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基于外包的中小企业电子商务发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年,我国中小企业电子商务在规模、模式、服务质量上发展迅速.基于外包的中小企业电子商务服务体系和电子商务服务平台的构建和发展,为中小企业克服自身在规模、资金、人力等方面的弱势提供了可能.在新形式下.中小企业电子商务呈现电子商务服务体系不断健全和完善、电子商务平台功能将更加丰富、中小企业借助电子商务实现外包领域的外向发展等趋势.  相似文献   

杨俊玮 《天津经济》1992,(收录汇总):48-50
分析了电子商务的特点和分类,指出电子商务是现代商业的一个重要组成部分,为商业活动提供了新的可能。探讨了中小企业的特性以及在经济中的关键作用,剖析了当前中小企业在电子商务应用中遇到的技术、管理、法律以及策略等问题。在此基础上,提出了针对中小企业电子商务应用的优化策略建议,包括加强电子商务平台建设、提高电子商务应用技术能力、完善电子商务法规体系、提高电子商务经营管理水平等,期望为中小企业在电子商务领域的发展提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

分析了电子商务的特点和分类,指出电子商务是现代商业的一个重要组成部分,为商业活动提供了新的可能。探讨了中小企业的特性以及在经济中的关键作用,剖析了当前中小企业在电子商务应用中遇到的技术、管理、法律以及策略等问题。在此基础上,提出了针对中小企业电子商务应用的优化策略建议,包括加强电子商务平台建设、提高电子商务应用技术能力、完善电子商务法规体系、提高电子商务经营管理水平等,期望为中小企业在电子商务领域的发展提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

文章从电子商务模式、电子商务企业内部运营变革、服务质量等九个方面对国内外电子商务发展情况进行了梳理。提出我国电子商务研究和发展现阶段处于低端水平的分析结论。据此,从电子商务对生产要素整合的需求、分层分类研究和开发客户、外部法制环境建设和电子商务对社会生态和结构功能所带来的影响等五个方面做出了研究展望。  相似文献   

文章研究了发展中国家电子商务政策与企业电子商务创新能力和市场空间等因素的相互关系,对企业电子商务做了一个内生性的拓展,以说明在提高电子商务水平的活动中,企业将政府政策转化成电子商务应用能力的程度存在差异;并在非合作博弈的基础上,分析了两国在一定创新能力下的企业间相互作用和最优电子商务决策下政策转化为电子商务应用能力的程度。研究表明,发展中国家制定电子商务优惠政策时需要考虑企业电子商务技术溢出、电子商务创新能力和市场空间等情况。  相似文献   

温州电子商务的发展势头带动了当地传统企业产业链各个环节的电子商务应用,为温州“电商换市”,促进传统产业转型升级提供了良好基础.但传统企业主、经营管理者、职业经理人、电子商务从业者等电子商务知识和技能掌握水平参差不齐、普遍薄弱,政府应采取开展社区范围内的电子商务知识普及教育,对高校进行电子商务知识普及和应用实战训练,在企业电子商务专业应用人才中开展技能提升普及,提高温州当地电子商务具体应用和课程研发水平等措施,加强电子商务知识普及教育,使温州电子商务从业人员和潜在从业人员得到系统、专业的培训、教育,促进温州电子商务快速发展,为温州传统企业转型升级积聚强大的电子商务人才.  相似文献   

随着跨境电子商务的方兴未艾,跨境电子商务人才紧缺,探讨如何以现有的电子商务专业为基础建设跨境电子商务方向,对于解决跨境电子商务人才培养具有重大的现实意义。论文从电子商务专业跨境电子商务方向建设背景、建设指导思想、建设路径等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

移动电子商务由于其便捷性已成为电子商务领域备受人们关注的一支独秀。本文分析了我国移动电子商务的发展现状,指出了移动电子商务面临的安全、带宽、商业模式、业务范围、支付等问题。  相似文献   

电子商务发展下的税收政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为未来经济中重要商业运营模式的电子商务与关税征收密切相关,但由于电子商务征收对象身份难以确定、交易的"隐蔽化"和电子支付系统的完善等因素的影响增加了电子商务关税征收的难度,而与此同时电子商务跨境交易关税的制定也存在免征、征收电子商务关税等方面的困境。文章认为,应通过分期改革电子商务关税、加强以征管资金流为重点的关税征收和强化税收稽查管理等措施,建立完善适应中国国情的电子商务关税体制。  相似文献   

电子商务通过对航空公司运营管理各个环节的影响提升航空公司的竞争力。文章在阐述电子商务概念的基础上,从经营方式变革、信息化和网络化等方面分析了电子商务在航空公司运营管理中的具体应用,提出了在航空公司运营管理中应用电子商务应注意加大电子商务投入、规范网站建设、构建完善的安全技术体系、加强信息保密和人才建设等问题。  相似文献   

I demonstrate that in the monocentric city model, an allocation is in the core if and only if it is an equilibrium allocation, as long as households are endowed with strictly positive quantities of a composite consumption good, enjoy any net trade bundle at least as much as they enjoy one on the boundary of their choice set, have monotonic preferences, have preferences and endowments that are not too different, and as long as there is land at every location. I also show that equilibria exist in these circumstances, so the core is not empty.  相似文献   

