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弹指之间,十世班禅大师已离去20年。1989年的1月,正值冬天.西藏一年之中极度缺氧的季节,大师毅然坚持前往西藏主持五世至九世班禅合葬灵塔的开光典礼。9日,他离开北京,乘上前往拉萨的班机。那时候,谁也不会想到,这竟是他的最后一次西藏之行……  相似文献   

第一次去西藏,是做一个关于拉萨的专题。那次在拉萨呆了一个星期,每天都在拉萨城内找选题,找人。去了很多地方,也见到了很多过去只能从别人书中看到的关于西藏的一切。当然,这个实际存在的拉萨和过去想象中的拉萨比较起来,有时也会让我感到困惑。就象第一眼看到布达拉宫的时候,我认为它太小了,有点让我沮丧。但过了几天,每天从门前过往,再看它似乎又确实很大,慢慢还原到想象中的模样。  相似文献   

1、第一次进藏,最值得推荐的旅游目的地22012333@qq.com:小编好.袭是—个从来没击过西藏但是却为西藏着迷的人。听很多朋友说西藏是—个去了一次就会终身不忘并且不断前往的地方。对我这样一次也没去过西藏的人,小编有什么好地方推荐蛤我去释施心灵的呢?小编:西藏地域广蔺,各大地区风光不与四时同。一次看够西藏几乎是不可能。对于初次进藏的朋友。可以选择去林芝,因为林芝地区平均海拔相对较低,加上有丰富的植被,含氧量很高。  相似文献   

石强  小风 《西藏旅游》2021,(4):24-29
天路七年间,我踏足了十次西藏,每次都是一样的西藏,每次都是不一样的西藏。还记得2014年的夏天,我从郑州仓皇坐上Z265次列车,从华北平原翻越黄土資坡,越过祁连山脉,趟过柴达木盆地,在青藏高原驰骋到了拉萨。被拉萨的纯净所震撼,也对浅尝辄止的318国道不断思念。  相似文献   

万佳 《西藏旅游》2009,(1):10-11
2008年11月27日,李亚鹏、王菲夫妇空降圣城拉萨,这次,他们是带着嫣然天使基金活动的使用探访西藏患儿。在西藏停留三天后,经过跟红十字会的商讨,李亚鹏在离开西藏前表示:明年夏天将同王菲再次赴藏,并将带着医疗队前往阿里地区,救助当地的患儿。  相似文献   

俗人到西藏去是要有缘份的,那是海拔平均在四千米左右的地区,要冒生命危险。而到了西藏,要看到一年一次的晒佛更要有缘份。即使到了西藏,也遇到了晒佛,也未必就与佛有缘。晒佛的日子不会在报纸登广告,这事已经搞了千百年,当地的人都知道。知道的就知道了,不知道的就不会知道。和我同去的一个电视小组,整天在拉萨采访,却没有人告诉他们晒佛的事,在西藏人看来,这是一件太阳到一定时刻必要升起  相似文献   

《藏漂十年》 20世纪80年代,陈丹青创作了呈现西藏人的《西藏组画》,给一群人一种“人文情结的惊喜和向往”。作者张苹2000年便到了拉萨,是带着渴望回归原始单纯生活,逃离旧日生活的逃亡者。他们从北京逃离到拉萨,亲眼目睹了西藏的变化。于是在西藏的十年,她与拉萨这座城融合在一起,深入到拉萨的白天、夜晚、酒吧和转经道一她在西藏绘画、生活、生养小孩,与当地人和藏漂相处,  相似文献   

这是一个小秘密:嫁给一个藏族人。 内蒙古的小伙子,到拉萨后找了一个藏族姑娘,他说,哈,我成了藏族人民的女婿。生活在城里的姑娘们,内心渴望着什么?女人们渴望被一种不知道的力量拥有,城市里再物质的女人在某一瞬间被属于土地的和生殖的浑厚的原始力量征服,逃离城市吧,我们暂时会对自己说。有人说了就会去做,有人说了不去做。不做的人会向往西藏,会做的人可能会来到西藏,来到西藏的人或许会留在西藏,来到或者是没有来到西藏的女人们会不会想到嫁给一个  相似文献   

一早,接到杨丽姐的电话,她说想念西藏了,想念那里的风景,想念那里的人,想念那里的温度……北京热得到央受不了。 杨丽姐供职于美国ICN电视台,十多年前来过一次西藏,只在拉萨待了两天,因为身体不适应匆匆离开。这次是应西藏自治区旅游局邀请,为打造“世界屋脊,神奇西藏”主题旅游形象推介活动而来。同时受邀的还有其他中央和地方媒体,以及部分国内百强旅游商代表。整个推介活动为期7天,贯穿林芝、山南、日喀则、拉萨;将西藏旅游十二五规划中“六环线”里的东西环线合理地衔接起来。  相似文献   

