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In this paper, I provide a summary and discussion of Chen, Hope, Li, and Wang (2018). In my discussion, I summarize their main findings and focus on key conceptual aspects of their research design. I also comment more broadly on financial reporting quality. Throughout my discussion, I offer a number of specific opportunities to extend this line of research.  相似文献   

There has been a substantial increase, since 2004, in the number of firms that announce annual earnings before audit completion as opposed to after audit completion. In this study, we argue that earnings announced before audit completion are associated with lower financial reporting quality and investor perceptions that earnings are more likely to be overstated. Consistent with this expectation, we document that the market places more (less) weight on good (bad) earnings news for earnings announced after audit completion relative to earnings announced before audit completion. We continue to find this differential market response when we expand the returns window to include the 10‐K filing date, suggesting that the differential response is not driven by investors' temporary concerns about earnings revisions between the earnings announcement and the 10‐K filing date or by differential GAAP disclosures in the earnings announcement, as suggested in prior research. Finally, as a direct test of financial reporting quality, we show that earnings announced with a completed audit are less likely to be restated in the future, are less likely to meet or beat expectations, and are associated with fewer income‐increasing discretionary accruals than those announced with an incomplete audit.  相似文献   

王达  项卫星 《世界经济研究》2013,(1):10-14,28,87
2010年11月,美国基于金融监管改革的需要率先提出了为美国金融市场构建LEI系统的设想。这一设想为推进国际金融监管改革,特别是构建统一的国际金融监管框架提供了新的思路。此后,美国在G20框架下通过金融稳定委员会积极推动全球金融市场LEI系统的建设。由美国主导的全球金融市场LEI系统的构建一方面代表了国际金融监管改革的主要方向,另一方面也将对广大新兴市场以及发展中国家产生复杂的影响。该系统的构建是一个复杂的系统工程,其在操作层面还需要解决一系列的问题。中国应当积极参与该系统的构建,在国际金融监管改革进程中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

International financial markets are characterized by self-regulation among private parties and international action in the regulation of such behavior. The Group of Seven plan, the World Trade Organization Agreements, the General Agreement on Trade in Services principles, and European Union Community Law provide a minimum standard of derivative transactions with the aim of reducing the risks related to those products. Codes of best practice are a source of regulation at an international level, but their effectiveness depends on their acceptance by the business firms operating in the markets. The role of self-regulation is very important; it can prevent and manage risk in an optimal way, under the condition of a harmonized international law. Public law has to manage the externalities that arise from private transactions, and private regulation has to make the rest.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate whether the importance of accounting information in contracting and communication with shareholders and creditors affects earnings timeliness in publicly disclosed general‐purpose financial statements. To operationalize the relationship between timeliness demands and the importance of accounting information to shareholders and creditors, we compare the (asymmetry in) earnings timeliness of public firms with that of private firms. We attribute public versus private firm differences in timeliness to shareholders’ demands when a country’s institutions provide strong investor protection. Similarly, we attribute these differences to creditors’ demands when the institutions provide strong creditor protection. Our analysis of public and private firms in 13 Western European countries suggests that creditors and shareholders have different timeliness demands. In particular, we find that the public versus private firm difference in asymmetric timeliness is not associated with a country’s degree of investor protection but positively associated with a country’s degree of creditor protection. The results further suggest that shareholders demand symmetric rather than asymmetric timeliness. An important implication of our study is that general‐purpose financial statements are responsive to creditors’ reporting demands, which contrasts with the idea that these — primarily private — creditors would use special‐purpose reports.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of voluntary financial reporting on firms' reporting quality using a reporting regime change in Taiwan. Before 2001, Taiwan's Company Act imposed a mandatory public reporting requirement of filing audited financial statements on private firms with contributed capital exceeding a certain threshold. This requirement was rescinded in 2001 and private firms since have had discretion over public financial reporting. We divide private firms retroactively into two groups: voluntary reporting firms, those continuing the practice of filing financial statements after the regime change; and nonvoluntary reporting firms, those discontinuing the reporting practice after the regime change. We find that financial reporting quality is higher for voluntary reporting firms than for nonvoluntary reporting firms and that this quality difference translates into a lower cost of debt for voluntary reporting firms. Our results support the view that reporting incentives play an important role in determining reporting quality.  相似文献   

In this study the new panel convergence methodology developed by Phillips and Sul (2007) is employed to explore the convergence dynamics of international equity markets and determine whether political and institutional factors can explain convergence or divergence patterns across international equity markets. The empirical findings suggest that international equity markets do not form a homogeneous convergence club. Seven specific political and institutional factors are used to explain such divergent behavior. The empirical analysis documented specific factors, i.e. democratization, unemployment benefits, and public expenditure on pensions, which seem capable of explaining such a heterogeneous divergent pattern among the equity markets under study.  相似文献   

