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We develop a framework for economy-wide modelling of value-added tax systems. Our framework models a number of complexities of VAT systems as implemented by tax agencies. In particular, we model multiple rates, multiple exemptions, multiple degrees of refundability across commodity users, and multi-product enterprises. We use our framework to model what is arguably South East Asia's most complex VAT system: that of Vietnam. We analyse the macroeconomic, industrial and distributional effects of simplifying Vietnam's complex VAT system. We simplify the system via a budget-neutral movement to one rate and removal of discretionary exemptions. This generates an aggregate welfare gain, but adverse distributional effects. Adverse distributional effects can be greatly ameliorated, at small cost to the aggregate welfare gain, via exclusion of paddy and rice from the VAT simplification program.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes to the value added tax (VAT) system proposed recently by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance-in particular that the exemptions for certain sectors be ended. Using the input-output relationships in the economy as a basis, it analyses the implications of these changes for tax revenue and for price distortions. It also considers other feasible changes to the VAT exemptions that could be advantageous. The paper concludes that the estimated revenue impacts of the proposed changes are small relative to the apparent scope for revenue increases from improved administration of the system as it stands.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Langfristige Entwicklungskredite und sozialistischer Au\enhandel. —Die chronischen Ungleichgewichte auf dem Comecon-Markt haben unter anderem zu betr?chtlichen langfristigen Kreditstrómen für genau bezeichnete Zwecke (long-term credits for well-defined purposes, abgek. CWDP) unter den Comecon-Mitgliedern geführt. Sozialistische Kommentare haben diese Transaktionen als nützlich für alle beteiligten Partner erkl?rt, ohne die Bedingungen für die Wirksamkeit und Nützlichkeit dieser Abmachungen n?her zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus mu\ die sozialistische Interpretation dieser Kredite als langfristige L?sung der Ungleichgewichte als au\erordentlich kurzsichtig bezeichnet werden; CWDP-Kredite lassen die okonomischen Ursachen dieser schwierigen Entwicklungsprobleme unberührt. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die wichtigsten Ursachen der Ungleichgewichte und die besonderen Umst?nde der Kreditabkommen (Abschnitt I). Eine der seltenen kritischen überprüfungen durch M. Tardos stellte die heilsamen Wirkungen dieser Kredite in Frage, aber die Analyse zog aufkl?rende Schlu\folgerungen aus unzureichend und ungenau dargestellten Bedingungen. Abschnitt II enth?lt eine verbesserte und erweiterte Darstellung des Problems von Tardos. Der au\erordentlich niedrige Zinssatz für Kredite zwischen Comecon-L?ndern (Intra-CMEA-Kredite) liefert auf den ersten Blick den Beweis für eine Benachteiligung der Kreditgeber. Abschnitt III prüft die wichtigsten relevanten Grundzüge der Intra-CMEA-Kredittransaktionen und führt zu einer vorsichtigeren Bewertung der Kosten und Vorteile. Im Abschnitt IV werden schlie\lich das Problem der Ausdehnung gebundener Kredite im allgemeinen und die Frage der Vor- und Nachteile für die direkt am Comecon beteiligten L?nder ebenso wie für die Drittl?nder im besonderen erortert. Im Anhang werden die wichtigsten bekannt gewordenen Kredite und, soweit als m?glich, auch Einzelheiten über die Bedingungen der Abmachungen zusammengestellt.
Résumé Crédits de développement à long terme et commerce extérieur socialiste. — Les déséquilibres chroniques dans le marché CAEM ont amené, entre autres, des flots remarquables de crédits à long terme pour fins bien définis (longterm credits for well-defined purposes = CWDP) entre membres du marché CAEM. Les commentaires socialistes ont considéré ces transactions avantageuses pour tous les interéssés, mais sans avoir examiné bien profondément leurs conditions d’efficacité et d’utilité. D’ailleurs, l’interprétation socialiste de ces crédits comme solution durable des déséquilibres manque, évidemment, de discernement. Les crédits CWDP ne remédient pas aux causes économiques de ces problèmes de développement bien compliqués. L’article que voici met au jour les causes les plus importantes des déséquilibres et les circonstances spéciales des accords de crédit (section I). Il est vrai qu’une étude critique rare de M. Tardos a mis en question les effets avantageux de ces crédits, mais son analyse appliqua un raisonnement clair à des conditions insuffisamment et inexactement exprimées. Section II présente une correction et une extension des problèmes de Tardos. Le taux d’intérêt extrémement bas pour les crédits entre membres du CAEM est une preuveprima facie de ce qu’il y a désavantage aux créditeurs. Section III examine les traits les plus importants des accords intra-CAEM de crédit, ce qui permet une évaluation mieux considérée des co?ts et des bénéfices. Section IV, enfin, examine la question générale des crédits fixés et s’occupe du problème des co?ts et bénéfices pour les pays qui ont part aux crédits CWDP, aussi bien que pour des tiers. Dans un appendice, une liste des crédits les plus importants qu’on conna?t est donnée avec des détails — si disponibles — des conditions des accords.

