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魏阳 《中国外资》2010,(2):41-41,43
民间审计是指由注册会计师、审计师所组成的社会会计、社会审计组织,即会计师事务所和审计事务所,接受当事人的委托,对有关经济组织的有关经济事项所进行的审计查证业务。它是在新企业会计准则体系指导下来进行工作。本文首先阐述了新会计准则和民间审计的内容,其次,从积极方面和消极方面两个部分对新会计准则与民间审计的关系进行分析。同时,还对社会环境制约民间审计的具体内容进行探讨。最后,从加强学习,成为复合型审计人才;提高沟通能力,全面了解企业信息;新挑战,敢于探索,敢于创新;企业应重视员工的发展,规范企业文化四个方面对民间审计的应对措施进行研究,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

民间审计是指由注册会计师、审计师所组成的社会会计、社会审计组织,即会计师事务所和审计事务所,接受当事人的委托,对有关经济组织的有关经济事项所进行的审计查证业务.它是在新企业会计准则体系指导下来进行工作.本文首先阐述了新会计准则和民间审计的内容,其次,从积极方面和消极方面两个部分对新会计准则与民间审计的关系进行分析.同时,还对社会环境制约民间审计的具体内容进行探讨.最后,从加强学习,成为复合型审计人才;提高沟通能力,全面了解企业信息;新挑战,敢于探索,敢于创新;企业应重视员工的发展,规范企业文化四个方面对民间审计的应对措施进行研究,具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

金芬 《会计师》2009,(1):26-27
<正>为了规范所得税会计的处理,国际会计准则委员会和美英等国的有关组织都制定了相应的会计准则。国际会计准则委员会制定的《国际会计准则第12号——所得税》(IAS12:Income Taxes)和美国制定的《财务会计准则第109号:所得税会计》(FAS109:Accounting for Income Taxes)及英国制定的财务报告  相似文献   

新的企业会计准则的执行为适应中国市场经济的法律的需要,打造接轨国际资本市场的平台,促进中国经济更好、更快、更健康的发展具有重要意义.而企业的内部审计制度的设立与外部环境有着密切关系,尤其经济政策的影响.主要针对在新会计准则体系的实施对中小企业内部审计方面的影响及其现状,同时结合实际情况,通过对案例的研究分析揭示当今内部审计在新会计准则下出现的问题及建议.  相似文献   

2013年1月1日财政部颁布的《事业单位会计准则》(以下简称"新准则")正式实施,新准则在工资薪金、会计科目、固定资产核算、财务报表、权责发生制等方面有重大调整,深刻影响着事业单位财务的管理制度、记账方式及核算等方面工作,针对这些调整及对财务管理的影响,本文从财务的管理理念、人员技术和预算管理等方面提出了对策建议,目的使新会计准则在事业单位中更好的实施,更符合事业单位会计核算的需要.  相似文献   

本文从新会计准则体系的构建入手,分析了新会计准则体系的变化特点,及新会计准则体系财务分析的影响,阐述了新会计准则体系实施后,企业会计信息的质量和透明度可望得到进一步提高,企业会计信息在国际范围内交流、使用、判断和评价的基础和平台将得以建立并不断完善,从而可更好地满足投资者、债权人和其他利益关系人等有关方面对会计信息的需求,进一步规范企业会计行为和会计秩序,维护公众利益。  相似文献   

浅析新会计准则变化特点及影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从新会计准则体系的构建入手,分析了新会计准则体系的变化特点,及新会计准则体系财务分析的影响,阐述了新会计准则体系实施后,企业会计信息的质量和透明度可望得到进一步提高,企业会计信息在国际范围内交流、使用、判断和评价的基础和平台将得以建立并不断完善,从而可更好地满足投资者、债权人和其他利益关系人等有关方面对会计信息的需求,进一步规范企业会计行为和会计秩序,维护公众利益。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的飞速发展,越来越多的微观经营主体认识到了审计工作在经营活动中的重要性,微观经营主体的审计范围也在逐渐的扩大,人们对审计的要求也日益提高,随着新会计准则的颁布,不仅仅给微观经营主体的会计工作带来了很大的影响,给审计工作也带来了一些风险,因此我们要对会计准则给审计工作带来的风险有一个正确的认识,本文从新会计准则的变化为出发点,分析了会计准则对审计风险的影响,并提出了几点防范审计风险的措施,目的在于降低微观经营主体审计风险,将审计工作的重要作用发挥到最大化。  相似文献   

在被财政部部长金人庆称为“我国会计审计史上新的里程碑”的中国企业会计准则体系和注册会计师审计准则体系发布会上,包括1项基本准则与38项具体准则的会计准则体系崭新亮相,其中,在整个准则体系中起统驭作用的会计基本准则得到了多方面的修订和完善,其法律地位也得到进一步明  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the reform of accounting standards in China in 2007 and investigates its impact on equilibrium pricing in the audit market. We find that the concentration of the audit market and the probability of issuing modified audit opinions do not significantly change, but that audit fees increase significantly after the adoption of the new accounting standards in China. Deeper analysis suggests that (1) the implementation of the new IFRS-based Chinese Accounting Standards (CASs) has increased the market risk faced by listed firms and thus auditors’ expected audit risk, causing an increase in audit fees, and (2) the degree of the increase in audit fees is positively related to the adjusted difference between net income according to the old CAS before 2007 and the new CAS after 2007. We thus conclude that the reform has had a significant impact on audit pricing in China.  相似文献   

