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This paper investigates the feedback relationship between stock market returnsand economic fundamentals in an emerging market. Starting from an intertemporalconsumption-based CAPM (CCAPM), we obtain a restricted VAR model for stockreturns and macroeconomic variables. We then apply this model to Korea and findstatistically significant departures from the restrictions implied by CCAPM.Consequently, an unrestricted VAR model is used to analyze the variations of expectedand unexpected returns in the Korean stock market. It is shown that the expectedmarket returns vary with a set of macroeconomic variables, and that thepredictable component is substantial. Reflecting richer dynamics in the data,relative to the usual single equation modeling in the literature, the estimatedVAR model shows considerable predictive ability for both real economic activityand real returns. Using the model for a variance decomposition of unexpectedreturns, we find that, although we cannot directly observe the market's revisionof expected future dividend growth, we can estimate a large part of therevision with the news in the expected industry output growth from our VAR model.Finally, we also find that economic fundamentals can explain only a smallportion of the variation in unexpected returns in the Korean stock market.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the forecast performance of emerging market stock returns using standard autoregressive moving average (ARMA) and more elaborated autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models. Our results indicate that the ARMA and ARCH specifications generally outperform random walk models. Models that allow for asymmetric shocks to volatility are better for in-sample estimation (threshold autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity for daily returns and exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity for longer periods), and ARMA models are better for out-of-sample forecasts. The results are valid using both U. S. dollar and domestic currencies. Overall, the forecast errors of each Latin American market can be explained by the forecasts of other Latin American markets and Asian markets. The forecast errors of each Asian market can be explained by the forecasts of other Asian markets, but not by Latin American markets. Our predictability results are economically significant and may be useful for portfolio managers to enter or leave the market.  相似文献   

构建分位数分位数回归模型,依据1987年6月至2020年10月数据,考量经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益的异质性影响.结果表明:经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益在大多数分位点具有抑制效应,且这种影响在原油市场低迷时更加明显.在三类细分经济政策不确定性冲击中,货币政策不确定性和贸易政策不确定性对原油收益的影响在原油市场繁荣时占主导地位,而原油市场处于低迷状态时对财政政策不确定性的变化更加敏感.此外,经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益的影响程度在金融危机爆发后明显增强.鉴此,原油市场利益相关者在金融危机期间应对经济政策不确定的变化应更加谨慎.  相似文献   

Over 300 factors have been found to explain the cross-section of expected stock returns. Empirical studies also show that findings from multifactor asset-pricing models have not been consistent in an emerging market. Using DuPont analysis and a residual income valuation model for 284 nonfinancial companies on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange during the period 2008–2014, findings suggest that the return on equity and its change are informative for stock returns in Vietnam. In addition, the level of capital turnover, financial cost ratio (FCR), and changes in capital and in the FCR contain incremental explanatory power for stock returns.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship of high inflation and interest rates with stock returns in Brazil from May 1986 to May 2011, during which Brazil experienced subperiods of both high inflation (May 1986-June 1994) and relative monetary stability (July 1994-May 2011). The result in the total period is dominated by high inflation volatility, and the findings suggest a bidirectional relationship between stock returns and inflation. During the high-inflation subperiod, interest rates are relevant to explain future changes in inflation and stock returns. Under low inflation, movements in interest rates are better anticipated by equity investors, suggesting higher market efficiency than in high-inflation circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper examines the random walk hypothesis in the emerging Indian stock market using daily data on individual stocks. The statistical evidence in this paper rejects the random walk hypothesis. The results suggest that daily returns earned by individual stocks and by an equally weighted portfolio show significant non–linear dependence and persistent volatility effects. The non–linear dependence takes the form of ARCH–type conditional heteroskedasticity and does not appear to be caused by nonstationarity of underlying economic variables. Though conditional volatility is time varying, it does not explain expected returns.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between volatility and volume in 22 developed markets and 27 emerging markets. Compared to developed markets, emerging markets show a greater response to large information shocks and exhibit greater sensitivity to unexpected volume. We find a negative relation between expected volume and volatility in several emerging markets, which can be attributed to the relative inefficiency in those markets. Previous research reports that the persistence in volatility is not eliminated when lagged or contemporaneous trading volume is considered. Our findings show that, when volume is decomposed into expected and unexpected components, volatility persistence decreases.  相似文献   

This paper derives and analyzes the selectivity and market timing performance of the mutual funds for the Turkish economy for the financial crisis period by employing high-frequency data. The determinants of these derived abilities are investigated within a regression analysis. The results suggest weak evidence about selection ability and some evidence about superior market timing quality. They also indicate that management fees are negatively correlated with the ability measure, which is quite surprising. Experience emerges as an important factor, especially for market timing ability.  相似文献   

在对交易型股票市场操纵行为的识别和度量的基础上,研究了经济政策不确定性(EPU)如何影响股票市场操纵.结果表明,在我国A股市场上交易型市场操纵的操纵者在不确定性的经济政策环境中是不确定性的厌恶者,并且可能并不是拥有信息优势的投资者.此外,还计算了股票超额收益率对经济政策不确定性指数的敏感程度,发现经济政策不确定性与市场操纵之间的关系受到股票超额收益率对经济政策不确定性的敏感程度的影响.这些发现揭示了宏观经济政策环境对我国股票市场交易型操纵行为的影响途径.  相似文献   

Bitcoin is a digital currency that has gained significant traction as an economic instrument. Despite its rise, it has received little attention from the scholarly community. This study is one of the first studies to examine Bitcoin’s use as a complement to emerging markets currencies; more specifically, I analyze the value and volatility of Bitcoin relative to emerging market currencies and explore ways in which Bitcoin can complement emerging market currencies. The results suggest that Bitcoin has characteristics that make it well-suited to work as a complement to emerging market currencies and that there are ways to minimize Bitcoin’s risks.  相似文献   

