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We investigate the effect of debt financing on the voluntary adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by unlisted firms and such adoption’s effect on bond credit rating. We find that unlisted firms with public debts are more likely to voluntarily adopt IFRS. Subsequent to the voluntary application of IFRS, the unlisted firms exhibit, on average, enhanced credit ratings. These findings suggest that the public debt market’s demand for high-quality financial reporting may drive those unlisted firms to voluntarily adopt IFRS. Furthermore, rating agencies seem to reward such firms by elevating their bond credit ratings.  相似文献   

This article examines the association between mandatory International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption and corporate choice between public debt and private debt. If IFRS adoption increases the quality of lenders’ information environment provided on financial statements, firms are more likely to access the public debt market. Using a sample of public and private debts financing firms from 2000 to 2014 in Korea, we find that firms that file financial reports under the IFRS are less likely to finance from public debt markets, implying that the mandatory IFRS adoption has exacerbated the information environment of the public debt market in Korea.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(3):323-346

Our study, which is based on a survey carried out among German private firms, aims to ascertain which characteristics determine private firms’ need for providing internationally comparable accounting information and whether or not those firms that perceive such a need actually apply IFRS voluntarily. The relevance of equity from foreign investors and inclusion within an international group are positively associated with this perceived need, whereas international operating activities and a firm’s size are not. Regarding the voluntary adoption of IFRS, both the perceived need and also the interaction between size and need are significant. Our results show that smaller firms, despite perceiving a need for providing their stakeholders with internationally comparable accounting information, often do not apply IFRS.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship among auditor quality, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adoption and stock price crash risk. Using 657 unique listed companies spanning 2002–2014 in Korea, this study finds that stock price crash risk decreases, especially for firms using Big 4 auditors, after IFRS adoption in Korea. Stock price crash risk decreases for a firm included in Big 4 auditors, while it does not increase for a firm excluded from Big 4 auditors after IFRS adoption. Finally, this study finds that Big 4 auditor decreases stock price crash risk only when the firm size is above-median.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of approximately 6500 credit ratings and 137,000 loan contracts, this paper analyzes the effects of mandatory IFRS adoption on the Brazilian credit market. We find that the IFRS adoption effects were limited to firms displaying improved accounting information quality at the time of transition, lending support to the notion that economic benefits do not necessarily flow from the publication of financial reports in IFRS but, rather, depend on how earnestly firms adopt the recommended disclosure practices.  相似文献   

We outline several properties of IFRS that potentially affect the contractibility or the transparency of financial statement information, and hence the use of that information in debt contracts. Those properties include the increased choice among accounting rules IFRS gives to managers, enhanced rule‐making uncertainty, and increased emphasis on fair value accounting. Consistent with reduced contractibility of IFRS financial statement information, we find a significant reduction in accounting‐based debt covenants following mandatory IFRS adoption. The reduction in accounting covenant use is associated with measures of the difference between prior domestic standards and IFRS. Because IFRS adoption changed financial reporting in many ways simultaneously, it is difficult to trace the decline in accounting covenant use to individual IFRS properties, though we report larger declines in accounting covenant use in banks, which have a higher proportion of assets and liabilities that are fair‐valued. Our findings are better explained by reduced contractibility than by increased transparency, which would predict reduced nonaccounting covenant use as well, whereas we observe increases. Overall, we conclude that IFRS rules sacrifice debt contracting usefulness to achieve other objectives, such as provision of accounting information relevant to valuation.  相似文献   

Using mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as a natural experiment, we examine whether reporting externalities can be magnified when financial disclosures are based on a common set of accounting standards. Specifically, we investigate and find that the changes in publicly available information of mandatory IFRS adopters (due to the convergence of accounting standards) can impact the investment efficiency of prior voluntary adopters. While we document positive externalities of mandatory IFRS, we also observe heterogeneity in these spillover effects at the firm and the country level, suggesting that externalities increase with improvements in the comparability of accounting information.  相似文献   