Managers of organizations may be expected to select actions which will lead to favorable performance evaluations. Evaluations which are based upon accounting measures may be affected by changes in financial accounting standards. These effects on performance evaluations may motivate managers to change selctions of actions in order to maintain favorable evaluations even though the new set of actions may not be in the best interests of the organization. A survey of current research reveals that these effects have been misclassified in assessing the effects of changes in accounting standards. This paper develops a conceptual framework for testing the proposition that firms which have failed to effectively adapt internally for the effects of changes in financial accounting standards may experience unintended side effects as a result of changed management actions.The major points of the paper are illustrated in a hypothetical case study involving Research and Development activity.  相似文献   

Audits and auditors are regulated to uphold audit quality, thus regulation is important to the public interest and clearly impacts firms and CPAs. Moreover, the reach of audit regulation has expanded greatly in the last decade with the establishment of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). Recent research and calls from the profession point to enhancing the coverage of audit regulation in the accounting curriculum so that students understand the consequences of failing to adhere to professional standards. In this paper, we propose regulatory content for inclusion in the curriculum, we survey and catalog existing auditing textbooks and other educational materials for regulatory content, and we suggest flexible alternatives for incorporating this topic into the curriculum. It is our hope that, with these resources, faculty can more effectively include audit regulation in the classroom and achieve a high level of student comprehension and learning on the topic.  相似文献   

The disappointingly slow recovery in the U.S. from the depths of the financial crisis once again focused attention on the relationship between financial frictions and economic growth. Some bankers and borrowers suggested that unnecessarily tight supervisory policies were a constraint on new lending that hindered the recovery. This paper explores one aspect of supervisory policy: whether the standards used to assign commercial bank CAMELS ratings have changed materially over time (1991–2013). Models incorporating time-varying parameters or economy-wide variables suggest that standards used in the assignment of CAMELS ratings over the post-crisis period generally were in line with historical experience. Indeed, each of the models used suggests that the variation in supervisory standards has been relatively small in absolute terms over most of the sample period. However, we show that when this measure of supervisory stringency becomes elevated, it has a noticeable dampening effect on lending activity in subsequent quarters.  相似文献   

This essay explores relationships between accounting standards and people's inferences and judgments. Acknowledging that Demski's impossibility theorem implies that the standards will be “social-preference incomplete”, the paper shows that they are also “decision-procedure incomplete” on three levels. These levels correspond to three kinds of professional judgment: semantic, pragmatic and institutional. The investigation facilitates understanding of (1) how accountants exercise judgment and deduction in applying incomplete standards; (2) how financial statement readers use the incomplete standards to draw deductive inferences from financial reports which are based on accountants' judgments; (3) the special kinds of judgment required of standard setters; and (4) the meaning and extent of professional liability, given the relationships identified between accounting standards, inferences and judgments.  相似文献   

There are many studies on lobbying of accounting standards, but the technical agenda of regulators is taken as ‘given’ and why a particular topic was admitted to the agenda is not investigated. Agenda formation is important as control of the agenda determines which topics get regulated and the form of the regulatory response. A few studies have explored agenda formation across regulatory institutions but are largely silent on the role of individual decision makers and technical staff. However, the standards setters have sought to explain their agenda processes. This paper reviews statements by the members of accounting standards setting agencies about their experiences of agenda formation. It identifies insights gained from standard setters and makes some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

随着以智能化、自动化、高速化、网络化为特征的计算机技术不断进步,计算机的应用正在迅猛增加,影响着整个审计作业环境,给审计工作带来前所未有的冲击和风险。如何实现审计时与客户数据的信息共享和业务协同,对审计作业来说显得尤为紧迫,而如何用好审计作业软件,对实现审计作业手段现代化更具实践意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the outcomes of accounting firm mergers using data about the frequency of audit switches, the numbers of partners in the respective firms, and perceptions revealed in interviews with partners. Evidence from client switches does not show any evidence that the mergers were followed by cost reductions, or of collusion to force prices up. The effects of the mergers appear to have been elsewhere—the merging firms reduced partner numbers substantially, increasing partner leverage so that individual remaining partners were better off. Data from interviews confirm these findings, and show that the culture of individual firms had a significant effect on determining which group of partners controlled the merged firm.  相似文献   

Rules, principles and judgments in accounting standards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distinction between rules-based and principles-based standards is not well defined and is subject to a variety of interpretations ( SEC, 2003 , p. 5). Yet there is a commonly held view that the FASB's standards are rules-based and the IASB's standards are principles-based. This article identifies the basis of this distinction. For research and development, the article compares the FASB standard with two principles-based standards. For each standard we identify and classify rules and judgments, and observe the level of justifications for the rules and assistance to support the judgments. The three standards have rules, are based on principles, and require the exercise of professional judgment; the less conservative standard requires more judgments and, unexpectedly, more rules. The results suggest that the rules-based versus principles-based distinction is not meaningful, except in relative terms. We conclude that a relatively more principles-based standards regime requires professional judgment at both the transaction level (substance over form) and at the financial statement level ('true and fair view' override). Furthermore, it is suggested that any FASB and IASB convergence will require agreement on the weightings given to the qualitative characteristics.  相似文献   

In an earlier edition of this journal, Ding et al. use data in GAAP 2001 to assess determinants and effects of differences between domestic and international standards. This paper examines whether those data are suitable for the purposes of academic research by outlining the biases and particular features of GAAP 2001. The main problem with the data for research is that the differences from IAS that it records, which focus on rules, are of varying importance for accounting practice. This raises questions about the equal weighting applied by Ding et al. This paper also questions their distinction between absence of IAS requirements and divergence from those requirements. Some doubts are also raised about the independent variables.  相似文献   

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