Resumen Créditos de desarrollo a largo plazo y comercio exterior de los países socialistas. — Los desequilibrios crónicos en el mercado del COMECON han dado lugar a importantes corrientes de créditos a largo plazo para usos exactamente definidos (long-term credits for well-defined purposes = CWDP) entre los países miembros. Los comentaristas socialistas subrayan las ventajas que estas transacciones tienen para todos los países, pero no analizan los condicionantes de la eficacia y utilidad de las mismas. Además, esperar de estos créditos una solución duradera de los desequilibrios es mostrar poca perspicacia; pues los créditos CWDP no afectan a las causas económicas de estos difíciles problemas de desarrollo. El presente artículo comienza por estudiar las principales causas de los desequilibrios y las circunstancias especiales bajo las que se llegó a estos acuerdos crediticios. Es cierto que uno de los pocos análisis críticos existentes, de M. Tardos, puso en duda los efectos útiles de estos créditos, pero las conclusiones se basaban en condiciones insuficientes e inexactas. Por ello, la segunda parte del artículo contiene una presentación revisada y ampliada del problema de Tardos. El tipo de interés extraordinariamente bajo para créditos entre países miembros del COMECON demuestra que estas transacciones perjudican a los países donantes. En la tercera parte se analizan las características más importantes de dichas transacciones y se intenta una evaluación de costes y beneficios. Finalmente, en la cuarta parte, el autor discute el problema de la ampliación de creditos sujetos a un uso determinado en general, así como la cuestión de las ventajas y desventajas para los países miembros del COMECON y terceros países en particular. El anexo contiene los principales créditos conocidos y, donde es posible, los pormenores de los acuerdos correspondientes.

Riassunto Crediti per lo sviluppo a lungo termine e commercio estero socialista. — I cronici squilibri sul mercato del Comecon hanno condotto tra i soci del Comecon, tra l’altro, a considerevoli correnti di credito a lungo termine per scopi ben definiti (long-term credits for well-defined purposes, abbrev. CWDP). Commenti socialisti hanno dichiarato utili queste transazioni per i soci partecipanti senza esaminare più da vicino le condizioni per l’efficacia e l’utilità di questi accordi. Inoltre l’interpretazione socialista di questi crediti come soluzione a lungo termine degli squilibri deve essere definita straordinariamente miope; CWDP-crediti lasciano intatte le cause economiche di questi difficili problemi di sviluppo. Il presente contributo esamina le cause più importanti degli squilibri e le condizioni particolari degli accordi di credito (capitolo I). Una delle rare verifiche critiche condotta da M. Tardos pose in dubbio gli effetti benefici di questi crediti, ma l’analisi tirò illuminanti conseguenze da condizioni insufficienti e non esattamente rappresentate. I1 capitolo II contiene un’esposizione ampliata e migliorata del problema di Tardos. Il tasso d’interesse per crediti straordinariamente basso tra i Paesi del Comecon (Intra-CMEA-crediti) fornisce a prima vista la prova di uno svantaggio per il sovventore. I1 capitolo III esamina le più importanti e rilevanti caratteristiche delle Intra-CMEA-transazioni di credito e conduce ad una più cauta valutazione dei costi e vantaggi. Nel capitolo IV infine sono discussi il problema dei crediti vincolati in generale e la questione degli svantaggi e vantaggi per i Paesi direttamente partecipanti al Comecon altrettanto come per i Paesi terzi. In appendice sono raccolti i crediti più importanti divenuti noti e, per quanto possibile, anche particolari sulle condizioni degli accordi.

翟青阁 《特区经济》2014,(11):180-181
在"营改增"不断推进的大背景下,为调整央地税制关系,稳定地方税源,消费税改革的呼声日益高涨。我国现行消费税虽历经了两次调整,但其现行税制仍不能适应升级了的消费结构,其征税范围需有增有减的调整,征税环节也需从生产环节下移,为弥补"营改增"为地方政府带来的空缺,可培养消费税为地方税主力。  相似文献   

The Japanese Government implemented two tax cut packages in 1998 to alleviate the weakness of the economy. Those were temporary and the eligible amount for each household was based on the number of family members. Using monthly data from the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, we explore the variation in the impact of the tax cut episode across families with different numbers of family members to identify its impact on consumption. Our estimates indicate that consumers responded to the 1998 tax cut with the implied MPC of 0.6 on impact with stimulating services consumption but the MPC declined in subsequent months. J. Japanese Int. Economies 20 (2) (2006) 269–287.  相似文献   

娄爱花 《特区经济》2004,(12):235-236
一、现行增值税、消费税、营业税存在的问题及对经济的影响 1.现行增值税存在的问题及对经济的影响 增值税在我国现行税制中是主流税种,增值税的税收收入占全部税收收入的40%多,增值税的成败对我国税收收入的影响巨大。其存在主要问题是:  相似文献   

