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美国农业补贴立法与我国的对策选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈亚东 《农村经济》2005,(7):127-129
作为世界上最发达的国家,美国不断加大对农业和农民的补贴力度,极大地增强了农产品出口的国际竞争力,从而使广大发展中国家的农业和农民利益受到严重损害。借鉴国外可行政策,改变我们现行的一些政策是保护农民的切身利益,最终实现共同富裕的目标。  相似文献   

国家林业局在2005年内研究起草《自然保护区法》等10件林业立法项目。  相似文献   

该文介绍了美国新农业法的主要内容与特点,分析了美国新农业法对我国农产品国际市场价格、国内农产品市场、农民增收等方面产生的影响,提出了应对措施:即加大农业开发投入、促进农产品贸易、增加国家对农业和农村基础设施建设投资、深化农业投融资管理体制改革。  相似文献   

美国和欧盟实施的农业环保计划总体上分为3类:一是以奖励或补贴为基础的自愿性计划,二是以税收和规定为基础的强制性规定计划,三是以遵守环保规定为条件享受政府补贴的交叉遵守计划。  相似文献   

美国《2003年农业援助法案》及农业补贴新动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国2003年新出台的农业援助法案,再次扩大农产品补贴范围,及时修补了2002年新农业法执行中的一些漏洞,进一步提高了美国农产品的国际竞争力。但是,美国灾害救济中的直接补贴操作环节存在违规嫌疑,因此,要质疑美国的自然灾害救济补贴做法,力主将此类补贴纳入黄箱补贴范畴;紧密监控美国棉花的黄箱补贴,作好反补贴的前期准备。  相似文献   

美国农产品出口促销计划及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上个世纪几十年代后期以来.我国农业发展进入了新阶段.农产品市场从卖方市场转向买方市场,农民收入增长速度持续下降。在这种情况下,由政府牵头资助促进出口无疑是扩大农产品需求的重要途径。但对于中国而言.政府促进农产品出口尚属新鲜事物,急需借鉴别国的成熟做  相似文献   

美国农产品价格风险管理机制与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品价格风险使农户收益面临不确定性。并增加了农业生产决策与融资的难度,是制约农业发展的关键性因素。美国政策性与市场性机制并存的农产品价格风险管理体系为农户提供了多样化的价格风险管理选择,对稳定美国农业发展发挥了积极作用。美国农产品价格风险管理的机制与实践,给我们带来不少的启示。  相似文献   

<正>美国是世界领先的农业强国,得天独厚的自然环境和先进的农业科学技术造就了强大的农业生产力,而政策保障是美国农业迅速发展的一个重要原因。在美国的农业政策体系中,农业补贴政策格外引人关注。农业补贴政策曾作为美国应对农业危机的重要手段,曾在增加农民收入、提高美国出口农产品竞争力方面发挥了重要作用,但也存在一些问题,应引以为戒。一、美国农业补贴政策的经验美国农业补贴政策体系已趋于完善,政府的财政投入逐渐增加,各类补贴项目基本囊括了全部的农产品。  相似文献   

美国农产品质量安全控制管理体系的考察与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对美国这样的发达国家有关农产品质量特别是安全质量的考察,结合我国农产品质量安全水平低的现状,在如何借鉴发达国家的先进经验,应对我国加入WTO挑战问题上,提出应加强我国农产品质量安全方面的法律法规、标准化建设及实施全程农产品无公害技术,实施无公害农产品品牌认定等方面对策。  相似文献   

A dynamic three-commodity rational-expectations storage model is used to compare the impact of the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996 with a free-market policy, and with pre-FAIR policies. Results suggest that FAIR did not lead to significant increases in long-run price volatility or revenue volatility. The main impact of pre-FAIR, relative to the free-market regime, was to substitute government storage for private storage in a way that did little to support prices or to stabilize farm incomes. Results also indicate that U.S. grain market volatility in 1995–2000 was due to fundamental market forces and not to FAIR.  相似文献   