银翘  大乔  西门 《西藏旅游》2011,(6):90-97
林芝地区被称为“西藏江南”,海拔相对较低,气候湿润,植被茂盛,从拉萨到林芝再经过山南回到拉萨,这条风光宜人的小环线,是一条高原上丰富而独特的景观带。从拉萨出发一路向东,依傍着美丽清澈的拉萨河、尼洋河,翻越米拉山雪峰的垭口,走进雅鲁藏布大峡谷,  相似文献   

喝仓姑寺甜茶馆里香浓的奶茶、晒百年藏式老屋外最热烈的太阳、抑或在阿罗仓慢慢品味滚烫的羊肉萝卜汤……章描的拉萨穿透光阴,带着饱食的惬意让我们微晕、让我们松弛……在这里,时光就像猫一样行走.静悄悄,神秘秘,没有脚步声,失去紧张感。慢半拍的拉萨。让我们如此迷恋,让我们如此无法忘记:慢游、慢食、慢淘、慢生活.来到这里,忙碌和疲惫的你可以慢下来。  相似文献   

拉萨不是世界的中心,却有一股无法用科学来验证的巨大引力。迫使全世界人都为它奔跑。不同肤色、不同民族、不同文化信仰的人,却在同一时捌聚集在这里。他们漂泊在拉萨,生存在拉萨,他们被称为“拉漂”。比起“北漂”“海漂”一族来,“拉漂”总的来说还是少数,但他们的生活体会却有着自己非常独到的地方。让我们来听听这帮少数派的报告。走近“拉漂”,来看看他们心中的幸福时光。  相似文献   

陈娟红(大家都习惯叫她阿娟)很能说,说到西藏更是滔滔不绝。阿娟喜欢西藏的一切:小到一个藏银镯子,大到布宫、纳木错.都能让她激动不已。阿娟说:“青藏铁路开通后,我还没有机会再去。”当记者邀请她重游西藏时,她连说了几个“好啊,好啊”,恨不得马上就去。  相似文献   

Market effects of regional high-speed trains on the Svealand line   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
When the Svealand line in Sweden opened in 1997, it replaced an older railway line between Eskilstuna and Stockholm (a distance of 115 km). Service on the Svealand line is operated with regional high-speed trains. In a case study of the effects of regional high-speed train services, changes in knowledge, valuations and travel behaviour have been analysed. The Svealand line has sparked an increase in regional rail travel of up to seven times compared to the old railway between Eskilstuna and Stockholm. Additionally, the market share has risen from 6% to 30%. Travelling times are valued highly and motorists, particularly, place great value on the high-speed train mode of transport.A general conclusion is that regional high-speed train services have had a major impact on the travel market and on travel behaviour. The improved accessibility to Stockholm, in particular, is especially noticeable among residents living close to the railway stations.  相似文献   

为缓解高峰客流拥堵,提高列车服务能力,通过对各种运行列车组在沿途中间站的停站组合分析,推导出始发站列车发车间隔的计算公式。以此为基础,构建以站间服务可达性、列车到达时间、旅客候车时间等作为主要约束条件,旅客旅行时间消耗最小化为目标的非线性0-1规划模型,同步优化城际铁路客流高峰时段的列车停站方案与运行图。根据模型特点设计遗传算法对算例进行求解,验证设计的模型及算法可行,能够为制定城际铁路列车停站方案提供参考。  相似文献   

夜幕降临,古城西安华灯初上,告别了白天的紧张忙碌,人们悠闲自在地享受着夜的舒适和惬意。大雁塔下。人流如织,灯光迷离,广场的东北角,一方门楣在周遭的食店酒肆间显得与众不同,两列身着藏式服饰的女孩微笑迎客。这是德吉康村藏式茶餐吧,一处具有浓郁西藏风情的去处。虽身不在西藏,但可以给感官来个旅行。  相似文献   