Summary Imported inflation, in the wide-open Dutch economy regarded as an important contributing force to domestic price inflation, is defined as to include all phenomena that, via external transactions, contribute to general price increases. It is argued that, as a contributing cause, imported inflation is not as prominent as is often thought and certainly not as important as domestic causes. This should not automatically lead to the conclusion that measures against imported inflation need not be taken. Even in the absence of such inflation, these measures, particularly a revaluation, may help stop the domestic price rises. It is argued that the familiar argument of revaluation having harmful effects for the balance of payments is not under all circumstances, and particularly current circumstances, correct.Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op maandag 21 juni 1971  相似文献   

Location: A Neglected Determinant of Firm Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper links the performance of new technology firms, measured in terms of employment growth, to geographic location. We introduce a model of firm growth that is specific to characteristics of the location as well as the firm and industry. The model is estimated using a unique data set identifying the growth performance of small technology-based firms in Germany. We find that firm performance, as measured by employment growth, does appear to be influenced by locational characteristics as well as characteristics specific to the firm and the industry. In particular, the empirical evidence suggests that being located in an agglomeration rich in knowledge resources is more conducive to firm growth than being located in a region that is less endowed with knowledge resources. These results suggest the economic value of location as a conduit for accessing external knowledge resources, which in turn, manifests itself in higher rates of growth. JEL no. L10, R11, O12, O30  相似文献   

This paper studies the firms' capital accumulation process in a vintage capital model with embodied technological change. We take into account that depreciation is endogenous and in particular associated with vintage specific maintenance expenditure. We prove that maintenance is a local substitute for investment as soon as the marginal cost of maintenance is strictly increasing. We show that maintenance and investment in new capital goods appear as complements with respect to the changes in productivity, cost of maintenance, fixed cost of operation, efficiency of maintenance services and appear as substitutes with respect to the price of new machines. Allowing for investment in old vintages, we determine that investment in old machines appears as a substitute of both investments in new machines and maintenance services. We end up by analyzing the effects of technological progress on optimal plans and prove that a negative anticipation effect can occur even without any market imperfections.  相似文献   

Ratz Ram 《De Economist》1981,129(2):253-261
Summary This paper questions the usefulness of econometric specifications in which current school enrollment structure is included as a regressor in income distribution functions. Theoretically, the postulate of current school enrollment pattern affecting present income distribution is argued to be implausible. Empirically, using a sample of 70 countries, it is shown that, in terms of R z and plausibility of the estimated coefficients, specifications that treat school enrollment structure as the dependent variable with income inequality as one regressor, are superior to those that have income inequality as the dependent variable and school enrollment structure as one of the regressors.Jan C. Stewart provided excellent research help. The author alone is responsible for all errors and deficiencies.  相似文献   

Health policy reform often emphasises improving access to healthcare. Recent studies highlight the role healthcare quality plays in determining which health providers individuals use and health outcomes. Yet, there is little standardised large-scale evidence on the importance of quality of care relative to access in determining healthcare use. This paper examines the relative roles of access and quality in whether individuals seek healthcare and how these vary with socioeconomic status in a sample of over 250,000 national household survey respondents from low- and middle-income countries. My results suggest that quality is as large a barrier as access. Among quality barriers, drug availability is as large a barrier as provider availability. Analyses of the barriers-socioeconomic status gradients indicate that the quality-SES gradient is much less steep than the access-SES gradient, highlighting that increasing incomes may not be sufficient to address quality barriers and that supply-side interventions may be necessary.  相似文献   

在供应链中,信息共享是供应链管理的基础。文章在信息有共享和信息无共享的假设下对供应链成员企业的相关参数进行对比,证明在有信息共享的情况下"牛鞭效应"明显小于信息无共享时的情况。因此,在供应链中实现信息共享是控制"牛鞭效应"、提高供应链管理效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

This review of 13 Latin American agrarian reforms shows that most have directly benefited only men. It is argued that this is largely because of the common designation of ‘households’ as the beneficiaries of an agrarian reform and the subsequent incorporation of only male household heads into the new agrarian reform structures. It is shown that a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for rural women to benefit on par with men is that they too be designated as beneficiaries. Women as well as men must be given access to land or the opportunity to participate within the agrarian cooperatives or state farms promoted by an agrarian reform. This comparative analysis of the Latin American agrarian reform demonstrates that this has happened only in countries where the incorporation of rural women to the reform is an explicit objective of state policy.  相似文献   

流动性核算多从货币口径度量。借鉴经济剩余的思想,经济系统流动性过剩是流动性资产补偿预期消费和风险的剩余。通过1990-2014年年度数据核算我国流动性过剩情况:微观流动性长期过剩,宏观流动性过剩或短缺依次出现。通过对流动性增长率和流动性过剩时间序列进行分析,结果表明,我国的流动性适度过剩或紧缩对经济持续增长和改善消费环境并无害处。  相似文献   

高寒   《华东经济管理》2008,22(3):105-109
刑事法律的强制性规定,决定了监狱企业是一个以改造罪犯的社会效益为主要目标的特殊企业.因此,为罪犯提供劳动岗位,并在劳动中改造罪犯,是监狱企业的社会责任,也是监狱企业的主要责任,经济责任则是监狱企业的一般责任.监狱企业履行经济责任和社会责任,都需要国家提供相应的物质务件作保障,国家应将监狱企业的社会责任从道德责任上升为法律责任.  相似文献   

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