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女性自我概念结构在个人金融产品市场中的运用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济、人格上的独立,家庭财富支配地位的确立,使现代女性成为个人金融产品消费市场的主力军。本文首创性地将女性自我概念的系统结构模型应用到个人金融产品消费市场的研究中,通过对女性进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行因子分析和相关分析,有效地揭示不同自我概念女性个人金融产品的消费行为特征,为个人金融产品市场细分及银行金融产品的创新和营销策略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Although advertising has previously been under the control of organizations and their advertising agencies, recent advances in technology have seen the emergence of what has come to be known as ‘consumer-generated advertising’. Consumers are now creating their own ads for the brands they love and hate, using inexpensive software and powerful personal computers, and then distributing these via social networks such as YouTube. The consequences for traditional advertisers are profound. Although services marketing scholars have begun to pay attention to this phenomenon, little is known about the source effects of these types of ads, for example whether viewers think they were created by firms, or consumers like themselves. This article describes a series of experiments designed to test source effects in the context of consumer-generated ads in a financial services context, in which it is found that some source effects are present. Implications for marketers as well as future research directions are identified.  相似文献   

基于多维尺度分析的个人金融产品差异性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过问卷调查获得数据,运用多维尺度分析了国内12家主要商业银行的主打个人金融产品并对其差异性做了实证研究。文章得出如下结论:我国商业银行个人金融产品的层次差别并不十分明显,产品或服务从形式到功能上都存在着较大的同质性;个人金融产品主要是单一型产品,缺乏为客户提供多项业务相结合的交叉式或捆绑式服务,不能满足消费者的多元化需求;不同收入的消费人群对个人金融产品的需求不同。在此基础上,作者提出了我国商业银行应实行个人金融产品或服务的差异化战略;以核心产品为依托,实现业务向全方位拓展延伸;针对不同消费群体进行差异化的金融创新和产品推销等应对策略。  相似文献   

Mature consumers have long been recognised as an important segment of market that no marketers of financial-service providers could ignore. The segment itself, however, is not homogeneous. Our study further segments the market basing on income and contrasts the differences between upscale mature consumers and lower scale ones in terms of their preference and patronisation for financial services. The study based on two large-scale studies designed to generate information that would fill gaps in our existing knowledge about upscale older consumers. Implications are discussed for marketers of financial services to fine-tune their differentiation strategies.  相似文献   

The Russian airplane crash in 2015 has severely affected the tourism industry in Egypt. The present article is focused on the impacts of economic, political, and social impacts on Egyptian tourism after this crisis. The present study aimed at dealing with the crisis to mitigate the consequences and allow the companies to make the best use of it to restore their business. The present article has also discussed the crisis impacts on the financial situation of company A which is one of the top five hospitality companies in Egypt. Crisis management and investments in human resources were the most effective strategies to overcome the harsh consequences of the crisis on tourism sector. The present study data is based on the Egyptian ministry of tourism figures, internet, articles, and international channels reports aimed to explain how the political, social, and economic events had a negative impact on the hotel industry in Egypt.  相似文献   

The article deals with the reform of the cost sharing principles for drug spending in the German social health insurance. For this, the new co-payment regulations due to the GKV-Modernisierungsgesetz are empirically investigated with reference to both the financial and the use effects. It is shown that this reorganization of the demand for pharmaceuticals has just small financial consequences and a low impact on the use of drugs. An important reason for this result is based on the particularized elaboration of the rules for co-payment, especially on the exclusion of some persons from cost sharing because of social or health reasons.  相似文献   

This paper extends the research on the relation between financial performance and corporate social responsibility in two respects. First, it develops a model of strategic competition that includes consumer perceptions with respect to firm social performance. It is shown that in the presence of a positive valuation of social responsibility practices by consumers, a firm that endorses this responsible behaviour may obtain a better strategic position in the market, along with higher margin, demand, and profit. Second, the model's predictions are tested with a sample of Spanish banking firms. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers significantly value other features apart from price in making deposit and mortgage decisions, particularly a financial institution's social responsibility. A more disaggregated analysis shows first, that not every CSR dimension has relevance for consumers and second, that customers equally value activities that can have a direct impact on their well‐being (e.g., culture and leisure), as well as other activities that can be viewed more generally as public goods (e.g., heritage and the environment). These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm's social or ethical activities. It is shown that, provided that consumers value corporate social responsibility activities, firms can improve both their competitive position in the market and their profits by behaving in a socially responsible manner. Therefore, the design and implementation of corporate social responsibility practices could confer upon firms an initial competitive advantage over their competitors.  相似文献   

Americans over the age of 50 control over half of the country's discretionary income and 75 per cent of all personal assets. As Americans live longer, the number of mature consumers in the United States is making a marked increase. Recently, researchers have focussed their attention on this market segment, looking at a variety of consumer behaviour issues. As this segment of consumers is becoming increasingly large, academicians and practitioners who study the consumer behaviour of older consumers search for ways to better segment and target this market. The present study adds to the current body of knowledge by investigating the financial services patronage preferences and post-retirement spending plans of this market, focusing on differences between various segments.  相似文献   