我今晚讲演的话题多年来一直受到经济学者和政策制定者们的关注.大家知道,为应对近年来新兴市场不断出现的金融危机,在强化国际金融体系的构架方面已作出了许多努力.  相似文献   

Under U.S. GAAP, firms recognize assets acquired in business combinations at fair value. Similarly, in taxable asset acquisitions firms adjust the tax basis of assets to fair value. Managers can increase the present value of future tax savings by allocating a greater portion of the purchase price to shorter‐lived assets than to goodwill or indefinite‐lived intangibles. However, this tax planning strategy imposes a financial reporting cost because it reduces book income following the acquisition; all else equal, allocations to shorter‐lived depreciable assets increase book depreciation expense, whereas allocations to goodwill and indefinite‐lived intangibles do not increase book amortization expense. We exploit the features of taxable asset acquisitions to investigate trade‐offs between tax and financial reporting incentives. We predict and find greater allocations to depreciable versus intangible assets when managers have strong tax incentives and weak financial reporting incentives. However, we also find that strong financial reporting incentives moderate the effects of strong tax incentives. These findings contribute new evidence to the literature on the importance of nontax costs in tax planning decisions  相似文献   

During the Second World War, the Japanese government and private sector searched for and implemented new mechanisms for coordination and motivation. One of these was sangyo hokokukai (sanpo). The Sanpo unit was basically an organization of the employer and employees of each firm, which held meetings to moderate labour relations. As a result of government policy to promote sanpo units, around 70 per cent of the total workers in Japan were organized into sanpo units in the early 1940s. As the members of trades unions and the workers of the companies that had factory committees were only 7 per cent and 5 per cent of the total workers in 1936 respectively, sanpo was the first large‐scale mechanism for Japanese employees to have a voice. This article examines the role of sanpo, using prefecture‐level and firm‐level data, based on a framework integrating the ‘voice view’ of unionism and transaction cost economics. It was found that sanpo reduced the participation rate in labour disputes, and enhanced labour productivity at least for some of the time.  相似文献   

Taiwan has experienced a huge trade surplus and a rapid growth in the money supply since the 1970s. This paper constructs and estimates a model that takes into account the demand for international reserves, price levels, and the joint determination of the exchange rate, the demand for money, and the balance of payments in Taiwan during the period 1979 to 1990. We focus our attention especially on the period from 1986 to 1990 when foreign reserves rapidly accumulated and the appreciation expectations prevailed. Our estimate of exchange rate reaction function accords with what is expected. The exchange rate appreciations had a favourable effect on the stabilization of price levels. In addition, the exchange rate and its expectations play important roles in the demand for money equation.  相似文献   

This article reviews the role of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and its adaptability to the changing international financial structure, from the gold standard to floating exchange rates. Today, the BIS has assumed the role of creator of international standards for banks and financial conglomerates through the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Its implied mission is to prevent international financial crises and to mitigate negative externalities when they occur. The overall assessment of the BIS is positive. Its small membership gives it a sense of purpose and minimizes free riding. Given the high degree of financial integration in the world and consequent large spillovers, the BIS would have to be created if it did not already exist.  相似文献   

Indonesia's cloves meet higher quality Standards than most of her other agricultural commodilies. This paper presents the results of research on Ambon, Maluku, whose smallholder clove farming System is representative of the principal system used by Indonesien clove producers, in which cloves form part of a well-diversified agricultural portfolio. The paper examines the clove marketing system, the factors involved in clove quality, and the system of quality premia and penalties applied in the marketing of cloves. The largest buyers of cloves, the major kretek cigarette companies, demand high-quality produce, because of the highly competitive domestic market and their more recent attempts to penetrate the international market. These buyers transmit their preferences along the marketing chain through the well-defined incentive system, while poorer quality cloves are bought by smaller kretek producers. The result is a system in which high quality standards are maintained.  相似文献   

We identify turning points in the value of the yen during the 1920s to determine which factors were perceived by market participants as affecting Japan’s probability of returning to the gold standard. The 1920s were marked by military expansionism, political turmoil, and other dramatic political and institutional events. We conclude that changes of power between the Kenseikai and Seiyukai parties and worsening diplomatic relations with China were primarily responsible for turning points in the value of the yen. The democracy movement and the associated expansion of suffrage seem not to have been viewed as important by contemporaries.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the introduction of the euro in the present international monetary context. European Monetary Union is not only an economic concept but also primarily a political one. Based on past experience, two aspects of monetary union seem essential: the nature of the future European Central Bank and the necessity that monetary union is implemented with a fiscal union. The euro's success on world markets, as a dollar substitute, depends on monetary authorities' credibility in targeting low-inflation, and on fiscal authorities' reputation. A central bank that does not respond to a political authority can cause social difficulties, especially if social policies are left in the hands of single countries and fiscal transfers, to support these policies, are not allowed  相似文献   

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