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姚振晔 《南方经济》2019,38(4):62-83
作为证券监管机构的监管重点与难点,内部人交易一直以来备受关注。如何有效监督内部人交易,维护证券市场秩序与公平,保护中小投资者利益,是一个重要且具有现实意义的问题。基于2007-2015年中国A股上市公司内部人交易数据,文章探究了机构投资者持股对内部人交易获利能力的影响,发现:(1)机构投资者的存在会提高内部人买入行为的获利能力,会抑制内部人卖出行为的获利能力;(2)机构投资者对内部人交易的影响在卖出样本中存在截面差异,具体表现为在国有企业样本组和非两职合一样本组更显著;(3)机构投资者异质性分析发现,基金投资者会提升内部人买入交易的获利能力,合格的境外投资者会抑制内部人交易的总体获利能力,其他机构投资者一方面会促进买入行为的获利能力,一方面会抑制卖出行为的获利能力;(4)机制路径检验发现,机构投资者对内部人卖出交易的抑制作用存在提高公司盈余质量、提升治理水平和改善信息披露水平三种机制路径。总之,文章验证了机构投资者影响内部人交易的研究推论。  相似文献   

Guilin Jiqi is a pharmaceutical company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1997. Possible motives for her accounting fraud in 2000 are thoroughly analyzed. Guilin Jiqi made up the accounting profit in the semi-annual report. Interestingly, the employee shares of Guilin Jiqi began to be tradable from June. After rejecting other possibilities, we find that this accounting fraud is possibly intended to help her employees, except top managers, to sell their shares at a huge profit.  相似文献   

股权激励的市场反应及其内幕交易的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以2008年1月份前推出股权激励计划的67家公司为样本,采用事件研究法,对股价在股权激励计划方案公布前后21个交易日是否存在超常收益率进行了实证研究。实证结果表明:样本公司的股票在事件窗口内存在显著为正的超常收益率,市场对这一事件作出了正向的回应,而且超常收益率主要是由消息公布产生的,不存在消息的提前泄露和内幕交易。  相似文献   

We exploit the setting of first‐time enforcement of insider trading laws to investigate the relationship between insider trading opportunities and insiders’ supply of information. Insider trading opportunities motivate insiders to reduce their supply of information by concealing firm performance, thereby increasing their information advantage over outsiders, resulting in higher insider trading profits. Using data from 40 countries over the 1988–2004 period, we find that reporting opacity, as captured by earnings smoothness, decreases significantly after the initial enforcement of insider trading laws in countries with strong legal institutions. The decrease in earnings smoothness is positively related to the strictness of insider trading laws. The decrease in earnings smoothness is also more pronounced for countries that have more persistent insider trading law enforcement and for countries that impose more severe penalties on insider trading cases. Further analyses show that the decrease in earnings smoothness following insider trading enforcement is concentrated among firms that are not closely held and among high‐growth firms. In addition to uncovering a channel through which insider trading restrictions affect the information environment, our evidence highlights the importance of country‐ and firm‐level governance structures in determining the consequences of insider trading restrictions.  相似文献   

黄月菡  陈庆杰 《科技和产业》2021,21(10):197-202
越来越多的上市公司选择利用财务舞弊手段来谋求利润.研究发现,常见的上市公司财务舞弊手段主要有虚增资产、隐瞒负债、虚增收入、利用关联方交易舞弊4种,而目前中国的审查制度还不够完善,对于复杂的舞弊手段往往不能监察到位.为了经济市场的稳定运行,结合超华科技的具体案例进行分析,从公司内部、政府机关和中介机构3个角度总结出针对中国上市公司财务舞弊手段的防范对策.  相似文献   

While substantial revisions to auditor reporting requirements are being implemented internationally, the impact of these reforms on financial reporting quality is unknown. We exploit the United Kingdom's recent auditor reporting changes and find that the United Kingdom's new reporting regime is associated with an improvement in financial reporting quality as proxied by significant decreases in absolute abnormal accruals and the propensity to just meet or beat analyst forecasts, and a significant increase in earnings response coefficients. As for audit costs, we do not find a significant change in audit fees or audit delay surrounding the implementation of the new reporting regime. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that new auditor reporting requirements are associated with a significant improvement in financial reporting quality without detecting a significant increase in audit costs.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that adopting imprecise accounting standards elevates audit firm litigation exposure and could undermine auditor objectivity if audit firms respond by herding to industry norms. This paper reports the results of two experiments that demonstrate how audit firms can effectively mitigate the elevated litigation exposure without herding to industry norms by staffing engagements with recognized technical experts, using judgment frameworks and automated decision aids, and providing persuasive evidence of adherence to auditing standards. We find that judgment frameworks are particularly well‐suited for defending judgments under imprecise standards, and represent a cost‐effective alternative to using technical experts. However, our results also indicate that judgment frameworks may provide a safe harbor for relatively low‐quality judgments when those frameworks are used under precise standards. We discuss implications for audit firms, courts, and regulators that currently conduct or evaluate audits within and across jurisdictions where the precision of accounting standards varies considerably.  相似文献   