We compare Chinese single with dual-class firms cross-listed on US exchanges. We find that dual-class firms are larger in terms of assets and sales, possess ownership concentration, and have higher institutional ownership. Chinese firms in IT industry are especially likely to use dual-class structure. We find that, contrary to the literature, dual-class firms underprice 30.42% more and firm underprices less when governance practices are adequate. Insiders need to bear underpricing cost for retaining control. Interestingly, we find that dual-class firms hire more independent directors to show commitment toward shareholder’s rights but control them through CEO Chairman Duality and superior voting rights.  相似文献   

We investigate improvements in the information environment and financing decisions for Swedish small and mid-sized firms. These firms are required to file audited annual reports. We create an index capturing accounting standards choices, auditor quality, and board size reflecting information environment improvements. We find an association between increased short-term financing and information environment improvements: The most common actions are to switch to a Big 4 auditor or a chartered accountant and to add independent board members as opposed to changing the accounting standards used. These improvements are associated with a switch to long-term debt and a reduction of cost of debt. Our findings are relevant for the ongoing discussion on accounting regulation for private firms both in the USA and Europe since they show that (Swedish) private firms use other ways to improve the information environment in order to access to less costly long-term bank debt besides adopting International Financial Reporting Standards.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of auditing firms on the implementation of the new Chinese Accounting Standards for Enterprises 22 (new CAS 22), which converges with IFRS 9. We find that the Big4 firms focus on fair value measurement and application of the expected credit loss (ECL) impairment model, whereas the LocalTop6 firms primarily focus on the classification of financial assets. The results indicate that effective implementation of the new standards mainly depends on standardized procedures and professional techniques of auditing firms, as the Big4 firms exhibit better implementation of the new standards in terms of items that generate greater risk and uncertainty than do local large auditing firms in China. In addition, we further test how cross-listing affects the role of auditing firms in implementing the new standards and find that the Big4 firms play a more significant role for A-share only companies than A + H companies. The findings reveal the challenges associated with implementation of IFRS 9-based new CAS 22 in China.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using a unique international setting where the effects of disclosure on firm value can be measured in a constant regulatory environment and in isolation of other confounding factors, this paper shows that firms can increase their value through their choice of accounting standards. Specifically, we document strong positive abnormal returns at the announcement of voluntary adoption of International Accounting Standards (IAS / IFRS) by a sample of international firms and an economically significant reduction in long-run returns, consistent with a reduction in the cost of capital. Consistent with these results we also document evidence of an upgrade in analyst recommendations after the IAS / IFRS adoption announcement and a reduction in the implied cost of capital. Finally, we find strong evidence that the documented abnormal returns are consistent with signaling and bonding benefits stemming from the reduction in asymmetric information. Our results highlight the importance of increased disclosure on minority shareholder protection and on corporate governance in general.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) affects the contractual benefits of using accounting information to determine executive compensation in China. After controlling for firm and corporate governance characteristics, we find strong evidence supporting the positive role of mandatory IFRS adoption on the accounting-based performance sensitivity of executive compensation. Subsample analysis suggests that improvements in accounting-based performance sensitivity after IFRS adoption differ across regions with various levels of institutional quality and across firms that are affected to a different extent by the adoption. Additional analysis supports the argument that the positive effects of IFRS adoption on the use of accounting performance in executive compensation are driven by the reduction in accounting conservatism associated with IFRS adoption.  相似文献   

We compare operating and market performance of Chinese single- and dual-class firms cross listed on US exchanges. We find evidence in line with researchers who argue that a dual-class structure allows insiders to invest in long-term value-enhancing projects. We find that dual-class firms underperform prior to their initial public offering (IPO) and then improve and have better operating performance than single-class firms in the second year after IPO. We find that dual-class firms also have better market performance than single-class firms beginning in the initial year, which is contrary to the finding in most other studies. The reason for this might be that firms that list on US exchanges show a credible commitment to shareholder rights.  相似文献   

