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There has been large-scale growth in Islamic finance and banking in Muslim countries and around the world during the last twenty years. This growth is influenced by factors including the introduction of broad macroeconomic and structural reforms in financial systems, the liberalization of capital movements, privatization, the global integration of financial markets, and the introduction of innovative and new Islamic products. Islamic finance is now reaching new levels of sophistication. However, a complete Islamic financial system with its identifiable instruments and markets is still very much at an early stage of evolution. Many problems and challenges relating to Islamic instruments, financial markets, and regulations must be addressed and resolved. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive comparative review of the literature on the Islamic financial system. Specifically, we discuss the basic features of the Islamic finance and banking. We also introduce Islamic financial instruments in order to compare them to existing Western financial instruments and discuss the legal problems that investors in these instruments may encounter. The paper also gives a preliminary empirical assessment of the performance of Islamic banking and finance, and highlights the regulations, challenges and problems in the Islamic banking market.  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2011,47(11):18910C-18911B

《Africa Research Bulletin》2011,48(6):19167A-19167B

基于风险视角的伊斯兰银行与传统银行的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在对伊斯兰金融发展及其风险管理研究进行文献综述的基础上,对伊斯兰银行与传统银行在风险管理方面的异同和可鉴之处分别进行介绍、比较和分析,探索性地提出我国试点开展伊斯兰金融业务的风险管理策略。  相似文献   

伊斯兰金融的近期发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凭借石油资源,伊斯兰世界积累了巨额的石油美元;近年来,由于国际政治经济形势的变化,这些资金流动的格局也在发生变化,特征之一就是本土化的伊斯兰金融迅速发展。从现实角度看,这是国际金融领域的一个新的现象,从理论角度看,它为欧美高度复杂的金融体系提供了一个截然相反的对立模式。本文首先解释伊斯兰金融的概念及其规模,然后分析其主要的运作模式、风险特征以及对各国的影响。  相似文献   

正在金融业与互联网技术迅速结合的今天,各种新的金融产品、服务、理念和模式等层出不穷,其中之一就是直销银行。直销银行的出现将大大削减传统商业银行的物理形式,降低商业银行经营成本,从而推动金融业新的变化和发展。目前,民生银行和北京银行等都相继推出了直销银行业务。在互联网金融快速发展的今天,直销银行在我国金融业发展过程中的意义和作用,以及其在互联网金融中的地位,都是需要提前思考和认真对待的。  相似文献   

伊斯兰金融这一宗教特色的金融形式,从产生到现在,,逐步得到了快速的发展,体现出了旺盛的生命力。在金融危机席卷全球的背景下,特别引起世界关注,真是可圈可点。本文主要对伊斯兰金融的起源、基本原则、发展历程、显著特点以及伊斯兰金融的银行类金融工具进行了详细的分析考察;分析了伊斯兰金融的发展给我国的思考和启示,提出了伊斯兰银行发展对中国的借鉴和伊斯兰银行进驻我国的政策建议。  相似文献   

It is well documented that daily returns of several financial assets cannot be modelled by pure linear processes. It seems to be generally accepted that many economic variables follow nonlinear processes. The sources of nonlinearity can be divided in two classes: those where nonlinearities stem from the conditional variance and those where non-linearities enter through the conditional mean. Efforts in modelling the former have resulted in development of the ARCH-family models. There is, however, less evidence on nonlinearity in the mean of financial time series. One family of models that is applied in finance is the STAR. In this paper some nonlinear modelling techniques are applied to a Finnish financial time series, the daily Banking and Finance branch index on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The techniques include a variance-nonlinear model from the ARCH family, a mean-nonlinear model, namely Smooth Transition Autoregression (STAR)-model and a neural network. Linearity is tested for by standard autocorrelation tests, LM-tests against the specific nonlinear models and the BDS-test. The study provides supplements to a range of earlier research. It demonstrates that the stock series is both linearly and nonlinearly dependent. Adapting an ARCH(3) eliminates the dependencies most satisfactorily. The ARCH-models and STAR-models were estimated using the SHAZAM-package.  相似文献   

This study reviews literature on the Islamic banking sustainability and presents directions for future research. The article discourses scholars’ and practitioners’ views on the two perspectives of sustainability in relation to the objectives of Islamic banking and finance. That there are limited studies on Islamic banking sustainability is one of the major issues presented in the article. The study highlights essential issues on the sustainability without in-depth empirical analysis. The needs for long-term economic, social, and environmental sustainability are not a compromising issue. Therefore, Islamic banks must strike a balance between the institutional, societal, and environmental sustainability in order to achieve the objective of Sharia.  相似文献   

本文从资金管理体制改革的视角,考察了我国财政与银行关系的演进,分析总结了关于大财政、大银行的讨论,并结合我国经济管理体制转型与国有企业改革,从银行活动领域的扩展中,探讨了我国企业以间接融资为主的融资方式的形成过程。作者以宏观视角研究了财政风险金融化、金融风险财政化的转换,探讨了社会主义市场经济下我国财政与金融关系的定位。本文研究提炼出关于加强财政政策与货币政策协调配合、共同促进经济社会稳定和经济发展,以及促进地区经济均衡发展和产业结构调整的意见。  相似文献   

公司金融、银行业结构和货币传导机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文构造了一个资本市场一般均衡模型,其中,银行股权资本是否充裕影响了银行信贷决策。分析表明,银行业结构对货币政策传导机制施加了作用:如果银行业由几家银行垄断,银行信贷对货币政策的反应不连续。分析强调,垄断银行业结构、公司债市场不发达是我国货币政策效果不明显的原因。本文的政策含义是,从改变银行业垄断性市场结构、发展公司债市场两方面着手,完善货币传导机制的微观基础,这样才能提高货币政策的有效性。  相似文献   

我国商业银行个人理财产品开发的供需分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国商业银行个人理财产品发展迅速,理财产品层出不穷。本文介绍了商业银行个人理财产品的内涵,对产品的开发进行供给和需求分析,并在此基础上,给出了我国商业银行理财产品开发的立足点。  相似文献   

关于我国政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在转轨经济时期,我国政府不仅通过征税和发行国债的显性融资渠道融资,还通过对银行系统的直接控制和干预获得了隐性的融资渠道.在国有商业银行体系建立和发展的初期,政府隐性融资与国有银行之间存在互惠互利的关系;随着我国经济市场化程度的提高,特别是1994年以后,政府对隐性融资可依赖程度降低,国有商业银行对政府的隐性融资采取了较为谨慎的态度,这种融资方式的弊端逐渐暴露.本文分两阶段对政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的相互影响和未来趋势进行分析,在此基础上,探讨了我国财政体制和金融体制改革的一些主要思路.  相似文献   

试论我国财政风险与金融风险的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国市场经济转轨时期,财政、金融风险具有现实性,倘若不及时加以防范,任期 累积,到时使会突发为财政、金融危机,并由此演变为经济、政治的全面危机,引发社会动荡,据此,本文致力于从财政与银行的内在关系出发,深入探析金融风险中的财政问题与财政风险中的金融问题,以求抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

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