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中国与巴西农产品产业内贸易实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国与巴西农产品贸易发展迅速,中国出现大量的农产品贸易逆差。本文利用格鲁贝尔—洛伊德指数、布吕哈特边际产业内贸易指数以及汤姆和麦克杜威尔水平和垂直产业内贸易指数对两国的农产品产业内贸易水平进行分析,得出两国间的农产品产业内贸易水平较低,主要的贸易形式为产业间贸易。最后本文给出了相关的建议,以期企业能得到最大的贸易利益。  相似文献   

从农产品贸易现状看中国农产品贸易竞争力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国作为一个传统的农业大国,提升农产品贸易竞争力是农业发展的必然选择,也是新农村建设的关键任务之一。通过对中国农产品近四年来贸易现状和贸易竞争力的分析得出,中国农产品整体上贸易竞争力较弱,但劳动密集型农产品制成品有较强的竞争优势。  相似文献   

乌兹别克斯坦是中亚一个非常重要且人口最多的国家,我国是一个正处于快速发展中的大国,虽然我国与乌兹别克斯坦没有直接接壤,但在地理位置上非常接近,双方都是农业大国,在农产品贸易方面具有很强的互补性.本文通过采用RCA指数﹑修正的RCA指数(CRA指数)和贸易互补性指数来进行实证分析.研究结果表明:在农产品贸易方面,中乌在主要农产品上具有贸易互补性.  相似文献   

乌兹别克斯坦是中亚一个非常重要且人口最多的国家,我国是一个正处于快速发展中的大国,虽然我国与乌兹别克斯垣没有直接接壤,但在地理位置上非常接近,双方都是农业大国,在农产品贸易方面具有很强的互补性。本文通过采用RCA指数、修正的RCA指数(CRA指数)和贸易互补性指数来进行实证分析。研究结果表明:在农产品贸易方面,中乌在主要农产品上具有贸易互补性。  相似文献   

中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦农产品贸易互竞性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦发展农产品贸易的优势,说明发展中吉农产品贸易的必要性;其次,通过分析2007—2009年中吉两国各自农产品出口额,得出两国各自的农产品出口结构;然后,利用显性比较优势指数来定量分析中吉两国农产品的互竞性;最后,就中吉两国如何更好地发展农产品贸易提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

首先运用比较优势指数对中国农产品出口中亚国家的情况进行分析,得出中国农产品总体在中亚国家不具有比较优势,但出口中亚国家的一些主要农产品具有一定的比较优势。然后,运用贸易互补性指数和贸易结合度模型,对中国农产品出口中亚国家与中亚国家进口的双边农产品贸易进行分析,得出中国与中亚国家总体农产品贸易互补性较低,但在主要农产品贸易中互补性较强且贸易结合度紧密的结论。  相似文献   

绿色壁垒与中国农产品贸易   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
罗丹 《经济纵横》2000,(2):22-25
我国作为一个发展中国家 ,如何打破绿色贸易壁垒使我国农产品在国际市场上占有一席之地 ,是一个极具挑战性的课题。本文对绿色贸易壁垒的内容、特点及其对我国农产品贸易产生的影响作了分析。文章认为最根本的解决办法在于走可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

本文利用国际贸易引力模型(Gravity Model)对中国农产品贸易流量的决定因素及贸易潜力进行了实证分析.研究结果表明:优惠贸易安排对农产品贸易有明显的促进作用;农产品贸易国家之间的人均收入差距越大,农产品贸易越小.中国与墨西哥、俄罗斯、印度等发展中国家的农产品"贸易不足",潜力巨大;与发达国家或地区中的欧盟、加拿大和澳大利亚的贸易潜力有待开发.  相似文献   

和文华 《时代经贸》2009,(10):59-60
随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立和不断建设,中国与东盟的双边贸易发展迅速。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,东盟作为亚洲最大的经济合作组织,农业对中国和东盟都具有十分重要的战略意义,也是双方合作中的重要领域之一。本丈在对东盟农产品的贸易环境充分分析的基础上,对中国-东盟农产品贸易发展的前号进行展望。  相似文献   

铁平 《经济研究导刊》2013,(19):247-248
中国与巴西同为金砖国家,处在经济迅猛发展阶段,其相互合作意义重大。巴西原材料丰富,中国产品物美价廉,两国良好的经贸关系不仅体现在进出口上,在投资领域,经贸科研等方面也深入合作。近几年签署了多项大型合作项目,贸易往来能够通过本币进行结算,虽然巴西对来自中国进口商品的反倾销调查有所增加,但双边经贸关系发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

The recent economic interaction between Latin America and Asia, particularly between Brazil and China, has attracted the attention of the academic world that seeks to understand the effects of this approach in terms of business cycle convergence, economic structure and development trajectory. This paper contributes to this debate, presenting new evidence about the type and quality of this relationship. Our results reveal that Brazil and China present different patterns of relationship between trade and productive specialization: while Brazil has an intra-industry trade pattern, China has an inter-industry trade pattern. We explore some normative implications and future research possibilities.  相似文献   

