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Resident attitudes toward sustainable community tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined, using social exchange theory, a range of variables involved in determining resident attitudes toward tourism development and the adoption of sustainable tourism. After a comprehensive review of the literature on the role of residents in tourism development, and of the use of social exchange theory, 430 completed questionnaires obtained in a Texas town involved in tourism were analyzed. A structural equation model was utilized to understand the effects of selected components of sustainability on the attitudes of the respondents about future tourism development and to test hypothesized causal relationships among the variables. The findings revealed that three major components of sustainable tourism, namely long-term planning, full community participation and environmental sustainability within tourism, are critically related to support for tourism and to the positive and negative impacts of tourism. The paper uses the findings to suggest critical implications that local governments need to consider when developing tourism.  相似文献   

The pursuit of sustainable destination tourism should begin with an understanding of resident subjectivities. Residents are concerned with good governance and cultural integrity, and they are aware of their role as stakeholders in tourism in their communities. In this study, residents of Orchid Island, Taiwan, were interviewed using Q method in order to evaluate their subjectivities toward tourism. Forty-two statements regarding a theoretically and historically defined discourse of tourism were sorted by 34 respondents. This forced-choice method revealed four types of subjectivities, which are distinguished as Culture Broker, Cultural Conservative, Cultural Purist and Pragmatic Governance. The results show how the respondents perceived tourism in their destination. They agreed upon certain core issues regarding destination tourism, while contesting other issues. Respondents held strong views concerning how government policy affects their community and how tourism and culture shape each other. It is concluded that many issues in tourism research are highly relevant to residents of small tourism destination communities. This implies that tourism research should focus on understanding and coordinating resident subjectivities so as to inform government planning and decision-making, especially in indigenous communities or small islands.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to empirically identify the pattern of tourists’ emotional responses to profile tourists and investigate their relationships with destination image and behavioral intentions in yoga tourism. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 395 tourists visiting Rishikesh, India. Cluster analysis uncovers three distinct clusters based on the pattern of tourists’ emotions: ecstatic, passionate, and unemotional. Multiple discriminant analysis confirms the validity of three clusters solution. The three yoga tourist clusters differ by their perception of destination image and behavioral intentions. Findings offer important implications for scholars and marketers to better serve this niche market.  相似文献   

While importance-performance analysis (IPA) is one of the most ubiquitous methodological tools utilized in tourism research, its supply-side application to residents has been lacking. Additionally, little research has examined residents' perceptions of sustainable tourism initiatives (STIs) or their community's performance on these STIs. Given this gap, this study conducted an IPA of resident attitudes towards STIs across three U.S. counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia with varying levels of emphasis placed on sustainable tourism within their strategic plans. The results revealed residents of the three counties placed uniformly high levels of importance on the STIs, but varied in their perceptions of performance. The county with the most emphasis placed on sustainable tourism within their plan was found to have the highest performance evaluations. Methodological and theoretical considerations are discussed in detail, including the placement of cross-hairs and how IPA can be situated within social exchange theory and Oliver's expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm.  相似文献   

This article investigates residents' attitudes to tourism in North Wales, using factor analysis. The most important concerns are found to be a negative social impact, economic input, stereo-typing of visitors, purchasing of second homes by foreigners, cultural exchange, and the ecological impact of tourism. Lifelong residents and Welsh language speakers tend to be more sensitive to the impact of tourism on their culture and residents in high density tourist areas tend to appreciate the benefits and importance of tourism more than those who have less contact with tourists.  相似文献   

Studies of the local population's perception of tourism impact are useful in setting up programs to minimize friction between tourists and residents, and in formulating plans to gain resident support of tourist ventures. This study identifies the positive and negative aspects of tourism as perceived by the Santa Marta residents, and the influence of selected variables on resident response. It is hypothesized that the perception of tourist impact varies with the distance a person lives from the tourist zone and with the resident's socio-economic status. It is found that despite the perception of some serious negative aspects, Santa Marta residents consider the overall impact of tourism to be beneficial. They want their government to offer more economic incentives and eliminate any restrictive measures in order to stimulate tourism in the area. The positive attitudes of the Santa Marta residents toward tourism may be a function of the incipient stage of tourism development in this area.  相似文献   

