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她不是一个喜欢冒险的人,却成为中国大陆环游地球第一人。她曾经在西藏十年。与西藏结下不解之缘,行走在世界的各个角落。她都会将那里的风景与西藏做个比较。  相似文献   

在行走中释放,让行走更有力量,在行走中找寻梦想! 在这个丰富而又饱满的长假里,在异国浪漫悠然的气息中,用舒适的行走体会不同的风土人情,玩不同国家的最新玩意,尝不同国家最特别的美食,牧高笛解放你的身心,替你实现行走梦想。  相似文献   

本书真实地记录了2011年夏天陈坤带领十名太学生志愿者,在行走西藏过程中,对生命的点滴感悟,同时穿插了他威名前后生活中的小故事。笔端情感真挚,禳来亲切自然。陈坤报信,专注的行走是与心灵的独处,平静下来才能看请自己、观照内心。陈坤希望通过对本书的分享,把这种最朴素的力量传递给更多的人。  相似文献   

陈利 《西藏旅游》2013,(5):122-125
西藏西北部荒原,阳光炙烈,他独自行走在古格、玛旁雍错、当惹雍错,仔细地寻找每一处遗迹,时小时地在本子上记着什么。破风霜和阳光侵袭得黝黑的脸上,神情专注。这是他数十年研究生涯中的平常一天。  相似文献   

人哥 《西藏旅游》2014,(2):54-63
我们为什么要行走?有人说,行走,是为了发现:有人说,行走,是为了历练,有人说,行走是为了救赎,也有人说,行走,是为了放逐。之前,人哥一直没有一个确切的答案,骑行唐蕃古道25天之后,也许他找到了答案。  相似文献   

在缅甸,仿佛时间被定格成了慢进模式:人们慢慢地行走、匀速地驾驶,没有嘈杂的喧哗,人们在这样的舒缓的节奏中,用一种与人与自然和谐的方式过着自己的恬淡生活。我也深切地感受了它的美丽和可爱。  相似文献   

谭天仲 《西藏旅游》2013,(11):19-19
时常不舍地把玩自己从川西高原捡回的那块石头,普通,圆润,藏青中夹杂的白色略闪金光。不大不小的体积,握在手中刚好,有种沉甸甸的感觉。在那个到处都是信仰的地方,我第次在川藏地区找到了一种叫做归属的东西。不管怀念与否,生命的脚步都只会西水东逝。行走,不一定要徒步西藏,也不一定要穿越荒漠,只要心在路上,你就是一个行者。彭祖八百终归尘土,短暂的人生没有长久的悔恨。喜欢行走的人,都对生命充满了渴望,对美好的事物有着一种难以抑制的贪婪。喜欢花草树木,喜欢虫鱼鸟兽,喜欢仰望天空,喜欢细数繁星,喜欢翻山越岭,喜欢新鲜刺激。心若不死,人生便没有终点。习惯了行走的人,最不安于在一个死寂的角落定格终身。一旦我们爱上漂泊,那种世人眼中的不安分就会成为我们最为骄傲的资本。  相似文献   

站在香港一个叫柴湾的地方,你也许会生出一种置身地球十字路口的感觉。在这里,除了身边穿梭往返的汽车外,你可以同时将腾空的飞机、破浪的轮船和奔驰的火车一古脑收入眼底。人类关于自身行走方面的种种努力,似乎约好一样,在同一时空条件下一起展现了出来。  相似文献   

去西藏的意义是什么?是让我们的生活归于简单。简单地行走在大昭寺门前;简单地点上一盏酥油灯;简单地被信仰震撼。去西藏的意义就是完成一次减法,脱下那些华而不实的衣服,放下塞满文件的公文包,抛弃不切实际的想法……去西藏,享受新春的阳光,做一个简单幸福的人。  相似文献   

清晨.一些温厚纯良的女子.会用打酥油茶的手,小心摘下小粟花或许康草的花籽,收集起来,摊开在寺前的石板上翻晒。阳光下,花草的香气和渐渐沉淀干枯的草香温暖地蔓延开来……  相似文献   

The use of big data is growing in relevance and importance in tourism management research. Companies operating in this industry are exploiting big data analytics and developing systems to manage customer knowledge and provide the best service in the right place at the right time. This paper aims to provide a systematic literature review to present issues associated with the use of big data in tourism and identify future research directions on the topic. To achieve this aim, this paper develops a citation network analysis methodology to drive the content analysis and explore the content of 109 selected papers. The findings of this review highlight that although there is an increasing number of contributions on the topic, there are yet some issues that require to be further developed. In particular, the paper identifies research gaps and consequent research questions that represent an agenda for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