作为财经领域的基础性法律,新预算法的正式实施必然对审计产生深远而重要的影响。本文旨在通过剖析新预算法修订的关键性内容对审计监督扩面、提质、增效的有关要求,结合当前财政预算审计存在的问题,提出通过循序渐进调整审计监督重点、创新财政预算审计方式方法、优化审计流程等建议,开创新预算法背景下的预算审计新局面。  相似文献   

Applying the Shin z measure of market efficiency to the relatively new person‐to‐person internet betting exchanges, Smith, Paton, and Vaughan Williams found “significantly lower market biases” compared to bookmaker‐dominated markets. A reduced favorite‐longshot bias is interpreted as evidence that insider trading on the exchanges “is not widespread” and “not as commonplace … as is sometimes portrayed in the media.” Given that the Shin measure assumes “betting with bookies,” whereas the exchanges represent “betting without bookies,” the present study employs the notion of ‘significant mover’ to empirically test for the presence of ‘known loser’ insider trading on the exchanges where traditional notions of bookmaking do not apply. Findings indicate that, far from being less problematized by insider trading compared to racetrack betting, activity aimed at profiting from “known losers” may be potentially commonplace on the exchanges. This includes profiting from horses that are unplaced. This study offers new insight into the efficiency of betting markets.  相似文献   

Two distinct lines of research have been dedicated to empirically testing how financial reporting quality (measured as the earnings response coefficient or ERC) is associated with management's choice of reporting bias and with audit quality. However, researchers have yet to consider how ERCs are affected by either the auditor's reaction to changes in the manager's reporting bias or the manager's reaction to changes in audit quality. Our study provides theoretical guidance on these interrelations and how changes in the manager's or the auditor's incentives affect both reporting bias and audit quality. Specifically, when the manager's cost (benefit) of reporting bias increases (decreases), we find that expected bias decreases, inducing the auditor to react by reducing audit quality. Because we also find that the association between expected audit quality and ERCs is always positive, changes in managerial incentives for biased reporting lead to a positive association between ERCs and expected reporting bias. When the cost of auditing decreases or the cost of auditor liability increases, we find that expected audit quality increases, inducing the manager to react by decreasing reporting bias. In this case, changes in the costs of audit quality lead to a negative association between ERCs and expected reporting bias. Finally, we demonstrate the impact of our theoretical findings by focusing on the empirical observations documented in the extant literature on managerial ownership and accounting expertise on the audit committee. In light of our framework, we provide new interpretations of these empirical observations and new predictions for future research.  相似文献   

We examine whether the joint provision of corporate social responsibility (CSR) assurance services and financial audit by the same audit firm influences auditors' assessment of going-concern risk. We predict that the provision of CSR assurance and financial audit by the same audit firm creates CSR-related knowledge spillovers from the CSR assurance team to the financial audit engagement team, which helps in the auditor's assessment of going-concern risk. Using more than 28,000 firm-year observations from 55 countries, we document that, relative to audit firms that provide only the financial audit, audit firms that provide both CSR assurance and financial audit for the same client (i) issue more frequent going-concern opinions and have lower Type II going-concern errors, (ii) have clients that book larger environmental and litigation provisions, (iii) report earnings that are more persistent and value-relevant and are less likely to book income-decreasing earnings restatements, and (iv) do not charge higher audit fees or total fees. Our results are important especially because of firms' increasing exposure to CSR risks and the growing number of countries that require assurance of CSR reports.  相似文献   

文章剖析了从美国次级债危机发生到全球金融危机的全过程,在这个过程中,金融创新是把双刃剑。在次级债发展的初期,它充当着财富放大器的角色,使大部分美国人圆了“美国梦”;而在危机深化的过程中,因为其特有的链式反应,把全球金融市场卷入到更广更深的危机中,此时它充当了危机放大器的角色,这是金融创新设计时所具有的“信息不对称性”所埋下的诱因。为此,我们需要在信息对称性条件约束下创设金融新工具,才能在分散市场风险的同时不会诱发新的风险。  相似文献   