A set of improvements were introduced on a railway line in the south of Sweden in January 1992, including a new train concept, improved timetable and lower fares. The new train replaced a combination of old rail cars and standard coaches (bus). Furthermore, 18 months later, a new high comfort coach (bus) service was introduced as a complement to the train timetable to increase the number of departures. Forecasts from a national four-step model system, based on Revealed Preference data, which did not cover explanatory factors like mode concept, comfort, mode image, was made and compared with a forecast based on stated preference data choice model. Both type of forecasts were compared to travel statistics. Stated Preference data have been collected from car drivers, coach and train passengers. The set of improvements have been included in the SP alternatives presented to the subjects. A structured logit model, a regression model and a linear programming model are compared. Unstructured and structured logit models are compared. Logit models have been estimated and used to form a mode choice model which predicts the changes in market shares between the train and car. The choice model forecast coincide, accidentally, with actual demand 8–9 months after the introduction of the set of improvements (a 40% increase in journeys). The set of improvements, including the new train service, has proven to be a success with more than 100% increase in travel after only two years of operation. Differences in estimated logit models for 1991 and 1992 are explained as partly due to asymmetry effects and partly to shortcomings in the SP data collection technique. Logit model estimates for train and coach are compared. The value of high standard coach service, running in parallel to the train, is estimated. The new coach gained few new passengers and also a much lower monetary value than the train by both train and bus passengers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates influential factors in passengers' intercity multimodal choice behaviors in a touristy city. By collecting large individual-level data through a comprehensive field survey that was carried out at the major transportation hubs in Xi'an, China, we studied four travel modes of the surveyed travelers in this touristy city, including air, high-speed rail, traditional passenger train, and express bus. For factor analysis, 12 variables, including not only individual-related attributes but also ticketing methods and mental perceptions, were used as the independent factors after the correlation analysis and collinearity test. The regression relationships between the travel mode choice and the independent variables were studied using Bayesian multinomial logistic regression. The results indicate that those 12 factors have significant and various influences on passengers' mode choices. In particular, travel distance, fare rate, intercity travel time per hundred kilometers, quality of service, accessibility of transportation hubs, and ticketing methods have influential contributions for explaining the choice decision-makings. The findings demystify the effects of several unexplored factors in intercity multimodal travel choice behaviors and shed new light on formulating traffic management strategies for service providers and decision-makers in practice.  相似文献   

It is crucial that policymakers and public transport operators comprehend tertiary students' travel mode choices and understand the factors that inform these choices in order to manage travel demands effectively and to optimise the use of public transport and improve its quality of service, particularly during the peak hours. This study aims to examine tertiary students' travel mode choices in Auckland, which is recognised as one of the most car-dependent cities in the world. The city is struggling with traffic congestion, particularly around its Central Business District (CBD) during peak hours. Auckland is New Zealand's largest city, with a population of 1.4 million residents. The main campuses of two major public universities, The University of Auckland (UoA) and Auckland University of Technology (AUT), are located in the CBD, attracting a large number of daily trips by both staff and students, particularly during the teaching semesters. However, there is a limited understanding of tertiary students' travel mode choices, particularly the factors that inform these choices when they travel to the universities' city campuses. A mixed methodology approach was used to comprehend the travel mode choices of students attending The University of Auckland and to identify the key factors that are drivers of these choices. The data collection included a questionnaire-based survey, which received 249 responses, and 10 semi-structured interviews with students. Thematic analysis was utilised to codify and then analyse the interviews. Despite the significant car dependency in Auckland, the survey demonstrated that most respondents utilised public transport and active modes when commuting to the university's city campus. Seven factors were identified that inform tertiary students' travel mode choices: cost, parking availability and cost, access to a car, travel time, physical environment, reliability, and attitudinal variables. The interviewees mostly argued that travel cost and lack of or limited access to a private car were the primary drivers of their travel mode choices. The study suggests that different stakeholders, such as Auckland Transport (AT) and The University of Auckland, should work collaboratively to provide an inclusive travel demand management policy. The university could rearrange classes for off-peak hours, and AT could offer tertiary students further discounts during these hours. These actions would result in the optimisation of public transport efficiency, improvement of the quality of the public transport service, and mitigation of traffic congestion around Auckland's Central Business District (CBD).  相似文献   

我国城市群快速发展,城市间人员交流密切频繁,城际铁路成为城际间旅客的重要出行方式。合理的城际铁路列车停站方案可以提高城际铁路的竞争力,提升城际铁路的分担率。分析停站方案相关的运营收益和旅客出行成本,以铁路运营收益最大和旅客出行成本最小为目标函数,以车站服务频率、设备能力、列车停站次数等作为约束条件,建立城际铁路列车停站方案的多目标混合0-1规划模型,运用理想点法和遗传算法求解。算例结果表明,该模型和算法可以优化得到铁路运营收益和旅客出行成本均较优的停站方案。  相似文献   

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