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我国引进外商直接投资的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

我国吸引外商直接投资的发展前景及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
90年代以来,我国吸引了大量外商直接投资,截至1998年9月底,累计达到2532亿美元,仅次于美国。外资经济已成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分和新的经济增长点,是我国经济快速发展的主要牵动力之一。利用外商直接投资对我国经济发展将起着越来越重要的作用,吸...  相似文献   

一般来说,企业对外直接投资不外乎两种方式:一是新建投资,也称为绿地投资,即在东道国建立一个新的企业,或独资或合资;另一种是跨国并购,即通过跨国收购或兼并方式来控制东道国的企业。  相似文献   

我国外商直接投资吸收能力研究   总被引:63,自引:1,他引:63  
本文通过实证研究发现我国外商直接投资对经济增长的促进作用更多地是来自外商直接投资的技术外溢效应。而且,FDI的技术扩散效应直接决定于东道国的吸收能力,进一步的实证检验表明在影响我国外商直接投资的众多因素中,人力资本存量起到至关重要的作用。因此,我国人力资本存量的丰裕度决定了我国对FDI的技术扩散效应的吸收程度,从而最终影响到经济增长。  相似文献   

关于外商直接投资并购国有企业的思考●王建英路妍近几年来,外商对华直接投资发生了转折性变化,并购国有企业和控股合资等己成为外商直接投资的热点。因此,认真研究外商直接投资并购国有企业的特点和影响己十分必要。一、外商直接投资并购国有企业的特点1.外商并购的...  相似文献   

外商直接投资与我国产业结构转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

随着企业的发展、经济的增长以及政府的大力支持,我国对外直接投资规模迅猛增长,从引进外资阶段逐渐步入引进外资与对外直接投资并行发展阶段。根据商务部、国家统计局和国家外汇管理局联合发布的《2018年度中国对外直接投资统计公报》,2018年中国对外直接投资1430.4亿美元,成为全球第二大对外投资国。在此背景下,不少学者关注到直接投资与就业的关系,本文运用实证分析的方法,基于2003年-2018年的数据,通过建立多元回归模型,从直接投资的流入和流出两个角度分析直接投资对我国就业量的影响。  相似文献   

外商直接投资对国内资本形成的挤出效应分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
外商直接投资(FDI)引致经济增长的路径,存在着不同的解释,从已有的文献来看,无论是遵循新古典还是新增长理论的分析框架,都暗含着FDI与国内资本存在互补关系,忽视了FDI对国内资本的挤出效应,即FDI的流入可能会降低国内资本形成规模和速度,进而对经济增长产生影响,本文通过总量和产业两个层次上对FDI与国内资本形成进行分析发现:从总量上来看,外资并没有对国内资本产生挤出效应,而从产业结构上来看,绝对挤出效应并不存在,相对挤出效应确实存在,并且,外资也倾向于向相对挤出效应大的行业进行投资。  相似文献   

文章对中国制造业对外直接投资(OFDI)存量分类型进行了测算,以此为基础考察其对国内制造业就业的贡献,并结合制造业参与全球价值链的分工地位进一步探讨了分工地位如何影响这一贡献。研究发现,OFDI显著扩大了国内制造业就业规模,并且这一贡献作用主要来自于垂直型OFDI。不同技术水平制造业存在差异,初级制造业总体OFDI对国内就业有正向促进作用,其中垂直型OFDI有显著的正向促进作用,而水平型OFDI对国内就业存在显著的替代作用;中等技术制造业OFDI对国内就业的影响不显著;高技术制造业OFDI对国内就业存在正向促进作用,但只有水平型OFDI通过了显著性检验。考虑制造业全球价值链分工地位的作用时发现,总体制造业全球价值链分工地位的提高会抑制OFDI对国内制造业就业的促进作用;但不同技术水平行业间存在差异,初级制造业行业全球价值链分工地位的提高抑制了OFDI对国内制造业劳动力需求的促进作用;相比较,高技术行业分工地位的上升则提高了OFDI对国内就业的正向促进作用。  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资对国内就业影响的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国1985年~2006年的数据建立计量模型,通过ADF检验和格兰杰检验,运用OLS实证分析我国对外直接投资对国内就业的总影响,结果表明,对外直接投资的增长可以带动国内就业增长.从三次产业就业结构方面分析,对外直接投资对于我国第二、第三产业就业人数变动的影响正向关,对第一产业就业人数变动的影响负相关,优化我国的产业结构.  相似文献   