Farm households are economic agents whose income is derived from farm, off-farm, and government sources. This article uses farm-level data from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and recent advances in the econometric theory of dynamic pseudo-panels to show that farm households consume various sources of income differently at the margin. Particular attention is given to a specific type of lump-sum government transfer payment intended to be decoupled from (independent of) farm production decisions. The results suggest that relatively decoupled government subsidies have a greater marginal effect on farm household consumption than subsidies that are tied to market conditions.  相似文献   

The estimated effects of promotion on demand are often small and insignificant. Yet, the estimated effects of promotion on industry profit are often positive and large. This puzzle is explained by demonstrating that (in)significance of promotion in a demand equation does not imply, and is not implied by, (in)significance of promotion in an industry profit equation. A Monte Carlo example is provided. The econometric modeling implications are discussed. The short-run marginal effect of a dollar of generic beef promotion on slaughter cattle industry profit is estimated to be about $9.84 with a standard error of 3.77 for 1997.  相似文献   

Farm programs influence the parameters of typically estimated supply functions. We develop and apply an approach that uses detailed information about farm program incentives and constraints to identify underlying structural acreage response parameters when the data reflect behavior under complex government commodity programs. We illustrate the approach with data on rice acreage response to market price in the United States. For U.S. rice, estimates that fail to appropriately incorporate the program rules under which market data were generated are three to four times smaller than the structural parameters that are useful for most policy analysis or projections under alternative policies.  相似文献   

矿产勘查分阶段管理是世界各国通行的做法。在我国,对地质工作属性则是不分阶段、笼而统之地进行定义。同时,不同时期又有不同的认识。整整半个多世纪对地质工作属性的定义,几乎是从一个极端走到了另一个极端。笔者则认为,矿产勘查作为地质工作三阶段的中间环节,存在一个从预查、普查、详查到勘探四个阶段的属性渐变规律,即研究性递减、施工性递增的变化规律。因而,地质科研人员对找矿的智力贡献应分阶段兑现和采取预设期权的方式兑现。  相似文献   

The US Farm Bill of 2002 is the latest in a 7-decade history of farm subsidy laws that transfer funds to farmers and regulate and subsidize production of selected commodities. Fruit, tree nut, ornamental and vegetable crops, hay and meats remain outside scope of main subsidy programs. The new law continues many innovations of the 1996 Act, such as removal of authority for annual land idling and crop price floors accompanied by government stockholding. Government payments remain the primary focus of commodity programs. The total amount of these payments are likely to remain similar to the amount paid in the period 1999–2001, but with some changes in the form of the programs. For example, allowing owners to update acreage and yield payment bases creates additional incentives for farmers to link current planting decisions to anticipated farm subsidies. Similarly, the new program that ties "counter-cyclical" payments to the price of a specific crop also has production stimulus. A new program, estimated to add about 5–10 per cent to marginal milk revenue for smaller farms, makes 'deficiency' payments to dairy farms when milk prices are low. Despite the new programs with added links to stimulating production, new USA programs stimulate production only marginally more than the subsidies of the 1999–2001 period, which were replaced. Furthermore, the USA has flexibility to avoid explicitly violating its WTO commitments. Nonetheless, this US Farm Bill of 2002 has curtailed the previous trends toward lower farm subsidies and smaller production stimuli, and the negative publicity surrounding it has made negotiating reductions of farm trade distortions more difficult.  相似文献   

The family farm is not simply a structure — it is also an adjustment and negotiation process that has varying degrees of success. In our society, formal training is becoming a prerequisite — many believe one needs a diploma to become a competent farmer. However, the denigration of “on-the-job training” undermines an essential facet of learning to be a farmer and debases the acquired skills of many farmer “artisans”. With the strong swing to link formal training and identity, many farmers create negative identities for themselves because they feel forced to define themselves socially on the basis of their level of formal schooling. The challenge for the future is to recognize, to integrate and to valorize formal abstract knowledge and the know-how that is acquired and passed to the next generation through practice.  相似文献   

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