So far, very little attention has been paid to examining consumer perceptions of trust from an interdisciplinary perspective. The purpose of this study is to examine how consumer trusting belief and disposition to trust within the financial services sector vary on the basis of individual demographic differences in trust. The research provides new insights into how consumers with higher dispositional trust have higher institutional trust and higher trusting belief and how consumers’ trusting belief significantly differs according to their demographic background in terms of age, marital status, ethnicity and gross annual income. The findings offer useful insights for the managers in financial institutions to carefully consider the impact of the influence of these individual differences on consumer behaviour in order to serve the needs of consumers in their target market and be able to design financial products and develop trust building strategies to attract and retain them. They also call for the action of the regulators and the financial institutions to play their part in building strong institutional systems that contribute to engendering higher levels of consumer trust.  相似文献   

The ability of consumers to make informed financial decisions improves their ability to develop sound personal finance. This paper uses a panel data set from Russia, an economy in which household debt has grown at an astounding rate, to examine the importance of financial literacy and its effects on behavior. The paper studies both the financial and real consequences of financial illiteracy. Even though consumer borrowing increased very rapidly in Russia, only 41% of respondents demonstrate an understanding of interest compounding and only 46% can answer a simple question about inflation. Financial literacy is positively related to participation in financial markets and negatively related to the use of informal sources of borrowing. Moreover, individuals with higher financial literacy are significantly less likely to report experiencing a negative income shock during 2009 and have greater availability of unspent income and higher spending capacity. The relationship between financial literacy and availability of unspent income is higher in 2009, suggesting that financial literacy may better equip individuals to deal with macroeconomic shocks.  相似文献   

I study the limit of a large random economy, in the ideal case of perfect competition, where full information is available to all market participants, and where a set of consumers invests in financial instruments engineered by banks in order to optimize their future consumption. This provides a picture of how unregulated financial innovation pushes an economy towards the ideal limit of complete markets. Hedging new products with existing products allows financial institutions to reduce the associated risk and hence the risk premium. This has the expected consequence that markets, under such ideal conditions, converge to market completeness as the repertoire of financial instruments expands. As markets approach completeness, however, two ‘unintended consequences’ also arise: (i) equilibrium portfolios develop a marked susceptibility to idiosyncratic shocks and/or parameter uncertainty and (ii) hedging engenders divergent trading volumes in the interbank market. Combining these suggests an inverse relation between financial stability and the size of the financial sector, which can be quantified within the present framework. These results suggest that even under perfect competition and symmetric information, the pursuit of market efficiency—in terms of completeness—may erode financial stability. The proliferation of financial instruments exacerbates the effects of market imperfections and, in order to prevent an escalation of perverse effects, markets may require institutional structures that become more and more substantial as their complexity expands.  相似文献   

基于中小微企业和低收入人群等信贷可得性视角,实证分析数字普惠金融对相对贫困减缓的影响路径与影响程度,以期强化欠发达地区和农村低收入人口的社会资金捕获能力,助力巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接.研究发现:数字普惠金融通过提升客户触达能力,促使城乡之间金融服务的机会均等化,降低融资交易成本,破解金融排斥,缩小城乡差距,降低农村地区的相对贫困水平.但现阶段数字普惠金融只能够有效地降低东部地区的农村相对贫困水平,而在中西部地区,这种效应并不明显.中国应因地适宜改进和提升数字普惠金融服务、提高各类微弱经济体信贷可得性、增强金融赋能的精准性和有效性.  相似文献   

Hybrid Cat Bonds     
Natural catastrophes attract regularly the media attention and have become a source of public concern. From a financial viewpoint, they represent idiosyncratic risks, diversifiable at the world level. But for various reasons, reinsurance markets are unable to cope with this risk completely. Insurance-linked securities, such as catastrophe (cat) bonds, have been issued to complete the international risk transfer process, but their development is disappointing so far. This article argues that downside risk aversion and ambiguity aversion explain their limited success. Hybrid cat bonds, combining the transfer of cat risk with protection against a stock market crash, are proposed to complete the market. The article shows that replacing simple cat bonds with hybrid cat bonds would lead to an increase in market volume.  相似文献   

This study analyzes consumer rationality/irrationality and financial literacy in the credit card market. Through literature review, it reveals that consumers, as a whole, make a rational decision when they borrow using a credit card and bear the high interest rate. However, consumers make various mistakes in their individual financial decisions and credit card behavior. Financial literacy, affected by cognitive ability, financial knowledge and financial education can improve consumers’ behavior. This article presents new insights on the implications for consumers, credit card issuers, policymakers and researchers. It has both practical and academic contribution to the credit card market.  相似文献   