We investigate whether market makers with inventory concerns are compensated with subsequent monthly returns in the cross‐section. We find a significant negative relation between order flows and monthly returns, “the order flow effect,” suggesting that market makers lower prices for stocks with sell order flows and demand a reward in the form of higher expected returns. Further, the order flow effect is stronger for high‐volatility or high‐volume stocks for which market makers have serious inventory concerns. Funding liquidity of market makers also affects the order flow effect. Finally, our finding is independent of existing regularities and robust to the decimalization.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that stock returns in emerging stock markets adjust asymmetrically to past information. The evidence suggests that both the conditional mean and the conditional variance respond asymmetrically to past information. In agreement with studies dealing with developed stock markets, the conditional variance is an asymmetrical function of past innovations, rising proportionately more during market declines. More importantly, the conditional mean is also an asymmetrical function of past returns. Specifically, positive past returns are more persistent than negative past returns of an equal magnitude. This behaviour is consistent with an asymmetric partial adjustment price model where news suggesting overpricing (negative returns) are incorporated faster into current prices than news suggesting underpricing (positive returns). Furthermore, the asymmetric adjustment of prices to past information could be partially responsible for the asymmetries in the conditional variance if the degree of adjustment and the level of volatility are positively related.  相似文献   

2018年4月以来,美元持续多次加息,多个新兴市场国家本币大幅贬值、股市急剧下跌、债市承压动荡,资本外流压力进一步显现。新兴市场国家金融动荡的导火索以外部因素为主,风险传播渠道以跨境联动因素为主,风险放大渠道以内部因素为主。在美元加息背景下,新兴市场国家要妥善处理自身货币与美元之间的关系,避免过于依赖美元,过多承担短期美元债务。支持法国、德国等提出的建立新独立国际支付体系的倡议,避免部分国家将国际公共的金融基础设施作为制裁手段。  相似文献   

选取2000—2021年美国经济、金融、经济政策和地缘风险四类不确定性指数以及全球GDP排行前15国家股市收益率数据,基于多维不确定性冲击框架,运用单因子、双因子和多因子混频波动率GARCH-MIDAS模型,从样本内拟合与样本外预测两个方面实证考察美国不确定性冲击对全球主要国家股市波动的差异化影响。研究表明:美国经济不确定性和金融不确定性对多数国家股市长期波动均有正向推动作用,其中,美国金融不确定性的影响最为广泛;美国金融不确定性是影响中国股市长期波动的主要因素,且中美贸易摩擦主要通过美国金融不确定性传导;美国经济政策不确定性上升会增加俄罗斯和墨西哥股市长期波动,美国地缘风险对意大利股市长期波动存在显著正向影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between liquidity and stock returns in the Vietnam stock market during the global financial crisis. Vietnam is one of a new group of frontier emerging markets referred to as CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa). We use a rich and detailed data set of firm characteristics to identify a positive relationship between liquidity and stock returns. This contradicts the negative correlation typically found in stock returns in developed markets. Our results support the proposition that when a market is not fully integrated with the global economy, a lack of liquidity will be a less important risk factor. Our findings contribute to those studies that highlight the diversification benefits from including frontier markets, which have a lower degree of integration with the global economy, in international portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether global risk perceptions lead emerging market return volatilities. In so doing, we analyzed the period of interest in three parts to determine the effects of the changes in global risk perceptions on the volatility of emerging markets. We uncovered volatility spillover from risk perceptions to the MXEF returns before the crisis. Our results show that all the effects on emerging market volatilities are severed in 2008, during which MXEF follows a downward trend. However, we observe that volatility transmission emerges during the recovery period of MXEF again. Hence, risk perceptions should be considered while analyzing emerging markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the time series properties of the daily and weekly returns from the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) index for the years 1987 to 1997. We investigate whether important time-series characteristics have changed significantly over time. The Greek market has recently undergone major changes including complete capital flow liberalization, the implementation of computerized trading, as well as significant increases in market volume and capitalization; we thus contrast the 1987–90 and 1991–97 periods. Our findings suggest the dynamics of the ASE composite index returns have changed as the market has developed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the different affecting patterns of the determinants of initial returns under different market states for Taiwanese IPOs. Contrary to the prior literature, this paper estimates the sample separated from different market states, including bullish, bearish, and range-bound markets, and finds that the affecting patterns of the determinants of initial returns indeed exhibit some significant differences under different market states. For instance, the stronger the auditor reputation effect, the lower are the initial returns under a range-bound market, and the market momentum effect is stronger under a bullish market. In addition, the risk perception effect is stronger under a bearish market. These findings show that the empirical result of dividing market states will provide more insights and a greater variety of information as investors make decisions.  相似文献   

基于前瞻性指引溢出效应的相关理论,选取17个代表性新兴市场国家为研究对象,运用面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型实证分析美联储前瞻性指引对新兴市场国家的溢出效应.结果表明:美联储前瞻性指引在短期内对新兴市场国家金融市场具有一定的冲击,在长期内对新兴市场国家经济增长存在滞后的正向作用.新兴市场国家应采取应对策略,做好风险识别和预警,加强预期管理,增强货币政策协调和合作,有效防范和化解外溢影响.  相似文献   

This study explores the cross-sectional stock return behavior on the A-share market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), which is segmented from world's other equity markets. We estimate the effects of beta, firm size, book-to-market equity ratio and a variable unique to the Chinese stock markets, the proportion of firm's floating (tradable) equity over total equity on SSE stocks over the period 1993–2002. We find that smaller firms and value stocks perform better. Systematic risk is negatively significant in down markets. The proportion of floating equity has no direct effect on stock returns. JEL Classification: G14, G15  相似文献   

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