, engagement, organizational commitment) are questions that sales researchers may wish to pursue via further study. Practical implications: Sales managers should employ servant leadership to stimulate salespeople proactive work behavior. This study clearly indicates the salespeople need to adopt customer orientation and to have political skill. Hence, sales managers need to try to improve the customer orientation and the political skill of their salespeople through selection procedures or training programs. Originality/value: The relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance through proactive work behavior has not been addressed and tested in the literature to date.  相似文献   

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