Despite empowerment being a crucial component of sustainable tourism, few scholars have quantitatively operationalized empowerment and looked at how it applies to rural societies within the post-communist European Union (EU) member states. Knowing the high priority of sustainable rural development goals within the EU, empowering residents within these post-communist societies has become a pertinent issue especially where those societies appear more reluctant to engaging in democratic ways of decision-making. In response to this gap, this study tests the cross-cultural validity of the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale, and then evaluates how empowerment predicts residents’ support for tourism within the municipality of Choczewo, Pomerania, Poland. Using a theoretical perspective that blends Social Exchange Theory with Weber's Theory of Formal and Substantive Rationality, these non-economic empowerment dimensions are coupled with a measure of resident perceptions of economically benefiting from tourism to see if rural residents in Choczewo, Poland, are more swayed by the economic or non-economic benefits of tourism. Results show that residents within this Central and Eastern Europe setting are more influenced by the pride and self-esteem boost associated with psychological empowerment and the perceptions of increased community cohesion (i.e. social empowerment) than the economic promises of tourism.  相似文献   

Tourism dependence and resident attitudes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many rural communities view tourism as a major vehicle for addressing rural economic decline, but several empirical studies suggest that its growth can bring negative social impacts. One group of studies suggests a direct relationship between the level of tourism development in a community and the presence of negative resident attitudes toward it. This “tourism dependence” hypothesis is evaluated using survey data from four rural communities in the United States Rocky Mountain West. Results support the hypothesis with some important qualifications, and suggest a typology of rural communities experiencing tourism growth that includes tourism-saturated, tourism-realized, and tourism-hungry community types.


La dépendance envers le tourisme et les attitudes des habitants. Les communautés rurales voient le tourisme comme un véhicule important pour aborder le probème du déclin économique, mais plusieurs études empiriques suggèrent que la crossance du tourisme entraîne des impacts sociaux négatifs. Certaines études suggèrent un rapport direct entre de développement du tourisme dans une communauté et la présence d'attitudes négatives de la part des habitants. On évalue cette hypothèse de “dépendance de tourisme” en utilisant des données d'enquêtes de quatre communautés rurales dans les montagnes Rocheuses de l'ouest des États-Unis. Les résultats appuient l'hypothèse avec quelques réserves importantes et suggèrent une typologie des communautés qui font l'expérience de la crossance du tourisme, comprenant les types de communautés saturées, réalisées et affamées de tourisme.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) studies in formulating the intellectual structure of the hospitality and tourism literature by conducting a bibliometric analysis. A total of 8049 articles published in the top six hospitality and tourism journals between 1973 and 2019 and 401,473 listed references are extracted from Scopus. BibExcel and VOSviewer are used to develop and visualize bibliometric mapping and indicate the level of contribution of the CSR studies. Findings show that environmental responsibility outweighs the other CSR-related topics. In addition, stakeholder theory is the most commonly applied theory in the CSR literature, and five research clusters are identified. Furthermore, CSR-related studies remain in the emerging stage in the hospitality and tourism literature, and studies examining the perspectives of local communities are scarce. Finally, a holistic approach is necessary in CSR-related studies to connect and consolidate current CSR knowledge.  相似文献   

