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It is possible for the Chinese public pension and public rental housing to finance each other in the long term. Employing an overlapping generations (OLG) model, I examine the effects of the individual contribution rate, firm contribution rate, rent rate of public rental housing, and population growth rate on the capital-labor ratio, per capita consumption, per capita acreage of public rental housing, and per capita public rental housing property. According to economic goals, their effects, and their intensities, it does more good than harm to raise the individual contribution rate, reduce the firm contribution rate and rent rate of public rental housing, and restrict population growth rate.  相似文献   

We analyze the brokerage service cost allocation in the rental housing market. We explain the alleged inconsistent phenomenon of landlords only occasionally requiring tenants to incur mediation cost. We show that when asymmetric information is introduced, under which tenants tenure horizon is unobservable to landlords, a separating equilibrium may be attained, in which the length of the tenant's tenure horizon is directly related to his share in the brokerage commission. Finally, we empirically examine and confirm a set of the model's assumptions and derivations within the rental housing-market framework.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a proportional hazard model of duration of residence in rental housing over 1987–1998 based on a unique dataset from the BLS-CPI housing sample together with American Housing Survey and other metropolitan economic data. The paper employs an innovative semi-parametric estimation approach for group duration analysis of the proportional hazard model. Results of the analysis indicate that the duration of residence in rental housing varies significantly across individual units and market segments, and is effected by tenant, dwelling, and market characteristics. An improved understanding of duration of residence offers new insights as regards fluctuations in tenant turnover, building occupancy, and rent flows, as well as new confidence in pro forma assumptions critical to rental housing development.  相似文献   

企业价值评估实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中评协2004年发布了《企业价值评估指导意见》(试行)(以下简称《指导意见》),在评估行业内外引起了极大的反响。对于《指导意见》在评估实践中的作用如何,还有待于实践检验。本文是作者在企业价值评估的初步实践中,应用企业价值评估理论和方法的一些体会及困惑。笔者借此抛砖引玉,与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

借鉴国外经验,我国城镇的保障安居工程建设以公租房、廉租房为主。目前公租房、廉租房建设资金仍依赖财政资金,资金规模严重不足,制约其保障作用的发挥。本文从融资现状与困境、国外经验、政策建议三个方面进行分析,对突破融资困境提出了三项建议。  相似文献   

1999年,期权制在我国已进入了实施阶段.中国企业家的创造性价值已经成为一种区别于企业其他权力类和关系类无形资产的特殊无形资产.一个关键性的问题是如何对企业家的创造性价值进行评估、量化.企业家的创遣性价值由其对经济、社会、技术、环境等诸方面的贡献构成,是一项涉及面广、影响因素多的价值评估.该文对中国企业家创遣价值评估的因素、模式、估价方法及企业家创造价值的价值构成与相关的评估支持系统进行了探析.  相似文献   

《投资性房地产评估指导意见(试行)》(以下简称《指导意见》)由中国资产评估协会起草,并经行业内部广泛地讨论,在征求各方意见后,最终由中评协会计与评估专业委员会修改.于近期公布。  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - This paper proposes a new explanation for housing rent price rigidity. When high inflation or low inflation occurs, the bargaining process for new...  相似文献   

We analyze the prevailing valuation practices in the life settlement industry based on a sample of 11 funds that cover a large portion of the current market. The most striking result is that a majority of asset managers seem to substantially overvalue their portfolios relative to the prices of comparable transactions that have recently been closed. Drawing on market‐consistent estimates with regard to medical underwriting, it is possible to trace back the observed discrepancies to inadequately low model inputs for life expectancies and discount rates. The main consequences are a dissimilar treatment of investor groups in open‐end funds structures as well as an unduly high compensation for managers and third parties. To address this predicament, we suggest defining life settlements as level 2 assets in the fair value hierarchy of IFRS 13, improving transparency and disclosure requirements, and developing new incentive‐compatible fee schedules.  相似文献   

会计信息复杂性与财务估价修正   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
会计信息的复杂性正日渐遮蔽投资者原本清亮的目光和对经济事实真正的呈现与表达。本文首先检视了会计信息复杂性的各种表现 ,分析其成因 ;然后收集会计信息复杂性对公司价值产生负面影响的实证证据 ,进而提供了对财务估价模型进行修正的解决思路 ;最后 ,给出降低会计信息复杂性的若干建议。  相似文献   

一、发布《投资性房地产评估指导意见(试行)》的意义 随着经济的发展.投资观念的改变.我国房地产市场保持着持续、快速的发展态势。国内外资本将房地产或物业项目作为投资和盈利的手段.有些甚至把投资房地产作为企业的主营业务或新的业务增长点。投资性房地产的价值计量就显得越来越重要。  相似文献   

