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This article examines the impact of industrial productivity in the country of origin on transnationals M&As, directed from OECD countries toward Latin America in the period 1996–2010. It also analyzes the relationship between external mechanisms of corporate governance and transnational M&As. Employing a gravitational model at the industry level, we find that industry productivity in the country of origin promotes transnational M&A activity, although capital productivity affects it negatively. We also find evidence that higher standards of corporate governance in both origin and destination countries increase the likelihood of transnational M&As taking place.  相似文献   

上市公司并购重组支付方式体系存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上市公司并购重组在促进产业结构调整、优化社会资源配置方面发挥了日益重要的作用,而丰富、灵活的并购重组支付方式是提高并购市场效率的关键之一。本文简要介绍了国内上市公司并购重组支付体系概况,重点分析存在的问题,并结合国内外并购市场案例及实证数据,对并购创新支付工具作了评述,提出完善上市公司并购重组支付体系的政策建议,包括在并购交易中先行推出定向可转债、引入储架发行制度、论证认股权证试点的可行性、支持券商提供并购支付融资工具等。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场建设的不断深入,除IPO发行股票外,选择并购重组方式上市的企业逐渐增多.针对集团整体上市、借壳上市等并购方式,我国政府部门陆续发布了一系列的相应规范.笔者从信息披露、财务核算、股份发行对价三方面,对目前并购重组实务中仍存在的一些重点问题进行了阐述并提出了完善建议供相关部门参考,以期进一步完善我国资本市场的制度建设,营造公开、公平、公正的证券化市场.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of the formation of free trade agreements (FTAs) on cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Using the comprehensive M&As dataset of Securities Data Company, we find that FTA relationship is associated with more bilateral cross-border M&As. Second, the cross-border M&As activities between a FTA country-pair do not increase faster than the acquiring country’s total foreign acquisitions, suggesting no evidence of investment diversion effect of FTA. Third, we find that existing FTA relationship with other countries positively affect cross-border M&As between a FTA country-pair. But these third-country FTA effects differ for acquiring country and target country when we look at the ratio of a country-pair’s FTA relative to the acquiring country’s total foreign M&As. Moreover, by exploring the detailed information on acquiring and target firms, we reveal that the effect of FTA differs for horizontal, vertical and conglomerate cross-border M&As. Our results are robust to various measures of M&As activities and econometric methods used.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Institutional investors closely monitor termination fees in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). We argue that their magnitude reflects either agency problems or efficiency considerations. Focusing on M&A involving Canadian targets between 1997 and 2004, we assess the determinants and market impact of termination fees. Our findings show that the Thomson's SDC Platinum™ Worldwide Mergers & Acquisitions Database underestimates their extent. Results suggest that termination fees are essentially an efficient mechanism as they are relatively higher in M&A with high merger costs, a cash component and expected operating synergies. Stock market returns surrounding the deal announcement do not differ across levels of relative termination fees.  相似文献   

Following a global wave of consolidation in the banking industry, this study analyses 132 mergers and acquisitions (M&As) involving banks in emerging markets in Asia and Latin America between 1998 and 2009. An event study measures the change in shareholder value for acquirers and targets; and a multivariate regression identifies the drivers of the change in shareholder value for acquirers. On average M&As create shareholder value for target firms, while acquirer firms do not lose shareholder value. Geographical diversification creates shareholder value for acquirers. Acquirer shareholders benefit from the acquisition of underperforming targets; from transactions settled by cash rather than exchange of equity; and from government-instigated M&A transactions.  相似文献   

上市公司并购重组定价问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上市公司并购重组已经成为我国资本市场的一个主旋律.而上市公司并购重组中的定价问题又成为同一控制下的并购重组的核心与焦点问题,各方面争论较多,现实作法中也确实存在值得研究的问题.本文通过模型分析与模拟计算的方法对上市公司并购重组中的定价方法进行了分析论证,以此推导出上市公司股票定价及所购买资产价值可能存在的误差以及可能的人为操纵偏差.最后给出了并购重组中定价方面相应的机制设计和政策建议.  相似文献   

We analyse the factors influencing the target company's choice of bank advisor in mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We first examine the choice of hiring an advisor, which is nontrivial, since in one‐third of transactions our sample target companies did not hire one. We also analyse the choice to hire as advisor a bank with a strong prior relationship with the company (i.e., the main bank). Using data on 473 European M&A transactions completed in the period 1994–2003, we find evidence that the decision to hire an advisor depends on three main factors: (i) the intensity of the previous banking relationship, (ii) the reputation of the bidder company's advisor, and (iii) the complexity of the deal. We also investigate the impact of the bank advisor on shareholder wealth. We find that the abnormal returns of target company shareholders increase with the intensity of the previous banking relationship, thus indicating a ‘certification role’ on the part of investment banks.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this paper, we investigate whether a firm can enhance the effect of its R&D spending on its current market value and future profitability through technology-oriented M&As. On the basis of an analysis of 1,879 M&As, we find that when a technology firm acquires another technology firm, the magnitude of the stock price response to the R&D spending of an acquirer increases by 107% in the year of the M&A. In contrast, we find no such increase in the stock price response to the R&D spending of a non-technology acquirer. We also find that technology acquirers are more successful in converting their R&D spending into positive future profitability than non-technology acquirers. Our results are robust for different alternative specifications of our model and when various firm differences are controlled for.  相似文献   

私募股权投资并购退出是当前国内逐渐兴起的新趋势,既符合市场经济由自由竞争发展到集中整合阶段的客观需求,又具有优化产业结构的时代使命。但并购退出在国内总体还处于萌芽阶段,进一步的发展空间还受到不少限制,本文尝试探索符合国内并购退出的几种模式,并有针对性地提出了发展并购退出的初步策略与建议。  相似文献   