"金砖四国"中的巴西及中国-巴西双边贸易分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
巴西与中国同为金砖四国成员,巴西丰富的自然资源和迅速增长的经济发展态势是其成为发展中大国的重要资本。中国和巴西经贸关系稳步发展,然而双边贸易发展并不平衡,我国一直呈现贸易逆差。从两国的进出口商品结构,包括对贸易结合度指数、商品集中度指数以及产品的显示性比较优势指数进行分析,可以看到中巴两国进出口商品特点不同,在出口商品种类上中巴双方的互补大于竞争。这为我国发挥自身产品优势,有计划地加大对巴贸易出口提供了可能。我国应在对巴贸易中做出更准确的市场判断,制定符合市场需求的进出口策略,充分挖掘两国贸易合作的潜力。  相似文献   

巴西航空工业崛起的战略博弈分析及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用博弈论分析方法,从新贸易理论角度出发,分析了巴西航空工业崛起的历程,得出结论:差异化产品研发战略及巴西政府对于本国航空工业的鼎力扶持是巴航成长为当今四大航空制造商之一的根本原因。  相似文献   

在有关国际贸易隐含碳的研究中,大多使用竞争型投入产出模型,同时农产品贸易隐含碳少有提及.文章通过构建非竞争型投入产出模型精确地评估了1995~2005年中国农产品贸易隐含的CO2.结果表明:中国农业的CO2排放不容忽视,需要进一步加大节能减排力度;农产品生产所排放的CO2有3.71%~4.50%是由出口所产生的,农产品消费所排放的CO2有3.29%~10.10%是由进口来满足的,尤其是中间投入的进口“节省”了大量的CO2排放;农产品净出口隐含的CO2不断减少,中国逐渐成为农产品CO2排放净进口国,农产品贸易为节能减排做出了贡献.  相似文献   


This article focuses on an area that has not been systematically addressed but is of crucial importance to China, India and Brazil: the global governance of genetic resources. All three are biodiversity-rich and, ever since biotechnology promised to turn DNA into gold, have been significant players in the genetic-resources regime complex. Shortcomings notwithstanding, the establishment of a new access and benefit-sharing regime constitutes a rare instance where emerging countries have succeeded in becoming rule-makers of sorts. We analyse how these three countries have sought to pursue their interests in this area, especially after the extension of national sovereignty over previously ‘free’ genetic resources and the erection of a complex set of rules attempting to regulate access to and benefits from their utilisation from the early 1990s onwards. Despite presenting a generally unified front in international fora, their domestic implementation differs significantly and raises questions about the continuation of a common international position. The article adds to our understanding of emerging countries’ engagement with global governance by focusing on the concrete drivers and domestic processes that have motivated and shaped the agency of China, India and Brazil in this new policy regime.  相似文献   

恶性通货膨胀是对经济持续增长的重大挑战。本文梳理了20世纪巴西经济增长路径,详细分析了巴西恶性通货膨胀形成的原因及其政府的治理手段。以此为基础,通过对比中国和巴西通货膨胀形成原因的差异,本文从货币发行、财政资金收支、税收和汇率等多种政策的搭配使用,以及统筹管理社会信用规模总量等方面对中国治理通货膨胀提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

Brazil has emerged as an agro-export powerhouse: from being a net-agricultural importer and food aid recipient as recently as the 1960s and 1970s, it has now become the world’s third largest agricultural exporter, after the US and EU. What is more, Brazil’s new role as a major agricultural trader has provided an important foundation for its enhanced status and influence in global economic governance, as an emerging power and one of the ‘BRICS’. This paper analyses how such a remarkable transformation was brought about. I argue that Brazil’s emergence as an agricultural powerhouse was the result not of its natural factor endowments, but extensive intervention on the part of the Brazilian state that had the effect of constructing a new comparative advantage. This transformation was propelled by state-driven innovation and related policies that opened up massive new areas of the country to agriculture, enabled it to shift to producing goods in direct competition with the world’s dominant agricultural exporters, and generated significant gains in productivity and competitiveness. The irony is that the intention of these policies, initiated in the 1970s, was to foster industrial development in Brazil as part of its import-substitution industrialisation programme, yet they wound up having precisely the opposite effect – transforming Brazil into one of the world’s dominant agricultural powers.  相似文献   

An environmentally extendedSocial Accounting Matrix (SAM) has beenconstructed for Brazil for the first time. Wereview in detail previous studies in thisfield, describe the construction, structure anddata sources of the Brazilian SAM, anddemonstrate the effect of system closure.Examining a range of type-I and type-IImultipliers, we show that incomes generated byfinal consumption are highly skewed towardsrich households, but energy requirements andcarbon emissions are higher for the consumptionof the poor. A significant negative correlationexists between employment and income on onehand, and energy requirements and carbonemissions on the other, while a significantpositive correlation exists between imports,and energy and carbon. These correlationsdemonstrate that there is scope for policiesthat pursue imports substitution and reduceenergy consumption and carbon emissions whilstincreasing employment and income.  相似文献   

中泰水果贸易互补性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年6月中国与泰国签署了《中国—东盟全面经济合作框架协议》早期收获方案下加速取消关税的协议。该协议规定自当年10月起,中泰两国的蔬果产品取消关税。泰国成为中国在中国—东盟自由贸易区框架下的第一个实行水果产品零关税的国家。而在中国与泰国的水果贸易中,双方都拥有自身的优势产品,通过对RCA指数和贸易互补性的指数的测量来具体分析中国与泰国水果贸易中的贸易互补性问题。  相似文献   

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