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兰香  老李图  Tune图 《西藏旅游》2014,(4):104-109
冈仁波齐:东方“奥林匹斯山” 假如上帝真会作画,那他一定是个大气、细心又善于用色的伟大画家。他在雪域西藏填一些洁白,撤一些深黄,泼一些新绿,再点缀几家寺庙、些许人家和几缕炊烟,随意的收笔便成就了几条河流,几条栈道。阿里是画作中的色块儿,普兰则是色块儿中的几滴色素,精致而美妙!  相似文献   

雪域高原对我是一个梦!梦里的它,有着蓝得让人心醉的天空,有着让人忘却人世一切烦恼的古寺,有着让人一心想拥有的圣洁雪莲,有着让人迷惑却神往的千里朝圣之路,还有那纯净、充满渴望的一双双永远定格在我心里的眼神和那悠扬的驼铃、飘飞的哈达……梦中的雪域高原啊,梦中的香格里拉!  相似文献   

宁静小村,如在画中 走入藏东南,是为了却近距离膜拜南迦巴瓦峰的愿望。这座在我心目中最美丽孤傲的神山屹立在雪域屋脊,远离凡尘,端坐在云端之上,深锁的白云深处有踱往天堂的台阶,那是虔诚的信徒梦寐以求找寻的仙界。  相似文献   

“一般人眼中西藏是荒芜、粗犷的,但是当我却到西藏,我觉得西藏温柔无比。那里的山川呈现出一种妩媚,那里的刺蔓草遍地开放。纳木错早上那冰蓝的山色,就是日本画家东山魁夷典型的色彩风格。”  相似文献   

清晨醒来,第一件要干的事情是什么,答案肯定是五花八门。城里人有城里人的做法,乡下人有乡下人的做法。倘若有人问我清晨下床后的第一件事是干什么,我会毫不犹豫地说打开乡下的一扇窗户。开窗有时可能是几分钟,甚至一天,那就要视季节的冷暖,天气的变化而定。其好处不仅仅是呼吸一下乡村那伴着泥土味的新鲜空气,让风儿荡涤一下室内的龌龊的气息。其实这也是一种享受,一种陶醉,更是一种悟道。  相似文献   

我们乘坐的汽车驶出巴黎,进入一条宽阔畅亮的大道。这条大道在巴黎南面,直通卢森堡城。这是一条全封闭6车道公路,在迎着太阳一面的路旁缓坡上,竖立着一个个比人还高大的“地球仪”,那圆球上分别布有各种各样的颜色,艳丽无比。那圆球有单个站立的,有三五成排的,最多的有18个排在一起。随着汽车前进,路边又出现了如儿童积木一样的多彩大方块和大三角,那些三角和方块  相似文献   

林木 《中国储运》2010,(5):68-68
“春晚”仿佛成了国人无法割舍的一道“大餐”.经过演员汗流浃背的表演.导演殚精竭虑的编导.有关部门火眼真睛的审查.这道精心煎炒烹炸的“大餐”,着实兴奋了国人的味蕾.然而.这道“大餐”一做就是二十多年.再也翻不出新花样了.编导们已江郎才尽.国人兴趣也在锐减:就说今年春晚吧.出彩的节目寥寥无几.坐在电视机前看下去吧.很没意思,不看吧.仿佛觉得缺点儿什么。唉.春晚这道“大餐”已成鸡肋矣。  相似文献   

公路建景区在国内是个新事物,但在欧洲并不新鲜。德国、荷兰的高速公路休息区很随意、也很多,但规模都不大。有时是往森林中的一个拐弯,让司机可以进去小憩一下,放松一会儿。公路变身景区。其好处无疑众多,但安全的质疑并非空穴来风。  相似文献   

八月的南方,骄阳似火,热浪袭人。八点半钟我便在县城路口开始执勤,到十点钟时,浑身的衣服已经湿透,死死地贴在身上特别难受,就连裸露的皮肤也火辣辣地疼。这时,副大队长说休息一下,我赶紧摘下帽子跑到路边一家商店门口`吹电扇。副大队长送来了半个西瓜,大家便狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。吃完一块西瓜,我把瓜皮随意往地下一扔。那声音竟出奇地响,有不少人向我看了过来,尤其是对面报亭旁的一个小女孩睁着两只乌黑的大眼睛直瞪着我。我朝她笑了笑,又拿起另一块西瓜来,吃完后我又将瓜皮扔在了脚下。 这时,有人扯了扯我的衣服。我转头…  相似文献   

防晒不仅要做表面文章,内在的补养也很重要。与其读着防晒霜上的SPF指数度夏,不如走进厨房或餐厅,给自己准备一桌让人从里到外都能抵抗紫外线的美食。  相似文献   

裴云春  王郢 《西藏旅游》2012,(8):156-159
香是人类最美好的文化感受之一,它像隐身的精灵,你摸不着它,看不到它,它却能直达你身心的根底,激活最真实的感受,在袅袅烟气中,恣意畅怀,任心灵的悸动自在奔驰。在藏民族漫长的发展过程中,藏香扮演着重要角色,承载着厚重的雪域文化内涵,散发出辽远的青藏文明的神秘气息。除了祭祀礼佛,藏香还有很好的养生功效。  相似文献   