Scholars investigating local residents’ attitudes toward tourism have often used different types of measurement procedures based on positivistic paradigms, while very few researchers have based their studies on purely qualitative approaches. This paper introduces and discusses a qualitative method known as the means-end theory and its associated laddering technique, which can be used to investigate host attitudes to tourism. The laddering technique, based on the means-end approach is recommended to understand values, which influence attitudes, since from a social psychology discourse, values are considered as antecedents of attitudes and opinions. It is argued that through an understanding of the personal values of the respondents, it is possible to have a different perspective on their attitudes and opinions toward tourism. The authors are not claiming that such an approach is superior to other measurement procedures and research paradigms, but argue that the means-end theory and the laddering technique have considerable potential to shed light on issues surrounding this research area. Despite the limitations associated with such methods, it is argued that laddering based on means-end theory deserves further investigation and empirical testing by scholars investigating local residents’ attitudes to development.  相似文献   

Economic impact of tourism on Wales   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The economic impact of tourism on Wales is compared with that on the UK as a whole. Tourism sustains 10% of total employment in Wales compared with 6% in the UK, and tourism receipts as a percentage of GDP are also higher in Wales. International tourism receipts as a percentage of GDP in Wales are at about the same level as in Spain and Greece. Promotional activity should be directed at generating more visits to Wales by high-spending tourists in order to maximize the economic benefits of tourism, and to attract the growth segments of the tourism market to Wales.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands have an indisputable comparative and competitive edge within the European Union as regards their tourism products. The present study takes a segmented market approach to study the Canary Islands tourism market, featuring a range of tourism products, each of which satisfies to a greater or lesser extent the needs of one segment of demand. It has two objectives: firstly, to ascertain which segments of demand are currently acquired at destination and secondly, to identify within these segments the niches associated with the highest expenditure. This will enable us to draw up guideliness for a regional policy on product innovation that focuses on these niches and thus generates higher levels of local development.  相似文献   

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are faced with many challenges to economic development. Tourism is seen as a viable, and sometimes, only means of economic growth. This research compares the economic impact of tourism to seven SIDS. The research employs input output analysis, linkage analysis and a CGE model to assess the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of increased tourism in these islands. The findings show that the transportation sector remains a key sector. The tourism income multipliers show that tourism generates a large amount of economic activity but the income that remains in the destinations is often very small. The results show that taking advantage of economies of scale maybe a way to maximize the benefits from tourism.  相似文献   

In the context of sustainable tourism development, there are many studies about the exchange process between residents and tourism, yet this issue is practically unexplored with respect to the political environment of tourism. Therefore, this paper introduces and posits that the political environment is a necessary enabler for implementing sustainable tourism. The authors extend the established three-pillar sustainability concept by adding in the political dimension. Then they surveyed how residents' positive and negative perceptions of tourism impacts determine their satisfaction with life in the tourism destination and thus their support for tourism in their community. The model was empirically tested within the context of the long-established Alpine destination of Bled in Slovenia. The findings confirm the importance of the political environment and question the sustainability of Bled's tourism development. It is suggested that the community has relatively weak destination governance due to the underdeveloped political environment. The survey expands and deepens the tourism sustainability debate by adding in the political environment and how it relates to the emerging growth of research on destination governance. The proposed model can be adapted and applied to any destination in order to improve its governance, including the implementation of sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

This research undertook a visitor survey in two protected areas in different cultural contexts, namely China and the UK, to explore whether the value a person attaches to the environment influences their attitude towards sustainable tourism development in national parks. Structural equation models were developed with data from 597 and 368 questionnaires collected in Jiuzhaigou National Scenic Area, China and the New Forest National Park, UK respectively. The results suggested that anthropocentric or ecocentric values significantly influence people's attitudes to tourism and sustainable development. The same structured causal relationship was found in both samples, between people's attitudes towards the natural environment, conservation and tourism in a national park context.  相似文献   

