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于清棣不算老,满打满算37岁。而他被称呼为老于,是对他性格本色的形象称呼。从参军到工作,22年来,于清棣没干过一件值得人仰视的轰轰烈烈的事情,但他对每件事情的执著付出却赢得了同事的敬重,凭着他对事业那份平凡的坚守,称他为“老黄牛”实不为过。  相似文献   

新化乡下,农民做腊肉是件非常重大的事情。每到腊月,过年的气氛一日紧过一日,农民忙着准备年货外,盘算着哪天宰猪,哪天做腊肉,把日子安排得井井有条。  相似文献   

似乎在这个世界,谈梦想,竟然成了一件可笑的事情。  相似文献   

转眼间来美国七年了。七年里有一件刻骨铭心的事情,那就是因为开车超速被告上法庭。  相似文献   

100多年前,藏地还没有现在这样四通八达的道路,没有方便快捷的汽车、火车、飞机。要进藏探险,并非一件容易的事情,骑着屿从一地到另外一地,往往要颠簸一月甚至数月。日所能及的燎色缓缓延伸,而非呼啸而过,100多年前的美国人柔克义辞去了稳定的工作,向着藏地前进,他在日夜的颠簸里看到了什么?  相似文献   

现实生活中,人们大多喜欢谈经验,而不乐意讲教训,似乎谈经验比讲教训面上有光。其实,教训与经验同等重要,在某种意义上甚至比经验还重要。因此,对教训大可不必讳言。我们做任何工作,处理任何事情,总得不断实践,不断总结经验教训。由于主客观的因素,人们做一件事情很难一下子就成功,往往要几经挫折,经过认真总结,吸取教训,才能成功。所谓“失败是成功之母”,其道理也在于此。  相似文献   

刘光琦 《中国储运》2012,(12):45-46
“世界上所有的事情,越简单越难变,越复杂越容易变,世界上的事都是从简单到复杂,再从复杂到简单,现在公路快运就在经历这个过程。”恽绵的这句话包含的信息量巨大,不仅点出了目前我国公路快运业的现状,也道破了公路快运企业的发展方向。  相似文献   

对于监理从业人员来说,有机会出去学习别国经验是一件很有意义的事情。看后回来,值得总结和反思的事情总得很多,提笔著文,为的是让同行通过文字能更好地学习和运用国外先进的管理经验,推动我国交通建设监理向制度化,规范化,科学化目标发展的进程。  相似文献   

这故事开始于十多年前,那时我高中刚毕业,因双腿残疾就业无门,只好果在家重复日复一日的时光。孤寂和苦闷到极处就想到写作,渴望手中的笔能把灰暗生活戳亮一个洞,于是,便有系着希翼和梦想的短文偶见报端。《福建文学》的白丁先生(笔名)到政和县听说了事情的来龙去脉后,便写了一篇报告文学《一位扛笔杆的新兵》登在《福州晚报》上为我鼓劲──这是1987年的事。 花开花落,转眼两年即逝。这日,一封寄自M市交警大队的信飘至我的书桌上,信仅薄薄一页,字迹娟秀,大致内容是:我是个跨出大学校门不久的女民警,前几天,在一张包…  相似文献   

重视财会工作要真抓实干──广西交通厅曹洪兴厅长谈财会管理在1995年10月份召开的建国以来第四次全国会计工作会议上,我厅财务处荣获"全国先进财会工作集体"称号,区公路管理局张滇梅同志荣获"全国先进会计工作者"称号,这是一件非常令人欣慰的事情。就此机会...  相似文献   

The intense development of the tourism industry requires a skilled and qualified workforce. It is important to attract the right candidates to the tourism education, and subsequently provide relevant education to prepare students for the industry after graduation. While work placements may be useful and important to some extent, they are not the ideal solution. Hence, alternative approaches such as simulations and flipped classrooms may be applied. To provide realistic expectations, a closer collaboration between industry operators and education providers is needed. Education providers should assume a more proactive role by inviting tourism operators and integrated them in the tourism education programmes as guest lecturers.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the career experiences and perceptions of graduates from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia towards the programmes that they undertook. The two cohorts of graduates exhibited broadly similar career histories and expressed similar attitudes towards the quality, strengths and weaknesses of their respective programmes. In both cases, female students dominate the graduate cohort and about half of the respondents were found to have left the tourism or hospitality field within 3–5 years after graduation. Graduates believe that their general business and general education subjects play a stronger role in acquiring their first and current jobs than specialist tourism, hotel management and food service subjects. The findings highlight the challenge facing the university sector in attempting to balance the desire to provide a broadly grounded liberal education with the student desire for practical training. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates Australian undergraduate tertiary aviation students' perceptions of the aviation industry and skills required to succeed following the COVID-19 pandemic. By developing an understanding of the skills students perceive to be necessary for their careers following the COVID-19 pandemic, comparisons can be drawn with industry perspectives to determine whether these perspectives align and, more importantly, support students’ successful development of skills as sought by the industry. An online survey of current undergraduate tertiary aviation students at Australian universities was conducted to determine the perceived impediments, additional skills required, post-graduation plans and how university courses should evolve post-COVID-19. The results show that students are cognisant of the current oversupply of aviation professionals due to the downturn in the industry and are seeking further support with the development of non-technical skills to better prepare themselves to be competitive following graduation. These findings have implications for both undergraduate aviation students and universities offering an undergraduate aviation program. By considering these findings universities can adapt their programs to better prepare students and support the development of skilled aviation professionals, equipped to deal with challenges of the post-COVID-19 aviation industry.  相似文献   

