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创新型的"苏试"公司在苏揭牌6月13日,苏州苏试试验仪器有限公司揭牌,该公司是以具有50多年历史的苏州试验仪器总厂为主体,与战略投资者合作组建的创新型企业,将继续运用"苏试"品牌,拓展震动、  相似文献   

变"放羊"式的粗放管理为"放风筝"式的掌控有度,镇海炼化实现了与合资合作企业目标一致、利益双赢。"合资合作企业是中国石化对外投资,委托镇海炼化管理的公司,是中国石化交给我们的任务,我们要通过规范管理,让合资合作企业和中国石化思想同心、力量同向、利益同舟。"镇海炼化总经理江正洪说。镇海炼化碧辟(宁波)液化气公司、宁波东海蓝帆科技有限公司、镇海炼化利安德化学公司、宁波镇海  相似文献   

苏州东菱振动助力"神十"飞天"神十"飞天,将完成15天的太空之旅。连日来,位于苏州科技城的苏州东菱振动试验仪器有限公司的员工沉浸在无比的喜悦与自豪之中,因为他们助力了"神舟十号"飞天。据介绍,从"神舟五号"到"神舟十号""、天宫一号""、风云卫星",其重要部件都在苏州东菱振动公司做振动与冲击试验。"在航天器发射过程中,通过振动平台检测航天器是  相似文献   

现代企业制度,以及由此延伸出来的公司治理体系,作为国有企业有效的改革方向已经成为各方共识。然而,作为执行层面的企业、公司无论是对其概念的理解还是实际操作都基本处在混沌之中。为此,我们特设立"董事学院"栏目,一方面为读者提供有关现代企业制度、公司治理理论的基本概念,另一方面以剖析案例的形式为企业、公司提供实践中可操作的经验。  相似文献   

今年5月15日,苏州东菱振动试验仪器有限公司在模式创新发展道路上又结出新硕果:该公司与哈尔滨工程大学战略合作协议签约暨工程技术中心揭牌仪式在苏州举行。东菱公司坚持创新型思维和创造性实践相结合,依靠以观念创新为先导、以科技创新为主体、以模式创新为手段的三位一体创新体系,矢志不渝自主创新。18年来,公司秉持合作创新的核心发展理念,深入开展产、学、研和国际化交流与合作,以创  相似文献   

"我们将把出口到国外的一些高端羊绒产品推广到国内市场。"原本只做外销产品的上海腾虹实业发展有限公司今年也开始进入内销市场。"由于人民币的升值,劳动力成本的增加以及原料价格上涨,带给我们这些外贸公司很大的压力,而这几年中国家纺行业发展很快,所以我们公司决定把国外一些好的产品介绍到国内来,希望能跟国内一些商家进行合作。"该公司总经理李士虹向记者道出了公司要从外销市场转到内销市场的主要原因。  相似文献   

"一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃"的故事反映了中国人在团队合作方面的不足.而今,面对国外大公司、大企业,面对越来越小的地球村,面对国外思想、思潮、思维对我们的冲击,也面对国内林立的公司企业间的竞争,我们该如何让员工树立团队意识?增强团队合作的能力?加强员工的执行力?提高企业的整体绩效?让员工和企业共同走向双赢?  相似文献   

山东省东营市河口区供电公司新建供电所辖区属于正在开采之中的油田区,一直存在用电市场秩序混乱现象,油田、供电企业对此都颇为犯难。所长任明超认为,改良供电所辖区市场秩序的治本之策,要针对油田市场变化,按照合作共赢的原则,利用油田主辅分离的机会,以"先转接、后治理"这一模式,对油田转供市场进行逐个剥离,逐个占领。  相似文献   

"第一次和秦皇岛电力公司打交道,没想到合作得真顺利,我们有事打个电话,电力公司立马就派人过来全程服务,我们深受感动。"承秦高速公路建设指挥部负责人在大客户座谈会上说。地方经济发展的主力军2012年,秦皇岛电力公司积极服务地方经济发展,当获悉秦皇岛市政府将加快大项目建设,实施双百工程时,他们立即深入调研、提前介入,将每一项工程中电力配套建设任务分解落实到公司各部门、单位,超前做  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机发生后,俄罗斯启动了新一轮私有化,范围涉及海陆运输、机场港口、水电能源等众多行业。2011年初,俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft,简称"俄油")与BP股权互换并结成战略联盟合作开发石油资源的新的合作模式可以视为俄罗斯2009年启动的新一轮私有化进程的一部分,尽管这次股权互换交易因细节问题而没有最终达成,但这一合作模式本身也为中俄能源合作提供了一种新视角。对比贷款换石油和上下游一体化合作模式,股权互换的模式可能会成为今后外国公司与俄油气合作的模式之一。如果俄罗斯政府继续秉承对俄罗斯国有企业"抓大放小"的改革趋势,对中国公司进入俄罗斯油气上游相关领域或许是一个机会,但俄罗斯的法制环境、税收政策处于多变之中,需要我们密切关注并加以认真研究。  相似文献   

市场环境惨淡,融资环境不利,依靠单一产品打天下的大多数中国芯片企业能否摆脱兴亡轮回?"你好,这里是中纬吗?"10月20日,当记者按照宁波中纬公司网站上提供的联系电话打过去,那头一位接听电话的男士说:"现在是比亚迪!"宁波中纬因资金亏空破产,于10月6日以1.7亿元的价格拍卖给半导体产业"圈外"的企业——深圳比亚迪有限公司。  相似文献   