This paper proposes four new models to forecast one‐year‐ahead return on equity (ROE) and change in ROE based on prior research in the DuPont analysis and earnings persistence, and also examines whether the persistence of ROE has improved upon mandatory IFRS adoption in Canada. Using the Granger causality test to establish the usefulness of additional explanatory variables in forecasting future earnings, I show that the DuPont components are useful in predicting one‐year‐ahead ROE, and that the persistence of ROE has decreased since Canadian firms adopted IFRS in 2011. This paper contributes to accounting research in two ways. First, it introduces a new approach to forecasting one‐year‐ahead ROE. Second, it sheds some light on the impact of IFRS adoption on reporting quality in Canada.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of IFRS adoption on the quality of accounting information within the Greek accounting setting. Using a sample of 101 firms listed in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) for a period of eight years (2001–2008) we find convincing evidence that the implementation of IFRS contributed to less earnings management, more timely loss recognition and greater value relevance of accounting figures, compared to the local accounting standards. Also, our findings document that audit quality further complements the beneficial impact of IFRS since those companies that are audited by Big-5 audit firms exhibit higher levels of accounting quality. Our findings are robust in regard to different model specifications and after controlling for firm-specific effects like size, risk, profitability and growth opportunities.  相似文献   

强制执行IFRS之实证研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重回顾了研究2005年之后强制采纳IFRS的文献,以IF—RS的研究内容为框架,对相关文献从会计信息质量、经济后果和影响IFRS采纳和执行效果的因素这三方面进行归纳和总结,重点关注其研究主题和方法的不足,并在此基础上提出未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been adopted by nations throughout the world. Proponents and standard setters assert that IFRS will produce a number of benefits including improved transparency, international comparability, market efficiency, and cross-national investment flow. In this study, we examine factors that contributed to the early national-level adoption that occurred prior to broad global acceptance of IFRS. Using a conceptual framework of institutional theory and resource dependence, we propose that the interplay of transnational pressures and local factors influenced the level of adoption. We predict differential adoption as a strategic response at three levels of either require IFRS, permit IFRS, or do not allow IFRS, using a sample of 71 countries. As predicted, countries with greater resource dependency, as evidenced by weak governance structures and weak economies, were the early adopters who were more likely to require the use of IFRS. Further, resource dependence also trumps nationalistic pressures against transnational conformity. Our findings raise concerns that required adoption may not always be accompanied by an appropriately supportive infrastructure; thus, there are implications not only for adoption of IFRS, but also for the diffusion of other transnational regulation that influences global business environment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) within the EU on the cost of corporate debt. In order to avoid the imprecision involved in a large-scale cross-country study, we examine the impact of IFRS in two very clearly different institutional settings, the UK and Italy. The UK is a common-law country characterised by strong enforcement and national generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) which are equivalent to IFRS. Italy is a typical European code-law country, characterised by a weak outside investor protection system, and national GAAP significantly different from the IFRS model. No IFRS effect is observed in the UK, consistent with it having standards which are close to IFRS. During the post-IFRS period, in Italy more weight is placed on the accounting numbers to assess the cost of debt. We also find that accruals quality improves in Italy, thus suggesting that public financial reporting data are enhanced relative to privately held information about borrowers' credit ratings.  相似文献   

Firms listed on stock exchanges within the European Economic Area are required to report consolidated financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since 2005. The firms that adopted IFRS in 2005 were also required to restate their 2004 financial statements from national GAAP to provide comparable accounting figures. These two sets of financial statements for 2004 are thus based on identical underlying economic activities and are fully specified according to two different reporting regimes. Our sample consists of 145 restatements from Norwegian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (NGAAP) to IFRS for firms listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway. We test whether the IFRS accounting figures correlate more strongly with stock market values than the corresponding NGAAP figures. We find little evidence of increased value-relevance after adopting IFRS when comparing and evaluating the two regimes unconditionally. On the other hand, when evaluating the change in the accounting figures from NGAAP to IFRS, we find evidence that the reconcilement adjustments to IFRS are marginally value-relevant due to increased relevance of the balance sheet and the normalized net operating income. By weighting our sample by firm size, intangible asset intensity and profitability, we learn that the increased value-relevance of the net operating income stems from different reporting of intangible assets. Since more intangible assets are capitalized according to IFRS than NGAAP, our finding is consistent with the view that capitalizing intangible assets is more value-relevant than expensing them as incurred or through goodwill amortization.  相似文献   

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