How does outward foreign direct investment (FDI) affect employment and productivity growth in the home country? Does the impact of outward investment differ among manufacturing and service sectors? In this paper we analyze the effects of investing abroad using firm-level data for Italy for the period 2003–2006. We adopt matching techniques in combination with a difference-in-difference estimator in order to investigate the causal effect of becoming multinational on domestic employment and productivity. Preliminary results suggest that Italian outward FDI has limited effects on domestic employment and performance of internationalizing firms on average. However, results significantly differ depending on the sector (manufacturing versus services) where the MNEs are operating. In particular, we find that while in the manufacturing sector, outward FDI tends to strengthen both productivity and, to less extent, employment. In the service sector, we find a negative effect on employment (two years after the investment).  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are able to shift investments between home and host countries to minimize the negative effects of changes in the macroeconomic environment. This article formalizes a model that allows studying this investment‐smoothing behavior of MNEs facing inflation taxes in both the home and the host country. The MNE is allowed to invest in two economies, home and host, and to finance its foreign direct investment (FDI) either through domestic or foreign sources. The investment smoothing by the MNE is studied for cases of both vertical and horizontal FDI. The results suggest FDI is used as a hedging tool, mitigating the effects of inflation taxes even if there are no formal hedging mechanisms. The investment‐smoothing reaction of MNEs depends on the reason for investment, the financing sources of FDI, and the substitutability between factors of production. Finally, this investment‐smoothing possibility (FDI) reduces the real negative effects of inflation.  相似文献   

中国的"引进来"和"走出去"是发展失衡还是渐趋平衡?本文从投资规模、投资产业、投资形式和投资政策四个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

Temporary Migration and Foreign Direct Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question of complementarity or substitutability of FDI and international labour mobility has not yet been answered. The substitutability assumption does not take into consideration the technological spillover of FDI in the host countries. Moreover, migration flows reveal cultural characteristics and labour force properties of their native country which may stimulate bilateral business networks, strengthening the complementarity assumption between capital and labour flows. In this paper we build a continuous time dynamic model where these offsetting forces are at work. We analyze whether, and to what extent, the increase in labour mobility might affect FDI outflows. A numerical simulation is performed showing that a higher income growth rate corresponds to a higher labour mobility. Some policy implications and further research direction are suggested.  相似文献   

本文通过建立包含外商直接投资因素的技术进步内生化增长模型,分析了外资对昆山各行业技术进步的影响。实证结果表明,总体上看,外资对昆山地区的技术进步有着显著的促进作用,进一步的分析表明,外资技术进步作用的发挥逐渐从以间接影响为主转变为以直接影响为主,外资对内资企业的技术溢出效应正逐渐减弱,近年来出现了不太显著的负面溢出效应。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the crowding out or crowding in effect of foreign direct investment inflow on domestic investment in Africa. Data for the period 1970–2008 were extracted from the UN statistical online database and the World Development Indicator 2009 online database and the study employed a recent panel cointegration estimation technique. The study revealed that foreign direct investment inflow crowds out domestic investment in the ECOWAS region. The study therefore recommends that policy makers in the ECOWAS countries focus on promotional resources to attract some types of foreign direct investment and regulate others. Policies should also be directed at putting in place a better targeted approach to screen foreign direct investment applications to ascertain their productive base before allowing them.  相似文献   

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