在猝不及防的大灾面前,企业究竟应该承担怎样的社会责任?当万科在5月12日汶川大地震当天捐出220万元人民币时,没有人会想到,这个数字会让万科和掌门人王石深陷在指责的汪洋大海中。最初来自社会的质疑是万科捐少了。但是,当王石在博客上关于"200万元是个合适的数额"以及"普通员工  相似文献   

一个"猪坚强"横行的地产年代,精明的潘石屹却让自己成了一头"快乐的猪"。  相似文献   

Power plays a key role in the relationships between startups and established organisations. Yet researchers have devoted little attention to the startup's perspective on power in such relationships. To study startups' view on power, a useful starting point is their structural power, but this also requires an investigation of their power behaviour. We explore how structural and behavioural power interrelate in a startup's relationships with its established partners in the medical device business. Our longitudinal, embedded case study reveals nine interaction episodes in which power plays a decisive role. The power episodes show that the case startup often uses hostile power use tactics because it overestimates its structural power. Since its established partners recognise its lack of power, they usually do not accept such behaviour. Thus, the case startup could not extract the intended benefits. Nonetheless, we find that the case startup could benefit from its relationships if it employs conciliatory power use tactics or power change tactics. With these insights, we contribute to the startup business relationship literature by providing a better understanding of startups' experience with power. We also extend the power literature by showing that it is the perception of power that determines power behaviour rather than the de facto structural potential.  相似文献   

Nigeria has publicly announced its intentions to make basic telecommunications, specifically telephones, affordable and universally available to its people. However, several issues make this proposition especially difficult for countries such as Nigeria. For instance, Nigeria's population is large at 110 million with less than 1% presently able to access telephones. Furthermore, over 70% of Nigerians, the majority of them poor, live in rural areas where telephone lines do not presently exist. This paper studies the universal service proposition viz a viz these conditions by analyzing Nigeria's attempts to provide telephone service since the country's independence in 1960. The paper notes impending problems with Nigeria's attempts to achieve critical mass, which is essential for universal access. Ultimately, it suggests various strategies that the country should use to stimulate critical mass and achieve universal access.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》1999,24(1):71-91
This paper aims to place a monetary value on the actual and potential supply of human milk in Australia. It estimates the quantity of milk produced in 1992. It considers different bases for determining a `shadow price' for breastmilk, and uses the method established by Oshaug and Botten (Food Policy 19(5), (1994), 479–482). It also calculates scenarios for different prevalences of breastfeeding, looking at the implications on the human milk supply of Australia achieving its National Health Targets, of all mothers breastfeeding according to the optimum regime recommended by the WHO and UNICEF in the Innocenti Declaration of 1990, or of a return to the `human milk famine' of the early 1970s. It concludes that Australian women supplied 33 million kg of breastmilk in 1992, compared to 16 million kg in 1972. Valued at A$67 per litre (the price of expressed human milk) the 1992 production level was worth $2.2 billion. This is around 0.5% of GDP, or 6% of private spending on food. Achieving international standards for `optimal' levels of breastfeeding, with breastfeeding continuing up to age two and beyond, would nearly triple the supply of human milk.  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2012,(7):26-28,8
“支付行业正处在一个转折点,今后2年内的商业变革将比过去10年还要猛烈。” 3月中旬,全球支付巨头PayPal推出了一个新玩意“PayPal Here”——一种可以被插入iPhone和安卓手机的微型读卡器,只要下载相关的手机应用程序,这个蓝色的三角形设备就可以让你的手机变成收银机,相比之下,  相似文献   

Ireland's national broadband plan (NBP), announced in 2012, aimed to provide access to a minimum of 30 Mbps download speed to all households in the country ahead of the EU's Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 target for such speeds. The projected cost of the government subsidy was originally €175 million. However, when the contract for the procurement of the NBP was eventually signed in 2019 the estimated subsidy had risen to between €2.2 and €2.9 billion. Using a path dependency framework, this paper finds that the escalation in the cost of subsidy was driven by two main factors. First, the decision to roll out fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) technology was inconsistent with the geographic/legacy path dependencies related to Ireland's low-density rural population. Second, the gap-funding/PPP procurement model adopted for the intervention failed to attract competitive bids and was at odds with the competitive path dependency and the dominant role of the incumbent operator.  相似文献   

The Communication Workers' Union is opposed to competition in telecommunications infrastructure on the grounds that such competition would place the national operator, Telecom Eireann, in an impossible position, having regard to the enormous historic cost of developing the existing network and the requirement to invest a further £800 million over the next five years. It also believes that to duplicate investment in infrastructure would be inefficient in national terms and points to the 900 or more airliners parked in the world's deserts as an example of the type of stranded investment that can arise when competition is taken too far.  相似文献   

民企的诱惑力,正在一点点地逼近甚至超越跨国公司。2008年5月15日,福建新华都集团总裁兼CEO唐骏从重庆飞抵北京,接受本刊记者的专访。这一天距离其以引发轰动的10亿元薪酬加盟新华都正好一个月。谈到这第一个月的工作,唐骏的神情疲惫中透着兴奋,"很充实,特别特别地忙!"他说。看来,  相似文献   

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