想过骑游拉萨么?别以为骑游只是阳朔、丽江的专利,别以为高高在上的圣城跟轻松悠闲绝缘,别以为骑上自行车逛拉萨是件不可能的事情-要玩就找个高起点!  相似文献   

世界上恐怕找不到第二条街,像八廓街那样承载信仰的同时云集商贾,接受万千信徒膜拜同时笑迎五湖四海的游客,延续历史使命的同时演绎属于自己的传奇。  相似文献   

夜幕降临,古城西安华灯初上,告别了白天的紧张忙碌,人们悠闲自在地享受着夜的舒适和惬意。大雁塔下。人流如织,灯光迷离,广场的东北角,一方门楣在周遭的食店酒肆间显得与众不同,两列身着藏式服饰的女孩微笑迎客。这是德吉康村藏式茶餐吧,一处具有浓郁西藏风情的去处。虽身不在西藏,但可以给感官来个旅行。  相似文献   

Bicycle Sharing Schemes (BSS) are re-emerging as promising components of urban mobility solutions worldwide. However, the lack of consistent collaboration strategies between different actors and institutions, which have been tested in a wide range of cities and contexts regarding their design, tender, operation and expansion, raises significant social and governance implications. Urban transport features as a melting pot for diverse policy objectives, ranging from business model innovation, public tendering, and accessibility increase to the equity and social justice agenda.By employing a Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) framework and by introducing alluvial diagrams and circular dendrograms to BSS planning through a mixed-methods approach, this article illustrates an innovative tool in managing BSS in the context of the Global South. The strength of such diagrams has been underestimated to date since they can be particularly useful for public and private urban transport planners and policy-makers. Visualising user flows in such a manner, particularly in near-live time, may offer valuable insight on the operational challenges of BSS. Findings of the cross-sectional survey in Santiago de Chile confirm that maintenance is significant for user satisfaction levels. Furthermore, decisions regarding BSS expansion and modification could be based on such analysis and diagrams due to the precise identification of both the busiest and those under-represented BSS stations based on revealed preferences.  相似文献   

奇奇 《西藏旅游》2009,(6):120-123
一直以来,西藏都是我的一个梦。高考结束不久.最了解我的老爸淡淡地对我说了一句:“保重。”我开始兴奋地收集和整理东拼西凑来的旅费和装备,这个多年的梦想即将成为现实,就在我18岁那一年,  相似文献   

The paper study the effect of different reference points in time regarding the ‘before’ and ‘after’ situation and how this may influence the ex post evaluation. Four Norwegian railway projects are analysed ex post. We have found that the choice of reference points that are chosen to represent the situation before and after a project, respectively, will often have a major impact on the result of an evaluation. In fact, the studied projects can be presented as either successes or failures, depending on the choice of reference years. The parameters used in this comparison are punctuality, frequency, travel time, and number of travellers. Four projects have been studied. Four parameters for each project generate a total of 16 indicators. By selecting certain years as reference years, 11 of the 16 indicators can be presented as either an increase or decrease. Stakeholders with a biased agenda towards certain projects can actually pick reference years to present the outcome of projects in a way that that fit their agenda. It is recommended that more than one measurement approach is applied in ex post evaluations.  相似文献   

The use of the Internet is becoming increasingly integral to the day-to-day operations of society, facilitating an interconnected and globalised world, where geographic barriers are no longer a defining criteria for communication. This opens the researcher up to a realm of research opportunities, which to-date have been under-exploited. This paper contributes to the wider body of literature addressing the concept of Online research, demonstrating in practice how it can be utilised in the context of interpretative phenomenological analysis. It is argued that netnography is akin to interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) in that it accounts for an individual’s personal perception or account of an event or state, as opposed to attempting to produce an objective record. This paper outlines how blog analysis can be utilised in the context of IPA, demonstrating how this worked in practice during the initial exploratory research phase of the teaching English as a foreign language tourism phenomenon.  相似文献   

Linear concepts such as the corridor have a long history in spatial and urban planning. The recent megacorridor or eurocorridor concept, proposed in the context of discussion on European territorial development, strives to integrate policies on infrastructure, urbanisation and economic development. As is shown by the example of the Netherlands, the corridor concept can count on a hostile reception from spatial planners. As an analytical concept the corridor can hardly be denied its legitimacy. Several urgent policy issues can be attached to corridor developments that together require an improved coordination between policy domains at different spatial levels.  相似文献   

In recent years airports have been under growing pressure to become financially self-sufficient and to pursue profit maximization in their non-aeronautical or concession operations. In this paper we examine the optimal pricing in a model where concession and aeronautical operations of an airport are considered together with an overall break-even constraint. We find that the optimum solution may require a subsidy from concession to aeronautical operations. However, such a cross-subsidy may or may not restore marginal-cost pricing on aeronautical operations. On the other hand, social welfare can be higher when an airport is allowed to make profits in concession operations than when marginal-cost pricing is imposed on concession operations.  相似文献   

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