推动大数据技术在铁路机务专业的综合开发和应用,加快智能铁路建设,可大幅提高机务运输生产效率和机车运用质量。基于铁路机务专业运输生产及信息化发展情况,阐述铁路机务大数据的特征及应用现状,在此基础上,提出铁路机务大数据应用系统的设计目标及定位,设计"N+1+3"总体架构及技术架构,从设备、人员和综合管理3个方面研究适用于该系统的机车运用组织、机车整备检修、司乘组织管理等7个典型应用场景,并对部分关键技术设计相应的大数据分析模型,为铁路机务专业运输生产的安全、智能和创新发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Traffic crashes are geographical events, and their spatial patterns are strongly linked to the regional characteristics of road network, sociodemography, and human activities. Different human activities may have different impacts on traffic exposures, traffic conflicts and speeds in different transportation geographic areas, and accordingly generate different traffic safety outcomes. Most previous researches have concentrated on exploring the impacts of various road network attributes and sociodemographic characteristics on crash occurrence. However, the spatial impacts of human activities on traffic crashes are unclear. To fill this gap, this study attempts to investigate how human activities contribute to the spatial pattern of the traffic crashes in urban areas by leveraging multi-source big data. Three kinds of big data sources are used to collect human activities from the New York City. Then, all the collected data are aggregated into regional level (ZIP Code Tabulation Areas). Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) method is applied to identify the relationship between various influencing factors and regional crash frequency. The results reveal that human activity variables from multi-source big data significantly affect the spatial pattern of traffic crashes, which may bring new insights for roadway safety analyses. Comparative analyses are further performed for comparing the GWPR models which consider human activity variables from different big data sources. The results of comparative analyses suggest that multiple big data sources could complement with each other in the coverage of spatial areas and user groups, thereby improving the performance of zone-level crash models and fully unveiling the spatial impacts of human activities on traffic crashes in urban areas. The results of this study could help transportation authorities better identify high-risky regions and develop proactive countermeasures to effectively reduce crashes in these regions.  相似文献   

以2018年某铁路局集团公司所属区域补充医疗保险补助数据为研究对象,通过分析医保报销单据报销周期、年度医保补助量、医保单据、财务凭证装订量等指标,了解铁路补充医保现状和存在问题,通过比较属地大数据应用的优势,探讨属地社会医保大数据价值与铁路健康管理应用及铁路企业补充医保的发展方向,为制定相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

做大做强铁路客货运输核心业务,是新形势下转变铁路发展方式的客观需要,也是促进铁路运输企业可持续发展的必然要求。结合郑州铁路局实际。探讨如何通过提升运输效益、提升运输效率和提升服务质量,做大做强客货运输核心业务,增强铁路运输企业市场竞争力。  相似文献   


This study conceptualises astro-tourism as a nature-based tourism phenomenon and illustrates its positioning as a special-interest tourism (SIT) field using a phenomenological approach. In the process, this baseline research study contributes to this relatively new tourism field’s foundational research aspects, such as developing a definition and, examining its articulation with destination image. It finds that astro-tourism is based on the interest of tourists in sky-related activities such as dark sky observation and astrophotography, most often in a nature-based context. The findings can be utilised to develop astro-tourism as a new medium in conceptualising tourism destination image by combining destination earth features as well as sky features. Targeting sky features of a destination combined with the earth facilities to attract tourists is one of the new opportunities to deliver unique tourism products.  相似文献   

施工监控量测作为一道工序应用于施工组织中,对于涉及大量基坑开挖、暗挖的城市轨道交通项目有重要的实践意义。以城市轨道交通中某车站为例,论述施工监控量测项目内容和工作流程,以及利用监控量测技术手段收集数据,确定控制地表沉降的施工措施。  相似文献   

铁路局集团公司的年度运输生产计划是承上启下的关键计划,既要完成国铁集团布置的指导重点任务,又要充分调动现场职工的积极性,全面完成作为企业主体的经营任务。随着信息化的发展和大数据的应用,现场最小颗粒度的数据采集与反馈已经能够支撑计划的编制基础。利用最小颗粒度的数据编制和下达反馈运输生产计划,能够从计划的准确性、管理的精细化、经营结果的实时性和提高效率效益方面起到积极作用,全面提高集团公司的管理经营水平。  相似文献   

Research on big data has highlighted that a crucial element to create value from data is the capability of aligning different stakeholders’ interests. However, it has not yet been investigated empirically how this process of alignment can be realized. We conduct a multiple case study on the two leading platforms involved in the online dissemination of cultural heritage – Europeana and Google Arts & Culture. Our findings reveal that a platform overtakes a rival one when it turns on multiple drivers of value creation in such a way that the drivers contribute to realigning the interests expressed by the stakeholders whose strategic objectives and beliefs were formerly divergent – or simply unrelated – to each other. This capability of realigning different stakeholders’ interests is independent of the level of industry-specific knowledge that the platform orchestrator has. The dynamics we document imply that Google has assumed a system integration role in the cultural ecosystem. This generates new trade-offs for museums in the way they generate value for the tourism industry. The paper enriches our understanding of what strategies digital platforms adopt to create value in big data contexts and provides a base to continue the investigation on other ecosystems driven by big data.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this paper was to explore the dichotomy between explanation and prediction and to suggest that there is a middle way. Explanation has often been the domain of academics while prediction has often been the domain of businesses. The former have frequently used smaller sample sizes, the latter larger sample sizes and now increasingly data that have high volume, high velocity, and high variety, i.e. big data. These differences may place the parties at opposite ends of a spectrum which suggests that there is a middle way. This middle way uses ‘automatic linear modelling’ that can cope with big data and presents the results as visualisations. An example is outlined based on a sustainability campaign involving leaders in the context of volunteer tourism. The campaign used an informational ‘nudge’ approach. The results of the study are discussed in relation to both the application of the technique and the success of the campaign. It is pointed out that the technique is exploratory but can aid both prediction and theory building in the area of volunteer tourism and that academics must not be afraid to embrace new methods that may be less conventional but bring the universities and industry closer together.  相似文献   

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