There has been a substantial increase, since 2004, in the number of firms that announce annual earnings before audit completion as opposed to after audit completion. In this study, we argue that earnings announced before audit completion are associated with lower financial reporting quality and investor perceptions that earnings are more likely to be overstated. Consistent with this expectation, we document that the market places more (less) weight on good (bad) earnings news for earnings announced after audit completion relative to earnings announced before audit completion. We continue to find this differential market response when we expand the returns window to include the 10‐K filing date, suggesting that the differential response is not driven by investors' temporary concerns about earnings revisions between the earnings announcement and the 10‐K filing date or by differential GAAP disclosures in the earnings announcement, as suggested in prior research. Finally, as a direct test of financial reporting quality, we show that earnings announced with a completed audit are less likely to be restated in the future, are less likely to meet or beat expectations, and are associated with fewer income‐increasing discretionary accruals than those announced with an incomplete audit.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article investigates the relationship between supplier concentration and competition in the market for audit services. The study is motivated by the concern that high levels of concentration may be detrimental, resulting in lower levels of competition, which could harm clients through higher fees and lower levels of service. However, a counterargument is that high levels of concentration may not be detrimental but may result because market leaders display exceptional performance, providing lower-priced audits (perhaps due to economies of scale) and/or enhanced service to clients. We obtained audit fee and financial data on 140 life and health insurance companies and 101 property and casualty insurance companies. Our findings indicate that concentration is negatively associated with fees, suggesting that higher levels of concentration are related to higher levels of price competition (i.e., lower fees). Additionally, we address the validity of concentration as a surrogate for competition by examining competition among the market leaders. Our analysis examines the fees paid by 47 insurance companies that switched auditors during the sample period. We investigate the effect of industry specialization on fees paid by clients that switch auditors, finding evidence of significant fee cutting among market leaders for each others' clients but no evidence of fee reductions for clients switching from nonleaders to market leaders. This is consistent with the claim that there is significant price competition for clients among the market leaders, suggesting that high concentration need not result in low levels of price competition (i.e., higher fees). Résumé. Les auteurs analysent la relation entre la concentration des fournisseurs et la coocurrence sur le marché des services de vérification. L'étude découle de la préoccupation suivant laquelle des niveaux élevés de concentration pourraient être préjudiciables et donner lieu à une intensité plus faible de la concurrence qui risquerait de léser les clients, en augmentant les honoraires et en diminuant la qualité du service. L'argumentation opposée veut qu'un degré élevé de concentration ne soit pas préjudiciable et puisse être attribuable au fait que les chefs de file du marché affichent une performance exceptionnelle, offrant des services de vérification à meilleur prix (peut-être en raison d'économies d'échelle) et (ou) mettent l'accent sur le service à la clientèle. Les auteurs ont recueilli des données relatives aux honoraires de vérification et des données financières provenant de 140 sociétés d'assurances vie et maladie et 101 sociétés d'assurances I.A.R.D. (incendie, accidents et risques divers). Les résultats de leurs recherches indiquent que la concentration est en relation négative avec les honoraires, ce qui donne à penser que des niveaux plus élevés de concentration sont reliés à des niveaux plus élevés de concurrence relative au prix (c'est-à-dire à des honoraires inférieurs). Les auteurs se sont également penchés sur la validité de la concentration à titre de substitut à la concurrence en examinant la concurrence que se livraient les chefs de file sur le marché. Ils ont analysé les honoraires versés par 47 sociétés d'assurance qui ont changé de vérificateurs au cours de la période analysée. Us ont étudié l'incidence de la spécialisation sectorielle sur les honoraires versés par les clients qui changent de vérificateurs; les résultats de l'étude démontrent que les cabinets chefs de file réduisent leurs honoraires de façon appréciable à l'intention des clients de leurs concurrents appartenant au groupe des chefs de file; ces résultats ne permettent cependant pas de conclure à des réductions d'honoraires pour les clients qui passent de vérificateurs n'appartenant pas aux chefs de file à des vérificateurs chefs de file sur le marché. Ces constatations sont conformes à l'hypothèse selon laquelle les chefs de file sur le marché se livrent une âpre concurrence relative au prix pour attirer la clientèle, ce qui laisse croire que la concentration élevée ne donne pas nécessairement lieu à une faible intensité de la concurrence relative au prix (c'est-à-dire à des honoraires supérieurs).  相似文献   

通过对化肥企业实施清洁生产审核的实践工作,总结了在化肥企业实施清洁生产审核工作所取得的经验和存在问题,为化肥企业今后清洁生产审核和日常环境管理提供了借鉴经验.  相似文献   

流动性与区域经济增长不匹配是区域金融风险的重要来源。通过VAR模型脉冲分析,以浙江省为例,构建区域性领先指标体系,并运用因子分析法构建区域性金融领先指数。从比较结果看,引入宏观调控和国际因素变量后金融领先指数的走势基本一致,但对区域金融运行状况预测的效果有较大程度的改善,具体表现为对区域金融运行状态的预测周期有所提前。尤其是在国际国内经济形势波动较大、宏观调控力度加强的情况下,加入宏观调控和国际因素的领先指数的优势更加显著。  相似文献   

通过分析金融危机对我国产生的机遇和挑战,提出坚持推进金融体制改革,及时调整货币政策和财政政策是预防及应对金融危机的不二法门。我们应该抓住机遇,进一步承担更大的责任,提升我国的国际地位,从而实现和平崛起。  相似文献   

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