透过本轮由美国次级债市场引发的全球性金融危机,反映出由于信用扩张、资产价格与投资泡沫而产生的金融危机现象日益凸显.本文从均衡杠杆率的角度对此作出解释,实证研究结论表明美国家庭债务偿付率与房产租金回报率之间存在长期协整关系,债务偿付率(实际杠杆率)偏离租金回报率(均衡杠杆率)而产生的超额杠杆是本轮美国次贷危机爆发的主要原因,此外,房价预期偏差及低名义利率政策也是诱发美国房产市场泡沫及家庭过度杠杆的重要原因.本文最终结论:超额杠杆率作为危机的一个预警指标,远较金融系统的压力测试更具实际意义.  相似文献   

Venture-backed Private Equity Valuation and Financial Statement Information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between (a) private and public equity market valuations and (b) financial statement information is examined for a sample of 502 venture capital backed companies from six different industries over the 1993–2003 period. Financial statement information explains a sizable component of the levels of and changes in valuation in both the Pre-IPO and Post-IPO periods. The findings support prior research for Post-IPO companies that revenues are value enhancing and costs are value diminishing. For the Pre-IPO period, we find that cost of sales; sales, marketing, general and administrative; and research and development are value enhancing—even when revenues are included in the analysis. This is consistent with costs incurred by early-stage, venture-backed companies having a strong “investment aspect” as the companies build a platform/infrastructure to grow revenue and validate their business model(s). We document the growth of early stage companies for revenues and costs in both calendar time (by round of private equity financing) and event time (relative to their eventual IPO).
George FosterEmail:

This study demonstrates that under conditions of information asymmetry, shareholders earn positive returns around the shelf registration date of straight debt. The results provide evidence to support Miller and Rock's conclusion that new expected financing by firms can result in positive returns to shareholders and Blazenko's contention that positive returns around the announcement date of straight debt issuance may be found by studying firms with asymmetric information. Firms with reported research and development expenses are assumed to have a higher level of asymmetric information and a greater chance of requiring new outside financing. Research and development expense intensity and abnormal earnings in future periods are found to be significant in a cross-sectional regression explaining abnormal returns for days surrounding the announcement period.  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - In the existing housing literature, there has been no academic consensus on how to combine the spatial dependence and the temporal dependence...  相似文献   

D. J. Johnstone 《Abacus》2003,39(1):1-41
In Australia, access tariffs (rental charges) paid by third party users to the owners of energy transmission assets (e.g., gas pipelines) are determined by regulators on the basis of their depreciated optimized replacement cost (known as DORC). Reliance on the replacement cost, rather than actual cost, of existing assets inflates tariffs and incites the criticism that asset owners earn a return on investments of a scale never made. The economic rationale of the regulators' model is that it emulates the workings of a contestable market, by setting tariffs at a level just short of that required to motivate a new entrant (system duplication). Properly reconstructed, this model constitutes a dynamic and internally consistent theory of replacement cost valuation and depreciation. Its mathematical consequences, however, especially with regard to the valuation of sunk assets with long times to expiry, are shown to be practically and politically unpalatable. In particular, the implied tariff levels for such assets are very close to those that would apply to new infrastructure assets built today at today's prices. Regulators unwilling to accept this implication of a new-entrant-exclusion pricing logic are left with no alternative framework for DORC.  相似文献   

In this paper, the valuation of stock and index options is analyzed in the context of Merton's model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information. It is possible to derive a partial differential equation for options in such a context. The derivation gives more understanding of the way an option's future payoff is discounted to the present. In order to estimate some of its parameters, the model is calibrated to market prices. It is tested using market prices and the authors' valuation formula. It is found that model prices are not significantly different from market prices, especially when out-of-the-money and deep-in-the-money options are considered. The model gives an explanation to the “strike bias” and the “smile effect.” Simulations of models based respectively on stochastic volatilities and gamma processes, are in accordance with the findings in this paper concerning biases in the Black and Scholes model, especially for pricing deep-in-the-money and out-of-the-money options. Even if the estimation method has its drawbacks, the costs of gathering and processing information regarding the option and its underlying asset play a central role in explaining the biases observed in the Black and Scholes model and help also the understanding of the U-shaped curve known as the smile of volatilities.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new definition of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis with respect to information, which is more formal and precise than those of Rubinstein 13 , Fama 4 , Jensen 6 , and Beaver 1 , and which fits well as a framework for interpreting the many tests of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis in the literature. Security markets are here considered “efficient with respect to information set ?” if and only if revealing ? to all agents would change neither equilibrium prices nor portfolios. In addition to other desirable features, this definition has the “subset property”: efficiency with respect to ? implies efficiency with respect to any subset of ?.  相似文献   

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