This study presents empirical insights into Dutch citizens' preferences for spatial equality in the context of decision-making regarding the composition of a national transport investment plan. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first study worldwide which empirically investigates citizens' preferences for the spatial distribution of benefits accruing from a transport investment plan. We conducted two Stated Choice experiments: one involving an investment plan for travel time savings, the other involving an investment plan for traffic safety. Our results show that in the context of travel time savings, a vast majority of citizens has a strong preference for spatial equality. When the investment program involves traffic safety improvements, the share of citizens that has a preference for spatial equality is considerably smaller. Specifically, using a Latent class discrete choice analysis we identified distinct segments. The first segment has a very strong preference for the investment program having the largest total reduction in traffic deaths; the second segment assigns a substantial value to an equal distribution of reductions of traffic deaths across the Netherlands. Highly educated citizens are found to have a relatively strong preference for spatial equality as compared to low educated citizens. Contrary to our expectations, explanatory variables such as political orientation, income, car ownership and region of residence do not appear to associate with citizens' preferences for spatial equality.  相似文献   

The management model of airports has long stood as a central research area in the transport sector. There are a wide range of studies that focus on the potential benefits and pitfalls of private airport management. The results of these efficiency studies have not provided irrefutable evidence for the superiority of private management over public management, but the momentum towards privatizing airports is growing. The reason for privatization has been more related with privatization revenues for governments, rather than more efficient management. The search for maximizing the sale value can have negative impacts from a welfare perspective, for example, through excessive increases in tariffs for passengers. This research reflects on the motivations for governments to privatize, and is illustrated by a case study – Portugal – in which the privatization occurred as a result of three main large drivers: 1) a bailout programme by the IMF, the EU, and the ECB; 2) a revision of the regulatory model, and; 3) the need to increase the capacity of Lisbon's airport system in the medium term.  相似文献   

苏瑾 《西藏旅游》2009,(5):116-125
自驾穿越藏地,是很多人的梦想。选择合适的车,选择适宜的路段,在合适的时间出行,却不是件容易的事情。 也许,你正在为挑选一辆爱车赴藏而看花了眼,也许,你正在为自己的爱车适合走哪条路钱而伤神。那么,就看看我们为您准备的车刊,对号入座吧。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the construct of, and develop a measurement instrument for, supply chain performance (SCP) in transport logistics. Based on the supply chain operations reference model and various established measures, a measurement model and a measurement instrument for SCP in transport logistics are developed. A 26-item SCP measurement instrument was constructed, reflecting service effectiveness for shippers, operations efficiency for transport logistics service providers, and service effectiveness for consignees. The empirical findings suggest that the measurement instrument is reliable and valid for evaluating SCP in transport logistics.  相似文献   

Riding a bicycle for utility purposes in US cities is rare, especially in historically automobile-dominated cities. Using data from a transportation survey administered to 406 residents of Charlotte, NC, this paper reports on the results of a logistic regression model that predicts the influence of an individual's recreational cycling frequency on the odds of that individual riding a bicycle for utility purposes on a weekly basis. The odds of an individual riding for utility purposes at least once a week increases dramatically as an individual rides more for recreation. Recreational cycling appears to offer a space in which individuals can acquire a threshold level of skills and materials necessary to ride their bike for utility purposes. Results suggest that plans to increase utility cycling in an automobile-dominated city like Charlotte ought to emphasize and fund opportunities for residents to ride recreationally, and consider how experience riding a bike in the temporally- and spatially- flexible context of recreation can encourage more individuals to ride to and from errands, school, or their place of work.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on low-cost carriers' pricing strategies by investigating the presence of quantity price discrimination implemented through a two-part tariff in offered fares. By analysing Internet fares for all easyJet flights departing from the Amsterdam Schiphol airport between March and April 2015, we search for price differentials based on the number of seats booked by a single consumer. We find that the lowest average unit price is associated with a single consumer reserving 5 seats. On average, the per-seat discount for a single consumer reserving 5 seats is €9.48, which is 14% of the single-seat fare. Additionally, a multivariate analysis shows that quantity discounts are greater for flights with a larger fraction of available seats at the time of booking, the seats are booked longer in advance, and the destination's gross domestic product per capita is greater. Conversely, quantity discounts are lower for longer routes, larger destination airports, and routes for which easyJet's market share is higher.  相似文献   

Volunteer tourism as a phenomenon and as a market has come a long way since its ideologically driven early days. It is now an established and ever commercialised market that meets the demand for a different travel experience for the more morally conscious traveller, while at the same time it provides opportunities for economic gain for the organisations that act as brokers of such experiences. This interaction raises several ethical issues in terms of serving a mission while making economic gains. In general, there is an acceptable relationship between monetary gain and altruistic service, within the context of enlightened self-interest provided that the beneficiary of economic gains diverts profits into serving their mission. This paper examines the supply for volunteer tourism for evidence of commercialisation and profit-driven behaviour and investigates a relationship between monetary gain and serving a mission by creating public goods.  相似文献   

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