While gender equality and empowerment are core components of sustainable tourism, most of the literature has approached the concepts from qualitative perspectives, thus limiting the ability to empirically test for empowerment discrepancies between men and women. With this gap in mind, this study sought to test the widely held notion that empowerment discrepancies exist between men and women in tourism development. Discrepancies in psychological, social and political empowerment were tested for using the 12-item Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (RETS). The RETS was administered across five sample populations, with results revealing that gender discrepancies were present, but surprisingly, not in the direction suggested in previous literature. In all three US samples, there was evidence that women were more likely to perceive themselves being empowered than men. The results from the two Japanese samples did not find any significant differences, which is of interest because Japan is traditionally seen a very patriarchal society. Applications of the RETS can be paired with qualitative research to better understand empowerment success stories and then to apply these best practices to other destinations where empowerment discrepancies are present. Future applications of the RETS are suggested to help initiate “gender mainstreaming” within the sustainable tourism literature.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the perceptions of Cappadocia residents on the impacts of tourism development and resident attitudes toward tourism. Social Exchange Theory underpinned this study of the perceptions of Cappadocia’s residents and their attitudes toward tourism. Primary data were collected from tourism industry professionals, officials of non-profit organizations and handicraftsmen. Twenty-three in-depth interviews were conducted with Cappadocia residents, and the data were analyzed with content analysis. Results highlight that “Economic,” “Socio-Cultural” and “Environmental” aspects can be inferred to encompass resident perceptions toward the impacts of tourism development in Cappadocia. Residents tend to recognize the economic benefits as well as socio-cultural and environmental costs. Results indicate that Social Exchange Theory can be used in explaining the perceptions of Cappadocia residents and reactions to tourism phenomena. This study is expected to provide practical ways for concerned authorities to make future policies and strategies to eradicate problems that create unpleasant feelings amongst residents.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to examine the economic impact of tourism on the Okanagan Region, (B.C., Canada), by evaluating the multiplier effects of tourist expenditure on the generation of income, sales and employment. Specifically, separate multipliers are calculated in order to identify the relative contribution of four major types of tourists, namely: (a) Non-residential Visitors, (b) Residential Visitors (B.C.), (c) Day-trippers, and for the first time, (d) Convention Delegates. This study utilizes the Archer tourism multiplier methodology by adopting a price level adjusted twenty-nine sector input- output framework as the basis for calculating the tourist multipliers. Unlike the earlier studies that are based on primary data, this study uses secondary data.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial social capital develops through the accrual of resources gained from an entrepreneur's social ties. These are integral to entrepreneurial success, enabling access to financial, marketing, and human resources, and innovation. Entrepreneurs increasingly manage their networks through online platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. However, there are major gaps in the extant empirical research concerning how online social capital is manifested, if this differs from an in-person context, and the effects ‘online’ and ‘offline’ social capital resources on tourism business success. This study adopts a mixed-method approach to examine tourism entrepreneur's behaviours in building offline and online social capital, and their nuanced effects on firm performance. The results found tourism entrepreneurs' networking activity manifests in three distinct configurations, Active Online Networkers, In-Person Networkers, and the Less Engaged. Each configuration demonstrated varying effects on expected business growth and performance with regards to number of employees, sales revenues, and net profit.  相似文献   

The international tourism sector has grown rapidly in Turkey since the 1980s and Turkey ranks among the top ten countries in terms of tourist arrivals and receipts. Previous studies on international tourism in Turkey are partial equilibrium studies which emphasized the importance of the sector for foreign exchange earnings, employment creation, and economic growth. The social accounting matrix (SAM) modeling approach is superior to partial equilibrium analysis as it takes into account intersectoral linkages. This paper analyzes the contribution of international tourism to the Turkish economy using two SAMs for 1996 and 2002, respectively. Two analyses are conducted using the SAM impact model: (i) sectoral comparison of GDP elasticities, and (ii) SAM impact analysis of international tourism on output, value-added, and employment. The results show that the GDP elasticity of international tourism is relatively low and the impact of foreign tourist expenditures on domestic production, value-added (GDP), and employment in Turkey are modest. The results imply the possibility of leakage of foreign tourist expenditures out of the economy.  相似文献   

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