基于社会嵌入理论,依据实地调研数据,采用偏最小二乘结构方程模型,考量主观规范、认知态度对养老服务消费意愿的影响。结果显示:老年人感受到的主观规范越强,其养老服务消费意愿越强,尤其在弱关系场景。主观知识在网络密度与养老服务消费意愿关系中起中介作用,46.99%的网络密度影响通过信息增益实现。异质性检验结果显示:网络密度对60岁以上老年群体的积极影响增强,而网络位置影响转为消极;主观知识对城市地区、高收入、高教育水平老年群体的积极影响更显著,低收入老年消费者群体养老服务消费决策更依赖于社会网络带来的资源改善。鉴于此,可培养老年社群宣传代理人,强化社会规范影响;结合多层次媒体嵌入,营造养老服务消费氛围;实施城乡差异化养老服务推广策略,提升养老服务消费意愿。  相似文献   

本文构建了不同收入层农户的借贷违约风险结构模型,并利用该模型深入分析了不同收入层农户的违约风险、对金融机构资源配置效率的影响和不同收入层农户所遭受的金融排斥类型。研究结果表明:在农户高、中、低三个收入层中,金融资源倾向于流入高收入层,高收入层最不容易受到金融排斥。中收入层金融资源的利用效率最高,却最容易受到农村金融机构的供给排斥。低收入层对金融资源的有效需求不足,受到的金融排斥更多地表现为自我排斥。因此建立一个多元化格局、适合不同收入层农户金融需求特点的农村金融体系是提高农村金融资源利用效率、缓解农村金融排斥的一个合理有效的途径。  相似文献   

随着我国证券市场的发展,证券市场的法定信息披露、信息披露监管、会计准则建设等信息的公共服务越来越重要,而证券市场现行较为单一的证券交易税收制度作为公共服务开支的来源很难保证这些公共服务的有效提供。开征信息税所产生的收入、支出和调节等作用会产生一定的政策效应,如提高证券市场信息披露利益相关者对虚假信息披露问题进行治理参与的积极性,提高信息披露监管、信息披露规则建设和合法信息权利保障工作的财力支持,从而有利于证券市场信息披露质量、信息监管质量的提高,有利于证券市场有效性的提高和信息披露利益相关者合法权益的维护。  相似文献   

The elder care sector is at the core of a radical restructuring process as all the European countries strive to cope with demographic and social change. While current and prospective rapid population ageing is expected greatly to increase the demand for elder care services, financial constraints, social change and rising female employment all act as obstacles to the provision of an adequate supply of care labour.In their search for a financially sustainable response to these challenges the EU countries have brought in various reforms designed to mobilise resources and achieve more cost-efficient results. The paper presents an analysis of the main objectives of care reforms – making care affordable, favouring the creation of a care market, and making work pay – as well as their possible trade-offs. In fact, entailing as it does a larger role for the family, greater reliance on home care may clash with the goal of a higher female activity rate; good jobs and decent working conditions in the care sector may run counter to the principle of care affordability for the greatest possible numbers, while subsidising demand may conflict with public finance sustainability. These interactions, and the interdependence between the care market and the rest of the economy, are crucial factors that will need to be considered in order to ensure consistency between goals and policies.  相似文献   

The half-truth of first-mover advantage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many executives take for granted that the first company in a new product category gets an unbeatable head start and reaps long-lasting benefits. But that doesn't always happen. The authors of this article discovered that much depends on the pace at which the category's technology is changing and the speed at which the market is evolving. By analyzing these two factors, companies can improve their odds of succeeding as first movers with the resources they possess. Gradual evolution in both the technology and the market provides a first mover with the best conditions for creating a dominant position that is long lasting (Hoover in the vacuum cleaner industry is a good example). In such calm waters, a company can defend its advantages even without exceptional skills or extensive financial resources. When the market is changing rapidly and the product isn't, a first entrant with extensive resources can obtain a long-lasting advantage (as Sony did with its Walkman personal stereo); a company with only limited resources probably must settle for a short-term benefit. When the market is static but the product is changing constantly, first-mover advantages of either kind--durable or short-lived--are unlikely. Only companies with very deep pockets can survive (think of Sony and the digital cameras it pioneered). Rapid churn in both the technology and the market creates the worst conditions. But if companies have an acute sense of when to exit-as Netscape demonstrated when it agreed to be acquired by AOL-a worthwhile short-term gain is possible. Before venturing into a newly forming market, you need to analyze the environment, assess your resources, then determine which type offirst-mover advantage is most achievable. Once you've gone into the water, you have no choice but to swim.  相似文献   

现有研究文献对地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用的研究少之又少,而社会各界对地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用的认识普遍存在职责定位不清或者干脆认为职责可有可无的现象,导致地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中行为不力.本文基于社会稳定、经济发展的视角,提出地方政府在金融消费者权益保护中的地位和作用宜定位为“领导”、“管理”、“协调”、“监督”、“执法”十个字,以促进地方政府担负起保护金融消费者权益的任务.  相似文献   

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