China and the WTO: Tariff offers,exemptions, and welfare implications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
China and the WTO: Tariff Offers, Exemptions, and Welfare Implications. — Trade reforms have opened the Chinese economy and the reforms offered for WTO accession involve further liberalization. To assess the implications of these offers, the authors take into account the tariff exemptions that are especially important in China’s trade regime, and the reductions in the variability of tariffs at the tariff line level required by the WTO offers. The offers will result in real income gains of over $ 50 billion, benefitting China and its major trading partners. Omitting the tariff exemptions is shown to result in over-estimation of the benefits from liberalization, while focusing on average tariff reductions leads to under-estimation.  相似文献   

徐颖 《特区经济》2011,(8):118-119
在新"国八条"出台后,不到24个小时,上海和重庆版房产税改革试点方案实施细则相继公布。本文就从沪渝两地房产税试点方案的比较入手,探讨了房产税试点方案出台的意义,以及对今后房产税全面铺开的启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines the investment responses to past Japanese tax reforms for individual industries. To identify the tax effect, this paper estimates investment functions by using a covariate of the change in tax-adjusted q caused by tax reform. This method alleviates the measurement error problem and enables the derivation of estimates indicating the valid adjustment cost of investment. Moreover, the findings suggest that firms’ investment responded significantly to tax reforms in the 1980s in general. Also, investments of only a few industries responded to those in the late 1990s, implying that the manner of investment response slightly differs among industries.  相似文献   

The price gap between organic and conventional food might explain the low market share of organics in the Netherlands. A real-life experiment was carried out in 2006 in order to determine the price sensitivity of consumer demand for organics. Consumer prices of selected organic products were reduced by up to 40% below current market levels. The price elasticity of demand was low, because not all consumers perceived the price reductions. Moreover, the offer of organic varieties is limited, as is the consumer’s willingness to pay for the social attributes of organics.  相似文献   

This paper studies how economic policy uncertainty affects corporate tax burden. We show that economic policy uncertainty is positively related to corporate tax burden, and the effect is stronger when the tax quotas are higher. Furthermore, we find that economic policy uncertainty strengthens tax collection by increasing government fiscal pressure, thereby increasing corporate tax burden. Besides, the effects of economic policy uncertainty on corporate tax burden are primarily significant in state-owned enterprises (SOEs), non-high-tech firms, firms from the eastern areas and service industry firms. The evidence illustrates that keeping the transparency and stability of economic policies helps to cut tax burden effectively.  相似文献   

农村税费改革极大地减轻了农民负担。下一步农村税费改革的具体措施存在很大的争议。基于对农村种养业的调查,在比较不同种养业的产业化、收益水平和投资来源后,笔者建议对粮食等基本生活资料的生产应实行免税政策,对高收益的特种种养大户先行征收增值税和所得税,以期逐步建立完全统一的城乡税制。  相似文献   

The establishment of a government bureaucracy to collect taxes is regarded as one of the essential features of a modern economy. While Britain is considered a pioneer, France has been treated as a laggard because of continued reliance on tax farming. Focusing on the largest tax farm, France's late transition from private to government tax collection is explained in a principal‐agent context by the difficulties of monitoring employees and borrowing at low cost in the capital market. Tax farmers continued to earn high returns, absorbing the risk of fluctuating collections, leaving the Crown with lower revenue.  相似文献   

作为我国税制结构中最重要的税种之一的增值税,由于受到各种因素的制约,存在着许多不完善之处。因此,客观上要求加强增值税的检查,严格监督纳税人是否建立了完整核算体系,是否执行发票制度,以确保增值税的准备贯彻与执行。增值税检查的内容较多,本文仅就一般纳税人的销项税额和进项税额税务检查中的问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

日本企业营销模式的变迁:从独立到合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去几十年中,日本企业最为流行的营销模式是独立营销模式,但是由于日本企业所面临的经营环境的变化,独立营销模式受到了前所未有的挑战,许多日本企业正试图用一种风格迥异的合作营销模式代替它。本文论述了日本近年来经营环境的变化以及由此引发的营销模式的变革和发展方向。  相似文献   

我国燃油税改革正式实施已满两年,其积极的效果和存在的弊端初步显现。本文在对我国燃油税改善的实施效果进行评价的基础上,借鉴典型国家燃油税税制的设立经验,提出完善我国燃油税税制的建议。  相似文献   

焦耘 《特区经济》2007,216(1):141-143
税制变迁路径差异不仅直接影响税制均衡格局,而且通过对税制和税收负担的主观评价的影响左右税制运行成本。是现存制度背景下税制演进中非常重要的影响因素。通过分析在税制形成中博弈主体的行为及其如何左右税制均衡,讨论不同的衍生路径对主观评价的影响。从而进一步分析什么样的税制演进制度有助于改善税制和税负的主观评价。  相似文献   

张丽 《走向世界》2014,(21):102-103
4月15日,CR-V百万达成仪式在东风Honda厂区举行,来自全国的CR-V达人车主、权威媒体共同见证了这一荣耀时刻。从2004年CR—V破冰中国城市SUV市场,到2014年成为首款累计销量超百万的SUV车型,CR—V开创了一个时代,引领着汽车消费的新潮流。  相似文献   

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