This study examines whether requiring the disclosure of audited financial statements disciplines managers’ mergers and acquisitions (M&As) decisions. When an M&A transaction meets certain disclosure thresholds, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires the public acquirer to disclose the target's audited financial statements after the merger is completed. Using hand‐collected data, I find that the disclosure of private targets’ financial statements is associated with better acquisition decisions. Furthermore, I find that this disciplining effect of disclosure is more pronounced when monitoring by outside capital providers is more difficult and costly, and when other disciplining mechanisms are weaker. Finally, these findings are robust to several alternative explanations, such as monitoring from blockholders and voluntary disclosures. In sum, the evidence suggests that the ex post mandatory disclosure of private targets’ accounting information disciplines managers’ acquisition decisions and improves acquisition efficiency.  相似文献   

We posit that country diversification via cross‐border mergers creates wealth by providing benefits for firms that are not available to their shareholders. We hypothesize that these benefits are inversely related to the extent of co‐movement in the economies of the bidder's and target's countries. We examine the wealth effects of U.S. targets and bidders involved in cross‐border mergers with firms in other countries during 1982–1991. We show that wealth effects vary, depending on country affiliations of two merging firms, and are inversely related to the degree of economic co‐movement between the two countries.  相似文献   

In this study, we focus on the relation between bank governance and bank merger results under Taiwan’s special regulatory environment in 2000. Adopting governance variables (executive remuneration, managerial ownership, and board diversity), we find that managerial ownership is positively related to bank merger results and that board size is negatively correlated with bank mergers’ performance. This study supports sound governance mechanisms to prevent banks from pursuing a value-loss merger and acquisition (M&A). Our results offer the insight that internal bank governance structures have a bigger impact on the value effects from bank mergers. Thus, regulators may elevate the performance of bank M&As by enhancing corporate governance codes.  相似文献   

When private firms are acquired, buyers commonly rely on seller financing and earnouts. Using a novel database of private acquisitions, I find that seller financing and earnouts become more common as information asymmetry increases between the acquirer and the target. Financial statement audits of the targets attenuate these results, which suggests that audits decrease information asymmetry in firm acquisitions. Seller-financed acquisitions also close faster and at higher prices, reducing the private firm discount. These findings suggest that these contract structures are an important channel through which privately held firms mitigate adverse selection that arises from information asymmetry.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of partial cross-border mergers and acquisitions from emerging countries, we show that these acquisitions significantly reduce the risk of the target firms and that the risk reduction is directly related to the changes in the international shareholder base and the strength of the investor right protection of the acquirer. We also find that these acquisitions are value creating because we see improvements in both the short-term and long-term risk-adjusted stock performance in target firms during the postacquisition period.  相似文献   

鉴于目前在海外并购活动中发达国家政府的规制体系相对健全,本文基于对发达国家企业海外并购的政府规制行为进行系统梳理,探讨了新形势下我国企业海外并购面临的机遇与挑战及应采取的政府规制措施.本文的主要结论是:在海外并购东道国政府不断加大国家安全审查力度、国际市场波动加剧及企业海外并购整合控制难度加大的背景下,促进我国企业海外并购应不断完善海外并购的法律法规体系、强化规制部门对海外并购的引导与协调、加大海外并购政策支持力度、加强海外并购中介服务机构建设.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the merger announcement dates provided in a popular mergers and acquisitions (M&A) database, SDC, serve as accurate event dates for estimating the wealth effects of mergers on target firms located in Turkey. We find that 74 percent of SDC’s merger announcement dates are preceded by merger-related events such as merger rumors, target firms’ search for potential acquirers, and early-stage merger negotiation announcements. Target cumulative abnormal return (CAR) estimates around these early dates are almost twice as large as the CAR estimates around SDC’s merger announcement dates. We argue that our findings have implications for the recently flourishing cross-border M&A literature.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants associated with the likelihood of a bank becoming involved in a merger or an acquisition. Using a multinomial logistic regression and a Cox regression with time-dependent covariates, we investigate the determinants of being a target or an acquirer from a sample of 777 deals involving EU acquirers and 312 global targets over the period of 1991 to 2006. Both the multinomial logistic and Cox regressions identify the same determinants associated with becoming acquirers or targets. A higher likelihood of becoming an acquirer exists for larger banks with a history of high growth, greater cost X-efficiency, and lower capitalization. In contrast, banks are more likely to be targets if they have lower free cash flows, are less efficient, are relatively illiquid, and are under-capitalized. But, the predictive power of the two regressions is different as the multinomial logistic regression outperforms the Cox regression when predicting the likelihood of becoming an acquirer.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of publication patterns and major themes in research on mergers and acquisitions in finance and accounting. We find that takeovers as mechanisms of governance, drivers of mergers, mechanisms of mergers, bank mergers, cross-border mergers, shareholder wealth effects of mergers and related events, and the role of financial experts and ownership structure form major themes of research in the finance area, while in accounting area major themes are corporate governance and accounting outcomes, predicting takeovers and their outcomes, valuation, financial reporting and takeover decisions, and financial reporting and performance.  相似文献   

The object of this study is to evaluate the consequences of the application of the EEC Regulation 4064/89 to non–European companies. We focus on the Boeing–McDonnell Douglas merger case, one of the first non–European mergers considered by the Commission. The analysis of abnormal returns on the two securities shows that the threat of a ban of the merger by the Commission were not perceived as credible at first. But when Boeing decided to ask the support of the American government, just after the decision of the European Commission to extend its investigations to the long term exclusivity contracts, the role of the Commission emerged.  相似文献   

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